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Chapter 7 | The impact of the crisis on the health system and health in Lithuania 243 References Buivydas R et al. (2010). Papildomo savanoriškojo sveikatos draudimo analizė [Supplementary voluntary health insurance analysis]. Vilnius, Health Economics Centre. Centre for Communicable Diseases and AIDS (2013). Statistics/reports on sexually transmitted diseases 2006–2011 [online]. Vilnius, Centre on Communicable Diseases and AIDS (ULAC) (http://www.ulac.lt/lytiskai-plintanciu-infekcijuataskaitastatistika, accessed 29 October 2014). European Central Bank (2013). Long-term interest rate statistics for EU Member States. Brussels, European Central Bank (http://www.ecb.int/stats/money/long/html/ index.en.html, accessed 29 October 2014). European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (2012). Detecting and responding to outbreaks of HIV among people who inject drugs: best practices in HIV prevention and control. Stockholm, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (Meeting report). Eurostat (2013). Statistics database. Luxembourg, Eurostat (http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu, accessed 29 October 2014). Garuoliene K, Alonderis T, Marcinkevičius M (2011). Pharmaceutical policy and the effects of the economic crisis: Lithuania. Eurohealth, 17(1): 1–4. Government of the Republic of Lithuania and Social Partners (2009). National agreement. Vilnius, Government of the Republic of Lithuania. Grabauskas V et al. (2011). Health behaviour among Lithuanian adult population, 2010. Kaunas, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Academy of Medicine. Health Information Centre (2013). Statistical database [online]. Vilnius, Health Information Centre, Institute of Hygiene (http://sic.hi.lt/, accessed 29 October 2014). Jakeliunas S (2010). Lietuvos krizės anatomija [Anatomy of Lithuania's crisis]. Kaunas, Kitos knygos. Karanikolos M, Murauskiene L, van Ginneken E (2013). The Lithuanian health system: pursuing efficiency in the delivery of health care. Eurohealth 19: 44–47. Ministry of Health (2009). Vaistų prieinamumo gerinimo ir jų kainų mažinimo priemonių planas [A plan for improvement of drugs accessibility and price reduction]. Vilnius, Ministry of Health. Ministry of Health (2012). Analizė, kaip panaudotos vaistams ir medicinos pagalbos priemonių kompensavimui skiriamos PSDF biudžeto lėšos [Analysis on the use of financing from the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund for reimbursement of medicines and medical devices]. Vilnius, Ministry of Health.

244 Economic crisis, health systems and health in Europe: country experience Murauskiene L et al. (2013). Lithuania: health system review. Health Systems in Transition, 15: 1–150. NHIF (2012a). Lietuvos gyventojų nuomone apie privalomojo sveikatos draudimo sistema, ligoniu kasu ir sveikatos priežiuros istaigu veikla 2009, 2010, 2011 [Opinion of Lithuanian residents about the compulsory health insurance system, the National Health Insurance Fund and health care institutions in 2009, 2010 and 2011]. Vilnius, National Health Insurance Fund. NHIF (2012b). Prevention services [online]. Vilnius, National Health Insurance Fund (http://www.vlk.lt/veikla/veiklos-sritys/prevencines-programos/apieprevencines-programas/Documents/Prevencinių%20programų%20finansavimas%20 PSDF%20biudžeto%20lėšomis%20(pdf).pdf, accessed 4 November 2014). OECD (2013). Health statistics. Paris, Organisation for Co-operation and Development (http://www.oecd.org/els/health-systems/health-data.htm, accessed 5 November 2014). Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania (1996). Health Insurance Law No. I-1343 (new edition 2003). Vilnius, Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania. State Mental Health Centre (2013). Mental health statistics [online]. (http:// www.vpsc.lt/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=12&Itemid=23&lang=en, accessed 29 October 2014). Statistics Lithuania (2009). Household budgets. Vilnius, Lietuvos statistikos departamente [Statistics Lithuania]. Statistics Lithuania (2010). Statistical yearbook of Lithuania 2010. Vilnius, Lietuvos statistikos departamente [Statistics Lithuania]. Statistics Lithuania (2012). Statistical yearbook of Lithuania 2012. Vilnius, Lietuvos statistikos departamente [Statistics Lithuania]. Statistics Lithuania (2013). Database of indicators [online]. Vilnius, Lietuvos statistikos departamente [Statistics Lithuania] (http://www.stat.gov.lt/lt/, accessed 29 October 2014). Stuckler D et al. (2011). Effects of the 2008 recession on health: a first look at European data. Lancet, 378: 124–125. Training, Research and Development Centre (2013). Sveikatos sektoriaus prioritetų 2014–2020 m. Europos Sąjungos struktūrinės paramos panaudojimo laikotarpiu strateginis vertinimas [Strategic evauation of health sector priorities for EU structural support use in 2014–2020]. Vilnius, Training, Research and Development Centre (MTVC) and the Ministry of Health. van Ginneken, E et al. (2012). The Baltic states: building on 20 years of health reforms. BMJ, 345: e7348.

244 Economic <strong>crisis</strong>, <strong>health</strong> <strong>systems</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>health</strong> in Europe: country experience<br />

Murauskiene L et al. (2013). Lithuania: <strong>health</strong> system review. Health Systems in<br />

Transition, 15: 1–150.<br />

NHIF (2012a). Lietuvos gyventojų nuomone apie privalomojo sveikatos draudimo<br />

sistema, ligoniu kasu ir sveikatos priežiuros istaigu veikla 2009, 2010, 2011 [Opinion of<br />

Lithuanian residents about the compulsory <strong>health</strong> insurance system, the National Health<br />

Insurance Fund <strong>and</strong> <strong>health</strong> care institutions in 2009, 2010 <strong>and</strong> 2011]. Vilnius, National<br />

Health Insurance Fund.<br />

NHIF (2012b). Prevention services [online]. Vilnius, National Health Insurance<br />

Fund (http://www.vlk.lt/veikla/veiklos-sritys/prevencines-programos/apieprevencines-programas/Documents/Prevencinių%20programų%20finansavimas%20<br />

PSDF%20biudžeto%20lėšomis%20(pdf).pdf, accessed 4 November 2014).<br />

OECD (2013). Health statistics. Paris, Organisation for Co-operation <strong>and</strong><br />

Development (http://www.oecd.org/els/<strong>health</strong>-<strong>systems</strong>/<strong>health</strong>-data.htm, accessed<br />

5 November 2014).<br />

Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania (1996). Health Insurance Law No. I-1343<br />

(new edition 2003). Vilnius, Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania.<br />

State Mental Health Centre (2013). Mental <strong>health</strong> statistics [online]. (http://<br />

www.vpsc.lt/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=12&Itemid=23&lang=en,<br />

accessed 29 October 2014).<br />

Statistics Lithuania (2009). Household budgets. Vilnius, Lietuvos statistikos<br />

departamente [Statistics Lithuania].<br />

Statistics Lithuania (2010). Statistical yearbook of Lithuania 2010. Vilnius,<br />

Lietuvos statistikos departamente [Statistics Lithuania].<br />

Statistics Lithuania (2012). Statistical yearbook of Lithuania 2012. Vilnius,<br />

Lietuvos statistikos departamente [Statistics Lithuania].<br />

Statistics Lithuania (2013). Database of indicators [online]. Vilnius, Lietuvos<br />

statistikos departamente [Statistics Lithuania] (http://www.stat.gov.lt/lt/, accessed<br />

29 October 2014).<br />

Stuckler D et al. (2011). Effects of the 2008 recession on <strong>health</strong>: a first look at<br />

European data. Lancet, 378: 124–125.<br />

Training, Research <strong>and</strong> Development Centre (2013). Sveikatos sektoriaus prioritetų<br />

2014–2020 m. Europos Sąjungos struktūrinės paramos panaudojimo laikotarpiu<br />

strateginis vertinimas [Strategic evauation of <strong>health</strong> sector priorities for EU structural<br />

support use in 2014–2020]. Vilnius, Training, Research <strong>and</strong> Development Centre<br />

(MTVC) <strong>and</strong> the Ministry of Health.<br />

van Ginneken, E et al. (2012). The Baltic states: building on 20 years of <strong>health</strong><br />

reforms. BMJ, 345: e7348.

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