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338 They Dare Not Speak Out [277]<br />

Interestingly enough, it was yet another dedicated pro-Israel polemicist,<br />

Max Lerner, writing in The Washington Times, who also came to the<br />

defense of the Hoffa-Mafia cover story. According to Lerner, "The Mafia<br />

has always figured among the major possible scenarios for the killing, along<br />

with the KGB and Cuba's Fidel Castro. But not until the Ragano account<br />

had the pieces of the puzzle begun to fall together. Marcello headed the<br />

Mafia operation in New Orleans, Trafficante in Tampa and Cuba. They had<br />

time to work out their plan. They had an army of skilled killers to draw<br />

on. "748<br />

Lerner, of course, was playing fast and loose with the facts. He ignored<br />

the central part Meyer Lansky played in manipulating the activities of both<br />

Marcello and Trafficante.<br />


That The Washington Times would have an interest in promoting the<br />

Hoffa-Mafia story is no surprise. After all, the Times itself has close links<br />

to the intelligence community and is a strident editorial supporter of Israel.<br />

The Washington Times is funded by the bizarre global conglomerate of<br />

Korean cult figure Sun Myung Moon.<br />

Moon himself has been repeatedly linked to the Korean CIA which is,<br />

of course, intimately tied with its American counterpart. Additionally,<br />

Moon has forged a close working alliance with Israel and its American<br />

lobby and has pushed a pro-Israel agenda on the so-called "conservative<br />

movement" in the United States.<br />

Moon's editor at The Washington Times at that time was Arnaud<br />

deBorchgrave, a former top correspondent for the CIA-linked Newsweek<br />

(owned by the Washington Post Company) and a reputed "former"<br />

intelligence operative. What's more, deBorchgrave himself is closely<br />

connected by marriage to the Rothschild family. The Rothschilds, as we<br />

have seen, have been longtime financial backers of the state of Israel.<br />


The response to JFK conspiracy allegations from another "conservative"<br />

source is equally interesting. The organization, quaintly named Accuracy in<br />

Media, a self-styled conservative "media watchdog," took great umbrage<br />

with suggestions that there might have been a conspiracy behind the<br />

president's assassination.<br />

At the time Mark Lane's Plausible Denial and Oliver Stone's JFK were<br />

released, AIM chairman Reed Irvine, seemingly inexplicably, signed on with<br />

the rest of the media in denouncing the conspiracy theories presented in the<br />

book and the motion picture.<br />

Writing in the pages of the conservative weekly, Human Events, media<br />

critic Irvine paid tribute to the Establishment media for its attack on the<br />

theories. According to Irvine, "The mainstream media, to their credit, have

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