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320 They Dare Not Speak Out [259]<br />

barrage. This is all the more remarkable in that it was the very newspapers<br />

of New Orleans who were Garrison's fiercest at-home critics.<br />

Garrison clearly was on the right track. He was looking in the right<br />

places. It was Garrison who linked Clay Shaw to the JFK assassination<br />

conspiracy and it was Shaw who sat on the board of Permindex, the<br />

shadowy Israeli Mossad-linked entity that played so central a role in the<br />

murder of the American president. How much Shaw knew about the<br />

impending murder of the president will never be known, but there is no<br />

question that Shaw was tied to the core of the conspiracy.<br />


No wonder then that the full force of the federal government came down<br />

on Garrison's head. He was hit with a wholly-concocted indictment on<br />

bribery charges but subsequently—and rightly—was acquitted. The key<br />

witness against him, a former friend named Pershing Gervais, admitted in a<br />

press interview (with journalist Rosemary James, herself a Garrison critic)<br />

that the charges against Garrison were a Justice Department concoction.<br />

Gervais said, "They wanted to silence Jim Garrison. That was their primary<br />

objective . . ." It was, according to Gervais, "a total, complete political<br />

frame-up, absolutely." He said "the entire thing" was a whole lie. 706<br />

Despite the vindication, the Internal Revenue Service jumped into the<br />

picture and brought a tax evasion indictment against Garrison for not paying<br />

taxes on the alleged bribes that he had been acquitted of having accepted.<br />

This, of course, seems incredible, but it is absolutely true. Garrison beat<br />

that charge, but his Establishment critics continue to allege (in a last<br />

desperate effort to pummel Garrison) that the jurors in that case—as in the<br />

previous case—may have been bribed to bring in a not guilty verdict.<br />


What's more, thanks to the media, the image of John F. Kennedy<br />

likewise has been repeatedly savaged in the years following the<br />

assassination. It virtually became a form of ritual defamation.<br />

Kennedy's reputed sex life became the subject matter not of just the<br />

tabloids, but of the Establishment press itself. Kennedy, we were told, was<br />

not all that he was cracked up to be. His affair with Marilyn Monroe became<br />

the subject of conversation at every dinner table. (The strange role of Meyer<br />

Lansky's man in Hollywood, Mickey Cohen, in the Kennedy-Monroe<br />

liaison—which we examined in Chapter 13—however, was not a staple of<br />

the continuing coverage.)<br />

The antics of John Kennedy's brother Edward did little to help things.<br />

The media eagerly pounced on the Massachusetts senator's every mistake<br />

and—as the 30th anniversary of the JFK assassination approached in 1993—<br />

began hyping several malicious books attacking Ted Kennedy with what many<br />

people might accurately assume was the purpose of preventing the youngest<br />

Kennedy brother from ever reaching the White House.

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