A FEniCS Tutorial - FEniCS Project

A FEniCS Tutorial - FEniCS Project

A FEniCS Tutorial - FEniCS Project


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du = Function(V)<br />

u = Function(V) # u = u_k + omega*du<br />

omega = 1.0 # relaxation parameter<br />

eps = 1.0<br />

tol = 1.0E-5<br />

iter = 0<br />

maxiter = 25<br />

while eps > tol and iter < maxiter:<br />

iter += 1<br />

A, b = assemble_system(a, L, bcs_du)<br />

solve(A, du.vector(), b)<br />

eps = numpy.linalg.norm(du.vector().array(), ord=numpy.Inf)<br />

print ’Norm:’, eps<br />

u.vector()[:] = u_k.vector() + omega*du.vector()<br />

u_k.assign(u)<br />

There are other ways of implementing the update of the solution as well:<br />

u.assign(u_k) # u = u_k<br />

u.vector().axpy(omega, du.vector())<br />

# or<br />

u.vector()[:] += omega*du.vector()<br />

The axpy(a, y) operation adds a scalar a times a Vector y to a Vector object.<br />

It is usually a fast operation calling up an optimized BLAS routine for the<br />

calculation.<br />

Mesh construction for a d-dimensional problem with arbitrary degree of the<br />

Lagrange elements can be done as explained in Section 1.16. The complete<br />

program appears in the file alg_newton_np.py.<br />

2.3 A Newton Method at the PDE Level<br />

Although Newton’s method in PDE problems is normally formulated at the<br />

linear algebra level, i.e., as a solution method for systems of nonlinear algebraic<br />

equations, we can also formulate the method at the PDE level. This approach<br />

yields a linearization of the PDEs before they are discretized. <strong>FEniCS</strong> users will<br />

probably find this technique simpler to apply than the more standard method<br />

in Section 2.2.<br />

Given an approximation to the solution field, u k , we seek a perturbation δu<br />

so that<br />

u k+1 = u k +δu (56)<br />

fulfills the nonlinear PDE. However, the problem for δu is still nonlinear and<br />

nothing is gained. The idea is therefore to assume that δu is sufficiently small<br />

so that we can linearize the problem with respect to δu. Inserting u k+1 in the<br />

PDE, linearizing the q term as<br />

q(u k+1 ) = q(u k )+q ′ (u k )δu+O((δu) 2 ) ≈ q(u k )+q ′ (u k )δu, (57)<br />

and dropping nonlinear terms in δu, we get<br />

∇·(q(u k )∇u k) +∇·(q(u k )∇δu ) +∇·(q ′ (u k )δu∇u k) = 0.<br />


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