A FEniCS Tutorial - FEniCS Project

A FEniCS Tutorial - FEniCS Project

A FEniCS Tutorial - FEniCS Project


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def boundary(x, on_boundary):<br />

return on_boundary<br />

bc = DirichletBC(V, Constant(0.0), boundary)<br />

omega = 1.0<br />

u_e = Expression(’sin(omega*pi*x[0])*sin(omega*pi*x[1])’,<br />

omega=omega)<br />

f = 2*pi**2*omega**2*u_e<br />

The computation of (∫ Ω (u e −u) 2 dx ) 1/2<br />

can be done by<br />

error = (u - u_e)**2*dx<br />

E = sqrt(assemble(error))<br />

Here, u_e will be interpolated onto the function space V. This implies that the<br />

exact solution used in the integral will vary linearly over the cells, and not as a<br />

sine function, if V corresponds to linear Lagrange elements. This situation may<br />

yield a smaller error u - u_e than what is actually true.<br />

More accurate representation of the exact solution is easily achieved by interpolating<br />

the formula onto a space defined by higher-order elements, say of<br />

third degree:<br />

Ve = FunctionSpace(mesh, ’Lagrange’, degree=3)<br />

u_e_Ve = interpolate(u_e, Ve)<br />

error = (u - u_e_Ve)**2*dx<br />

E = sqrt(assemble(error))<br />

To achieve complete mathematical control of which function space the computations<br />

are carried out in, we can explicitly interpolate u to the same space:<br />

u_Ve = interpolate(u, Ve)<br />

error = (u_Ve - u_e_Ve)**2*dx<br />

The square in the expression for error will be expanded and lead to a<br />

lot of terms that almost cancel when the error is small, with the potential of<br />

introducing significant round-off errors. The function errornorm is available<br />

for avoiding this effect by first interpolating u and u_e to a space with higherorder<br />

elements, then subtracting the degrees of freedom, and then performing<br />

the integration of the error field. The usage is simple:<br />

E = errornorm(u_e, u, normtype=’L2’, degree=3)<br />

It is illustrative to look at the short implementation of errornorm:<br />

def errornorm(u_e, u, Ve):<br />

u_Ve = interpolate(u, Ve)<br />

u_e_Ve = interpolate(u_e, Ve)<br />

e_Ve = Function(Ve)<br />

# Subtract degrees of freedom for the error field<br />


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