Puppies! - Wolf Park

Puppies! - Wolf Park

Puppies! - Wolf Park


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8<br />

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We do like to give the singleton wolves, and the interns, some mutually<br />

instructive and enriching experiences in the form of going for walks together<br />

and letting the interns practice walking DENEB on leash. Deneb is patient<br />

and easy to deal with whether or not the intern catches on right away,<br />

almost moving in "freeze frame action" as if<br />

each second must be considered carefully<br />

and in detail. (Other, less “cultured” wolves<br />

will lunge forward at high speed or tangle<br />

themselves in the leash.) To help the interns<br />

develop more confidence and fluidity in<br />

handling the leash and preparing for future<br />

seconds (just seconds away!) Pat<br />

sometimes had them walk Deneb in figure<br />

eights around two people. Or was it that Pat<br />

told Deneb to walk the interns in figure<br />

eights? Sometimes it can be hard to tell<br />

simply by watching.<br />

Karin, Apollo, and Alyeska chorus howl.<br />

ORCA continues to putter along, with good days and bad days and the<br />

phrase “same old same old” coming unfortunately to mind. He doesn’t<br />

seem to mind the status being so quo. He is still shy at cleanup and still<br />

commands a circle of admirers at other times. On December third, Orca got<br />

a run (maybe scrabble is a better word) in the field south of the dam. He<br />

spent the better part of an hour exploring the pasture, the little riparian<br />

"woods" and periodically going along the fence and threatening the Happy<br />

Pack, who were, from Orca's standpoint, annoyingly unconcerned about his<br />

threats. He also found bison dung and rolled until he was green. Orca was<br />

offered the chance of interacting with puppies, but though he seems<br />

enchanted by the squirmy little things he quickly becomes nervous and<br />

slightly defensive — he no longer has the agility to keep up with four<br />

bouncing, hopping babies and prefers that they keep their distance.<br />

CHANI shed very early again this<br />

year, even though we started her<br />

on flax seed oil in the fall hoping to<br />

avoid just such an occurrence.<br />

The flax seed oil did seem to help,<br />

though, and while she did leave us<br />

covered with a fine layer of white<br />

fur every time we came in to visit,<br />

she always seemed to have<br />

enough fur left to give us another<br />

Chani.<br />

Photo by Monty Sloan<br />

full coating next time we visited.<br />

We kept her hut packed full of straw in any case, and she weathered the<br />

winter quite well.<br />

KIRI and SOCRATES, aka The Brothers Not<br />

Karamazov, had the first bloody spat we can<br />

recall. On February 19th Amanda and Pat went<br />

in with Kiri and Socrates to test out Amanda's<br />

<strong>Wolf</strong> Jaw Pressure Gauge Mark II, and when<br />

the Boyz approached us they began growling,<br />

growl-barking, and gaping their jaws at each<br />

other while walking tall in circles at each other.<br />

Socrates had some blood on his leg and on his<br />

ruff, whereas Kiri had a bloody ear. This fight<br />

was little as fights go, and pretty ritualized, with<br />

more threats and posturing than grabbing and<br />

puncturing. Socrates did grab Kiri's ear once<br />

and hung on for a while. When they broke Miska, Seneca, and Marion chorus howl.<br />

apart, Kiri bit Socrates' leg and made it bleed<br />

more. As far as we could tell, that was it for the day. Pat was able to get<br />

them to come to the fence for antibiotics. This meant that for the next week<br />

<strong>Wolf</strong> <strong>Park</strong> News Spring 2004<br />

they both got little treats of cream cheese or pieces of cheeseburger. By<br />

February 21st they were back to ordinary levels of winter and testosterone<br />

induced grumpiness and by the 27th, intern K'fir reported that he saw Kiri<br />

and Tease walking side by side as if hitched, and keeping in step, and<br />

smooching each other. On May 5th, Tease and Squeeze got a chance to<br />

see Karin Bloch, one of their puppy mothers, and enjoyed it immensely.<br />

Photo by Monty Sloan<br />

KARIN and APOLLO mated rather late in the<br />

season and then relaxed. ALYESKA had to<br />

watch his step for several days, especially<br />

between February 18 and February 20,<br />

when we saw Apollo and Karin mate four<br />

times. What with Apollo guarding Karin and<br />

all, we left them alone for a little while<br />

around the breeding season and then had a<br />

massive merry cleanup party afterward to<br />

remove the debris. Karin “helped” Pat carry<br />

a cleanup bucket by sticking her head into it<br />

to the bottom, tipping the bottom up with her<br />

nose, and carrying the bucket that way.<br />

Apollo tried to “help” Pat carry a calf leg around (they only want things like<br />

elderly deer heads and dried calf legs because we are carrying them, not<br />

because they actually want to eat them). Alyeska moved up from lupus non<br />

grata status and has even been spotted snoozing next to Apollo while Karin<br />

stretches out in her own space under a separate tree. There has been no<br />

sign of recurrence of Al’s urinary trouble from last year…*knock on wood*<br />

MISKA probably did not like the breeding season very much. But he may<br />

have liked it better than he did when he was in a pack of six. MARION was<br />

the only female available and she was not interested in mating with him; she<br />

was interested in getting him into trouble with SENECA. Marion seemed to<br />

realize that if she wanted to get Seneca’s attention, all she had to do was<br />

stand within fifteen feet of Miska. When Marion went too close to Miska,<br />

Seneca came over, and sometimes made ritualized attacks on poor Miska,<br />

but did not hurt him. Seneca seemed to know that Marion was behind it all.<br />

Sometimes he stood between Marion and Miska and dealt with Marion by<br />

grabbing her scruff and dragging her away from his brother. Seneca had an<br />

easier time in one respect this year. While he has never had a rival among<br />

the males, Marion's interest in things besides Seneca, even at the height of<br />

the breeding season, often appeared to vex him. Last year, Marion had<br />

nearly 7 acres of which to be in charge and made sure she covered the<br />

entire surface area — often several times a day. Seneca was forced to<br />

follow her, tethered by the “invisible bungee cord” which attaches all<br />

attending males to the females they are attending. This year though,<br />

Seneca could stay close to Marion and "attend" her while she was in<br />

estrous without following her around and around and around and around the<br />

Turtle Lake Enclosure. When Marion was trying to fence fight with Erin, two<br />

enclosures away, Seneca could lie on one of the shelter roofs, keeping an<br />

eye on Marion as she ran back and forth.<br />

Though we could not watch Marion and<br />

Seneca around the clock in shifts this year<br />

(that was reserved for the Happy Pack) we did<br />

occasionally see them mating. They tied at<br />

least ten times that we know of between<br />

January 23 and February 4.<br />

Photo by Monty<br />

WILD BILL the coyote turns seventeen this<br />

year. We have to admit that his age is<br />

beginning to show around the edges. He no<br />

longer resembles a coffee table, and is<br />

acquiring a more svelte silhouette. The bad<br />

news is this means it is harder for him to keep<br />

weight on; the good news is, we get to feed<br />

him more, and that is always good. He becomes less and less willing to be<br />

touched as his aging body becomes more and more “ouchy”, but is always<br />

willing to add a genial (and scratchy) howl to any chorus.

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