Deutsche Bank AG - Historische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank e.V.

Deutsche Bank AG - Historische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank e.V.

Deutsche Bank AG - Historische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank e.V.


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The human race ma): as HansJonassa ys, '"pefcra<br />

short burst o f extreme self- fulflment tu the bore-<br />

dom of pcrpctual mediocrity';" lt is already ob-<br />

vious that people a'o not seriously Want this and<br />

are forming majorities to prevent it.<br />

Here, though, it is regarded as broadly evident<br />

that the new imperative is directed more towards<br />

public politics than to private behaviour'l'.' The<br />

practical result is environmental policy in a "beg-<br />

gar m y neighbour "style. While therc is still no sign<br />

in prosperous societies of a general will to lower<br />

aspirations with rcgard to eating and drinking, liv-<br />

ing space, clothlng, and a teeming supply of con-<br />

sumer goods, travel, entertainment and corre-<br />

sponding lnfrastructures, the call for better quality<br />

of living, after repression of the industrlal conse-<br />

quences of these aspirations, is being directed<br />

with growing intensity towards the entrepreneur<br />

as the immediate cause. The much-citcd changc<br />

of parad(qn1s in the post-industrial socletylVs in<br />

thls respect not only incomplete, but also schizo-<br />

phrenic.<br />

The only way out of this incongruence of values<br />

is through transparency and, as its result, the ac-<br />

ceptance o f these relationships. Th 1s ls the un<strong>der</strong>-<br />

lying reason bchind the call for a new compre-<br />

hensive type of thinking. lt could lead from casuis-<br />

tic mcasures, designed to reduce the immediate<br />

damage, to a fundamental preventive Strateg y -<br />

for which new technologies will havc to be found<br />

and used - and thus to an approach based on a<br />

sense of ethical responsibility forsa feguarding the<br />

future in the interest of the coming generation.<br />

At the same time, this approach offers an oppor-<br />

tunlty to regain thc intellectual centre and thus to<br />

get a grip on ma/or elements of our society's sick-<br />

ness - and its s ymptoms terrorism and the drug<br />

problcm - namely the erosion of meanlng, diso-<br />

rientation and alienation, above alt among young<br />

people, in a world that displays hedonistic tenden-<br />

cies more and more frequently<br />

Whether from the polnt of view of ethicalreflec-<br />

tion, proph ylaxis or simply because it is in their in-<br />

tercst to do so: if entrepreneurs wish to avoid being<br />

the only ones burdencd with the consequences of<br />

the ecological crisis, they must adapt their beha-<br />

viour to take account of these relationships. ln-<br />

stead of cures for symptoms, there must then be<br />

the alt-embracing awareness that the environ-<br />

mentas a whole has become, un<strong>der</strong> theprevailing<br />

circumstances, an indcpcndent production factor<br />

besides labour and capital, and must be treated<br />

accordingly as a scarce resource. lt will there fore<br />

be necessary for cach company to have a top-level<br />

responsibility for the factor e n vironment " - as for<br />

human resources and finance - to plan and steer<br />

the companyk use of thc environment as a<br />

whole. '" On the one hand this will lead to a qualitative<br />

reorlentation o f corporate strategles and, on<br />

the othel; to theiractivc participation in the process<br />

of opinion-forming and decision-making within<br />

soclety on howto use the factorenvironmentmore<br />

sparingly Given entrcprcneurs' wi<strong>der</strong> knowledge

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