Execcon minutes - MIT Class of '81

Execcon minutes - MIT Class of '81

Execcon minutes - MIT Class of '81


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l~xeccom;n<br />

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(jvft ') TO Mel j 1)4. ,l=re


AGEl,ljlXA<br />

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on December 6,1974, a RotHle !":Leeting decidedtha,t they wished to dispose<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Hous~TV hyr:afl1i:ng it <strong>of</strong>f toa peteo" frtthe ho,u$e,. Soon after' ,<br />

a group called the 13a.ker House \Ti$ila:titeC()IllIt{itte,e~entc),\1edtheTV from the<br />

TV rOOt!l. On January 12,1972,tneyput upa pet;itiOI\in the Baker lobby<br />

concerning t'heTV issue. On January 15, they sent me a letter <strong>of</strong>feringt¢<br />

return the TV on their terms. Later in the day, the TV was returned. tt<br />

is presently being stored.<br />

There are three very important parts to this iSstie~a's I see it.<br />

a) A decision WaS made at a House fieeting, a,I1d a group <strong>of</strong><br />

House residents did nbt agree with it. vJhat was the prbper course<br />

<strong>of</strong> actioI1 to take, and What, if anything, shall bedbtfe to thOse<br />

who felt themselves not bound to the ruling <strong>of</strong> the lic>use<br />

11eeting ?<br />

b) ~fnat action shall be taken in the present with the TV ?<br />

c) What prcposals shal],. he made to the next House Meeting<br />

( scheduled for Registration Day ) about the disposition <strong>of</strong> the<br />

house TV~ and. so this type bf;vigilante~ coniinittee Will not<br />

happe::t again.<br />

This is a complicated issue, and will be the Ol·;LY item for discussion at<br />

this meeti.:l;~.<br />

All<br />

Bakfor House residents areirivttted.<br />

Ha.rk L. l


The executivecouncil meeting called by President Mitchell<br />

on jan. 19 opened at 7130 without a quOrtim~ There were present<br />

a,bout 20 other interested bakerites as well. Lacking a quorum,<br />

this meeting would not make. any decisions and therefore no votes<br />

were taken~ These <strong>minutes</strong>, not in the familiar format <strong>of</strong> motions.<br />

and resulting votes. are an attempt at paraphrasing the. discussion.<br />

The combined effort <strong>of</strong> both Mitchell and myself is an attempt<br />

at keeping the <strong>minutes</strong> representative.<br />

At the beginning,<strong>of</strong> the meeting, andy passed out a mimeographed<br />

essay concerning the color t.v. issue (which was latter,<br />

stuffed in everyonets mailbox).<br />

Mark mentioned that the constitution was written 2 or 3<br />

years ago and read some excerpts from the constitution:<br />

II •• ~all acts and decisions <strong>of</strong> the baker house meeting and<br />

the executive council shall be considered to be acts and· r.,'<br />

decisions <strong>of</strong> baker house and the residents there<strong>of</strong>.<br />

IV-6 Decisions <strong>of</strong> the house meeting shall be made by a simple<br />

majority vote and shall be binding upon the executive<br />

council.<br />

V-4 ...The executive council shall make no policy decisions.<br />

jan.12)<br />

jan.12)<br />

jan.t))<br />

jan.16)<br />

~--~~.. '<br />

surrounding the color t •.v. were listed chronological~y<br />

the understanding <strong>of</strong> what was happening, they ar~1<br />

the new t.v. was stolen<br />

the house meeting<br />

the old t.v.(left in the t.v. room) was removed by the<br />

baker house vigilante committee.<br />

b.h.v.c. place a petition on the social pole, "!!,~"."4""-<br />

judcom signon blackboard asking who knows where the t.v. is<br />

b.h.v.c. <strong>of</strong>fers Mitchell the color t.v. for super bowl<br />

with provision that it be stored afterwards till feb.<br />

house meeting in a place to be named.<br />

The events<br />

ly to assist in<br />

1)<br />

dec.6 )<br />

dec,tt)<br />

_____._~~__jan.l6..)<br />

.-1Ylark-igno-re-sthe-l-etter-,'bu-the-dee·s·g()'te·"···leek:-fer-and-y'<br />

(with Nafi, Hellinger, and Good<strong>of</strong>.) Mark also says that<br />

until that evening, no one had mentioned to him about<br />

storing the t.v. He objected to b.h.v.c. partly on this<br />

basis; had he known earlier, things might have been diff.<br />

b.h.v.c. <strong>of</strong>fers execcom the color t.v. for the super bowl<br />

with the provision that execcom store it after the s.b.VI<br />

(everyone on execcom voted for it, except Mark since he<br />

was not shown the motion.)<br />


Various proposals were given to insure more responsible<br />

house ·decisions. Among theml<br />

1) Have house meeting decisions approved by the next house<br />

meeting•. (It was noted that this would grossly slow down<br />

house decisions and for some 'time-limited decisions would<br />

be absolutely impossible.)<br />

2) Something olfi the order <strong>of</strong> 100 signatures postponing a<br />

decision <strong>of</strong> a house meeting till the next meeting.<br />

George Doerre talked for a while near the beginning <strong>of</strong> the<br />

meeting about whether it really made sense to give house the right<br />

to sell its facilities f such as the color t,v. He suggested that·,<br />

this could result in some absurd situations particularly when a<br />

previous yearts house had voted to put money into these facilities<br />

with the understanding that they would stay and benefit the house.<br />

We later got into a rather heavy, melodr,iamatic'discussion<br />

concerningde~?cracy.Mark asserted tha~ "I dontt think that<br />

logic has anything to do with democracy.1I Actu~llYlwhat M.ark was<br />

trying to get across is the fact that democracy is not necessarily<br />

logical.<br />

Concerning the vigilante camm., it seemed that no. one really<br />

wanted to screw them, but on the other hand, they didn't want to<br />

condone their actions. For the most part, a mild reprimand, or<br />

censure was felt to be the proper action. Some felt that future<br />

vigilance committees should be met with possibly severe punishment.<br />

Celentano tried to clear up any misconceptions concerning the<br />

baker vigilantets sincerity and said that their actions were, in<br />

fact, succeslul in that they precipitated the ensuing discussion.<br />

He hopes that the house takes the t.v. and house govtt purpose<br />

problems with the same concern that b.h.v.c. d,oe.s.<br />

andy celentano<br />

mark mitchell

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ActEN.DA tor :mxe


meeting convened at 10:05 in the dining hall<br />

present; mitchell, tobkin, middleton, sigal, kurnik, celentano,<br />

moody. &other random people<br />

band: bands are to practice in the dining hall p~tt between the<br />

hours <strong>of</strong> 12 noon &}6 6 p"m.only.<br />

t.v & house meeting issue:<br />

3 separate considerations are<br />

1 how to constitutionally check house meeting decisions<br />

2 what to do with the present T.V.<br />

3 what to do with the vigilantes<br />

the constitution allows a petition <strong>of</strong> 30 signatures to<br />

present agenda for a house meeting, in which a previous<br />

house decision can be reversed. however, no allowance has<br />

been made for stopping house action in the process.<br />

therefore, the following motion hAS BEEN PRESENTED:<br />

-(1) if a sufficient number or people wish-to appeal a decisfon<br />

<strong>of</strong> a house meeting, then they should present a petition <strong>of</strong><br />

too signatures to the next Execcomm TIiseting which will halt<br />

action on the questioned decision and bring it up at the<br />

next house meeting.<br />

in order<br />

the execcom voted to present this to th8 house~o% review<br />

and -Ctl% deciEl'f-on whether or not to halda referend1lm aim so as<br />

~:Ud~W.\i to make this 113.rt <strong>of</strong> theconstltutiori" pc.1.ssed 7-0<br />

celentano mentioned that perhaps for im?ortant issues1 such<br />

as facilities. a 2/3 majority vat e should be required with<br />

a larger quorum (than 30) necessarY$<br />

(2)motton to put on the agenda the t~v. room problem with the<br />

consideration <strong>of</strong> the proposals on the petition plus any<br />

other reasonable ones which may be corJsidered. passed 7-0<br />

(3)motion to present to the house meeting the following<br />

motion to be voted on at the meeting:<br />

we recc:rr..mGno. r~a~~ili censure <strong>of</strong> the vigilnnce committee and read<br />

into the m5_Ylu"tes <strong>of</strong> this .housem.eeting_.that if ever again<br />

anyone should take into his(her,their) hands an action that<br />

defies the decisions <strong>of</strong> the house, then they(he,she) will be<br />

prosecuted in appropriate mar.ner. passed 7-0

Executive Comm&ttee Minutes 2-13-72 baker dinln~ hall<br />

outstandin~ freshman award<br />

baker exeoutive committee unanimously nominated a<br />

paker freshman for tau beta pi f S outstandin~<br />

freshman award. lf you have any sug~estions or<br />

complaints , you're too latet<br />

firsr floor renovations<br />

since the removal <strong>of</strong> the t,v, from the 1st floor,<br />

the wall has been ripped down and 1st floor residents<br />

would like to see the place decorated. liitohell sald<br />

he would talk too Lee about the possibility <strong>of</strong> ~ettin~<br />

some paint throu~h housin~.<br />

d.o~<br />

it see~s<br />

that clyt has taken a liking to john cass,<br />

Executive committee is ~ivln~ john 2 weeks (14 days)<br />

to find an owner outside <strong>of</strong> baker. That is to say that<br />

we shouldn't be seeinq- CJLyt after sun, feb 27. one<br />

way or another.<br />

vandalism<br />

celentano brought this up, not surprisin~ly, many<br />

execoom members at this point wanted to adjourn the<br />

meeting and ~et baok to their exoitinq' life at baker,<br />

oelentano has said that in ll.ght <strong>of</strong> recent incidents,<br />

he has made it very clear to various people that if<br />

he comes aoross any destructIon. he will act and<br />

wants to be considered the eqUivalent <strong>of</strong> a judoom member.<br />

perlmutter remarked that that was SOIlle political<br />

maneuver,<br />

ElKEEUlil:r celntano remarked that in fact that was a<br />

quite unpopUlar position to hold, and it would be much<br />

worse if he had been ~reasy and waited until after he<br />

Was elected. (yes I know I spelt my name wron~)<br />

"you must have lost about 20 votes." perlmutter<br />

"no, I figured it out- I lost about 7.~ celentano<br />

announcementt si~n<br />

up for badminton &wrestlinq<br />

appropriations & non-appropriations<br />

J20 squash racket (almost with the conltlon that<br />

sigal doesn't qet Within 10 feet <strong>of</strong> it. 8-0<br />

w70 new' ping-pong table (we want facts jarvis) 2-5<br />

on the d.og making noiset<br />

tithe time you complained about the dOg makInp" noise.<br />

it was really pinkowski and animal barkin~." ••• j. cass<br />

on perlmutterl<br />

"I came in second a.s the outsta.nding; freshman my year t ' p<br />


...<br />

T f.o '4 ..J th/5 I~ m)' rna.7 h,pIC. I htJ;Pe )'IJU

Sntlc.t 8,1Y sell P r &!Jh)'/tle.t/($/ J)<br />

/ II-rx-J<br />

I<br />

txeCCOI17f11 heel-l;")Feh,)~ 7). IO:tJo AH,<br />

A/en/VI.<br />

j1 oU<br />

~ S-D<br />

--S 70<br />

jJ(/rf/<br />

AI/TO!r;tlf/~/17:<br />

J/ Jurv/$<br />

fourfhFJ()!Jt .£Cf7t; I%r/y Feb. }t;;-<br />

F,'ifh 1-=!tJt?t Wt7f j ilJrly feb, / !?-!iel-Jfq f)~C' ) (/ ;1£/'<br />

)!1f/:)I)' <strong>of</strong> (oke ~r' )llJtl1;e )vlcr5 I'IJ(?U-/<br />

If{:)(/{ e7 /h t)e /IC(1/-5

.let me 1st say that that cra,ck ab6~t bein~onroom assllZ'Yl,.<br />

commit & beinet aoleto .eri'\Te your frl~nds a break was simply<br />

in fun ha ~ fun·~ so any <strong>of</strong> y~u sophombres with hl~h<br />

hopes - $orryto disillusloh you. also sorry bill & marc<br />

I know you've done an honest job ••••• "" •• "" .andy<br />

now, to get to what wetve all been waltin~ for, back by<br />

popular demand<br />

Baker Execcom Minutes 2-22-72<br />

announcemen.ts *celenJano recieved the new dormcon constituty<br />

anyone interested see me.<br />

"~signup for squash now and make sure that<br />

if you si~n up youfll showup.<br />

*for now on, if you take the weiltht room<br />

key, make sure you si~n it out, including time<br />

hhockey in the halls<br />

'<br />

(fuller & purlmutter Were at the hockey ~ame. mitchell ws late)<br />

celentano said that hockey players were at a ~ame Which<br />

didn't lend the situation to beln~ a.representative one<br />

but execcom was overwhelmed with a considerable number <strong>of</strong><br />

concerned people and '. decided to discuss the issue.<br />

across. 1 hockey is noisy and 2nd, floor hockey players have<br />

been known to play at 9'30 sunday mornln~s<br />

2 hockey is dan~erous and should be confined to<br />

an area endan~erin1t only those playing<br />

hockey marks up the walls and who is ~o~n~ to pay<br />

3for the physidal dama~e<br />

andy was wonderinQ.' if some compromise could be worked out<br />

suchass,ettingreasonable time restrictions and requirlnQO<br />

protection along the periphery such as matresses.<br />

'ltwas mentioned that thIs still didn't solve the problem<br />

<strong>of</strong> danlter and people present at the meetin~ wanted to see<br />

hockey out <strong>of</strong> the halls o<br />

after considerable confusion as to what the present policy<br />

on hockey in the halls was ira set us strain;ht.<br />

the 1st floor tried to .eret hockey out <strong>of</strong> the halls but the<br />

motion to not allow hockey in the halls was defeated. it<br />

was decided that hockey players should simply be considerate<br />

anda.cknowledl:!;e .the pleas <strong>of</strong> those requesting; them to stop•.<br />

judcom supposedlY would uphold any request as above.<br />

nt!tchell had suggested. setting up a 11ttle rlnk near<br />

the trunk room, but that's as far as it went.<br />

tobkln sald that he had <strong>of</strong>fered. ~11 rappaport ~30 to set it up<br />

but nothing happened.<br />

noahsuQ:gested that perhaps if the majority <strong>of</strong> a floor did. not<br />

want hookey in the halls then the decision <strong>of</strong> the house meeting<br />

sug;R'ested that they should not have to continuouslY request<br />

hockey players to stop but rather, there should oe no hockey<br />

playiog on that floor. "'-<br />

people present asked Why this had. to constitute a majority <strong>of</strong><br />

the floor - how about the ri~ht <strong>of</strong> the individual who values<br />

hisvlscus. they ~Tanted. execcom to rUle that there was to be<br />

no hockey p~aYin.g in the halls period~

over<br />

celentano said that execcom could not rule a hous~ meetln~<br />

decision. however perhapsso!'J.ethin~could be worked. ,out •<br />

sigal said fine but what happens if someone dies between<br />

now and next house meeting because <strong>of</strong> hockey.<br />

kamoramy said that if It was brou.qoht up to ahou.se meetting,<br />

the hockey coalItion would push throug:h hockey.<br />

noah said that this was no reason to prevent the. house frpm<br />

making the decision.<br />

finally a motion was made to direct judcoln to enforce a no<br />

hockey policy until the next house meetinrr keeping in mind<br />

1 there is a rule ap;aInst flying objects in the halls<br />

2 more iTIlportall'tly r. in 1ts capao!ty to interpret<br />

house cu)ois:l.ons, !3::r.eccom feels that if a considerable<br />

number <strong>of</strong> pe(.iple E>.:r·edisturbed by hock(;;y playing, then<br />

they can demand judcom suppcn't o ' passed. 7-0<br />

mi tchell arrives, ;I'what are you votln,c.r on? u<br />

f1neve!." mind"<br />

"why don't you tell me so I oan vote on it?"<br />

Hit G.():-::sn'ii:; matter.'!<br />

:4 motlon to app:ropo ii>30 for hoekey rink 'Ln bas·sment 7-0<br />

, motion to app;:op" #50 f'-:.:;.r p..qJ:i:;yby jarv'~_s yea Jarvis<br />

25 fer hOD.8e meetinp:<br />

25 fer eleotion buttery ~--G<br />

to approp. ~50 for 4th east 7-0<br />

$70 5th west 7-0<br />

150 stereo repairs 7-0<br />

;5 new bench press 7-0<br />

50 2nd west 7-0<br />

75 egp.·no~ for the chrlstmas party 1?1?1?? 7-0<br />

prophylactics at the snack b..q,r<br />

prop!;. ~ as ~ in p-r<strong>of</strong> .' II &.' In~~4c C

J.::..){ eCG () ;rriUn<br />

1 .<br />

,. '$\<br />

I\{1eell':J<br />

Aje1'1let<br />

Tontjh f,/ lO /f)v) )ji it'i<br />

(celenkt}-a(l/ YUt,f, si,,+)<br />

I. Sef. "'p AJel'll", ffJr* ;")(Ju,~ hee/.J'nJ<br />

'2. /;Ie

aker e~eocbm <strong>minutes</strong> 2-27-72 10,09<br />

all present wooooooooooooWWWWWWWWWW\~tt!!!!t!1!llft!!! ~holyshit<br />

mithcell said that since acciordin~ to the constitution,<br />

a written repbrt was required at the. last meeting to be<br />

presented to the secretary, he said letts just ltive an oral.<br />

it wasn't worth it<br />

"what happened with that party?'·<br />

baker has a policy <strong>of</strong> not lettin~ ~roups outside <strong>of</strong><br />

MTT use the dining hall~ vince said tl~t a ~irl called him and<br />

said that she was from a bu sorority which was affiliated<br />

with mit and she would like to use our dining hall for dancing<br />

(about 60 people) vince told her that she must find a sponsor<br />

at aaker. she oalled again and sald jim gates was h~<br />

spongor o the ni~ht <strong>of</strong> the party there appeared 200 people<br />

jim ~tes was nowhere to be found: the ,q;roup was not mit<br />

affiliated t and the~e was no campus patrol stationed, and<br />

there waJ:-e a oons:'!.clerable nUlnber <strong>of</strong> rip<strong>of</strong>fs .,<br />

what are we going to do about thig;)?<br />

"let the next exeC00m fiC?:'ure out What to do!"<br />

"\'fe can just be nasty to ,q;roups outside the house. It<br />

"I'm reasonably pleased with my job as execcom member and<br />

athletic chairman'~~.'~~.&•• O~ •• 4e~ ••••• a ••••• o •••••••• ja.rvis<br />

ttbe careful what you say jar"ITis, he'll quote you in the<strong>minutes</strong>."<br />

mitchell<br />

perlmutter confessed that after the bi~ ~raft and corruption<br />

incident last year, he and they wrote out some tickets and ~ot<br />

free snack bar food.<br />

hhhhmmmm.ronmm.!l1ITlID1J1J11mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm<br />

motion to rescind execcoms deoision to Q'lve clyt till 2...27-72<br />

and bring the issue up at the next house meettn~ 5-4-1<br />

motion to put dormcon resi~nation motion on a~enda <strong>of</strong> next<br />

house meeting defeated 0-10<br />

appropriations. 100 4th east (50 mise) 7-?<br />

10 extra for election buttery 10~O<br />

motion to adjourn<br />

moody-yes<br />

kurnik-yes<br />

celentano-no<br />

jarvis-yes<br />

siltal-yes<br />

fuller-yes<br />

noah-abstain<br />

perlmutter-no<br />

tobkln-no<br />

mitchell-yes<br />

20 for apo typeball<br />

(terminal)<br />

200 for dry mount press<br />

23 1st west brunch<br />

100 5th weast<br />

6th east + old gov't<br />

(15) misc.<br />

sine die<br />

10-0<br />

10-0<br />

10-0<br />

10-0<br />

6-9-1<br />

•••• _ •••••••••••••• e •••••••••••••• ~ •••••• • •••• ·._ ••• • •••••••••••••• '<br />

goodbye to all my faithless readers<br />


February 29, 1972<br />

We, the undersigned members <strong>of</strong> the Baker House Elections Committee,<br />

hereby report the election<br />

<strong>of</strong> the following candidates to the<br />

Baker House Executive Committee:<br />

President:<br />

Andrew J. Celentano<br />

Vice President for Facilities and Services:<br />

Bret Bersack<br />

Vice President for Freshman Orientation and Dormitory Council:<br />

Paul Richard Camann<br />

Vice President for Institute Relations:<br />

Noah Mendelsohn<br />

Athletic Chairman:<br />

Social Chairman:<br />

James L. Thompson III<br />

Rich Amato<br />

In the matter <strong>of</strong> the proposed Constitutional Amendment V:<br />

Approved.<br />


t<br />

,;;ta.tel:l0nt <strong>of</strong> Candidacy fo),4 Paul Cal..lann for t.~o pesition ot<br />

Vi~e-..'reddc'l!~t for .l:"ro~:hman Orientation and Jorrdtory Counoil<br />

A8k a.ny frGshnnn, It.Jbat did you think <strong>of</strong> thic; year t E; orientation proe;ram1 lt<br />

and hetll giva you a mildly Mltoni~:hed and 001l1ellha.t eJ,.nieal look and repljft t"ilhat<br />

orientation pros-ram? II<br />

Thin6~; aa.nft ;';0 on this ~'lay.•<br />

Another clas::: <strong>of</strong> dil::interested f'rel::roilen could be the end <strong>of</strong> hOU/:Jt9 unity by the<br />

ti.;:,16 the pref:ent alacls reache::: its senior year. .\'$ have freshmen here ~'Jho picked<br />

iiaker as th.eir itJJ/r. tt'lird or fourt.1. choice. .aut do you realize tJ.'1e f'U.1.l im:?1iaations<br />

<strong>of</strong> this? 30!ile nere so indignant at bein.::; placed here that they :reJ.atliated by dciil.Z<br />

nothin6, in an ltIlll-sho~i... thel1J:-thairthey-eantt,..d.o-thiE~ ...to-HetlAtti1Rude. And their<br />

nonparlicipation has been felt--is ~:till beinr:; felt. i'roblarl::: fornerlyha~1dled<br />

inte:mally (e.s.,. ::lquabblsfJ 1 ith rOOnlli19.w:::) nera interpreted by SOlJ1e ae: an e:lCCaLlent<br />

excuse to !.love out <strong>of</strong> the houfre 0 And SOlile did.<br />

lIn not f:aJring t..~t thief yeartEI #. orientation program (or lac:.;: <strong>of</strong> it) llaf:<br />

cOli\pletaly to b:lB.r;le 4 Certainly the a;:;e <strong>of</strong> the facUity a.nd the a:;corbitant rents<br />

l"lere partially at fault. :3ut lIve spo;(en uith fres..l-uilen uho ~·lould. have pioked .8c1.kar<br />

a~; second choice had a nore obviou~; effo.rt been il:tade by .&:,l

tris i~l~1 <strong>of</strong>ficial statement <strong>of</strong> candfda6y for baker house preseioent. I'm<br />

not stuffln~ it in your mailbox because you mi~ht mistake it for hOUse<br />

<strong>minutes</strong>. let me begin by sayin~ thht I for one am not runnin~ a hi~h school<br />

presidential campaign. there are qUite a few people who would like to be<br />

president <strong>of</strong> baker~ that's no reason to vote for them. the presidential<br />

job can be a crucial one in house gov't. true, no president can promise you<br />

better grades, but he 1s an <strong>of</strong>ficial voice for baker When he walks into the<br />

dean's <strong>of</strong>fice~ As such, he can, if oompetent, ~et a lot done for YOU o in<br />

light <strong>of</strong> the above, I feel that I'm a qualified candidate.<br />

at the buttery last ni~ht, I wasn't about to list what I've been doin~<br />

over the last few years. however, I will briefly discuss below what I've··<br />

done. (here, at least, you can skip it)<br />

1) cuafa (committee on undergrad.uate admission and financial aid) since mY<br />

sophomore year, I have been active on this stUdent-faculty committee. one<br />

<strong>of</strong> the bi~~est thino;s we;ve done is recommend admlttin~ more women to mit<br />

which inclUded setting up an eqUitable admission procedure. we also recomme·<br />

the 1600 equity level for current fina.ncia,l aid awards.<br />

2) coed livi~ the coed livin~ comm~ was formed durin~ a very excitin~ ~E«<br />

2 hr. execcom meeting (10-11-71) Doerre & I were t:!:iven white ballot status<br />

as co-chairmen <strong>of</strong> the comma our most recent achievement is a proposal Which<br />

we drew up and presented to dean sorenson on the 28 (today) you mi2'ht drop<br />

by and read a copy <strong>of</strong> it if you're so inclined. meanWhile, noah and I are<br />

planning a series <strong>of</strong> stUdy breaks With mccormick- the first <strong>of</strong> which is<br />

tomorrow ni2'ht (2-29-72)<br />

3) client team (renovations) we've had a series <strong>of</strong> major draWbacks recentl:<br />

we are, nevertheless, the <strong>of</strong>ficial liaison with the deans. we hope to at<br />

least change baker's renovation status from yellow to red. at the veryle,as<br />

we will definitely p-:et baker closed this summer for a thorough cleanup.<br />

4) technique article. in recent years, baker's photo essay was left to tech·<br />

nique workers. this year, I've put a considerable amount <strong>of</strong> time into it~<br />

mainly because I was getting frustrated by our bland section. if everythtng<br />

works out ri~ht, 350 people from baker may actually want to bUy a yearbook<br />

(well - not quuite)<br />

5) I have done other activities outside <strong>of</strong> student gov't but these are not<br />

really relevant, I have done numerous extras such as remodelin~ & or~nizin<br />

the housecom <strong>of</strong>fice, getting the constitutlon available to those who wanted '.<br />

one, starting a new series <strong>of</strong> baker letters. most recently, rve set up a<br />

commons committee.<br />

so much for that. let me give you an idea <strong>of</strong> what will be happening in 72-7<br />

house meetin~s- I feel that they should be run smoothly, but more informa~~<br />

as well. It can be done - I Witnessed it freshman year. for example, I .<br />

really donIt think immediate tablinP-:' <strong>of</strong> a motion before a reasonable amount<br />

<strong>of</strong> d.iscussion is necessary. especially with our 10;6 tabling rule, I cant~.i<br />

see how it could hurt to at least talk out some viewpoints. specific pro~<br />

blems will arise soon with respect to olyt, hockey, & vandalism. hopefully.<br />

people will show consid.eration and keep their cool.<br />

communication most <strong>of</strong> the problems we've had. recently (rent oomm., color ~v<br />

etc.) have been an immediate result <strong>of</strong> the present laok <strong>of</strong> communication.<br />

I am the type <strong>of</strong> person who seriously considers everyone's opinion & I'm<br />

willint:!: to listen to anyone. I also firmly believe 1n keeping honest &<br />

consistent communication With dormoon, the deans, & bakerltes. execcom,<br />

house, client team, c.r,o.t,c,h., coed. & oommons oommittee meetin~s<br />

should give more than enough opportunities for people expresslna; themselves<br />

in closing, i hope that your vote depends on Who you think deserves the<br />

position and will do the best possible job. i certainly ft.op't hope it<br />

depends on how <strong>of</strong>ten you see his name written on the walls <strong>of</strong> baker.<br />

If the election ~oes well, you will have one <strong>of</strong> the best house gov'ts<br />

and one <strong>of</strong> the best years baker has ever ,( and will ever ~~e seen•<br />

•••••••••••••••••••••••• o ••••••••••••••••••andyce1entano•••••••••••••••••••

'i·,<br />



TONY E. PARKER I 1972.<br />

statement <strong>of</strong> candidacy:<br />

In vie,", <strong>of</strong> the fact that there are so far only 4­<br />

candidates who are running for six G.A. positions, I have decided that I<br />

shoul.d run for one <strong>of</strong> these positions as a write in candidate. I pledge<br />

to support the move for the abolition <strong>of</strong> the G.A. I base m:I position on<br />

the following facts:<br />

1. There is nOl., a general and wideSPread student apathy<br />

concerning the G.A., as is evidenced by the present elections.<br />

e. The G.A. has made expeIJditures <strong>of</strong> money in the normal<br />

course <strong>of</strong> its operation that could obviously be put to much better use<br />

elsewhere.<br />

3. The G.A. as it is presently constituted has much more po<br />

pot,ential for harm than it has for being useful<br />



JOHN MILLER '73.<br />

statement <strong>of</strong> candidacy.<br />

Due to the deplorable situation <strong>of</strong> having only<br />

four candidates running for the six Baker House seats in the general<br />

assembly, Iconsider it appropiate for me to run as a write in candidate<br />

on the platform that the general assembly should be dibanded as soon<br />

as practicable. The general assembly spends money for no visible reason<br />

other than some elite goup deciding it wants to do so. The general assembly<br />

is such a 'tvaste <strong>of</strong> time and money that peopl don't even run for ti.

__lit A STATEMENT<br />

r • *1<br />

lIm not a reporter for the Tech or the New York Times~<br />

! not koo'\.'J a.ny members <strong>of</strong> the Corporation much as I ~d l)ve tOG<br />

I don""t see that any <strong>of</strong> that is relevance vfuat is relevan: is<br />

things I want to do in Baker House~<br />

I would like to have all lemods <strong>of</strong> people visiting the house<br />

on a regular basis .... p.r:<strong>of</strong>essors, alumni., deans, people from<br />

fraternities and other dorms~ coeds e Wellesley girls~ people from<br />

other col1eges e institute shrinks,' maybe even Corporation me:m.bersv<br />

tile us~d to have pr<strong>of</strong>essors for dinner on a reasonably regular basis",<br />

~his has tapered <strong>of</strong>f to almost nothlng~ ISd like to bring it back<br />

in an even bigger wayG<br />

Another idea I would be interested in pursuing if there ~'I1e):e<br />

enough interested people '!!Jould be hiring pr<strong>of</strong>essional enc:mnte;."<br />

group leaders and running T groups in BaJcer House'1i Several<br />

fraternities have tried doing this and have met with great sucess~<br />

I ~d very much li.ke to see a coed living e:lcperiment he:el><br />

as unlikely as that may seem~<br />

Aside from the~e specific goals, I would like to deal with<br />

some <strong>of</strong> the inta~gibles that exist in a living group <strong>of</strong> thls type~<br />

those concerned "'lith the relation or'student to school and those<br />

concer,ned with the relation <strong>of</strong> student 'co student~ I reaLLze t.hat<br />

this sounds vague, but the atmosphere that exists in the house is<br />

something that is both hard to pin d01.'I1n and different to e-'1ery<br />

person@ What it boils down to is that I really care about the<br />

people in this house &~d I think a lot eml be done towards making<br />

it a friendlier place~<br />

In summary, I t.hink that there at~e a lot <strong>of</strong> things th:it Baker<br />

House residents \oTant that fall under "institute relations 1t and I<br />

am very willing to WOJ;'k for theme I have listed the thing:) I~~<br />

already thought about; needless to say~ I'd be more than wLlling<br />

to pursue anything else people in the house are interested in~<br />

So what else can ! say except that I hope enough peop~e are<br />

concerned enough to vote for meG Thank you~

'1<br />

{;;<br />

- ,<br />

~;<br />

Vit~!-~lJti j[ ~~~.~ d() j~~>'-trlj, (,:Ult 1~~~11L·t· :~]<br />

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.1 I~" -}::,1;<br />

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'''d ~i 1J..1,

Y!I,UTES OF THE NE:i ~<br />

Ii"PROVED*<br />


okw<br />

(which doesn't really exist until Sunday. but that's<br />


it . t Larch .3, 1972<br />

j h called to order(?) at 10tl0 F.r".<br />

n<br />

e<br />

w<br />

m<br />

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R<br />

A<br />

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p<br />

B<br />

K<br />

I<br />

V<br />

All members <strong>of</strong> the new PX2ER pseuno-execcom were present.<br />

They are,<br />

Andy Celentano<br />

room 22.3<br />

Bret Bersack<br />

Paul Camann<br />

Noah Hendelsohn<br />

Rich Amato<br />

Jim Thompson<br />

President<br />

VIce President for<br />

Facilities and Services<br />

V.P. for Freshman<br />

Orientation and Dormacon<br />

V.P. for Institute Relations<br />

Socla1 Cha1rman<br />

Athletic Chalrman<br />

417<br />

116<br />

418<br />

.3.32<br />

447<br />

AI,dYOUl':CEt!ENT,<br />

Transfer-<strong>of</strong>-power House Neetlng this Sunday at 7•.30<br />

APPOH'Tr;El:TS.<br />

as votin~ members <strong>of</strong> the executive councll,<br />

Ira V1shner (hey, that's met) Secretary 116<br />

Fete Kurnik (return en~~ement) Treasurer 215<br />

Parking; Commlttee Chairmant at the time only one person<br />

present was interested in the post. Ira pointed out<br />

that this was actually supposed to be a presidential<br />

rather than execcom appointment<br />

Andy-nIn that case, why don't you talk to me alone.<br />

In my room. I mean if you really want the job.....<br />

Electlons Chairman, see l41ke Kennedy (506) if you<br />

feel like runnln~ for some <strong>of</strong>fice. (special this week onlya<br />

Council Bluffs President)<br />

("'......'<br />

~<br />


His Eminenoe the Rl~ht Honourable Marc S. Fuller, Esq.,<br />

outgoing Judcom chairman, tested. the followln9: candidates ,..<br />

for Judicial Committee on the bas1s <strong>of</strong> thelr knowled~e <strong>of</strong><br />

the Uniform JUdldial Codec<br />

Barry Dav1s<br />

Charles Nerrill<br />

George Doerre<br />

Jim Moody<br />

Fred Gross<br />

A • C. Ross<br />

and Lanoe Hellin~er (in absentIa)<br />

HOTler;" To nominate these eandid.ates for the posltlon <strong>of</strong><br />

Judcom member so that they oan be IntervIewed and voted<br />

upon by the residents <strong>of</strong> Baker House in a SPECIAL HOUSE<br />

fJEETIlG nextWednesdaYt Iii. .y 8. at ~ 8 P.L. passed 8... 0 ..,.-<br />

API'ROFRIATlm:St<br />

Mc:\rc.~<br />

J<br />

~20 to be taken out <strong>of</strong> ~eneral so01al funds for f1fth ~~<br />

west party (their own funds have been used) passed 8-0 u<br />

~50 for refreshments for the next 2 house meetin~s 8-0 QJ<br />

l10RE AlJNOUl,CEllEfTS f (;Good<strong>of</strong>). l'fETT was really 1mpressed that {J...<br />

we retttrne the money (someweere between ;40~Jl00) "borrowed" ~<br />

from the late s1xth floor pay phone. They are considering ~<br />

glv1n~~ us another pay phone on one <strong>of</strong> the upper floors,<br />

FEXT EXECCm MEETUJG Thursday. Harch 9. at 10 P.N.<br />

Nef;':ting adjourned at mldnl9:ht, when we turned. 1::ack Into pumpkins

,.:<br />

'-j:<br />

\u<br />

"2<br />

\X. Q. :J<br />

Neet in~ called to order a t lOt 05 F. i'f,.<br />

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I'iIFUTES<br />


lIARCH 9, 1972<br />

All present.<br />


The new Fa~kln~ Committee Chairman is Fred Gross (508)0<br />

motlon to approve ~he appointment passed 8-0<br />

Notion to 9,p.prt1ye the " appolntment<strong>of</strong> Don Huang- to<br />

room asslgnillGnts oommitteeo Passed 6-3<br />

Roll (;8.11 V::it;e requestedr Vlshner-ye~'lf Kurnik-yes,<br />

ThompS')ll,-,yes.~ Amato

··,.,j"V<br />

~".,..J'<br />

.~<br />

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:)21026<br />

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Wel~bt8 88.90 100<br />

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l;echn.L~:Lue (3 years) ,;660,.00<br />

Tre3.surer<br />

fres5.dent<br />

350<br />

Judco"''''<br />

30000<br />

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30<br />

25<br />

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Hou.s is 'rax 6t 20 "' 1,?<br />

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Pinball 1007.71<br />

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550<br />


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Exec(;'Ofr!1 Pn /1eefJ~'l .<br />

(' r IN i If !:!,!t- Ca If -Jt is:x ecc, () h .I )<br />

--ThMy~Jt:!t}1J Apr; I b.J 1t//{l!J l~ /,""1 8<br />

, , . ~e,,~

}UNUTES<br />


HAReH 19, 1972<br />

Meeting called to order at 10,35 P.M. Absent: Doerre<br />

ANNOUNCEr-rIENll'S I<br />

The Exe(;utive Council has been assi;r,ned a signal on<br />

the Lokator bell syst6m u Execcom members are bein,g; trained<br />

to respond to the signal 1-·4 in a manner slmllar to Pav-j.lov's<br />

dOISS, 1-4 will usuaaly mean an Execcom meoting is being held.<br />

Mitchell's gavel has finally been delivered.<br />

Please make sure you fill out the Coed questionnaire<br />

distributed by the Committee on Student Environment.<br />


$20 for cards and brldgeboards passed 8-0<br />


Currently being revised by Bersack. By the time you<br />

read this, copies will be in the hands <strong>of</strong> all Execcom members<br />

and will also be posted. Any questions should be referred<br />

to Bret (417).<br />


$85 for s<strong>of</strong>tball ($60 bud~eted plus $25 from miscellaneous)<br />

to be used approximately as follows.<br />

$30 - ballsr ~25 - catcher's mask, $15 - batsf $15 - chest<br />

protector. passed 8-0<br />

$35 out <strong>of</strong> athletic miscellaneous for bench press passed 8-0<br />


The following amendment to the bylaws <strong>of</strong> the Baker House<br />

Executive Council was passed by a vote <strong>of</strong> 8-0. Roll call votes<br />

For: Vishner, Kurnik, Thompson, Amato, Mendelsohn, Camann,<br />

Bersack, Celentano<br />

Against. nobody<br />

Absent, Doerre<br />

Article IV - Meetings<br />

Section 2B _ Appropriating Honey Between Meetings<br />

There shall exist a process Whereby money may be<br />

approprle.ted bet\~Teen Executive Council Neetln~s by sUbmitting<br />

to the secretary and the treasurer copies <strong>of</strong> a petition<br />

signed by two-thirds <strong>of</strong> the members <strong>of</strong> the Executive Council,<br />

includ.ing that member from whose budget the money 1s bein~<br />

appropriated, Whenever possible, appropriations should<br />

be mad.e at regular meetin~s <strong>of</strong> the Executive Council.<br />

NEXT EXECCOM ~mETING. sometime durln~ the first week <strong>of</strong> April<br />

(to be announced)<br />

Respectfully sUbmitted,<br />

....J~.~~/:-CJ,..<br />

Ira Vishner<br />


l\lINUTES<br />


l\'lARCH 19, 1972<br />

Meeting called to order at 10.35 P,M. Absentl Doerre<br />


The EXE:f;U.tive Council has been assi~ned a signal on<br />

the Lokator bell syst6m~ Execcom members are bein~ trained<br />

to respond to the signal 1~·4 in a manner slnllar to pav1-lov t s<br />

dogs. 1-4 will usuaaly mean an Execcom meet;in~ is beinl2; held,<br />

MitChell's gavel has finallY been delivered.,<br />

Please make sure you fill out the Coed questionnaire<br />

distributed by the Committee on Student Environment.<br />


$20 for oards and bridgeboards passed 8-0<br />


Currently being revised by Bersaok. By the time you<br />

read this, copies will be in the hands <strong>of</strong> all Execcom members<br />

and will also be posted. Any questions should be referred<br />

to Bret (417).<br />


$85 for s<strong>of</strong>tball ($60 bud.geted plus $25 from miscellaneous)<br />

to be used approximately as follows,<br />

~30 - balls; $25 - catcher's mask, $15 - bats, $15 - chest<br />

protector. passed 8-0<br />

$35 out <strong>of</strong> athletic miscellaneous for bench press passed 8-0<br />


The following amendment to the bylaws <strong>of</strong> the Baker House<br />

Executive Council was passed by a vote <strong>of</strong> 8-0. Roll call votes<br />

ForI Vlshner, Kurnik, Thompson, Amato, 1·1endelsohn, Camann,<br />

Bersack, Celentano<br />

Against. nobody<br />

Absent. Doerre<br />

Article IV ~ Meetings<br />

Section 2B _ Appropriatlnp: I10ney Between Meetings<br />

There shall exist a prooess Whereby money may be<br />

approprie.teri betl"feen Executive Council Heetin~s by submitting<br />

to the secretary and the treasurer copies <strong>of</strong> a petition<br />

signed by two-thirds <strong>of</strong> the members <strong>of</strong> the Executive Council,<br />

includ.ing that member from whose budg-et the money 1s be1ng;<br />

appropriated, Whenever possible, appropriations should<br />

be made at regular meetin~s <strong>of</strong> the Executive Council.<br />


sometime during- the first week <strong>of</strong> April<br />

(to be announced)<br />

Respectfully SUbmitted,<br />

'xi&":~,, Y~_~.;~/:'~ t.l .-"-<br />

Ira Vlshner


APRIL 6, 1972<br />

Meeting oalled to order at 10,12 P.~1. Absent: Mendelsohn, Doerrei<br />

DORMCON RENT COM<strong>MIT</strong>TEE REPORT<br />

left out the tower in oaloula tln~ }1a.c GreJ:l:'or t s usable area<br />

tbut didn't bother to ohanJ:l:'e anythln~is<br />

Baker's $85 dining hall fee really fair?<br />

ARTHUR<br />

we'd like to get him the Murphy award for best employee<br />

Mitchell proposed a four-step planr<br />

i.statement from Executive Council recommending him<br />

2.statement from House Meeting recommending him<br />

3.petition to be slg;ned by everyone in the house<br />

4. mass letter wrlting campal~<br />

Motion that :C:he B;xecuti1l1e Counoil send a' letter stron~lY<br />

endorsing AJ::t"r~ur and give white ballot autl10rity to<br />

an Arthur C·;)mmJ.ttee composed <strong>of</strong> Fred Gross,:M$rkMltchell<br />

and Ira Vlsh;:::.';;j· to do everythlnp-' it can toseethat<br />

Arthur is E',;,~al'ded the Murphy award.<br />

passed unanimousey 7-0<br />


any OOm;1lE;nts;<br />

announc,emGJ::"~~<br />

or sug~estlons? see Mitchell<br />

(-i':'~ueer.rees are now aval1able at the desk<br />

;omplaln~s<br />


. please don t t lcl:."l.YO a. mess in the lobby and dininq; hall<br />


nebulous - there'sI'eally nothlnq: in them<br />

did you know that there's a soda oloset?<br />

, . c. ".<br />

TUTOR SELECTION CON<strong>MIT</strong>TEE<br />

Anq'y t sappointments wE!.re reviewed for over an hour<br />

MptiontoapPI'ove·qutmann. Kennedy, Shachter, Weinberger<br />

r911ca,.11.votereqllesteerVlshner.l1o ; Ktu'nik.no;<br />

Thompsoh,abstaln, Amato,yes; Camt:l,nn. no; Bersack, yes;<br />

Celentano, yes. Tfe, 3-3-1<br />

NotIon to approve Bret Bersack (417), Sammy Gutmann (217),<br />

. MlkeKennedy (506) and'EdWelnber~er (342).<br />

roll call bote requested, Vlshner, no; Kurnik, yes;<br />

Thompson, yes, Amato, yes; Camann, no, Bersack, abstain,<br />

Celentano, yes!' Passed 4-2-1<br />






some <strong>of</strong> the loun~e chairs have been disappearinp: into<br />

people·s romms ct Please return them or Judcom will<br />

have to take action.<br />


people are ~uaranteed one hour, after Which ~nyone else<br />

can take over. for more information see Kennedy or Bersack<br />

Motion to appropriate $200 for house party April 15 passed 7... 0<br />

CdMmons meeting Tuesday at 6.00.<br />

Respectfully submltt<br />

Please remove furniture from stalroases. Ira. Vlshner


APRIL 6 t 1972<br />

Meeting called to order at 10,12 P.H. Absent: Mendelsohn, Doerrei<br />

DORMCON RENT COM<strong>MIT</strong>TEE REPORT<br />

left out the tower in calculatinp.: Mac GreR'or t s usable area<br />

tbut didn?t bother to chang'e anythln~is<br />

Baker's $85 dining hall fee really fair?<br />

ARTHUR<br />

we'd like to ~et him the Murphy award for best employee<br />

Mitchell proposed a four-step plane<br />

i.statement f~om Executive Council reoommendinP-:' him<br />

2.statement from House Meetin~ recommending' him<br />

3.petitlon to be sig-ned by everyone in the house<br />

4.mass letter wrltin~ campai~n<br />

Motion that 'd':e EXGcutl:me Council send a letter stron~ly<br />

endorsing AT'd~~ur and f-rive white ballot authority to<br />

an Arthur C')l~rr::J.ttee composed <strong>of</strong> Fred Gross t Mark Mltchell<br />

and Ira Vit;}:t;:.':

Wed. April 12, 10:00 ?M.<br />

AGENDA<br />

'. '.)<br />

:.t: v'~ ';<br />

, '.,<br />

" . ~.<br />

· "...- . ..."<br />

•.• ~ ._;..•• : .. ~).<br />

r :.' ; j (<br />

,:,"';, " sub j e c'i'<br />

','oc f,c.:;sh-paL';'t;c<br />

:; " 'J-~::::: • )<br />

",' , "-, r " , T<br />

' ,<br />

.-... \ .,--\<br />

C<br />

O')J:'<br />

.Le ·'.'i c~<br />

6, ~J -'If<br />

7, ,l<br />

j_' 1 J, ".' ,", ,,~~.[;I.!l1age 8~ R.o (.;:~)<br />

Y:,:<br />

Viest.<br />

~XJI\OMM<br />


\re,i. April 12, 10: 00 'L) JIf",<br />

AGENDA<br />

1. Appointment <strong>of</strong> Sam Denard to Tutor Comm.<br />

2. Setting House Meeting<br />

3. Summer Renovations Comm.<br />

4. Cocd Living (Ah,that dear sUbject - springing fresh to our<br />

lips as a song on a fresh-painted morning: In the spring,<br />

a young mants fancy,etc.)<br />

5. Should we bUy beer for Thursday Dinner~<br />

6. New Housing policy on damage & Room Depositsi<br />

7. Appropriate ~75 for First West.

2XECO}~1<br />

V~d.<br />


April 12, 10:00 2.M.<br />

AGENDA<br />

'.J i ~).';.; :j;:;L'l;:..'d to Tutor ec'c,:.,;",<br />

(~. ~. ':<br />

... · ....t.<br />

~::;;; .. sUbjec'i' .'.., "'!',..<br />

.~":'. ~[" ..c8sh-pai~';·0t:, ."~ ..~... ~...~t" :..<br />

. ,.:;.)<br />

"<br />

. "<br />

("" c):lr<br />

~'"~.. :. ·i :":.;:.1 3:~. ~~··j_n.g ~<br />

6.. ~~~, I;f . "<br />

""" ',",-'<br />

" .... r·.<br />

.'. C • ,- "," T' . .:n, Vlest.<br />

EXj~\.;DMM<br />


\1 ed. April 12, 10 ~ 00 .i) (,111.<br />

AGENDA<br />

1. Appointment <strong>of</strong> Sam Denard to Tutor Comm.<br />

2. Setting House Meeting<br />

3. Summer Renovations Comm.<br />

4. Coed Livine (Ah,that dear SUbject - springing fresh to our<br />

lips as a song on a fresh-painted morningi In the spring,<br />

a young mants fancy, etc.)<br />

5. Should we buy beer for Thursday Dinner'i<br />

6. New Housing policy on damage & Room Depositsi<br />

7. Appropriate -..,75 for First lJest.


April 12, 1972<br />

Meeting called to order at 10,)3 P.M.<br />

All present.<br />


Approved 7· 0-2<br />


House meet:'.ng will be next Tue:~;jay, April 18 at 9:)0 P.M.<br />

Among thE.' ",tems to be ~ discus~j0d: the Tutor Committee,<br />

Commons Committ'?e, Summer Clean-up plans, Future<br />

renovaticns, a:n:} p;ettinp: Arthur the Murphy Award<br />

Motion to appropriate $25 for food for the meeting<br />

approved 9-0<br />


Baker will be closed. this summer for a general cleaning.<br />

What do we want done?<br />

Meeting Thursday 4/13 at 10:00 to discuss su't.p-:estions<br />


There's still a chance if we can find p-:irls who are<br />

interested.<br />




Should we have beer for this Thursday night's special dinner?<br />

who needs it?<br />


Deposits on rooms don't cover hall damage, What can be done?<br />

"If I see someone smaxh1ng a p1pe wrench against a<br />

concrete beam, I'm goinp' to throw him out <strong>of</strong> the house."<br />

-Doerre, Judcom<br />




$75 for a party on the first west april 22. passed 8-0-1<br />

$100 for refeltinlS the pool table, p8ssed 9-0<br />


House party this saturday at 8:00. Wine, WOMen and Cheese<br />

it's even been advertised on WRKO<br />

Next Executive Council meeting Sunday April 2).<br />

Respectfully SUbmitted,<br />

~~ V~/\--<br />





.April 12, 1972<br />

Meetin~called to order at 10:33 P.M.<br />

All present.<br />

APPOINTMENT OF ::~AM DE1\TARD TO TUTOR Cm1<strong>MIT</strong>TEE<br />

Approved 7-·0-2<br />


House m,:;e'i-.:.ng will be next Tue::;:'tay, April 18 at 9:30 P.M.<br />

Among the A. terns to be t discus~; 1::0.: the Tutor Committee,<br />

Commons Commi tt.o:e I Summer Clean-up plans I Future<br />

renovaticns, aId getting Arthur the f.1urphy Award<br />

Motion to appropriate $25 for food for the meeting<br />

approved. 9-0<br />


Baker will be closed this summer for a ~eneral cleaninp.:.<br />

What do we want done?<br />

Meetln~ Thursday 4/13 at 10:00 to discuss sU.Q'gestions<br />


There's still a chance if we can find girls Who are<br />

interested.<br />




Should we have beer for this Thursday night's special dinner?<br />

Who needs it?<br />


Deposits on rooms don't cover hall damage. What can be d.one?<br />

"If I see someones1'T1axhlng a pipe wrench a,q:ainst a<br />

concrete beam, I'm goinp' to throw him out <strong>of</strong> the house."<br />

-Doerre, Judcom<br />




$75 for a party on the first west april 22. passed. 8-0-1<br />

$100 for refelting the pool table. passed 9-0<br />


House party this saturday at 8:00. Wine, Women and Cheese<br />

it's even been advertised on WRKO<br />

Next Executive Council meeting Sunday April 23.<br />

Respectfully su.bmitted,<br />

~-.a.- V~-<br />



B ~{3C 0lffivlI'.HS.ci ~lllJG-<br />

(it S0llJldG L:l.;ch bptter' as a single<br />

word.,ar.d besid.es~, lim not going to<br />

thruw bwny a ste~ail for one lousy<br />

mistackej<br />

Sunday,April 23 at 7:30,repeat '7:301<br />

AGENDA<br />

1., Announcements (Doesn't sound tode;x:c1;tin..g ..~··.til:.8~the<br />


(it sounds much better as a single<br />

word,and besides, I tD1notgoing to<br />

throwaway a sten.eil. for Qn€ lousy<br />

mistacke).<br />

Sunday,Ap!'il 2}at 7:30, r~peat 7l30!<br />

AGENDA<br />

1 • .Arirl()'uncem~tl.t.s (D0esii t t sound toO· ·ejcc.:i.;t;i~g.'·.·~ .• 1Il.e~tin& .so·<br />

far, does it?)<br />

2. Appropriate $30 for second east (Still lagging)<br />

:;. .. ~lsce ll~1.l@.QJa.sst1;l,f:f.~h,a."tPE3()pl~rfbI'go t tOPlJ::V on the<br />



APRIL 23, 1972<br />

Meeting called to or~er at 7,40 P.M. Eventually all present. ~<br />

ANNOUNCEi"T.EN'1S,<br />

Ira gave the Executive Council 4 weeks notice that<br />

he is resi~nin~ from his position as Secretary as<br />

<strong>of</strong> May 19, 1972, He will be 11vin~ in Israel next<br />

year on a Junior Year A broad program and will f1nd<br />

it hard to attend <strong>Execcon</strong>. meet1np-:"s. Anyone who 1s<br />

interested. in the job should contact Tra e<br />


~20 for second floor east.<br />

7<br />

Passed (3-0-2<br />

~,<br />

$20 from miscellaneous social funds for a party on<br />

April 30 to celebrate Baker B s<strong>of</strong>tball victories.<br />

Passed 5,-2-2<br />

$70 for secretarial supplies. The bill covers money<br />

spent under last year's bud~et. Passed 9-0<br />

$40 for eg~ no~ for the Christmas Party (also from<br />

last year's budget). Passed 9-0<br />

$50 for party on second west this weekend. Pa.ssed 9-0<br />

$25 for fourth west stUdy break Thursday nip:ht. Passed. 9-0<br />


S31ggestion mad.e to ha.ve a steel-drUI'l. band out on<br />

Kresge plaza and. have a party. No action taken.<br />

Ca.pe Cod. Trip, in the process <strong>of</strong> beln~ 6r~nized.<br />

For details, see Ama.to.<br />

Next <strong>Execcon</strong> meeting probably sometime Sunday, April 30.<br />

Respectfully submitted,<br />

n. ~.' ~~' y • ~<br />

~<br />

. LQ..- .~~ "==-<br />

Ira Vishner<br />

The follOWing appropriation was passed by a petition signed.<br />

by two-thirds <strong>of</strong> the members <strong>of</strong> the Executive Council on<br />

April 19, 1972:<br />

~70 for a. third floor pizza pa.rty held April 22.


A PHIL 23 I 1 972<br />

Heeting called to orner at 7:40 P.M.<br />

Eventually all present.<br />


Ira gave the Executive Council 4 weeks notice that<br />

he is resi~ninp.; from his position as Secretary as<br />

<strong>of</strong> May 19, 1972. He will be 11vin~ in Israel next<br />

year on a Junior Year A broad proi2:ram and will find.<br />

it hard to attend. ExeccorJ. meetini2:3. .A nyone who is<br />

interested in the job should contact Ira"<br />


$20 for second floor east.<br />

7<br />

Passed ~-0-2<br />

$20 from miscellaneous social funds for a party on<br />

April 30 to celebrate Baker B s<strong>of</strong>tball victories.<br />

Passed. 5-2-2<br />

$70 for secretarial supplies. The bill covers money<br />

spent under last year's bucl~et. Passed 9-0<br />

$40 for eg~ no~ for the Christmas Party (also from<br />

last year f s budget). Passed 9-0<br />

$50 for party on second west this weekend. Passed 9-0<br />

;jJ25 for fourth west stUdy break Thursday night. Passed 9-0<br />


SJ{ggestion made to have a steel-drum. band out on<br />

Kresge plaza and have a party. No action taken.<br />

Cape Cod. TripI in the process <strong>of</strong> bein!:; or~nized.•<br />

For details, see .A mato.<br />

Next <strong>Execcon</strong> meetln~ probably sometime Sunday, April 30.<br />

Respectfully submitted,<br />

.'1. \ /. 11<br />

~'ta..-- V (A.-f-'\.,-".-R..,:';'""=.<br />

Ira Vishner<br />

The following approprlation was passed by a petition si12:ned.<br />

by two-thirds <strong>of</strong> the members <strong>of</strong> the Executive Council on<br />

Aprl1 19, 1972,<br />

$70 for a third floor pizza party held April 22.

!! 1 ~ I.~ iE(:-;,.:r3 sit)y.L<br />

Vi.h9n :30<br />

i it wha t nne.<br />

1133" fj".e')t.s:.~~~L.:.:~·;. " ::':'._" t,rl::: <strong>of</strong> the Hous'3 1 s ;-L1.so Discussion<br />

and ac -1J i::ll. ><br />

ELscco~m<br />


AGENDA<br />

!! 1 .. Discl.;.ssicYl <strong>of</strong> what and when <strong>of</strong> next Hou.se ]Vleeting .. (Hah,<br />

I spelled it right this time~)<br />

11 2. Appropriations for CapEl Cod trip. Presen-l;ed by Amato.<br />

! 1 3. Suggestion to seJJ_ two <strong>of</strong> the House: s ARs .. Discussion<br />

and action ..<br />

- ~oN (Crap, I did<br />

l~ aGain. I came so<br />

clos8 to w'riting a perfect<br />


(<br />

J.'J<br />

J<br />

! 1 D.is[..'".::: f~il)r..L<br />

v;}lsn :] 0<br />

(;1 w-t.Lat<br />

T ~!.8aT·,~<br />

HeIse I'-1eetin:fg" (Shit.<br />

1!~3, 8'~.i:)g:_"',·:~L·_~.J. ;;" ..:,,: ..i~ t·v:) <strong>of</strong> the Ho'U.ssts .I:':-3.s .. Discussion<br />

and actiJ.::l.,<br />

L, .~.' .,.:1,.<br />

~XECCO~l<br />



!! 1 .. Disc·l,..sf3icn <strong>of</strong> what and when <strong>of</strong> n~xt Hou.se rv:reeting .. (Hah,<br />

I spelled it right this time~)<br />

11 2, Appropriations for Cape Cod tripOl Presented by Amato o<br />

!! 3. Suggestion to se].l two <strong>of</strong> the House! s ARs., Discussion<br />

and action ...<br />

;.~ ~C~ap, I did<br />

it acainc I came so<br />

close to writing a<br />

feet agenda,,)<br />



!; FElL JO: 107?<br />

t,<br />

Meeting called to urrier at 10:05 P.M. Celen~no showed up<br />

an hour later after it wa~ ell over. They d.on' t know about<br />

Daylight Savin~s Time in Feekskill.<br />


One bus will be ~oin~. Motion to appropriate ~150<br />

Approvecl 7-0<br />


'1.'"';\TO :r~.)use AR epRE).l~·ers are vebretatinF!" in Tobkln' s roo-m<br />



".FRlL Jr~ 197?<br />

t<br />

Meeting called to or~er at 10:05 P.M. Celen~no showed up<br />

an hour later after it was ell over. They don't know about<br />

Day1i,q-ht Savings Time in Fe0;.rskil1.<br />


One bus will be ~oin7.. Motion to appropriate $150<br />

Approved 7-0<br />


rl.";'!o h 11lS~ AR ~pF:al;'eJ:'s are veQ"etatinQ" in Tobkln' s room<br />


A 1::> ':: (JNGEI'ml\;-:" Ei ~<br />

If you ;.:"'_ntt f:'~r:;'; L"nG aCtenrl[.t for '::;L1.3 meetin!T, that's<br />

h;::(~9.1:,:' .:) YC 0, .... il:',;:'( ..:::ot one. Sorry"<br />

1. r,y)i, t!';.(i,~,.,:!t'-:;:; be app.r·/wed.o Sllbmit them to<br />

.·~)lll .£:,',.'. ~:'.. ij'~f :•.:'~-~:~ Z~'::'·:;;jj.<br />

bF;:') next\':'C":~I:,:3 'iJ~:n.utes for the announcement that would.<br />

bave b~::'21 pr:cl1'ce"j here. Or re9.d. the b1ackbo9.rd at night.<br />

Steel-ch'T:IT1 band :v,r:i.ll be playing outsiC'lS Kresge Saturday<br />

aftern0~~. Help needed d.18tributin~ posters - see<br />

Pinkowski in 232,<br />

This year~s Technique 1s out. If you can ~uess who<br />

wrote ~hc obscene Baker House article, you can have<br />

five <strong>minutes</strong> alone with him.<br />

Keep your doors l00ked. when you~re not in. There have<br />

been some thefts lately.<br />

APPOINTl'IENT OF A NEvi ~it,;:aE'IARY:<br />

As <strong>of</strong> £ciay 20, A, 1'.)(1d £.'loser (411) 1'1111 enjoy the dubious<br />

honor <strong>of</strong> holdinf:: the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> Baker House Secretary.<br />

My heartfelt sympathies$ ••<br />

"I'll ,give a white b8.110t ,- I don~t have a pen" - Thompson<br />

Who v<strong>of</strong>ed for Swope? -<br />


Sixth west: $21 for a joint party with Chinese Students<br />

Club passed 6~0'-3<br />

$20 for a stud,y break passed 7-0-2<br />

.;ji25 for a pa.rty<br />

pA..ssed 7-0-2<br />

$25 for a fourth west study break pa.ssed 9-0<br />

~35 to repair the house turntable passed 9-0<br />

$25 for a second west party<br />

passed 7-0-2<br />

$20 for darkroom chemicals<br />

passed 9-0<br />

HOUSE TAX:<br />

Proposed bur'lq-et for next year will appear in the ap"enda<br />

for Thursdayc s house meetlnP-.".<br />

Do we w~nt to get a real live pl~no that works?<br />

LOUNGE F1JRNT'i: IJe.:E: ~<br />

Th:~ t -;,.;,:~... ~~t 1;\Test lODnP-."e chair that people thou~ht was<br />

5x: ~t':'::"::"Le .johnson's rooP1 that h,:; toli Doerre wasn't<br />

i::: ".:;8 ::'OO.ill so Doerre told Exe0c:~~1 it 1'Tasn't in his<br />

1'(,".:"';, :mt it reaaly was in his rOOiO and that's not nice.<br />


Next EXGcc~n meet:ng next Sunday night at 10. This is the<br />

last meet-:'''''·T thiu term, so be ready to appropriate any money<br />

you t 11 nf·-.:"Ci before we r'oet aP-."aln.

I'UNUT.:2;,": IJ~ 'Tt+tT ~M~~ \;.«1p~~~xE;pd.T'Il/.G,,) ;~~'CIL<br />

rrlJP( '1;) t 9'72.<br />

A)::,7C.UNGEMEI\r:"[1 l<br />

If you ~dn'~ f\~~ the agen6a for ~hts meetin~, thatts<br />

1)00aU,3~ yc.-'). r":,";"r" r::ot one o Sorry.<br />

L.1.1 r()~;;; '~!.' j1:';?,lt:-'::; be app.c·:.rved.. Submit them to<br />

.;= 111 i), ... ~:'. !.;.~ r. '..: ~~ :I 2 ~;. I~:)''] •<br />

See neX'l.I'''~,":':{' ,'3 'd' ~:r;utes for the annoul1cement that would<br />

haye bCC~l ~rinted here. 0:::' read the 'blackjoard at nif2;ht.<br />

Steel-cln,:m band 1/-rj,ll be playing OUtSitl8 Kresg:e Saturday<br />

aftern0~~. Help needed dlstributin~ posters - see<br />

Pinkowski in 232.<br />

This year~s Technique is out. If you can guess who<br />

wrote the obscene Baker House article~ you can have<br />

five <strong>minutes</strong> alore with him.<br />

Keep your d.oors looked when you~re not in. There have<br />

been some thefts lately.<br />


As <strong>of</strong> hay 20,1\. T..idd Moser (411) will enjoy the dubious<br />

honor <strong>of</strong> hold in;:; the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> Baker House Secretary.<br />

My heartfelt sympathies•• o<br />

"I'll give a white ballot ,- I clon:t have a pen" - Thompson<br />

Who voted for Swope? -<br />


Sixth westf $21 for a joint party with Chinese Students<br />

Club passed 6~,o-3<br />

$20 for a stud,y break passed 7-0-2<br />

.jj>25 for a party passed 7-0-2<br />

$25 for a fourth west study break passed 9-0<br />

~35 to repair the house turntable passed 9-0<br />

~25 for a seconclwest party<br />

passed 7-0-2<br />

$20 for darkroom chemicals<br />

passed, 9-0<br />

HOUSE TAX,<br />

Proposed budR.'et for next year will appear in the al2'enda<br />

for Thursclay~s house meetinp:.<br />

Do we W5.nt to get a real live piano that works?<br />

LOUNGE FURKJ'l',J8E i<br />

Th?-t .f'~.l·[!t 1'1est loun~e chair that people thoup.'ht was<br />

IT, 'vi ':':J_ ie Johnson r S rOOM that he to11 Doerre wa.sn't<br />

In ~is room so Doerre told Execcc~ ~t wasntt in his<br />

re'.:· ';Jut It reaaly was in his room and that's not nice.<br />


Next Execc(,n meet:.ng; next Sunday nia:ht at 10. This is the<br />

last meet"! Y,·.(' thlC1 term I so be ready to appropriate any money<br />

you III r.'.t 2':.1 before we peet 8.l2'ain.<br />

Remitted su~pectfully,<br />

ira ~_.o._. V ~/L)'f..I2--L

Meet1n~ called to order at 9110 P.M. 8~r8aok came an hour<br />

If.l.ter~ at !i"nJ.::h PC>]'~:\> (;el~!:r]tal"1() C,':71l)i/:i~,ng 1.1.(:"';8.8 leavin,q; the<br />

r~,f)e 't ~11~ 2rJ. ~~J ()d h8.. Tld.!;) 1 ~~ft.<br />

ii J~r~JiJ TT)\rc I~MEl\r:: .~<br />

'I'll-a t at.'.1:1o'.il':".:)t=:L'.eri'l; ~;ha t I cl~.d..':1' t want to IJ:ciDt last week<br />

i'ias tl',[l.t AI''cI'rt.rr iAT()~1. the Mu:rphy' A",·{,,"':,-:,d" It WE:l::l SUPIYJst~d to be<br />

kept ."i·:~l1rc'L i':l:'oITt hj':40 ~;o why NHC! be thGre h::tlf El.!l hour early<br />

and. all 6::'(;:':886 ':.~~!" "jaJ.t~.ng for hJt1 tilJ..ver 5!J.lad bowl?<br />

APPROiJ;l:UVfIGnS, !<br />


~!Ilr~JfJ:rts (;I:' ·';';.L~r..: Ef~>~ ~l·.)~~~:r.j.~ I~>:.~~;('L~J.~:~·\~'1~ COUNCIL<br />

·~·~i~\ }.' 1-'1;, 19?2<br />

Meettnq; cal~_'3d. to OT(t·~:, at 911 G ? 0 N" Fh'3:r:Jr,tck ce.me an hour<br />

later, at '~"'nj,:h poly.~~" Ce1~!nta:;:'l0 \ :;riiO'il'iin~L(;j,it':.S 1 eavln,q; the<br />

!0_1-:;:f';'C~:1~: 2rJ.~~)~)d ~18,,;ld.:;) l~~ft.<br />

'I'h~"t: 8.l"J:l·-:''..tr'.',;(,;h'.Gr..-c ''.;hat I (1:.d.':1't 1tmnt to J)rl):t last week<br />

was tl:'Ltt AI'Un:!.:'r v,ron tr.1G Murphy- A'i,;c'\.:::-d.. It v-:9S f.n.l.f,poscd to be<br />

kept b"erOl; l'~C'()m hj,"r." ~IO why i1a8 he ·che-ro t'liOtlf an hour early<br />

and all d:'O,~:8ed ".::);, vraj, -c'-nw: for tJ.s S 3.l.v'er 5ctlao bmvl?<br />

APPR() ::''1,IA11'I ~YN2. g<br />

;;;~6()() f:\J' F~;:-)shI18.n OrlentatlJn (275-beveraQ'es, 200-meat<br />

for p:;'.,,'j' 'i,Tn"'k ,.."'l"np, ,"L' '1 n ~>",•• J," p' .•" \,. ....... c', '1' ,-, ~ "",C-''"l J- (::- ~"T, 'r\," S '" ed 7-0-1<br />

-~') .'o,l.' .'. "~''';.J r .r.J.-'~J:.IV." !.{._ _ .J \,".......... '..J..J.L. .... ·. .-~.J..lr .•. .,l. ...."._ v ~.J.j._~ y:A- u _<br />

J> :·~(\O +'n.,... r- ,,,.,J_..... ,~ '.' ,-. b /~, r, '; (,"";", ""'''p''. ~ 00 frequency<br />

\ff.) .... J.,'._, ... J,.;,l •.i_ •.• '..... l ... J.C,.11J.c..... S -.lL:). l.)",·\r--(1"l_,J..,J...J...O:...:.H. 0- .l,.. v..i:) ..L .. ~:., • J... .L..- 10,..:: ~.t-".<br />

passed 7-1<br />


Motion to place on the .house meetinP.:' a.genlER I<br />

1tIOTION -'co ~ive Presid.ent and Treasurer d1scretionary<br />

powers to siP.:'n checks over the summer when the Execut1ve<br />

Counoil can't be convened. passed. 8-0<br />

IJ.'h1.s was the last meeting- this term <strong>of</strong> the Baker House<br />

EzeDlltl,,"e Coul'1eil. Be sure to tune in next year for more<br />

crazy antics <strong>of</strong> teose lovable, laughable fellows (with Todd.<br />

Mos er takj6'ing over the role <strong>of</strong> Secretary from Ira i,rho will<br />

be starrin7 in his own series on another station.) Meanwh1le,<br />

enjoy the reruns o<br />

Submitted with tenner lov1n~ care,<br />

Ii<br />

V . /'7<br />

~.\.--U-. ~.-,.,<br />

Ira V1shner --

EYdCCOh<br />

LEETE'G<br />

S"RIT. 17,1972 10,00 :Ll:.<br />

'Q;~, r: -'-:=t DIl\7IYiG El~ LL i ~<br />

Come see the Baker HalJSe ToverYJ.roent blovJ the dust <strong>of</strong>f And<br />

itself together amidst 8quc~ls <strong>of</strong> rusty ~ears ~nd levers.<br />

dra.g<br />

1. Return <strong>of</strong> keJT lists.<br />

2. Furniture Storacre Room.<br />

J. Outdoor Concert on Krescse •<br />

4. Report <strong>of</strong> Client Corun!ttee •<br />

5. Eehr;:\'sh <strong>of</strong> Be,l{er Cirous.<br />

6. :Fi8110.<br />

7. Anything else I've forcrotten.<br />

lost humbly sub~ltted<br />

Gracious Approv91 by<br />

for<br />

W"1.o s1-1so S8.ys you can go<br />

suck e~Ts if you don't<br />

like it

MINr;;t/5G<br />

6 X8 {{OM .FrCfe.:-r, IV G<br />

Scfll /7}"l '1'72<br />

The meeting started. a; ;'; _~ () 1\\f:i.th nIl present excopt our<br />

president, Andy Celentenc, 1'ihose absence went strangely<br />

unnotioed by many until nea.r the end <strong>of</strong> the meeting. There<br />

are counter rumors the.t he TfTaS actually there, but these<br />

reports have so far remained unsubstantiated.<br />

Return <strong>of</strong> key lists- Bill Blum said that he believed that<br />

the vast majority <strong>of</strong> the house favored the return <strong>of</strong> the<br />

key list system and he revealed an insidious plot on the<br />

part <strong>of</strong> the 'Tute to force all the students into the same<br />

mold (this is something new?) and turn them into robots alI<br />

with only one key to their rooms. Noah confirmed this and<br />

said. he w'as going to get tough in his negotiating stance<br />

with the administration.<br />

Report <strong>of</strong> client comm •• Don't tell Santa I ruined his big<br />

surprise, but Baker House is getting a new lobby for Christmas.<br />

And, like all Christmas gifts, it's not exactly what<br />

we needed.<br />

Baker House Circus- Rich AIDato reviev-Ted the circus for tho'se<br />

that missed it. About 12 participated and the cost was<br />

$83.25 for costumes etc. Motion to pay it passed 4-3-1<br />

Complaint Dept.-Noah objected to the continued existence<br />

<strong>of</strong> refrigerator permits, pointing out that there were lots<br />

<strong>of</strong> other power users in the average dorm room and there<br />

was no reason to single out refrigerators. He also mentioned.<br />

the lack <strong>of</strong> desk lamps and the resulting danger to the eyesight<br />

<strong>of</strong> the dimly lit room resident<br />

The house stereo now works. The T.V.<br />

is dead.<br />

Motion to repair Todd for $60 passed


brings you another exclusive scoop! tt!!t<br />

.,.<br />

,'t.. l\11VIM MEET ING<br />

°.1972, 10~OO P,M, Dining<br />

Hall<br />

1. Appropriate money i"or piano (Finally, the keyboard freaks<br />

<strong>of</strong> Baker get what they:ve 'wanted for the last infinite<br />

years. )<br />

2. Appropriate money for secretary(supplies,repairs)<br />

3. Discuss stereo situation and Randy Woodard<br />

4. BUlletin board.<br />

5. Talk about next house meeting, to wit, X-mas Party, TV<br />

set, and other neat things<br />

Hey, you <strong>of</strong>ficers, this is a really boring agenda and it's<br />

all your fault. It's really hard to inject humor and interest<br />

into drab old sUbjects like the stereo. I want to see some<br />

real snappy topics for next week. Don't let ~our faithful<br />

secretary down •• Eternal vigilance is the cost <strong>of</strong> freedom, you<br />

kno1>'T.<br />


According to the rules <strong>of</strong> the game, I don't have to tell<br />

everybody about these Execcomm meetings, only those who want<br />

to know •• Therefore, as in past years, and. in order to save<br />

paper, I will establish a list <strong>of</strong> those who want Execcomm<br />

agend.as and <strong>minutes</strong>. Everybody will cmntinue to receive House<br />

Meeting agendas and <strong>minutes</strong>(that,too,is in the rules). I will<br />

put up a list on the pole next to the blackboard soon, Watc~<br />

for it and sign your name to 11:;. Exeq.comm notices q,ome in<br />

classy looking Hektograpn and sometimes contain clever drawings<br />

and cute sa~iri~s.' . . .<br />

v c-.<br />




Andy started <strong>of</strong>f the me::~t>,rl()' on 8 cheerful note by reading<br />

<strong>of</strong>f the rules regarding wt3.terfir.I:hts .•<br />

1. Don't douse the spectators. The difference between a participant<br />

and a spectator may be difficult to determine in the<br />

heat <strong>of</strong> battle. Basical1y, if he's carTyine ltm.ter he's a fighter<br />

If he's emptyhanded. he's a spectator. If he's working up a<br />

mouthful <strong>of</strong> saliva or has his pants open, he's a bordercase.<br />

Stay away from verboten areas. For instance, 4th east, 3rd.<br />

Central. And "If I find. any <strong>of</strong> those G-------d hippies with<br />

their marias in 2nd. East, I'll string 'em up! "-Bersack.<br />

3. Never fight on the staircases and stay m'l]'ay from the elevator.<br />

You wouldn't feel too good With multiples fractures across<br />

your body each (X**2+Y olHr 2 )**0.5 (Fortran), (where X=the width<br />

<strong>of</strong> each step and Y=the heighth <strong>of</strong> each step), inches apart.<br />

4.Waterfights must end by 1 a.m. on weekdays and 2 a.m. on<br />

weekends.<br />

Andy also mentioned that nothing, repeat, absolutely nothmng<br />

must ever, ever be thrown out <strong>of</strong> the windows. Even something<br />

as small as a match could potentially be very dangerous<br />

and harmful. However, a special exception to the above rule<br />

covers the thrOWing <strong>of</strong> pianos out the windolA)".<br />

$550 was appropriated for the repair <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the pianos.<br />

Passed 8-0 .<br />

The stereo situation. The stereo will not be loaned out<br />

over the summer to fourth year students and maybe not loaned<br />

out at all. Damage to the stereo would be pa~d for by the student.<br />

If the damage was less than the $25 deposit, the balance<br />

would. be refunded unless obvious gross negligence v'ms involved,<br />

in which case a penalty fee might be levied.<br />

THe next House Meetlling was set for Tuesday,Oct. 17<br />

Todd then bumbled his'way through a request for $25. His<br />

request was qUickly picked to pieces by the rest <strong>of</strong> the Execcomm<br />

and it was pointed out that he didn't even need it!li, much less<br />

deserve it. He retreated in confusion and shame. Poor twerp.<br />

. Pete reported that last term we budgeted $6600 and spent<br />

$3600 ~<br />

$45 was appropriated. for a party on a certain day for a<br />

certain floor. Details later. Sorry fellas.<br />



If ,'}ll F'/S.,;:7;(1 SCT"B'F OF THE REAL PAPER<br />


HEl\DLINES<br />


oerl' • 15 , 1Y72<br />

(in detailed condensation)<br />

The meeting opened at a little after 10 with a sudden flurry<br />

<strong>of</strong> action at the snack bar and. mild skirmishes at the pizza<br />

truck. When the dust cleared, everybody was seated around the table<br />

except the president, whose name we won't mention so he won't be<br />

embarassed. He showed up later, anyhow. Jim Moody was questioned<br />

on any definite plans he had for house parties in the near future.<br />

He admitted that there would indeed be one and it would<br />

definitely be either two weeks or three weeks from last Saturday<br />

or maybe Friday starting sometime in the evening and there would.<br />

probably be girls there. Upon further questioning, he said. that<br />

it would absolutely or possibly not be better than the ones we've<br />

r.tad so far this year. He announced that the final details wo illd.<br />

be worked. out at a meeting <strong>of</strong> Soccomm Tues, at 8,30 P.M.<br />

It 'tATas announced. that in the future, if you nmed money,you<br />

shoUld go through the appropriate member <strong>of</strong> Execcomm. Where else<br />

could you find an example <strong>of</strong> youthful eea~ bureaucracy at its best?<br />

There was discussion <strong>of</strong> what we could do for Cha.~:,:tle Roihl<br />

and Jim French, both deceased, <strong>of</strong> Baker House. It was decided to<br />

consult Pr<strong>of</strong>. Toksoz.<br />

Andy explained what the appropriation for freshman butteries<br />

was all about, It was decided to take the $30 out <strong>of</strong> the Frosh­<br />


(<br />

\<br />


'\ r i8.:ImrX<br />

H<br />

4;) E . l"''!1'!~111'WF.E"rruNG<br />

0-:.• ?4:1Y?2<br />

agenda<br />


All right, you convul:J j ve Kangaroos, p 1.1J in your pouches and<br />

listen to the wise words <strong>of</strong> your marriage counselor, Tod.d. This<br />

is your last issue unless you si~n up pronto on the Social Pole.<br />

Don't let the FBI doubt your security clearance. Prove how feeble<br />

you really are and sign up tonay.<br />

1, Appropriations:<br />

Moody $100 4th floor<br />

Doerre money for E-lab<br />

Moser oh, no, he's going to try it a~ain!<br />

2. Discussion <strong>of</strong> House console<br />

3. T.V. what brand we gonna get? huhfhuh?<br />

4. House strobe<br />

5. New washing machine and dryer<br />

6, Other exciting things••••••<br />

TODD<br />

Listen you guys, I don't know yet whether I'll take this job<br />

next term or not and if I decide not to, I'll need someone to<br />

ta~e over. If you are interested, contact me between 5 and 5:15<br />

A.M. at the Metropolitan Storage Warehouse and if I decide to<br />

retire I'll choose bne <strong>of</strong> you. Here is your big chance to follow<br />

in my footsteps and if you have any sort <strong>of</strong> talent at all, YOU'll<br />

9bliterate them. It should be sort <strong>of</strong> interesting since I don't<br />

know what ;H I'm doing. t just proved it. "<br />

To whom it may concern: One <strong>of</strong> these d.ays I'm p;oing to p;et around.<br />

to cleaning up the bullettin (drat!) boardi and allotinr.; space ••<br />

When that happens, all further notices must be dated ana in the<br />

right place. If not, I'll just tear it d.own. With rare exception,<br />

notices will only stay up two weeks.<br />

Hurry,Hur;ry!! Place your bets in the Quadrenniel How Many<br />

Assholes In Americ~? Pool. Bets can be pI,aced through Nov. 6,and<br />

winner(s) will be determined by the results <strong>of</strong> the national<br />

election. Since we live in a country where the majority is always<br />

right, the assholes are obviously defined as thos who did not<br />

vote for the Winning candidate. (Since th.ere are three candidates<br />

and the election is runby Electoral Colle~eJ the assholes could<br />

conceivably be a majority <strong>of</strong> the voters. Nixon's Silent Majority<br />

that doesn I t vote will not be c·'l'mted. T~ere is no such thing as<br />

a passive Asshole. ) Make the closest gi..e<br />

vote against the next President. 10~ a vote winner take all. There<br />

is no political bias in the pool. Personally, I'm for McGmrern,<br />

but I too shal] be counted among the assholes should he lose. I'll<br />

be in good company.

(<br />


MA BAKER"S PAMPHL'i'J'! Ol.\T dECRE~~, ) 'l'Ul\IING JP l"I1\fE PIDANOS<br />



OCT. 24,1972<br />

First thing <strong>of</strong>f, we appropriated $100 for a 4th west party,<br />

under the careful gUidance <strong>of</strong> our social lea,'j.er, Jim. He breathed<br />

a big sigh <strong>of</strong> relief as we passed it, 9-0. Then it was once<br />

more into the fray as he successfully battled for $$400 for the<br />

House party on Nov. 4, against the determined. opposition <strong>of</strong> noone<br />

in particular. Breakdown <strong>of</strong> the money is:$200 for the band,<br />

$125 for the booze, $50 for the decoratnons, and $25 for trivia like<br />

advertising. He declared himself open for help and suggestions:<br />

"You wanta have something really strange at the party?" "Yeah,<br />

girls!" Passed' 7-0-2 (absentions)<br />

George asked for $87 for stuff that he's already bought, and<br />

$50 for special circuit boards for Bose equalizers. He has a<br />

hunch that there will be a sudden large demand for them soon.<br />

Brief discussion and then passed, $87 9-0 $50 7-2<br />

Todd finally pulled through in a burst <strong>of</strong> glory as he got $120<br />

for secretarial supplies. He also sent Execcomm into convulsions<br />

as he admitted he didn't have the slightest idea how much he<br />

could buy with that amount <strong>of</strong> money.<br />

Jeff Broughton discussed the situation re~ard.ing the console<br />

and its type balls. There was some concern expressed about the<br />

dangers <strong>of</strong> rip<strong>of</strong>f. The final security decisions were left up to<br />

Jeff to d.ecide. At the same time, we appropriated $40 to get new<br />

earphones for the language lab.<br />

Bret reported that he couldn r t seem to find any lIlotorola<br />

i<br />

Quasars on the market even though he looked allover town in<br />

two different sto~es. George reported on the availability <strong>of</strong><br />

Heathkit, then urged us to buy Quasar. After prolonged discussion,<br />

we voted for Heathkit 6-2, and appropriated $600 9-0<br />

We discussed the slow progress being made toward getting gas<br />

dryers for the laundry room. We also discussed t~lking to Doc<br />

Edgerton about getting a strobe. And we discussed, standardizing<br />

rates <strong>of</strong> payment for car use for the house.<br />

It was decided that Baker House would sponsor a speaker clinic<br />

at the Student Center.<br />

We voted against appropriating $20 for football and $22 for<br />

cross country victory parties, 3-6. But we ~oted to subsidize<br />

both <strong>of</strong> them on a dollar for dollar basis up to $15, 6-2<br />

George says: "People should not damage the pinball machines<br />

excessively."<br />

$50 dollars was appropriated for the family <strong>of</strong> JimF'rench.<br />

REMEl\1BER TO COME TO THE BIG PARTY ON NOVEl'::BER 4~H' t ! g ! ! ! ! .<br />


TOLD<br />

I would appy.'eciate it if you guys, when you read this thing and<br />

are done with it, don't throw it in the cans by the desk, but hold<br />

on to it long enough to throw it in the boxes by the elevator.<br />


HOW<br />


THE CONTI.'" .. ".<strong>of</strong> j'.' • . 'j'i'URES vi" l}' i,·..u~ BOB AND HIS WOM1i.N<br />

Last week, as you i"Jll reca.ll, we left our gero factng twentyseven<br />

regiments <strong>of</strong> lU~:,t-erazed py,crmies, all armed witn Sherman tanks<br />

and Blc Bananas to mark the spot where he was smashed. to a mass <strong>of</strong><br />

raspberry jam. His plight was truly hopeless. This week, we find<br />

Jungle Bob cheerfully strollinp' along the trails <strong>of</strong> a dark and mysterious<br />

forest, casually explaiYlin~ to his woman how he had extricated<br />

himself from his plight. Their conversation is too low for us<br />

to hear. SUddenly a cracking branch in the nearby forest brings<br />

everyone <strong>of</strong> his amazing animal senses to the alert with such force<br />

that he falls flat on his face. Without pausing to scream in pain,<br />

he thrusts his tongue into the soil to test its acmdity .':lnd. measure<br />

ground movements on the Richter scale. He quickly flips over on his<br />

back and observes that it is indeed daytime, just a§ he had guessed.<br />

Rising to his knees, he crept around a handy corner and a smile rose<br />

to his lips. What luck2 He had stumbled on~ that bastion <strong>of</strong> the<br />

underworld, the rare and elusive<br />


OCT. 29,1972<br />

~UNUTES<br />

1. We voted to appropriate $50 plus any donations from House members<br />

to donate to a charity in memory <strong>of</strong> Charlie Roihl 9-0<br />

2. Todd reported on his a tt·empts to get the House Hektograph fixed<br />

and somehow it came out sounding very sexual. "Well, I went into<br />

the <strong>of</strong>fice at T.C.A. and told the pretty girl there that my machine<br />

was broken and could she fix it. She asked if my machine<br />

was the sam~ .l'I.~ 'h"", mo ...... ; -~ 1........... ~.. •. .<br />

GiR C 'v/ YO~JA OW!'! -rf)/ f.- f:.T jt/tTS<br />

./j, '<br />

,_ /. 'A I / /' .-', ' .. I f,.. L-<br />

ON ;L- . ,";l~/'." t1rETltl6<br />

'TO-<br />

£;.X t: l-L~/' /1 ;' .. r ""<br />

(<br />

"'"""'"" -r )' ~ / / 7..,'-? ItJ ;.btJ r: l1y<br />

JI- " "j, ~ /<br />

AGEf\JDA<br />

\<br />

S<br />

-rIlA~J+<br />




Now you have the booklet; so what? The administration is laughing<br />

up their sleeves because it's impossible for the average tool to<br />

implement it and they know they can't get in trouble for it. Show<br />

them up! Use the 12 point piece plan and get a woman just like<br />

Jungle Bob's, Get the super decoder ring to decode the instructions<br />

given below. Just send 111 3 box-tops, 5 soda cans, 10 yards <strong>of</strong><br />

coaxial cable, a pair <strong>of</strong> ice skates, and $37 Here are the secret<br />

coded instructions:<br />


NOV. 5,1972 10:00 P.M.<br />

AGENDA<br />

1. Appropriations:<br />

$45 2nd West Party - Finello<br />

$75 3rd East Party<br />

$25,000,000 for wal~way between the 52nd floors <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Prudential and John Hancock buildings.<br />

2. Jeff GQrdon and Exercycle<br />

3. Refrigerator Permits<br />

4. Planning House Meeting<br />

5. Mimeo (why did I write that? It has nothing to do fqith anything)<br />

6. Ditto machine (That's what I meant to say)<br />

I don't know if that booklet on sex is all that accurate or<br />

not. After all they don't even mention the atomic theory <strong>of</strong> sex.<br />

TODD<br />

i typed this line with my tongue. i hope you appreciate that.

Lie,':' _:, _-, ." . .J. J l'HA SB<br />

'fnE i?ODUt\TK PE INTS)( 11'i!5#\ LL WEEKLY<br />

RADIO FREE NIXOF STJF.S ,1" !\T'" ~ BOB 1:;' 0''', ~ iH~" q i! BIG DEAL t ~ I<br />

Dateline Whi;.-': l.:J'h.rt~·- ,q nadia 1:'l',:;C NiK:on informa.lly initiated<br />

legal proceedin?,s in ,T1~.(: ,'O'l L,r nch t S 3rcl JUdicial District Kangaroo<br />

Court. Guest <strong>of</strong> hohnr a.t r;he upcoming neckti.3 pr>rty will be your<br />

hero and mine, Jungle Bob. A s the hastily asseml·led jury enthusiastioally<br />

knotted nooses and loaded shotguns, the Prosecutintr Attorney,<br />

Snidely Whiplash, explained. the cha.rges amid. premature cries<br />

<strong>of</strong> "Guilty! Le's string'im up~" Jungle Bob stands a.ccused <strong>of</strong> misrepresenting<br />

himself as a lifeform and claiming status as such, revealing~<br />

the 1dentity <strong>of</strong> his woman as a 358 pound ho~ named Matilda,<br />

leading a group <strong>of</strong> 5 little old ladies directly into the path <strong>of</strong> a<br />

fleet <strong>of</strong> Mac trucks passing down 5th Ave., and for vicious Iittering.<br />

The rest <strong>of</strong> the charges are summarized as follOl-'ls:<br />


NOV. 5,1972<br />

AnnouncementslThe piano will be fixed starting in about three weeks.<br />

done in Jan. Also in Jan., we will get new gas dryers for the laundry<br />

room.<br />

$50 for 2nd West passed 9....0"Isn't that the same night as 4th West?<br />

No, it's the next night"<br />

$75 for 3rd East dropped (we already d,ld it)"Isn't that the same night<br />

as 2nd West? No; it's the same night as 4th West, dummy."<br />

$25,000,000 for bridge dropped "Isn't that being built the same<br />

night as ••• "<br />

Jeff talked to us about buying his Exercyo1e failed 0-lG<br />

We discussed things to go on House agenda. To Wit:<br />

Jim wants more money budgeted for social $300<br />

Mike wants more money bUdgeted. for hockey $100 There willI also "be<br />

a question <strong>of</strong> eligibility.<br />

Refrigerator permits.<br />

Victory parties.<br />

r.10ving right along, Jim wants to have an election night "party. We<br />

discussed what to serve, who to invite, and how to fUl\~. it.<br />

"Let's invite McCormick and. fund it out <strong>of</strong> Institute 'Relations. I"<br />

"Right. We don t t call it the Cunt Committee or anY~hing, we call it<br />

Institute Re1ations"(Sorry, I just print what t~~y say.)"NLet's<br />

serve beer and pretzels and invite McCormick." "No, let's serve<br />

cold urine and invite MacGregor over• "$40 f~'r pa.rty passed 9-0<br />

Appropriated $30 for Mike ;PB,ying. for forfetts 9-0<br />

It Was decided to let Todd have the mimea overhauled.<br />

$100 for firewood passed 8-1<br />

Jim asked if we should pay $150 as a deposit on our Christmas band<br />

No.<br />

Get money back 9-0-1<br />

There will be a House meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 15, 9:30 P.M.<br />

$25 for donuts for the ~ar~Y 9-1<br />

house meeting<br />

Jim says thanks to eyerybod;y Who r,roTked so hard for the highly<br />

succes-sful party last Satv.rday. And to everybody Who worked so hard<br />

~ the party and didn't get anywhere, better luck next time.<br />

TODD<br />

Tune in next week as we hea,r Jungle Bob say: "Well, gee whiz, fellows,<br />

this is lots <strong>of</strong> fun, but I think I'd like to p;o home now."





(Compared to what I usually "'TrIte)<br />



NOV. ~2,1972<br />

Meeting ,startedat 10.0.5 Therewas'€:tp e:kPl$.nation, by M$ke '<strong>of</strong> why we<br />

got :3 fo'rfelt$ involleyballoNobodY's fa'Ult , really.<br />

Appropriations: Todd. asked for. .$..3.... °.96... old supplies bill<br />

$21.80 mimeograph rep.].1:r,:;;<br />

passed 9...0<br />

There was a d.1.~c'Usf31oX1 <strong>of</strong>outslders using the Dining Hall and<br />

Master SuIte LQ:unge. Whether O:t'r:i9t to charge for it or not. ;rtwc@;§<br />

agre,ed that 1.t S1'lo'Uld n9t.<br />

TheSUhj:ee:t l~dQpe.'l'he.$+t'UatIqn%$ that .$~5 :<strong>of</strong> EO:1.l~~m.Qne:Y:'was<br />

badlyac90uttted fQr ttrpmtheoth floo!' ~~t:y+lj.Oct.f.and.ltwas<br />

le~rned ~~tert~t.tp;~ money lf~sspentonJDS.rij'U,a,na.At the last<br />

rneetln.~.1.'t.wa$V9te~tQ~V~ th~peoplere$pon$1'b.le~,y th~D,\o:tley pack<br />

tothe,p~~~e.Fe";P:l.ecat·1i thl~ tireet,1,ng¢o~p+a1n~qthat tbesu'P3,eo'tt ~~ .1ip,t<br />

·b'~~n.(jp,·t!ne ~$~~~~ain.a1 t~h~uldno t hav~b~~n sl1(}~ab~g,~~QI'et,.~n~<br />

t~t. .···".~·... w$:$:tl;tt~es.l;J.¥ .~n. ~h"s ~genda verf well e~t.h~r~ .~n&y a$l(eeg;~<br />

The iS~.~e,at thl~ $eet~ng waswn~tlte;t' the people s;hould~t~Okt'h~<br />

,;~~:~ya::o=tb:~-t~." ~'e 1='~~~eh::~;O~e.':;~i:: .. ::tW~~'=::n~~~,~::~pf~a~9<br />

~eep the issue <strong>of</strong> pol{fy out <strong>of</strong> the ~nsuln~ d1sou:~sl¢.:tl.qlm 's:ald;t~t<br />

he had told people Involved. not to spend money ontG;ope: p~~~:r;.e~l1d,bu;t<br />

this was denied. Impasse.<br />

Some <strong>of</strong> the basic 1deas that went around were sort <strong>of</strong> like the tol.<br />

low1ng~ It was felt by somee that this was a very dishonest' thlfi~' t~1Jt . the ,C)ut$1d.l5l worr+(hw~'~w~·;r£: .••~·.l;1~·.'.·Q~n~e$ .~f<br />

the .GaIilP~s mfjr¢l;~vt:n.~ ebelr l:l





Where that green stuff comes from<br />

Why you always have diarhe8 plus list <strong>of</strong> every bathroom in the Tute<br />

Techniques <strong>of</strong> regurgitation<br />

An alternative lifestyle: Not eatln~<br />

The Blessed Infirmary<br />

If anybody wants to put something on the agend.a for an Execcomm<br />

meeting, tell the Execcomm <strong>of</strong>ficer most closely in authority, then<br />

tell me. I must know by Thursday evening <strong>of</strong> each week.<br />

Please preteng that I wrote RECYCLE THIS TRASH at the top <strong>of</strong> the page<br />

As you know, in our last regular issue, Jungle Bob was in a<br />

mighty tough situation. Before going on, I want to know whether he<br />

should die or escape. I think he's a real cretin but whether on<br />

not he has any redeeming social value is up to you to decide. I want<br />

to hear some opinions on this. If everybody hates him, I'll certainly<br />

rescue him, but if you're ind.!bfferent, things d.on't look too<br />

good for him.<br />


NOV. 19, 1972 10rOO P.M.<br />

AGENDA<br />

1. Letter from Mr. Roihl<br />

2. First East would like some money for a party.<br />

3. Appropriations for the Talbot House trlp- Carol<br />

$25 for snacks<br />

$150 deposit on the house(If we stole it, would we have to pay<br />

any more on the deposit? Imagine Talbot House on the<br />

median <strong>of</strong> Memorial Drive)<br />

$25 snowshoes just think how much more progressive than all<br />

the other dorms we'd be if we had a pair <strong>of</strong><br />

4. Hockey<br />

and try<br />

5. General<br />

House snowshoes. It's the wave <strong>of</strong> the future.<br />

We need to discuss tfuis perennial favorite once again<br />

to reach some fairly final policy on funding,etc.<br />

things<br />

TODD<br />



JUNGLE BOB ESCA PES! ! ! !<br />

Due to an overJl1"l81rriincr la(~k <strong>of</strong> r8sponse (with the exception <strong>of</strong><br />

Rich Amato) from the resir'lents, lnc1icatinQ' total indefference to the<br />

plight <strong>of</strong> Jungle Bob, I heve 0.e01r'l eel. to take revenge for yeli him by<br />

letting him escape and thus promising further borin~ adventures in<br />

the future. But, before continuin~ our story, let us hear from an<br />

even more boring source, our sponsor:<br />


NOV. 19, 1972<br />

Heeting began at 10:12. Todd. read a letter from Charlie Roihl's<br />

father, thanking us for our letter expressing sympathy on the passinl<br />

<strong>of</strong> his son. A box will soon be set up at the desk to receive<br />

donations for the Charles Roihl Memorial Fund. Please contribute.<br />

Mike presented appropriations for the malbot House trip. The<br />

question <strong>of</strong> renting snowshoes occasioned some discussion. It seemed<br />

like a big expense for a few people. It was also pointed out that at<br />

present there was only 6 inches <strong>of</strong> snow up there. Mike pointed out<br />

that it tended to collect in big drifts. Someone suggested going<br />

around the drifts and saving money. It was decided that it might snow<br />

some more by Thursday, but we would cut down the number to 6 pairs.<br />

$25 snacks 9-0<br />

$90 deposit 6-2-1<br />

$15 rental 8-1<br />

On the question <strong>of</strong> hockey the problem was that Mike had told the<br />

house meeting that he would.n' t spend more than $50 on the A team.<br />

Now they say they need more. $50 would only get them 14 sticks and<br />

they can't make it on that. There is also the problem that most <strong>of</strong><br />

the team have already graduated from Baker, so do thay deserve it?<br />

It was d.ecided that we COUldn't make a decision because it was a<br />

policy that was up to the house to decide. Until then, A<br />

have up to 14 sticks.<br />

We appropriated $31.61 for television wire. 9-0<br />

" " $85 for First East party 9-0<br />

team can<br />

George Doerre <strong>of</strong>ficially submitted his resignation as Judcomm<br />

chairman~ He will act in the capacity until Judcomm can choose a<br />

temporary replacement who in turn will be replaced by vote <strong>of</strong> the<br />

House.<br />

Announcements. Jim Moody says remember the Christmas Party on<br />

Dec. 9. Get your fix-ups from Fred and Laurie,Rm. 508. Bret says<br />

he has 50 yards <strong>of</strong> coaxial cable to sell for the house. App. $6.Rm. 238<br />

TODD<br />

"Hey, you guys like card tricks?" Jungle Bob said nervously, as he<br />

produced-'1a deck <strong>of</strong> cards and dropped them on the p-.;round. He leaned<br />

over to pick them up but was brought up short by the noose around<br />

his neck.' flUh, have you heard the joke about the traveling salesman<br />

and the three squirrels in Alaska? ••Bird calls, anyone?" One <strong>of</strong><br />

the men standing nearest said "Why don't you give up?" "Give up,<br />

I don't know the meaning <strong>of</strong> the word." "It's two words." "See? I<br />

told you." SUddenly, inspiration strikes. "Hey, look guys, here's<br />

a picture <strong>of</strong> my woman." While everybody lITaS busy looking at the picture<br />

he slipped the noose <strong>of</strong>f his head and trotted <strong>of</strong>f. Once inside the<br />

nearby woods, he felt much releived. Here he was undisputed king,respected<br />

and feared by all. Proudly he refused to look down to see<br />

Who was gnawing on his legs.<br />




Arthur watched her out <strong>of</strong> the corner <strong>of</strong> his eye. Oh, how did he<br />

ever get into this mess! Fe had never expected Mary to say yes when<br />

he asked her to go out anyhow. Now he didn't know what to ddt He<br />

hated it when his hands and pits got all sweaty and his mouth was so<br />

dry~ Gosh, she was pretty! And. she had such beautiful - what to<br />

call them? Certainly not what those guys at school called them. That<br />

was so gross and degrading. It sounded like what animals had. A woman<br />

would never have breasts1!! But just the same; the word had a<br />

strange sort <strong>of</strong> appeal to it.<br />

Like a voice in the back <strong>of</strong> his head, Arthur could hear the guys<br />

at school prompting him, "SCREW THE HELL OUT OF HER!l No, shut up,<br />

Eddie. First, you got to warm up, like put your arm around. her. THE<br />

HELL WITH WARMING ATP, SCREW HER! " Arthur wondered what Crazy Edd.ie<br />

meant by that. Oh, well, at least he could. try the arm bit. He began<br />

to scatch his neck, then his ear, then his head. Then he began<br />

to pull stray lint <strong>of</strong>f the ceilin~ <strong>of</strong> his car. Then he sud.denly<br />

found. fault wnth the overhead liR'ht and adjusted that. Finally, like<br />

a great hawk come to snatch its prey, Arthur's arm came to rest on ~<br />

the back <strong>of</strong> the seatm, not more than 12 inches from the back <strong>of</strong><br />

Mary's neck. Immediately, she spoke up. "Could we leave now. The<br />

movie's been over for ten <strong>minutes</strong>."<br />

ten EXECCOMM MEETING MINUTES, to be exact<br />

NOV. 26,1972<br />

First <strong>of</strong>f, we appropriated. $100 for a floor party. Then it was<br />

Jim's turn as he asked for appropriations for the Christmas party.<br />

In return for the money, Jim pledged "If it's not a good party,<br />

you can hang my b---s frpm the Green BuiUiing. fI We appropriated:<br />

$280 band<br />

120 trees<br />

passed 6-0<br />

250 booze<br />

200 decorations<br />

For some reason, someone pointed out that Jim 1s autonomous. Wow,<br />

how a bout that!<br />

Noah asked for reimbursemmnt for building the case for the TV.<br />

Equal credit goes to Jarvis. $24.28 6-0<br />

Also he wanted $30 for c<strong>of</strong>fee for IAP $30.00 6-0<br />

There will be a house meeting on Dec. 13 at 8:00 P.M.<br />

Fixup forms are due in by Friday midnight<br />

Everybody must come to the Christmas party. T~at's<br />

TTOBDD<br />

orders from Jim.<br />

J Obltuary- Jungle Bob. habitual sodomist and confirmed cretin,<br />

died today at the Lower Nircoga Veterinarian's Hospital. He was<br />

five and one-half weeks old. Cause <strong>of</strong> death was uncertain but appears<br />

to be from a combination af fungus and senility.<br />

"Arthur," said Mary, "I've said it before, but this time, to you,<br />

I really mean it. Would you rape me?" "Huh?" said. Arthur.



Now the story (;an te fin:'Ily ;,ole.! How the world's most famous<br />

Peepdmg Tom developed hi s s :{D 1s from the most humble beginnings<br />

imaginable t as a freshman 111 lioc'" 646 I peering into the windows <strong>of</strong><br />

McCormick Hall. Of courser it wasn't as bad as all that, because in<br />

those days, the building was new, and many <strong>of</strong> the rooms were empty.<br />

Yet those early experiences taught him the casual acceptance <strong>of</strong> extreme<br />

hardships for which he is so widely admired today. His rapid<br />

ascension to the pinnacle <strong>of</strong> his pr<strong>of</strong>ession is a matter <strong>of</strong> history,<br />

and he will never be forgotten as the developer <strong>of</strong> such advanced<br />

techniques as the Jump-Up-and-Down-and-Run-Around-To-the-Other­<br />

Side ploy, or inventions like the Multi-combinational binocularscamera-telephone-Convertible<br />

electric roller skates.<br />

I found my subject in training for a tough assignment coming<br />

up in the near future. He was sitting on a stepladder outside the<br />

White House gates with a pair <strong>of</strong> field-glasses, peering intently<br />

at - (Please turn to page 61)<br />


DEC. 3,1972 10:00 P.M.<br />

AGENDA<br />

1. Proposition: Should the Snack Bar sell rUbbers? No, this<br />

isn't one <strong>of</strong> my Facetious suggestions, it's for real<br />

2.Appropriate money for the Darkroom<br />

3.Possible appropriation for new typeball for terminal<br />

S. Suggestion House appropriate money for a House micr<strong>of</strong>iche reader.<br />

The Coop sells them for app. $90. Several courses are<br />

giving out notes in -fiche, the eng. library gives out free<br />

copies <strong>of</strong> anything they already have in -fiche, and Graphic<br />

Arts does them for a small fee. The preceding was a nonpaid<br />

political announcement sponsored by The Friends <strong>of</strong> -Fiche,<br />

Jean Ward, chairman<br />

5. I'm sure there was something else someone told me, but I can't<br />

remember what it was.<br />

TODD<br />

I've been forgetting to put RECYCLE THIS TRASH down lately, so<br />



For a free copy <strong>of</strong> the Man in the Hamburger Meister Mask's smash<br />

bestselling book, A Compendium <strong>of</strong> One Line Obscene Telephone Calls,<br />

send $9.37 (for postage and Hand.ling ) to General Delivery, Fort<br />

Deliverance,Iceland o The General's orderly will forward. it to us<br />

for processln~<br />



---_.. -<br />

AR'j Ii'ill li.Bh e'l'S! 1<br />

Sweat broke out on Jlcbhur'-n forehead in such pr<strong>of</strong>usion that<br />

he was momentarily bllnd E~d. by j.;" runnln,q; into his eyes, In his<br />

confusion, he stepped b~cblards <strong>of</strong>f Mary's porch and fell into the<br />

rose bushes. He opened his mouth to scream, but he couldn~t think<br />

<strong>of</strong> how to best express his agony, so he moaned under his breath<br />

instead. Mary leaned over him anxiously. "Oh; Arthur, let me help<br />

you out <strong>of</strong> there." Arthur paniced. If she came that close to him,<br />

actually touched him, he might not retain control over his wild,<br />

animal impuls~sl He might faint, or get nauseous reactions all<br />

night long, like the time he went through Jordan Marsh's lingerie<br />

department. "No, uh, I mean, er, th-th-that 1 s perfectly all rl~ht.<br />

If, if you don't, uh, mind, I'll just lie here until, um, until I<br />

g-get my breath back. You just go on into th-the house~ Thank you<br />

for the nice time." "But Arthur, II said Mary, "how willl\p.:et home?<br />

I drive tonight." "Oh, I usually go jOP-"9::ing you<br />

about this time <strong>of</strong> night~ I'll be o.k. II After ~1ary went 1nside,<br />

Arthur considered his situation. It woulo.n't be so bad, he decided,<br />

if it wasn't that he was allergic to roses~<br />


DEC.:3,1972<br />

Jim Thompson proposed that the snack bar be allowed to sell<br />

prophylactics, or 'them rUbber baby bumpers' as the in crowd. refers<br />

to them ft "I could sell them from my room like cases <strong>of</strong> coke."<br />

After everybody got his chance to make lend comments, it was moved<br />

to let him spend money on it from the snack bar misc. fund, not exceeding<br />

$20. Passed 6-1-1<br />

Jim Moody reported that over three cases <strong>of</strong> coke we:re ripped<br />

<strong>of</strong>f at the 3rd floor party, This is definitely a crummy thing to<br />

do.. If you have any informa.tion to divulge, see Mooay, Rm. 4L~7<br />

Andy, With an amazing sense <strong>of</strong> proper timing, chose now to<br />

speak out in favor <strong>of</strong> Jungle Bob. I may continue his adventures<br />

in the Rlverworldc.The spirit <strong>of</strong> Bungle Job goes on,<br />

Jim Yang asked for $30 for a tank and chemicals for the darkroom.<br />

OJ - 0<br />

Jeff Broughton talked about the state <strong>of</strong> the damaged APL typeball<br />

and was asked to look into the necessity and and possible<br />

freebie.<br />

We talked about getting a -fiche reader for the house. Jean<br />

Ward was appointed to look into possible freebie and likelihood<br />

<strong>of</strong> expanding demand for one,<br />

We appropriated money for two basketballs alresdy bought $40 ~o<br />

House meeting was changed to Dec.14 at 10:00 P:M.<br />

Andy asked for money for Christmas gi~ts. After discussion on<br />

who to give them to, we gave him $100 OJ- 0<br />

Pete asked for $75 for 5th East CD - 0<br />

Marty David<strong>of</strong>f from MacGregor asked if we wanted a Foosball<br />

game installed. No risk, and we get paid for it. We decided to have<br />

it put by the time clock in the basement~<br />

Todd appropriated $20 for a new lock on the Housecomm <strong>of</strong>fice.<br />

Passed 7-0<br />

Announcementii If you want to run for Judcomm Chairman, you must<br />

be screened by Execcomm. This screening will take place at the<br />

next meeting, Dec e 10, at 10:00 P.M. in the Dining Hall. You<br />

must show up.<br />


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