ALHOSN University Catalogue Global Knowledge with Local Vision ...

ALHOSN University Catalogue Global Knowledge with Local Vision ... ALHOSN University Catalogue Global Knowledge with Local Vision ...


5. Prepare students to achieve their fullest potential of innovativeness, creativity, and leadership. 6. Inculcate students with an appreciation of ethics and social responsibility in the professional workplace. 7. Instill in students the values of intellectual vitality that enables them to be creative about meeting the organization’s information needs. 8. Build up MIS students’ technical skills and management knowledge to enable them use information technology tools to meet management needs both individually and organizationally. 9. Prepare MIS students for an entry- level position in MIS field so they can effectively manage information systems projects and value the principle of lifelong learning. Outcomes Upon completion of the BMIS program, graduates should be able to pursue a career as Information Systems (IS) professionals who acquire professional skills in the areas of computer-based information systems, programming, database management systems, data communications and networking, intelligent decision support systems, Web development and Internet programming and other skills needed by the expanding field of information technology management. In order to assess the degree to which the BMIS program is successful in achieving each of the program objectives shown above, the following measurable program outcomes have been developed. Upon completion of the BMIS program, graduates will have the ability to: a. Write reports and analysis and demonstrate oral presentation and communication skills. b. Participate in multi-disciplinary teams in professional settings. c. Identify, formulate, and solve problems related to management information systems in light of the business management theories and concepts. d. Understand the impact of information systems solutions in business and societal contexts. e. Recognize the professional and ethical responsibilities of MIS professionals. f. Evaluate current practices and contemporary issues based on research and analytical skills in preparing management information systems projects to address business problems. g. Apply critical knowledge and appropriate methodologies and tools to develop efficient and effective information systems to meet organizational needs. h. Define, assemble, deploy, monitor and manage MIS resources and project activities to meet MIS project objectives and in turn organizational goals. Curriculum The BMIS program includes University General Education (UGR) requirements, Faculty Requirements, and BMIS Program Requirements which include both compulsory and elective courses in each category. The “Eight-Semester Plan” below shows a typical student schedule for completing the BMIS Program in four years. 80

BMIS Eight Semester Study Plan Code BMIS Course Title Credits FRESHMAN YEAR (I) First Semester (Fall) FAS 101 Communication Skills (English) 3 ECN 101 Intro to Macroeconomics 3 FAS 230 Intro to Psychology 3 FBA 103 Linear Algebra 3 MGT 101 Principles of Business 3 Total 15 Second Semester (Spring) ACT 201 Financial Accounting 3 FBA 104 Calculus 3 MIS 100 Management Information Systems: Concepts and Techniques 3 ECN 102 Intro to Macroeconomics 3 FAS 102/109 Communication Skills (Arabic) or Human Rights in Law and Shari’ah 3 Total 15 SOPHOMORE YEAR (II) First Semester (Fall) FIN 201 Finance 3 MGT 102 Management Communications 3 FAS 100 Creative Thinking 3 MIS 206 Intro to Programming 3 MIS 205 Database Management 3 Total 15 Second Semester (Spring) ACT 251 Managerial Accounting 3 QNT 201 Statistics I 3 MKT 201 Marketing 3 FAS 103 Islamic Culture 3 MIS 207 Information Systems Analysis and Design 3 Total 15 JUNIOR YEAR (III) First Semester (Fall) QNT 301 Statistics II 3 MGT 301 Business Law 3 FAS 130 Intro to Sociology 3 MIS 208 Web Development 3 MIS 307 Information Systems Design and Implementation 3 Total 15 Second Semester (Spring) QNT 401 Operations Management 3 QNT 402 Research Methodology 3 MGT 303 International Business 3 MIS 304 Data Communications and Networking 3 MIS 305 Advanced Database 3 Total 15 SUMMER JUNIOR YEAR MIS 499 Internship 6 SENIOR YEAR (IV) First Semester (Fall) MGT 401 Strategic Management 3 FES 150 Natural Sciences 3 MIS 308 Web-based Enterprise Systems Development 3 MIS 400 Intelligent Information Systems 3 MIS 451/455 MIS Elective: Strategic IT Management or Security and Privacy of Information and Info Systems 3 Total 15 Second Semester (Spring) FAS 300, 310 Humanities Elective: Industrial Psychology or Human Behavior in Cross Cultural Context 3 FAS 300, 310 Humanities Elective: Industrial Psychology or Human Behavior in Cross Cultural Context 3 MIS 408 E-Commerce 3 MIS 407 Info Systems Development Projects 3 ELE 901 Free Elective 3 Total 15 Total Credit Hours for BMIS Program: 126 81

BMIS Eight Semester Study Plan<br />

Code BMIS Course Title Credits<br />


First Semester (Fall)<br />

FAS 101 Communication Skills (English) 3<br />

ECN 101 Intro to Macroeconomics 3<br />

FAS 230 Intro to Psychology 3<br />

FBA 103 Linear Algebra 3<br />

MGT 101 Principles of Business 3<br />

Total 15<br />

Second Semester (Spring)<br />

ACT 201 Financial Accounting 3<br />

FBA 104 Calculus 3<br />

MIS 100 Management Information Systems: Concepts and Techniques 3<br />

ECN 102 Intro to Macroeconomics 3<br />

FAS 102/109 Communication Skills (Arabic) or Human Rights in Law and Shari’ah 3<br />

Total 15<br />


First Semester (Fall)<br />

FIN 201 Finance 3<br />

MGT 102 Management Communications 3<br />

FAS 100 Creative Thinking 3<br />

MIS 206 Intro to Programming 3<br />

MIS 205 Database Management 3<br />

Total 15<br />

Second Semester (Spring)<br />

ACT 251 Managerial Accounting 3<br />

QNT 201 Statistics I 3<br />

MKT 201 Marketing 3<br />

FAS 103 Islamic Culture 3<br />

MIS 207 Information Systems Analysis and Design 3<br />

Total 15<br />


First Semester (Fall)<br />

QNT 301 Statistics II 3<br />

MGT 301 Business Law 3<br />

FAS 130 Intro to Sociology 3<br />

MIS 208 Web Development 3<br />

MIS 307 Information Systems Design and Implementation 3<br />

Total 15<br />

Second Semester (Spring)<br />

QNT 401 Operations Management 3<br />

QNT 402 Research Methodology 3<br />

MGT 303 International Business 3<br />

MIS 304 Data Communications and Networking 3<br />

MIS 305 Advanced Database 3<br />

Total 15<br />


MIS 499 Internship 6<br />


First Semester (Fall)<br />

MGT 401 Strategic Management 3<br />

FES 150 Natural Sciences 3<br />

MIS 308 Web-based Enterprise Systems Development 3<br />

MIS 400 Intelligent Information Systems 3<br />

MIS 451/455 MIS Elective: Strategic IT Management or Security and Privacy of Information and Info Systems 3<br />

Total 15<br />

Second Semester (Spring)<br />

FAS 300, 310 Humanities Elective: Industrial Psychology or Human Behavior in Cross Cultural Context 3<br />

FAS 300, 310 Humanities Elective: Industrial Psychology or Human Behavior in Cross Cultural Context 3<br />

MIS 408 E-Commerce 3<br />

MIS 407 Info Systems Development Projects 3<br />

ELE 901 Free Elective 3<br />

Total 15<br />

Total Credit Hours for BMIS Program: 126<br />


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