Deutsche Bank AG - Historische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank e.V.

Deutsche Bank AG - Historische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank e.V.

Deutsche Bank AG - Historische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank e.V.


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of market forces and technical possibilitles, this<br />

should reduce the responsibility of the state vis-a-<br />

vis the sum total of ethlcally-oriented entrepre-<br />

neurlal behaviour to setting qualitative ecological<br />

targets, to sa ying "what" rather than 'how':<br />

Here, the discussion o f en vironment taxes to re-<br />

placc for technical norms and restrictions, the use<br />

ofprices as a mcans to steer environmental lnput -<br />

be it in the productlon process or in passenger<br />

transport - can find market-orlented guidelines.<br />

Responslble politicians postulate the need to re-<br />

structure ourentire taxsystem awa y from a regimc<br />

that levies to one that steers in or<strong>der</strong> to transform<br />

the market economy from a "throw-awa y society"<br />

that wastes resources into an ecologically oriented<br />

society tha t conserves."' The complexity o f this<br />

un<strong>der</strong>taking requires the formative participa -<br />

tion of enterprlse - we shall all have to live with the<br />

rcsult.<br />

The call for less state lnterference has not lost its<br />

importance in thc context of the ecologlcal crlsis,<br />

but its realization requires entrepreneurs to take<br />

part not for reasons o f group egoism, but in a spirit<br />

of ethical responsibility The environmental crlsis<br />

shows how right the intellectual fathers of the mar-<br />

ket economy were who expected "ultimate im-<br />

portant decisions"in the general interest "outside<br />

the market, beyund supply and demand " from the<br />

"weight of the voices that have authority ': Even<br />

radical liberal standpoints such as Milton Frled-<br />

man 3, which invite mlsundcrstanding, to the ef-<br />

fect that business should be concernedsolely with<br />

the permanent maximization o f pro fits, ultlmately<br />

only lead to the Same result - based on the posi-<br />

tive long-term self-interest of the entrepreneu<br />

This standpolnt also produces criteria for as-<br />

sessing cost and competltive disadvantages due<br />

to expenses for en vironmental lnput. But a look at<br />

the past reveals these criteria, too: the abolition of<br />

child labour - at the time dcspite the Protests o f<br />

en trepreneurs - and the in troduction o f exemplary<br />

welfare benefits did not weaken the leadlng role of<br />

German industry on the world market in the 79th<br />

cen turK but set international standards which<br />

others followed '" Capital in vestment in en vlron-<br />

mental protection also sets standards, being in -<br />

vestment in an improved future quality of life,<br />

which enhance the quality of an lndustrial and<br />

comrnercial location in international competltlon<br />

and will therefore be followedby others. In contrast<br />

to the 19th centuty howevel: this will Lake place<br />

much faster and in much shorter periods ln thls<br />

age of the information society<br />

As they strive to improve the lot of thelrpeoples,<br />

the hlqh-population countries o f the Third World -<br />

China, lndia, Brazil, lndonesla - will not accept an y<br />

restrictions whlch the industrial countries will de-<br />

mand of them, e. g. to conservc the atmosphere.<br />

But, as ln the past, they will want to obtain the latest<br />

Western technologles that achieve this goal. Here<br />

lies the opportunity for thcse countries to avoid<br />

mlstakes made by the industrial nations in the<br />

Course o f thelr development and to be introduced<br />

rapidly to environment-orten red tcchnolog~<br />

' ßierknkopf, 7eirsi1.jo~k: p. IZIi<br />

H~iiikc, .lsr,.s6?irs von Anqrhnr und Nricl~fi~icjr: ~i 18.1<br />

' Stcfcrlc. p 2.1

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