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659 Questions & Answers [563]<br />

up. Yet, nobody ever mentions the influence of the Israeli lobby on the<br />

American media. You can't look at the JFK assassination without seriously<br />

examining the role of the media in the cover-up. It's paramount—and it<br />

does point to the Israeli connection, whether people want to admit it or not.<br />

Why can't all of the JFK assassination researchers team up and<br />

work together to find the solution to the mystery? Wouldn't that be<br />

more productive than working at cross-purposes?<br />

First of all, frankly, I believe that I have found the solution—and, as<br />

I've said, it incorporates all of the major thinking about what really<br />

happened in Dallas. I have brought in the un-mentioned Israeli Connection,<br />

but that is indeed what ties all of the other theories together.<br />

However, the fact is that because there are so many people with so<br />

many pet areas of interest and expertise they inevitably end up in conflict<br />

with one another. This is one reason why I have never directly involved<br />

myself in the ranks of the JFK assassination researchers who are continually<br />

having conferences and meetings. Essentially, I would have to say, the<br />

mystery has been solved as far as it is ever going to be solved.<br />

It's ironic but there are several JFK assassination study groups and they<br />

essentially operate, in one form or another, as "rivals" to one another,<br />

feuding and bickering with each other.<br />

Another factor is that there are many people who do have particular<br />

areas of expertise: whether it be ballistics, or pathology or photography. I<br />

claim expertise in none of these areas. I do have a wide-ranging background<br />

in a number of areas but I would not tout myself as an expert in any of that<br />

subject matter. I have a good working knowledge of not only the history of<br />

the CIA and the Israeli Mossad, but also the history of Organized Crime. I<br />

am familiar with U.S. Middle East policy and of the foreign policy conflicts of<br />

the JFK administration. And in the course of writing <strong>Final</strong> <strong>Judgment</strong> I<br />

availed myself of the available published research on the French conflict<br />

over Algeria which, as I've noted, ultimately played a critical role in the<br />

evolution of the JFK assassination conspiracy.<br />

Frankly, I would say that it's a sure bet that you will not find even<br />

another writer in the arena of the JFK assassination who has studied all of<br />

these areas as I have. That is precisely why I was able to pull <strong>Final</strong><br />

<strong>Judgment</strong> together in the fashion that I did.<br />

After all, honestly, how many JFK assassination researchers really have<br />

any knowledge of the history of JFK's relations with Israel? They have<br />

focused, instead, on Vietnam and on the Cuban conflict and, as a<br />

consequence, missed the big picture. I'm not criticizing them. I'm just<br />

stating a fact. I am personally willing to work with other JFK assassination<br />

researchers to the extent that I'm able but, as I've pointed out earlier, many<br />

of these "experts" have refused to acknowledge my work (for reasons which I<br />

suspect are obvious).<br />

I don't discount anything when it comes right down to it and I have<br />

always said that it's entirely possible—and I'm not being facetious—that if

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