ALHOSN University Catalogue Global Knowledge with Local Vision ...

ALHOSN University Catalogue Global Knowledge with Local Vision ... ALHOSN University Catalogue Global Knowledge with Local Vision ...


Grade Point Average (GPA) The GPA is calculated as follows: Each letter grade is converted to a grade point (A = 4, A- = 3.7, B+ = 3.3, B = 3, etc). Each grade point is then multiplied by the number of credits in the courses. These products are then added together and divided by the total number of credits to calculate the GPA (see example below). Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculation Course Grade Credit Hours Grade Point Credit Hours Times Grade Point Arabic B+ 3 3.3 9.9 Calculus I A 3 4.0 12 English D 3 1.0 3 Islamic Culture F 3 0 0 Ethics C- 3 1.7 5.1 Total 15 10 30 GPA 3 3.3 3 4.0 3 1.0 3 0 3 1.7 30 2.0 33333 15 Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) The Cumulative GPA is the weighted average of all grades for a student starting from the first semester of enrollment until the end of the final semester (graduation). It is calculated the same as the example above taking into account all courses the student has taken while attending the University. Final Grade and Appeal Policy Change of Grade or Removal of Incompletes Change of Grade: An incomplete grade once reported may be changed only upon recommendation of the instructor with the approval of the dean of his or her division. A grade of “I” may be removed by repeating the course when, in the instructor’s judgment, this is the most suitable course of action for completing the requirements of the course. The course must be taken for letter grade. Once the course has been completed, the grade of incomplete will be removed from the record. This arrangement must be reported to the Provost Office in writing prior to enrolling in the course for the second time. An incomplete grade must be completed within two semesters (excluding summer sessions) or it will automatically be converted to a grade of WF. Academic Standing Academic Warning and Probation Policy The specific aim of this policy is to ensure that students make adequate progress toward the general graduation requirement of a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) and that in doing so they do not accumulate an excessive number of failing grades. After the end of the second semester, a student, whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.0, will be placed on probation and will be given an academic warning. A student given a first academic warning is not allowed to register for more than 12 credits in the subsequent semester. If he/ she fails to raise his/her cumulative GPA above 2.0 within one semester, he/she will be given a second academic warning and will not be allowed to register for more than 9 credits in the subsequent semester. If the student continues to fail to raise his/her cumulative GPA at least to 2.0 within one semester after 36

the second warning, he/she will be required to withdraw from ALHOSN University for at least one academic semester. Should the student wish to return to the University, he/she must submit a request for re-admission to his/her Dean. This request should explain why the student believes his/her academic performance will improve in the future. In such a case, the student’s file will be evaluated and the University will make a decision on readmittance. Expulsion may be permanent if in the opinion of the University the student cannot benefit from being readmitted to ALHOSN University, the student request can be declined. Repeating a Course Effective September 2011, a student may repeat once, without the Dean’s approval, a maximum of three courses in which credit has previously been earned. The highest grade achieved in a repeated course is counted in the cumulative average, but the credit hours earned in the repeated course will count only once toward graduation. The deadline for submitting the petition to repeat a course is the last day to add a course in the semester or term the repeated course is being taken. A form for this purpose is available online and/or in the Office of Admissions and Registration Office. Repeating a course may influence a student’s financial aid or sports eligibility. Courses repeated after graduation will not change the graduation GPA. Degree Completion Requirements Completion Requirements for Baccalaureate Graduation Each candidate for graduation must meet all of the following requirements: 1. Have completed the minimum semester hours of course work in accordance with specific degree program requirements. 2. Have a minimum overall cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.0 and have a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.0 in all work attempted at ALHOSN University. 3. Be registered at ALHOSN University during the academic year in which the student’s graduation occurs. 4. Meet all the program requirements stated in the catalog which were current at the time the student entered ALHOSN University, or all those of a subsequent catalog. Students will not be allowed to partially meet some of the requirements of one catalog and some of the requirements of another previous or subsequent Catalog. 5. Meet the program requirements as stated in the catalog in effect at the time of readmission, or those of a subsequent catalogue, if attendance is interrupted for more than one semester. 6. Must earn at least 50% of the credits required for degree completion from courses studied at ALHOSN University. 7. Complete the degree requirements within a minimum of seven regular semesters a maximum of 14 regular semesters. 8. Have made an application for the degree. 9. The Degree Application Form can be obtained from the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs. 10. A prescribed non-refundable graduation fee must accompany the application by the required date, or an additional late filing fee will be charged. 11. If a candidate fails to qualify by the time of commencement of graduation, but does qualify at a later time, the student must submit another application and a diploma fee. 12. If the candidate fails to meet this requirement as specified, the student must wait until the next commencement to receive his or her degree. 13. Satisfy all financial obligations to the University. 37

Grade Point Average (GPA)<br />

The GPA is calculated as follows:<br />

Each letter grade is converted to a grade point (A = 4, A- = 3.7, B+ = 3.3, B = 3, etc). Each grade<br />

point is then multiplied by the number of credits in the courses. These products are then added<br />

together and divided by the total number of credits to calculate the GPA (see example below).<br />

Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculation<br />

Course Grade Credit Hours Grade Point Credit Hours Times Grade Point<br />

Arabic B+ 3 3.3 9.9<br />

Calculus I A 3 4.0 12<br />

English D 3 1.0 3<br />

Islamic Culture F 3 0 0<br />

Ethics C- 3 1.7 5.1<br />

Total 15 10 30<br />

GPA<br />

<br />

3 3.3 3 4.0 3 1.0 3 0 3 1.7 30<br />

2.0<br />

33333 15<br />

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)<br />

The Cumulative GPA is the weighted average of all grades for a student starting from the first<br />

semester of enrollment until the end of the final semester (graduation). It is calculated the same as the<br />

example above taking into account all courses the student has taken while attending the <strong>University</strong>.<br />

Final Grade and Appeal Policy Change of Grade or Removal of Incompletes<br />

Change of Grade: An incomplete grade once reported may be changed only upon recommendation of<br />

the instructor <strong>with</strong> the approval of the dean of his or her division.<br />

A grade of “I” may be removed by repeating the course when, in the instructor’s judgment, this is the<br />

most suitable course of action for completing the requirements of the course. The course must be<br />

taken for letter grade. Once the course has been completed, the grade of incomplete will be removed<br />

from the record. This arrangement must be reported to the Provost Office in writing prior to enrolling in<br />

the course for the second time. An incomplete grade must be completed <strong>with</strong>in two semesters<br />

(excluding summer sessions) or it will automatically be converted to a grade of WF.<br />

Academic Standing<br />

Academic Warning and Probation Policy<br />

The specific aim of this policy is to ensure that students make adequate progress toward the general<br />

graduation requirement of a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) and that in doing so they do not accumulate<br />

an excessive number of failing grades.<br />

After the end of the second semester, a student, whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.0, will be placed<br />

on probation and will be given an academic warning.<br />

A student given a first academic warning is not allowed to register for more than 12 credits in the<br />

subsequent semester. If he/ she fails to raise his/her cumulative GPA above 2.0 <strong>with</strong>in one semester,<br />

he/she will be given a second academic warning and will not be allowed to register for more than 9<br />

credits in the subsequent semester.<br />

If the student continues to fail to raise his/her cumulative GPA at least to 2.0 <strong>with</strong>in one semester after<br />


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