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278 Double Cross In Dallas? [217]<br />

Marchetti's article is very interesting in many respects. First of all, as<br />

noted previously, Hunt himself initially admitted that he believed that the<br />

story had a basis in truth—that it was plausible, that indeed his former<br />

colleagues in the CIA did consider framing him for involvement in the JFK<br />

assassination.<br />

The origin of the memorandum linking Hunt to the JFK assassination<br />

is interesting as it is presented by Marchetti. He describes it as a<br />

memorandum that “the agency just happened to stumble across in its old<br />

files." In other words, one might presume from Marchetti's flippant<br />

reference, the CIA had, instead, perhaps concocted the memo. That the<br />

agency "just happened to stumble across" the memo at a time when public<br />

suspicion of CIA involvement in the JFK assassination was growing is, of<br />

course, interesting, to say the least.<br />

If Hunt were indeed in Dallas either on the day JFK was killed—or even<br />

the day prior—it would look suspicious. Hunt's long-standing involvement<br />

with anti-Castro Cubans through the aegis of his CIA activities—would<br />

make Hunt a likely suspect were he, in fact, proved to have been in Dallas<br />

at the critical time.<br />

As Marchetti points out, linking Hunt to the JFK assassination would<br />

be a cover story that the public would easily accept. The CIA, as an<br />

institution, would absolve itself of any responsibility, having thrown Hunt<br />

to the wolves as an independent operator out of the CIA's control. Indeed,<br />

the CIA could then lay claim to having "solved" the JFK assassination at<br />

last. Hunt's alleged involvement would also draw in a number of other false<br />

flags—not only the anti-Castro Cubans, but also "right wingers" in general.<br />

What's more, considering Hunt's involvement in Watergate (and with<br />

Richard Nixon having left the presidency in shame), Nixon himself may<br />

have taken some of the heat with many of the public suspecting the very<br />

worst—that perhaps Nixon might have had a hand in arranging the JFK<br />

assassination.<br />

Not only had Nixon been involved in the earliest high-level anti-Castro<br />

planning, alongside Hunt and the CIA, but Nixon himself had been<br />

vanquished in the 1960 presidential campaign by Kennedy. That one of<br />

Nixon's Watergate burglars was being implicated in the JFK assassination<br />

would do no service to Nixon's already tarnished image.<br />

Marchetti also pointed out that "The fact that some [of Hunt's to-bealleged<br />

co-conspirators] may have had connections with organized crime will<br />

prove to be only incidental in the long run."<br />

This "limited hangout" by the CIA would have, as a consequence,<br />

covered up the role of the Israeli-linked Meyer Lansky Organized Crime<br />

Syndicate. To delve too deeply into the real origins and linkage of the crime<br />

network would have dragged the Israeli connection into the open—if pursued<br />

to its logical conclusion.<br />

Now, obviously, the scenario presented in Marchetti's article—the<br />

framing of Hunt by the CIA—never, in fact, took place. That it had a basis<br />

in truth—that Hunt was being pondered as a "fall guy"—however, seems<br />


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