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137 154 Vinarstvo Španić Zagrebačka županija | Zagreb County Darko Španić Vinogradarska 7, Prhoć, 10450 Jastrebarsko 01 62 79 069 01 62 79 069 098 1689 451 2 ha 120 m/nmv – 01.01. – 31.12., uz najavu / by appointment Gospodarstvo obitelji Španić nalazi se 20–ak kilometara od Zagreba u podnožju vinorodne Plešivice. Obitelj Španić njeguje tradiciju proizvodnje grožđa i vina već pet generacija te posebno pridaje pažnju uzgoju i pripremi hrane na stari, autohtoni način. Cijelo imanje uređeno je u tradicionalnom stilu. Gosti mogu, uz domaću hranu i piće, uživati u miru i tišini prirode na imanju – voćnjaka, vinograda, šume i potoka te mogu sami kreirati vlastito slobodno vrijeme i aktivnosti. Na imanju se, uz kušaonicu i veliku salu sa zimskim vrtom, nalaze i natkrivene terase i sjenice za vruće ljetne dane. The Španić family vineyard is located some 20 km from Zagreb, in the foothills of the Plešivica wine–growing region. The Španić has been nurturing grape and wine production for five generations and pays special attention to producing and preparing food in the traditional way. The entire estate has been outfitted in the traditional way. Apart from local food and beverages, guests can also enjoy the peace and quiet of the orchards, vineyards, forests and streams and thus can create their own free activities and time. In addition to the tasting room and large room with winter garden, there are also covered terraces and a gazebo for hot summer days. RM: 1/1, 3/2, 3/3, 1/4, Cat: """ 150 50 HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: 80 – 200 KN Martin Petrović Prodindol 54, 10453 Gorica Svetojanska 01 6287 372 01 6287 372 098 281 583 – – 45.69911, 15.63070 01.01. – 31.12., pon – ned / all week Mon – Sun 138 Vinska kuća Jana U pitoresknom kraju na obroncima Samoborskog gorja I Plešivice, podno najvišeg vrha Japetića smjestila se Vinska kuća Jana. Ideja o pokretanju obiteljskog gospodarstva rodila se prije 15 godina sa željom da se sve ljepote i blagodati ovog lijepoj, prigorskog kraja približe svima onima koji vole uživati u dobroj kuhinji, finoj kapljici i očuvanoj prirodi i tradiciji. U mirnom ambijentu i domaćoj atmosferi mogu se osjetiti sve čari tradicionalne kuhinje, degustirati vina specifična za ovaj kraj, šetati, planinariti, jahati (uz najavu), letjeti s paraglaiderima (uz najavu) te prespavati u ambijentu prave, seoske idile. In this picturesque region on the slopes of the Samoborsko Gorje and Plešivica hills, just beneath the highest peak Japetić, you can find the Jana wine house. The idea to open an agritourism estate was born 15 years ago. The owners wanted to show all the beauties and advantages of this Prigorje region to those who like to enjoy good cuisine, good wine and preserved nature and tradition. The peaceful ambiance and local atmosphere are perfect for discovering the magnificent traditional cuisine and for tasting the typical wines for this region. Guests can enjoy walking, hiking, horseback riding (reservation required), paragliding (reservation required) and spend the night to take in the real rural life. RM: 8/2, Cat: #### 160 20 HS: 100 – 200 KN LS:– Grad Zagreb | The City of Zagreb Benjamin Bertović Žunec Kurmanova 12, 10363 Belovar, Sesvete 01 2042 399 01 2042 399 098 684 680 3 ha 170 m/nmv 139 154 Kurija Žunec Kurija na vrhu brijega, okružena je nasadima voćnjaka. Svojom specifičnom arhitekturom slijedi i spaja tradiciju s modernim tekovinama 21. st. Imamo vlastitu proizvodnju vina, kvalitetno vino “Kraljevina”, i prirodnih sokova. U našoj kuhinji oživljeni su recepti baka: žganci z maslom, trganci, štrukli, prežgana juha, raca z mlincima i hajdinom kašom, domaći pohani picek i knedli sa šljivama. Na gospodarstvu je i konjušnica te prostor za jahanje. Gosti se mogu rekreirati na sportskim terenima. U blizini je i planinarska staza na najviši vrh ovog dijela Medvednice – Grohot te bazeni i teniski tereni. Kurija nudi i smještaj u sobama. U okolici je najveće hrvatsko marijansko svetište Marija Bistrica. The manor stands at the top of the hill, surrounded by orchards. Its unique architecture follows and connects tradition with modern 21 st century elements. We have our own wine production, high quality Kraljevina wine and natural fruit juices. We have revived the old recipes of our grandmothers: corn grits with butter, trganci, štrukli (cheese pastries), flour soup, duck with mlinci (bread tatters) and buckwheat porridge, locally raised breaded chicken, and plum dumplings. The farm also has a horse stable with riding area. Guests can also take in sports on the sport fields. There is a hiking trail in the proximity that leads to the highest peak of this part of Medvednica – Grohot. There is also a swimming pool and tennis court. The manor also offers accommodation. The largest Croatian pilgrimage site Marija Bistrica is also close by. RM: 4/2, Cat: """. APP: 1/4, Cat: """ 90 100 HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: – 45.8791, 16.10063 01.01. – 31.12., samo vikendom, po dogovoru za grupe / weekends only, for groups by appointment 94 | Ministarstvo turizma RH | Croatian Ministry of Tourism |

Nacionalni katalog »Ruralni turizam Hrvatske« | National Catalogue Rural Tourism in Croatia 140 154 Izletište Ivančić U kanjonu rijeke Toplice podno Papuka, okruženo livadama i šumom, 8 km od grada Daruvara, imanje je s polivalentnim terenom za sport i rekreaciju (mali nogomet, badminton i odbojka), visećom kuglanom i šumskim igralištem za paintball. Na imanju je i drvena kuća, kapelica, dječje igralište, stolovi i klupe, nadstrešnica s pecarom, bunar s pitkom vodom, minipark i voćnjak. U samom smo središtu velikog lovišta Papuk. U neposrednoj blizini još vrijedi posjetiti ribnjak Končanica, planinarske staze prema izletištima i vidikovcima Petrov vrh i Vranjevina, Daruvarske toplice i Daruvarsku vinsku cestu pa svaki gost može pronaći svoj najbolji način odmora. In the canyon of the Toplice River in the foothills Mt. Papuk and surrounded by meadows and forests, just 8 km away from Daruvar, is this estate with the multipurpose sports and recreation field (indoor soccer, badminton and volleyball), bowling area and paintball. At the estate, there is also a wooden house, chapel, children’s playground, tables and benches, well with drinking water, mini-park and orchard. We are located in the centre of the great Papuk hunting grounds. Nearby, it is worth visiting the Končanica fish pond, hiking trails that lead to excursion spots and the lookouts Petrov Vrh and Vranjevina, the Daruvarske Toplice thermal spa and the Daruvar wine road. There truly is something for everyone here. 20 50 Ivica Ivančić Vukovije 52/1, 43500 Daruvar 043 332 253 099 4058 032, 098 9925 218 – 1,2 ha 161 m/nmv 45.609069, 17.281378 01.01. – 31.12., uz najavu / by appointment Bjelovarsko – bilogorska županija | Bjelovar – Bilogora County 141 154 Voćarska kuća Markesino U šumovitom predjelu Bilogore možete istinski uživati u čistom zraku i prirodi te kušati naša voćna vina. Već 30 godina, na 2 ha uzgajamo jabuke, višnje, kruške i trešnje. Dio voćarskog proizvodnog procesa uključuje proizvodnju brižno njegovanih i kvalitetnih voćnih vina od jabuke i višnje. Naše jabučno vino, od probranih sorata domaćih jabuka, ujedno je i prvo jabučno vino registrirano u Hrvatskoj. Gostima nudimo rekreativno-radni odmor za prave ljubitelje sela: berbu i preradu voća u vino, rezidbu voćnjaka i slično. Zanimljiva arheološka točka u okolici su iskopine nekadašnjeg pavlinskog samostana s crkvom Svih Svetih u Pavlin Kloštru, jednom od najstarijih i povijesno najvažnijih naselja ovog kraja u srednjem vijeku. The orchard house is located in the forested part of Bilogora where you can truly enjoy the fresh air and nature, and taste our fruit wines. For more than 30 years, we have been growing apples, sour cherry, pears, and cherries on orchards covering 2 ha. We also produce fruit wines made of apples and cherries, produced from carefully nurtured and premium quality fruit. Our apple wine is made from selected local varieties of apple and was the very first registered apple wine in Croatia. Guests are invited to take in a recreational or active vacation for real lovers of rural life: harvesting and processing of fruit into wine, trimming of orchards and more. Interesting archaeological spots nearby include the excavations of the former Pavlin convent with the Church of All Saints in Pavlin Klošter, one of the oldest and historically most important medieval settlements in this area. 142 154 Etnokuća Karlovčan 20 10 Sačuvali smo staro obiteljsko imanje s drvenim kućama, spomenicima ruralnoj kulturi. Svaka kuća je uređena autentičnim namještajem, suđem, uporabnim predmetima i umjetninama, jer je ovo imanje ujedno i dom ljetnoj umjetničkoj koloniji. Uz više od 2000 starinskih eksponata, etnokuće broje i više od 20 što divljih što domaćih životinja. Uz krušnu peć, funkcionalni mlin, kukuružnjake i štagljeve, na svakom su mjestu očuvani stari, ali funkcionalni alati, od zemljoradničkih kola do starog čamca, tzv. Dravskog Titanika, koji je domaćin izradio od jednog komada hrastovog drva iz Drave. U melankoličnoj prirodi uz rijeku Dravu srdačni i zabavni domaćini nude vam ugodan boravak i nezaboravan doživljaj istinske Podravine. We have preserved the old family estate with wooden houses as monuments of rural culture. Each house has been decorated with authentic furniture, dishes, household items and objects of art, as this is also a home to a summer art colony. There are more than 2000 antiques on site, in addition to 20 animal species, both wild and domestic. In addition to the bread oven, functional mill, corn bins and barns, there are preserved, old functional tools which include agrarian carriage and old boat, called the Drava Titanik that a host constructed from one single piece of oak tree found in the Drava River. In this calm natural environment on the banks of the Drava River, the cordial and entertaining hosts offer guests a pleasant stay and unforgettable experiences of the true Podravina. 70 60 Stjepan Markešić Prilaz Svete Ane 28, 43000 Bjelovar 043 251 622 – 098 9421 477 0,5 ha 185 m/nmv 01.05. – 31.09., samo uz prethodnu najavu / by appointment only Neven Karlovčan Đure Basaričeka 156, 48350 Đurđevac – – 091 442 0540, 091 442 0548, 095 397 7534 – – – 01.01. – 31.12., samo uz prethodnu najavu / by appointment only – Koprivničko – križevačka županija | Koprivnica – Križevci County Hrvatska gospodarska komora | Croatian Chamber of Economy | | 95

137 154<br />

Vinarstvo Španić<br />

Zagrebačka županija | Zagreb County<br />

Darko Španić<br />

Vinogradarska 7, Prhoć,<br />

10450 Jastrebarsko<br />

01 62 79 069<br />

01 62 79 069<br />

098 1689 451<br /><br /><br />

2 ha<br />

120 m/nmv<br />

–<br />

01.01. – 31.12., uz najavu /<br />

by appointment<br />

Gospodarstvo obitelji Španić nalazi se 20–ak kilometara od Zagreba u podnožju vinorodne Plešivice. Obitelj Španić njeguje tradiciju proizvodnje grožđa i vina već<br />

pet generacija te posebno pridaje pažnju uzgoju i pripremi hrane na stari, autohtoni način. Cijelo imanje uređeno je u tradicionalnom stilu. Gosti mogu, uz domaću<br />

hranu i piće, uživati u miru i tišini prirode na imanju – voćnjaka, vinograda, šume i potoka te mogu sami kreirati vlastito slobodno vrijeme i aktivnosti. Na imanju se,<br />

uz kušaonicu i veliku salu sa zimskim vrtom, nalaze i natkrivene terase i sjenice za vruće ljetne dane.<br />

The Španić family vineyard is located some 20 km from Zagreb, in the foothills of the Plešivica wine–growing region. The Španić has been nurturing grape and wine<br />

production for five generations and pays special attention to producing and preparing food in the traditional way. The entire estate has been outfitted in the traditional<br />

way. Apart from local food and beverages, guests can also enjoy the peace and quiet of the orchards, vineyards, forests and streams and thus can create their<br />

own free activities and time. In addition to the tasting room and large room with winter garden, there are also covered terraces and a gazebo for hot summer days.<br />

RM: 1/1, 3/2, 3/3, 1/4, Cat: """ 150 50<br />

HS: 100 – 200 KN<br />

LS: 80 – 200 KN<br />

Martin Petrović<br />

Prodindol 54, 10453 Gorica<br />

Svetojanska<br />

01 6287 372<br />

01 6287 372<br />

098 281 583<br /><br /><br />

–<br />

–<br />

45.69911, 15.63070<br />

01.01. – 31.12., pon – ned /<br />

all week Mon – Sun<br />

138<br />

Vinska kuća Jana<br />

U pitoresknom kraju na obroncima Samoborskog gorja I Plešivice, podno najvišeg vrha Japetića smjestila se Vinska kuća Jana. Ideja o pokretanju obiteljskog gospodarstva<br />

rodila se prije 15 godina sa željom da se sve ljepote i blagodati ovog lijepoj, prigorskog kraja približe svima onima koji vole uživati u dobroj kuhinji, finoj<br />

kapljici i očuvanoj prirodi i tradiciji. U mirnom ambijentu i domaćoj atmosferi mogu se osjetiti sve čari tradicionalne kuhinje, degustirati vina specifična za ovaj kraj,<br />

šetati, planinariti, jahati (uz najavu), letjeti s paraglaiderima (uz najavu) te prespavati u ambijentu prave, seoske idile.<br />

In this picturesque region on the slopes of the Samoborsko Gorje and Plešivica hills, just beneath the highest peak Japetić, you can find the Jana wine house. The idea<br />

to open an agritourism estate was born 15 years ago. The owners wanted to show all the beauties and advantages of this Prigorje region to those who like to enjoy<br />

good cuisine, good wine and preserved nature and tradition. The peaceful ambiance and local atmosphere are perfect for discovering the magnificent traditional<br />

cuisine and for tasting the typical wines for this region. Guests can enjoy walking, hiking, horseback riding (reservation required), paragliding (reservation required)<br />

and spend the night to take in the real <strong>rur</strong>al life.<br />

RM: 8/2, Cat: #### 160 20<br />

HS: 100 – 200 KN<br />

LS:–<br />

Grad Zagreb | The City of Zagreb<br />

Benjamin Bertović Žunec<br />

Kurmanova 12, 10363 Belovar,<br />

Sesvete<br />

01 2042 399<br />

01 2042 399<br />

098 684 680<br /><br /><br />

3 ha<br />

170 m/nmv<br />

139 154<br />

Kurija Žunec<br />

Kurija na vrhu brijega, okružena je nasadima voćnjaka. Svojom specifičnom arhitekturom slijedi i spaja tradiciju s modernim tekovinama 21. st. Imamo vlastitu<br />

proizvodnju vina, kvalitetno vino “Kraljevina”, i prirodnih sokova. U našoj kuhinji oživljeni su recepti baka: žganci z maslom, trganci, štrukli, prežgana juha, raca z<br />

mlincima i hajdinom kašom, domaći pohani picek i knedli sa šljivama. Na gospodarstvu je i konjušnica te prostor za jahanje. Gosti se mogu rekreirati na sportskim<br />

terenima. U blizini je i planinarska staza na najviši vrh ovog dijela Medvednice – Grohot te bazeni i teniski tereni. Kurija nudi i smještaj u sobama. U okolici je najveće<br />

hrvatsko marijansko svetište Marija Bistrica.<br />

The manor stands at the top of the hill, surrounded by orchards. Its unique architecture follows and connects tradition with modern 21 st century elements. We<br />

have our own wine production, high quality Kraljevina wine and natural fruit juices. We have revived the old recipes of our grandmothers: corn grits with butter,<br />

trganci, štrukli (cheese pastries), flour soup, duck with mlinci (bread tatters) and buckwheat porridge, locally raised breaded chicken, and plum dumplings. The<br />

farm also has a horse stable with riding area. Guests can also take in sports on the sport fields. There is a hiking trail in the proximity that leads to the highest peak<br />

of this part of Medvednica – Grohot. There is also a swimming pool and tennis court. The manor also offers accommodation. The largest Croatian pilgrimage site<br />

Marija Bistrica is also close by.<br />

RM: 4/2, Cat: """. APP: 1/4, Cat: """ 90 100<br />

HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: –<br />

45.8791, 16.10063<br />

01.01. – 31.12., samo vikendom,<br />

po dogovoru za grupe / weekends<br />

only, for groups by appointment<br />

94 | Ministarstvo turizma RH | Croatian Ministry of Tourism |

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