Deutsche Bank AG - Historische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank e.V.

Deutsche Bank AG - Historische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank e.V.

Deutsche Bank AG - Historische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank e.V.


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Balance Sheet as of December 31, 1989 Liabilities<br />

Liabilitics to biinks<br />

a) payalilc on demarid ..............................<br />

h) witli ori(1irial periods or periods of noiice uf<br />

La) Icss tliiin three r~ioiittis . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

hb) at Iodst three rnonths, bur lcss<br />

thnn foiir ycilrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

bc) four years ot rrinrc ...................<br />

iricluding: due tri less<br />

thati foiir years .......... DM 18.686.350.000<br />

c) cilstomers' drawings ori otlior Lianks ...........<br />

Liabilities to custoriiers<br />

a) payable ori <strong>der</strong>iiaiid ...............<br />

b) with original pcrinds nr prxiods of noiice of<br />

ba) less thaii thre ninnttis ................<br />

hh) at least tliree rrioiiitis, bur Icss<br />

thari tour years ......................<br />

bc) four years or rnorc ......................<br />

iticluding: diie iri less<br />

thari four years . . . . . . .. .DM 9,503,253,000<br />

C) SRVlllgS ~L'POSI~S<br />

ca) sutiject to legal perioti of riotice . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

1 32,092.CFi8.236<br />

cb)other .................................<br />

Bniids aiid notes witli 3 life of 1<br />

a) iip to four yiiiirs ...............................<br />

h) rriore thati four years ......................<br />

iiir:liidirig: rriaturing in lcss<br />

thari four yearc . . . . . . . . .DM 6,576,674,400<br />

Own acccptaiices arid proniissory notes outswiidiriy .......<br />

Lnaiis on .I trust basis at tliird Party risk ................<br />

Provisions<br />

a)forpensions .................................<br />

bluthcr .......................................<br />

Other liabil~ties . .............................<br />

Fran7 Urhili- iind Osciir Schlitier- Stittiiiig<br />

Endowriieiit asscts ..............................<br />

less inv~stnictlts irl seciiritii!~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Dcferrcd iteriis ................................<br />

Spccial itenis will1 parli;il rcservc! cliaracier<br />

ii) in acctirdarice with the l ax Acr regarcling Developirig<br />

Coiintries ..............................<br />

I)) in accordancc wiiti Sectioii 613 uf tlic Iiicoii?c Tax Ac1 . .<br />

c) iri accnidurice witli Seciinii 3 of the Foreign Irivestmeiit<br />

Act ......................................<br />

d) in accordarice witli the adniiriistriltivc regulntioris ori tlic<br />

cancellation of gerieral provisioris fur possible loari losses<br />

arid loiin discountiiigs ......................<br />

Subscribed ciipital (boiirer sharcs) ..................<br />

Cunditional capital DM 588.687.1 50<br />

Capital rc!servi! .............................<br />

Allocations in accordaiice with Sc!ctiun 272 (2)<br />

of ttie Cornmercial Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Revenue rcservcs<br />

a) legiil rcservc ............................<br />

b) ottier rcvenue iest?rvcs . ....................<br />

Allocation ftom Ni?t iri~onie for t h year ~ ...........<br />

Distrihiitatile profii ...............................<br />

450,000.000<br />

3,338,380,923<br />

Own drawirigs iri circulation ...................................................<br />

iricluding: those discourited for borrowers' account . DM 50,625,295<br />

Endorsenierit Iiabilitics ori rediscounted hills of excliiin(lc ...................................<br />

Contingcnt liahilities frrini gciarantecs, iticluding ytiarantees for hills aiid chc(l~ics.<br />

aiid froni iiideniriitv agrecnients (cf. also tlie Notes to ttie Annual Statement of Acco~iiits) . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Comniitnietits (riot tu he shown uri<strong>der</strong> Iiabilities) froin the sale of iisscts suhjeci to repurchase agreenieiiis . ...<br />

Total Lidhilities, togeil-ier with coiiiingcnt liahilities arid other c:omrnitnients<br />

stiowri helow the Iirie, iiiclude Iiabilitics to related companies of . ..............................<br />

31.12.1988<br />

DM iii DM 1,000<br />

3,363,380,313 2.91 3,381<br />

556.702.734 425,433<br />

Tol;il I.tabilities 214,748,892,005 192,006.635

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