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[284] <strong>Final</strong> <strong>Judgment</strong> 345<br />

Who is Arnon Milchan? Why is his name relevant in our examination<br />

of the facts about Israel's role in the JFK assassination conspiracy and the<br />

manner in which Oliver Stone has suppressed that critical factor?<br />

According to liberal journalist Alexander Cockburn, writing in The<br />

Nation on May 18, 1992, Milchan, the executive producer of JFK, "was<br />

identified in one 1989 Israeli report as 'probably [Israel's] largest arms<br />

dealer.' A company he owned was once caught smuggling nuclear weapons<br />

fuses to Iraq. As part of a joint Israeli-South African government operation—<br />

`Muldergate'—he acted as launderer to money scheduled to quell liberal<br />

publications opposing apartheid." 762<br />

Israeli historian Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, who has studied Israel's<br />

global arms trading, does describe Milchan as a "Mossad man." 763 However,<br />

in light of JFK's behind-the-scenes battle with Israel over the issue of<br />

Israel's nuclear development, what is perhaps even more intriguing is that,<br />

according to James Riordan, Oliver Stone's biographer: "Milchan has been<br />

in the international headlines for making deals to benefit Israel's nuclear<br />

arms program, but he claims defense of his homeland, not profit, has been<br />

his motive." 764<br />

But that's not all. It also turns out, according to Riordan, that Milchan<br />

made available what Riordan described as "French money" 765 for the<br />

production of Stone's film.<br />

Thus, we have a Mossad figure in the center of Israel's nuclear<br />

development program providing the financing—along with his French<br />

partners—of a film that not only 1) suppresses the so-called "French<br />

connection" (described even by one of the film's consultants, the<br />

aforementioned Ron Lewis) but which 2) never once hints at JFK's bitter<br />

conflict with Israel, in particular the struggle over Israel's drive to assemble a<br />

nuclear arsenal.<br />


With all of this in mind, is it really a stretch of the imagination to<br />

suggest then that Oliver Stone's "interpretation" of the JFK assassination<br />

conspiracy was, in fact, a highly sophisticated form of black propaganda<br />

financed by Mossad money? Was the massive media hype given to Stone's<br />

film some form of "limited hangout" on behalf of Israel and its allies in the<br />

CIA? Was the widespread promotion of Stone's film a way of finally<br />

attempting to put an end to the controversy and give the public what it<br />

wanted: some form of explanation as to "what really happened" in Dallas?<br />

This, of course, we will never know.<br />

It is probably worth noting, additionally, that since <strong>Final</strong> <strong>Judgment</strong> was<br />

first published I have been told—but have never been able to confirm—that<br />

Oliver Stone has been a generous contributor to the America-Israel Public<br />

Affairs Committee, the lobby for Israel. If true, then this is simply another<br />

interesting detail which helps further explain why Stone might choose to<br />

ignore all of the evidence which does demonstrate a definitive Israeli<br />

connection to the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

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