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142 Israel’s Godfather [81]<br />

Obviously, the Appalachian raid was a critical event in Lansky's<br />

continuing rise to power. It solidified Lansky's hold over the crime<br />

syndicate.<br />

Michael Milan, a low-level Jewish organized crime figure who grew up<br />

in Lansky's sphere of influence claims to have, in fact, been ritually<br />

inducted into the Mafia—by Lansky himself. It was to Lansky that Milan<br />

swore his allegiance. Writing in his memoirs, Milan remembers the event<br />

fondly: “`Omerta' whispered Meyer Lansky, only half believing in the<br />

ritual itself, but not wanting to show the slightest sign of disrespect to . . .<br />

[Mafia] traditions." 214<br />

In any case, as we have seen, Meyer Lansky's predominant role in the<br />

criminal underworld was already well in place.<br />


Lansky's role in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS)-Naval<br />

Intelligence operations during World War II and his work on behalf of<br />

Franklin Delano Roosevelt in handling Batista may account for the fact that<br />

Lansky seldom faced harassment from the federal authorities.<br />

Writing in Secret File, Hank Messick comments: "Was Lansky<br />

rewarded? No final answer is possible, but he has been strangely immune to<br />

prosecution on the Federal level. Twice the IRS Intelligence Division has<br />

recommended prosecution, and twice the Justice Department has declined.<br />

Lansky remains the only top man in the national crime syndicate to escape<br />

untouched. Because of his brains and the troubles of his colleagues, he rules<br />

as undisputed chairman of the board." 215<br />

Lansky himself acknowledged his role in the so-called "Operation<br />

Underworld." "Sure, I'm the one who put Lucky and Naval Intelligence<br />

together," he told his Israeli friend, Israeli newsman Uri Dan. Lansky's<br />

reasons were interesting: "The reason I cooperated was because of strong<br />

personal feelings. I wanted the Nazis beaten. I was a Jew and I felt for those<br />

Jews in Europe who were suffering. They were my brothers." 216<br />

Former Lansky associate (and covert FBI operative) Michael Milan also<br />

points toward another critical Lansky connection that may have accounted for<br />

his immunity from federal harassment.<br />

"I also knew that [J. Edgar Hoover] and Meyer Lansky sometimes broke<br />

bread together. Mr. L. was never rousted, was rarely served with federal<br />

subpoenas, and was generally left alone to conduct his business. Mr. L., on<br />

the other hand, didn't go around shooting anybody like people in some of<br />

the other [Mafia] Families, and making life embarrassing for the cops and<br />

the feds.<br />

"So in this way everybody got along. Mr. H. could worry about his<br />

fifth column [the communists]. Mr. [Costello] could worry about keeping<br />

peace among the different Families and looking forward to retirement, and<br />

Mr. L. could worry about the cash flow in his Las Vegas casinos. “ 217

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