Deutsche Bank AG - Historische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank e.V.

Deutsche Bank AG - Historische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank e.V.

Deutsche Bank AG - Historische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank e.V.


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process - populist motives influence the steering<br />

efforts and a lack of knowledge or the over-simpli-<br />

fication of highly complex causal chalns in political<br />

Programmes compo und the dificulties.<br />

A look at present issues in the political discussion<br />

on environmentalprotcction reveals the varlous<br />

dimensions o f the problem. State intervention<br />

in biotechnolog~ genetic research and animal<br />

testing eventually blocks economically important<br />

capital investment and leads to the expatriation of<br />

high-value ~obs. The stigmatization o f the nuclear<br />

industr~ particularly nuclear power sta tions, leads<br />

to the exclusion of important decision-making<br />

criteria from the planning of future energy polic~<br />

Restrictions on intensive animal husbandry to re-<br />

duce the burden on the en vironment fail to achieve<br />

their purpose and the necessary acceptance if<br />

they are purely quantitative, i e. limit absolute<br />

numbers, rather than qualitative, i e. establish<br />

manure processing standards. The draft of a new<br />

German environmental-liability la W reverses a<br />

traditional legal principle to the detriment o f the<br />

entrepreneur as plant Operator; thereby creating<br />

newand costly insurance requirements but no im-<br />

provement in the en vironment given compre-<br />

hensive state plant supervision. Here, as in other<br />

cases, the desire for the widest-possiblc protec-<br />

tion o f thc environment collides wlth misin forma -<br />

tion about ecological and economic relationships<br />

and regulatory possibilities, and notseldom simply<br />

with a lack of specializcd knowledgg or with<br />

massive group in terests.<br />

In addition, there is the ~roblem that measures<br />

which shou/dbe dedicatedpr,mar,/y to safeguarding<br />

the conditions in which the nextgeneration will ~ccriv;<br />

live are, for political reasons, geared to the present.<br />

A cautioning example from a different field is the<br />

problem o f fiil filling the "genera tions con tract " in<br />

our pcnsion insurance System, which is still unre-<br />

solved despite our knowledge of al/ the criteria<br />

relevant to the decisions; the consequences for<br />

thc socio-political behaviour of those affected are<br />

still to be seen.<br />

At the end of the road are the consequences of<br />

overregnlation. lt is generally acknowlcdged that<br />

the recovery and revitalization of the Western<br />

economies since the middle of the eighties has<br />

been partly a result of the <strong>der</strong>egulation and liberali-<br />

zation process initiated in the US.A. In thc mean-<br />

time, howevet; the dominant rote which the en vi-<br />

ronment has assumed as a field for political action<br />

b y parries has found in the desire for all-embracing<br />

en vironmental protection a powerful and vote-<br />

catching motive for more and more administrative<br />

regulations entailing corresponding growth in the<br />

bureaucrac y needed to implement and monitor it<br />

and also in state spending to finance it.<br />

Any extrapolation of this development leads to<br />

an administrative dcmocracy which is expensive<br />

and therefore threatencd by mflation and at the<br />

same time ineficient, because it paralyzes market<br />

mechanisms, entrepreneurial planning and capitat<br />

investmcnt initiatives as well as the goodwill of<br />

the ~ndl vldual. The sa feguarding and improvement<br />

Accord~r~g io murwvbv tt,e Lo/Ic/o/? SMC/;I~ I N , lii 7 198.9, MIV i2 M1 U/ 75<br />

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