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322 They Dare Not Speak Out [261]<br />


The real key to understanding the media's part in the JFK assassination<br />

cover-up is to recognize the incredible influence of the Israeli lobby in the<br />

United States on the American media. It is a subject that deserves far more<br />

consideration than we can provide in these pages.<br />

However, there are four volumes in particular which give the reader an<br />

in-depth look at the way Israel and its lobby in this country have had such a<br />

powerful impact on the way news relating to Israel is reported. Each volume<br />

deserves careful study:<br />

Split Vision: The Portrayal of Arabs in the American Media, edited<br />

by Edmund Ghareeb, published in 1983 by the American-Arab Affairs<br />

Council;<br />

They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel's<br />

Lobby by former Congressman Paul Findley, published in 1985 by<br />

Lawrence Hill & Company.<br />

A Changing Image: American Perceptions of the Arab-Israeli Dispute<br />

by former diplomat Richard H. Curtiss, published in 1986 by the American<br />

Educational Trust;<br />

Conspiracy Against Freedom, issued in 1986 by Liberty Lobby, the<br />

Washington-based populist institution which publishes The Spotlight, the<br />

newspaper that sparked the lawsuit by E. Howard Hunt (described in Chapter<br />

16) which resulted in a jury's finding that the CIA had been complicit in the<br />

JFK assassination conspiracy.<br />

This volume is of particular interest in that it displays documents from<br />

ADL files which prove the role of the pro-Israel Anti-Defamation League<br />

(ADL) of B'nai B'rith in seeking to silence critics of Israel through wideranging<br />

techniques including threats, economic boycott and other unsavory<br />

and illegal measures contrary to American tradition.<br />

It is the activity of the ADL, in particular, which seems to have had a<br />

recurring role in the JFK assassination conspiracy cover-up by the media.<br />


Intelligence historian Richard Deacon, writing in his history of Israel's<br />

Mossad, has commented on the pervasive role of the Israeli lobby and the<br />

manner in which it has exercised its influence:<br />

"For years the tentacles of the Israeli Secret Service had reached out into<br />

all walks of American life, not in any sinister way, as was sometimes<br />

alleged by her enemies, but in a quietly persistent manner which embraced<br />

making friends and influencing people, establishing opinion lobbies and<br />

gathering intelligence.<br />

Deacon continued: "This influence extended into the U.S. [House] and the<br />

Senate, the Pentagon, the defense and electronic industries, the research<br />

laboratories and such Jewish-oriented organizations as the Anti-Defamation<br />

League, the Jewish Defense Committee, Bonds for Israel and the Federation<br />

of Jewish Philanthropies.

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