Deutsche Bank AG - Historische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank e.V.

Deutsche Bank AG - Historische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank e.V.

Deutsche Bank AG - Historische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank e.V.


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a new generation of teachers and government<br />

employees and becoming organized in ecological<br />

fringe parties, the approaching crisis was for a long<br />

time not perceived, in a period of regained pros-<br />

perity and material saturation, by the broad centre<br />

of the social spectrum or the big political parties<br />

represen ting it<br />

As Koselleck already noted in connection with<br />

the first mo<strong>der</strong>n crisis, i e. the developments leading<br />

up to the French revolution, the heralds o f progress,<br />

could "notget a clear view of thephenomenon<br />

o f crisis as such. No crisis is accessible to planning,<br />

to rational steering rooted in blind faith in progress,<br />

"With that, howevel; given growi~g s ymptoms<br />

of crisis, the emergence of the ecological<br />

movement at the fringes was inevitable, and<br />

hardly a decade a fter their appearance the 'Green<br />

Party" had become a polit~cal factor firmly established<br />

in parliament (1980).<br />

Environmental catastrophes such as Chernob yl<br />

and Bhopal, the chemicals accident in Basle, oll<br />

spills like the Valdez disaster in Alaska, the plague<br />

ofalgae in the Mediterranean, and media dissemi-<br />

nation of ecological issues such as acid rain, the<br />

IOSS of woods, destruction of tropical rain forests,<br />

the hole in the ozone layerand the greenhouse ef-<br />

fect have meanwhile resultedin society in its entire<br />

breadth being en veloped b y a widespread though<br />

largely unconsi<strong>der</strong>ed awareness, emanating from<br />

the activist fringe groups, of an environment in<br />

crkis.<br />

Corresponding to this - as a result of a superficial<br />

search for the causes - there emerged an abstract<br />

hostility towards technolog~ aimed above<br />

all at industrial processes and those who carry<br />

them out, but not, on the other hand, at theirpro-<br />

ducts. In the USA., 41 % of all Americans inter-<br />

viewed in 1981 in a regular pol1 agreed with the<br />

Statement that protecting the environment was so<br />

important [hat requirements and standards could<br />

not be too high and continuing environmental im-<br />

provements must be made regardless of cost. In<br />

June 1989, despite all e fforts made during the de-<br />

cade in environmental protection, the proportion<br />

o f interviewees agreeing with this radical state-<br />

ment had increased to 79%.7<br />

lt fits in with this that the protection of the envi-<br />

ronment should have developed from a topic for<br />

quickly expanding fringe groups into a centralpol-<br />

itical issue for allparties. The question to be asked,<br />

however; is what surveys like those quoted a bove<br />

- polls in the Fe<strong>der</strong>al Republic show the same re-<br />

sults - tell us about the achievements of the stead-<br />

ily gro wing activities in en vironmental protection.<br />

Rapidly expanding environmental departments<br />

at central, regional andlocallevelanda rising flood<br />

o f acts and statutory or<strong>der</strong>s to regulate ecological<br />

matters in alt areas of life are characteristic of the<br />

development. But it harbours far-reaching dan-<br />

gers: inadequate attention to long-term issues for<br />

the sake of quick political success, mismanage-<br />

ment o f economic processes, covert asph yxiation<br />

of the market economy by a new and ever more<br />

comprehensive burea ucratic administered econ -<br />

omy: Attempts at steering by ad hoc regulations<br />

necessarily involve economic risks. These become<br />

even greater when - implicit in the democratic

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