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110 Genesis [49]<br />

scheduled to be honored at a convocation at Brandeis University, a Jewishoriented<br />

center of learning near Boston.<br />

Following the affair at Brandeis, Ben-Gurion journeyed to New York<br />

City where he met with Kennedy at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. According to<br />

Hersh, "The meeting with Kennedy was a major disappointment for the<br />

Israeli prime minister, and not only because of the nuclear issue. " 114<br />

"'He looked to me like a twenty-five-year-old boy,' Ben-Gurion later<br />

told his biographer. 'I asked myself: 'How can a man so young be elected<br />

President?' At first I did not take him seriously.'" 115<br />

HATRED<br />

Following the meeting, Ben-Gurion complained to Feinberg about his<br />

unhappy first meeting with JFK. It was not an auspicious start, and as we<br />

shall see, it set a trend. According to Feinberg, "There's no way of<br />

describing the relationship between Jack Kennedy and Ben-Gurion because<br />

there's no way B.G. was dealing with JFK as an equal, at least as far as<br />

B.G. was concerned. He had the typical attitude of an old-fashioned Jew<br />

toward the young. He disrespected [Kennedy] as a youth." 116<br />

What's more, the Israeli Prime Minister had an additional reason to be<br />

suspicious of the young American's motives. According to Feinberg, "B.G.<br />

could be vicious, and he had such a hatred of the old man." 117 The "old<br />

man" in this case was the president's father, former Ambassador Joseph P.<br />

Kennedy, long considered not only an "anti-Semite" but a Hitler partisan.<br />

Ben-Gurion's contempt for the younger Kennedy was growing by leaps<br />

and bounds—almost pathologically. According to Hersh, "The Israeli prime<br />

minister, in subsequent private communications to the White House, began<br />

to refer to the President as 'young man.' Kennedy made clear to associates<br />

that he found the letters to be offensive." 118<br />

Kennedy himself told his close friend, Charles Bartlett, that he was<br />

getting fed up with the fact that the Israeli "sons of bitches lie to me<br />

constantly about their nuclear capability." 119<br />

Obviously, to say the very least, there was no love lost between the<br />

two leaders. The U.S.-Israeli relationship was at an ever-growing and<br />

disastrous impasse, although virtually nothing was known about this to the<br />

American public at the time.<br />


President Kennedy's efforts to resolve the problem of the Palestinian<br />

refugees also met with fierce and bitter resistance by Ben-Gurion. The Israeli<br />

leader refused to agree to a Kennedy proposal that the Palestinians either be<br />

permitted to return to their homes in Israel or to be compensated by Israel<br />

and resettled in the Arab countries or elsewhere.<br />

Former Undersecretary of State George Ball notes in his book, The<br />

Passionate Attachment, that "In the fall of 1962, Ben-Gurion conveyed his

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