Deutsche Bank AG - Historische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank e.V.

Deutsche Bank AG - Historische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank e.V.

Deutsche Bank AG - Historische Gesellschaft der Deutschen Bank e.V.


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Environment and Entrepreneurs - In The Same Crisis?<br />

: hy vlltuc<br />

"T/w ~xprcss~ori i:ric;is.<br />

of ~ts dia.q/~osti(; and p/qqnost/c<br />

contenr, /s t/7e II~~JIC;IIU~ O/ i><br />

ncw awatene.?.Y.''<br />

(R. Koselleck)<br />

The destruction of the environment began wlth<br />

the emergcnce of rnankind He made himself<br />

master of the earth: the evolution ofpowerfulstatc<br />

cultures - the ancient Sumerians, the seapowcr<br />

Ven~ce, ihe risc of the U.A. in the 19th century<br />

based on an industrialized, large-scale agricultural<br />

econom y - was accompanled by extensive exploitation<br />

a f the soil, the felllng o f woods, the devastation<br />

and desolation of large parts of Mesopotamia,<br />

Lebanon, North A frica, Dalmatia, the annihilation<br />

of the prairies with their inhabitants and animal<br />

species in North America. Andslnce antiquity (Cyprian'),<br />

the humanists (Agricola;'), right up to our<br />

times, the destruction of nature, the exhaustlon of<br />

the earth, the decimation of birds ancl other animals,<br />

the poisoning of ksh in our waters, for<br />

example through mlniny, have been the object of<br />

repeated complaint and criticlsm.,'<br />

Slnce the Enlightenrneni, or possibly even ear-<br />

lier; not only have the Pace and extent of industrial<br />

damage to the environment been growing rapidlg<br />

but also the belicf - in the face of obvious (and not<br />

least entrcpreneurial) achievements - in the pro-<br />

gress of mankind towards ever higher levels of<br />

being.<br />

The climax and possible end of this phase of<br />

blind faith ln Progress, which even wars and<br />

periods of pessimism did not lnterrupt, became<br />

apparent when man firstset foot on the moon. This<br />

triurnph of technology stood in striklng contrast to<br />

a decade in whlch warnings of a 'kilent sprin~"'~<br />

and a global exhaustion of resources" found a<br />

worldwide echo, ln which the issues of consumer<br />

protection and ecology triggered movernents, to<br />

begln wlth in the USA., the political impact of<br />

which was reflected in an initial wave of consumer<br />

protection and emission control laws, andin which<br />

the student revolts slgnalled the post-industrlal<br />

chanye of values.<br />

lt began as a Protest against more and morc in-<br />

tolerable condltlons in certain areas - e.g. over-<br />

motorizatlon with its problems of airpollution and<br />

the sealing of ever greater land areas in densely<br />

popula red countrles with unabated compression<br />

o f passenger cars into lines of conyested trafic -<br />

and led via questions about causes and relation-<br />

ships, to an increasingly critical view of increas-<br />

ingly crltical conditions in ever broa<strong>der</strong> fields, from<br />

thc chernical-intensive overutilization of agricultu-<br />

rat areas ro the spoiling o f counrryside and en vi-<br />

ronment by mass tourism.<br />

This set the scenc for conflicts between the<br />

centre of society and its fringes, conflicts whlch<br />

could not leave untouched the philosophy of entrepreneurs,<br />

who constitute a core element of the<br />

social centre, but instead put it un<strong>der</strong> increaslng<br />

pressure. For while, on the fringes o f soclet~ a new<br />

a wareness o f en vironmental crisis was turning<br />

lnto a politically effective cornmitment among

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