Deutsche Bank AG - Historische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank e.V.

Deutsche Bank AG - Historische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank e.V.

Deutsche Bank AG - Historische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank e.V.


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Assets Consolidated Balance Sheet<br />

Brought forward<br />

Clairris on customers with original periods or periods of iiotice of<br />

a) less ihan four years ...................................<br />

iiicluding:<br />

i~sed as Cover by mortgage banks ............. DM itiou . 374. 283<br />

ur1 buildiiiq savers<br />

relating to closirig fees ...................... DM thou 4.422<br />

h) tnur years or riiore ......................... ........<br />

incliidirig:<br />

ba) secured hy rnortgages on real estate<br />

......<br />

DM thoii 13.094.040<br />

bb) cornniiirinl loaiis ....................... DM ttiou 2.346. 693<br />

bc) biiilding luaris of tlie building<br />

aiid loan association .............<br />

duc iti less than tour years ............<br />

DM thou . 1.474<br />

DM thou . 33.91 2. 490<br />

Mortgage bank leridirigs with original periods of four years or more<br />

a) niortgages ........................................ ...<br />

used as covcr ................... . .... DM ihou . 28.503.21 1<br />

b) stiip inortgages<br />

~ised as cover<br />

......................................<br />

............................ DM thou 31 7.1 09<br />

C) cor~irriurial loans ........................................<br />

used as cover ............................. DM thou . 30.753. 356<br />

d) other ........................................ .....<br />

including: to hanks ............................ DM thou 6.305. 206<br />

Accrued interest on Iorig-tcrni inortgage bank lendings<br />

a) pro rata iiitcrest ................... . ..................<br />

b) interest due after Octciticr 31. 1989 and on Jatiuary 2 . 1990<br />

C) iiiterest arrears ...........................................<br />

Recovery clairiis oii Fe<strong>der</strong>al and Lan<strong>der</strong> authorities un<strong>der</strong><br />

Curreiicy Reform Acts ..............................................<br />

including:<br />

uscd as Cover by rnortgage baiiks ................ DM thou . 15. 493<br />

Loaris 011 a irust Iiasis at third party risk ..................................<br />

Subsidiaries. associatcd coinpanies and trade irivcsiiiieiits ..................<br />

including: investmeriis in banks .................. DM thoi~ . 286.81 8<br />

Landandbuildings ......................<br />

including: takeri uvcr in niortgage bank business ... DM thou . 7.722<br />

Office furniturc atid eqiiiprnent ......................................<br />

Leasing equipmeiit<br />

a) land arid buildings ..........................................<br />

ti) rriovables<br />

Bonds arid iioies issued by conscilidatcd companies ..... ......<br />

iiominal amount ............................ . DM thou 1.492. 453<br />

Otherassets ................................... .....<br />

Assets of ttie lifc itisurance conipany ................. .......<br />

Deferrcd itenis<br />

a) differcnce in accordance with Seciioii 250 (3) of the Coiriincrcial Code<br />

b) frorii ihe niortgage hanks' issuc<br />

and loari business ...................... ........<br />

C) other ..................................... .....<br />

Toidl Assets<br />

in DM 1. 000<br />

75.890.609<br />

70.790. 961<br />

31.873. 556<br />

586. 848<br />

31.036.1 62<br />

8.880<br />

1.050. 292<br />

83. 371<br />

1<br />

236.666<br />

4.118.1 31<br />

155.054<br />

159.41 1<br />

159.389<br />

Total Assets and ths rccourse claims frorn the conliiigent Iiabilities shown below the Iine<br />

oti the liabilities side include:<br />

a) clainis on related cornpariies ............................... ............<br />

b) clainis arising froni loatis falling un<strong>der</strong> Sectiori 15 (1) 1 6 and (2) of ttic <strong>Bank</strong>ing Act.<br />

unless includcd uii<strong>der</strong> a) .................... . ............................<br />

31.12.1988<br />

in DM 1.000 in DM 1. 000<br />

11 8.008.469 101.41 7. 867<br />

LI<br />

64.542. 770<br />

62.400.264<br />

146.681. 570 126.943. 034<br />

63.505.446 EI<br />

30.81 8. 070<br />

31.793.01 8<br />

13.681<br />

62.624. 769<br />

1.032.048<br />

94.021<br />

1 . 133. 664 1 . 126.069<br />

158.893 183.41 2<br />

582.067 1.206. 032<br />

4.381.864 2.853.305<br />

1.517.932 1.41 2.1 63<br />

826. 234 81 5.01 9<br />

m1<br />

4.354. 797<br />

3.786. 977<br />

1.501. 956 1.660. 769<br />

792.637 81 6. 677<br />

64.609<br />

473. 854 EI<br />

160. 887<br />

168. 595<br />

11 9. 070<br />

448. 552<br />

343.983. 992 305.294. 645<br />

891. 573 1.048. 598<br />

893. 084 829.925

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