Deutsche Bank AG - Historische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank e.V.

Deutsche Bank AG - Historische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank e.V.

Deutsche Bank AG - Historische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank e.V.


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Figures from the Consolidated Balance Sheet<br />

. Arnounts in DM rnillions ...<br />

Assets<br />

End of 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 :<br />

Cashreserve ......................................... 7. 443 4.798 8.1 89 6. 891 7. 956<br />

Bills of exchange ..................................... 2.71 0 2.279 2. 179 2. 039 2.21 0<br />

Claims on banks ...................................... 80.1 67 68.779 53.1 67 51. 660 43. 741<br />

Treasury bills and discountable Treasury notes ............ 5. 169 3.881 3.1 29 2. 337 1. 985<br />

Bondsandnotes ................................ 15. 505 15.761 13.01 6 15. 088 14. 445<br />

Securities not to be shown elsewhere .................... 6. 483 5. 479 5. 282 4.921 2.825<br />

Claims on custorners ............................. 146.682 126. 943 109. 147 99.441 96.1 23<br />

short and medium-tcrrn ............................<br />

long-terrn (4 years or rnore) .......................... EI I 1<br />

Long-terrn rnortgage bank lendings ...................... 64.639 63. 751 62.230 60. 459 56.953<br />

Loans on a trust basis at third party risk ................... 582 1. 206 1. 220 1.41 1 1. 556<br />

Subsidiaries. associated cornpanies and<br />

trade investrnents .................... . .............. 4.382 2.853 2. 657 4.1 40 2. 522<br />

Landandbuildings .................................... 1.51 8 1.41 2 1. 390 1 . 120 1. 062<br />

Offico furnituro and cquipnicnt ...................... 826 81 5 828 762 647<br />

Leasingequiprnent .................................... 4. 355 3. 787 2.1 49 1. 645 1. 476<br />

Bonds and notes issued by consolidated cornpanies ........ 1. 502 1. 661 1. 472 1.476 1. 848<br />

Other assets ......................................... 793 81 7 1. 255 2. 997 1. 032<br />

Rernaining assets ..................................... 1. 228 1. 073 1. 031 836 846<br />

Liabilities<br />

Balance Sheet Total 343. 984 305. 295 268. 341 257. 223 237.227<br />

Liabilities to banks .................................... 78. 878 66. 429 55. 018 57.762 57.450<br />

including: time deposits ......................... . . -56,9491 1 4 8 , 2 0 9 1 1 4 4 . 2 8 6 1 1<br />

Liabilities to custorners ................................. 141.354 121. 569 106. 031 100.1 34 90. 331<br />

including: time deposits .............................<br />

1 1 E]<br />

savings deposits ..........................<br />

Bondsandnotes ..................................... 27.266 23.488 18. 826 13. 488 8. 474<br />

Long-terrn rnortgage bank liabilities ...................... 65. 008 65. 254 64.1 41 62. 367 59.31 4<br />

Own acceptances and proniissory<br />

notes outstanding .....................................<br />

Provisions ...........................................<br />

forpensions .......................................<br />

other .............................................<br />

Group capital and reserves .............................<br />

Subscribed capiral ..................................<br />

Capital reserve .................... . ..............<br />

Revenue reserves ...................................<br />

Reserve Minority arising interests from (excl consolidation<br />

. frorn profits) .....................<br />

...................<br />

p<br />

5.149<br />

%<br />

4. 720 3.1 J27 2.826<br />

l<br />

r2.1 97<br />

Ei mmm@<br />

14.367 11.500 10.849 10. 043<br />

1. 110<br />

Rernaining liabilities ................................... 3. 456 4.287 3. 353 3. 345 3. 594<br />

Consolidated profit .................................... 778 692 627 694 609<br />

Balance Sheet Total 343. 984 305. 295 268.341 257. 223 237. 227<br />

Own drawings in circulation (discounted) ............. 51 50 33 32 13<br />

Endorsernent liabilities .............................. 4. 803 3. 970 3. 891 4. 679 5. 487<br />

Business Volume 348.838 309.31 5 272. 265 261. 934 242. 727<br />

Contingent liabilities frorn guarantees . etc . ......... 27. 540 25.259 21. 084 19. 381 20. 249<br />

Figures from the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account<br />

for the year 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985<br />

lncome on business volurne (Interest surplus) ............. 7.61 9 6.71 0 6. 228 7. 020 5. 872<br />

lncome on Services business') (Comrnission surplus)<br />

(1 989 incl . income frorn life insurance business) ......... 2.788 2.421 2.21 3 1. 848 1. 609<br />

Staff and other operating expenses ....................... 6.536 6. 030 5. 664 5. 088 4. 557<br />

Taxes ............................................... 2.1 93 2. 030 971 1. 624 1. 684<br />

Net incorne for the year ................................ 1.340 1. 203 670 1. 068 1.101<br />

') Figures up to 1986 not ontirely cornparable owing to change<br />

in reporting of re-allowances<br />

Number of staff at year's end ......................... 56.580 54. 769 54. 579 50. 590 48. 851<br />

: I

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