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125 154 Lijepo brdo Žumberak Zagrebačka županija | Zagreb County Zlatka Dalbello Grubači 5, Pećno, 10454 Krašić – – 091 5442 599 0,5 ha 750 m/nmv – 01.05. – 01.10., samo uz prethodnu najavu / by appointment only Tradicijska ruralna kuća nalazi se na području Parka prirode Žumberak – Samoborsko gorje i ima elemente kulturne baštine te je eksterijerno i interijerno uređena u skladu s tradicijskom žumberačkom arhitekturom. Park prirode nudi razne mogućnosti rekreacije kao što su planinarenje, biciklizam, ribolov, jahanje i sl. Uprava Parka također organizira razgledavanje kulturno-povijesnih lokaliteta kao i razgledavanje prirodnih ljepota uz stručne vodiče. No najveća vrijednost ove lokacije su prije svega mir, tišina, visina, šume, livade, planinski zrak, izvorska voda, ukratko očuvana divljina samo 60 km od Zagreba. This traditional rural house stands within the boundaries of the Žumberak – Samoborsko Gorje Nature Park and features elements of cultural heritage, while the exterior and interior are decorated in accordance with the traditional Žumberak architecture. The nature park offers different type of recreation such as walking, bike riding, fishing, horseback riding and more. The park management also organizes cultural and historical tours of sites such as the expertly guided nature tour. However, the best feature of the location, above all, is the peace and quiet, elevation, forests, meadows, mountain air, and spring water. In a work, preserved wild nature just 60 km from Zagreb. Ruralna kuća | Rural house: 6 beds, Cat: ### – – HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: – Stjepan Kolarić Hrastje Plešivičko 24, 10450 Jastrebarsko 01 6281 865 01 6281 865 098 227 678, 098 9827 245 1 ha – – 01.01. – 31.12., uz najavu / by appointment 126 Malo gospodarstvo Kolarić Na obroncima smo Plešivičke gore u blizini Jastrebarskog. Kuća njeguje tradiciju više od 200 godina. Ugostiteljska ponuda bazirana je na lokalnim specijalitetima i tradicijskom načinu pripreme izvornih jela jaskanskog kraja, uz kušanje vrhunskog vina i prirodnih sokova. Posebnost gospodarstva je certificirana ekoproizvodnja, makrobiotička i dijetalna hrana. Gostima nudimo različite seoske aktivnosti, razgled etnozbirke, degustacije i zanimljive edukacije o vinu. Okolica gospodarstva idealna je za šetnju, planinarenje, ribolov i vožnju biciklom. Upravljamo i nekadašnjim ljetnikovcem grofa Erdödyja, starim 500 godina, na poziciji jednog od najljepših vidikovaca na jaskanski kraj. The estate stands on the slopes of the Plešivica hills, near Jastrebarsko. The house has been nurturing the local traditions for more than 200 years. The hospitality offer is based on local specialties and the traditional preparing of local food from the Jastrebarsko region, including tastings of premium wines and natural fruit juices. A special feature of the farm is certified organic production, and production of macrobiotic and dietary foodstuffs. We offer guests a variety of activities, including tours of the ethno collection, wine tastings, and different wine workshops. The surroundings of the house are ideal for walks, hiking, fishing and cycling. We also manage the former summer villa of Count Erdödy which is 500 years old and located at one of the most beautiful lookout in Jastrebarsko region. RM: 3/2, 8/3, 4/4, Cat: I. i #### 80 60 HS: 200 – 300 KN LS: – 127 OPG Ciban Irena Funčić Pavlovčani 12 C, 10450 Jastrebarsko – – 098 246 256, 098 365 986 12 ha 170 m/nmv – 01.01. – 31.12., uz najavu / by appointment Obiteljsko gospodarstvo Ciban nalazi se 2,5 km od središta Jastrebarskog i prostire se na 15 ha, od kojih 10 ha pokrivaju vinogradi, a 5 ha šume. Kuća je sagrađena 1855 god., a restaurirana 2006. god. Kuća se nalazi na 170 m nadmorske visine i za vedrih dana pogled seže do Kleka, Petrove gore, Pisarovine. Gostima se nudi domaća hrana i vina iz vlastitog vinskog podruma. Na gospodarstvu je i gater s jelenima lopatarima. U selu je kapela sv. Pavla s oltarom iz 1643. god. Okolica obiluje stazama za šetnju u miru i tišini. Uz kuću je vezana i legenda o vragu koji kuje zlatnike u podrumu, ali to ćemo Vam ispričati kad dođete. The Ciban family farm is located 2.5 km from the centre of Jastrebarsko and covers an area of 15 ha, including 10 ha of vineyards and 5 ha of forest. The house was built in 1855 and was restored in 2006. The house is located at an elevation of 170 m and, when the sky is clear, the view stretches all the way to Klek, Petrova Gora and Pisarovina. Guests can enjoy local food and wines from the Ciban wine cellar. The farm also has fallow deer. St. Paul’s chapel from 1643 is located in the village. In the surroundings, there are many walking paths where you can enjoy your walks in peace and quiet. There is also a legend that says that there is a devil who makes golden coins in the house. However, once you arrive, we will tell you the whole story. RM: 6/2, Cat: ### 50 40 HS: 200 – 300 KN LS: 200 – 300 KN 90 | Ministarstvo turizma RH | Croatian Ministry of Tourism |

Nacionalni katalog »Ruralni turizam Hrvatske« | National Catalogue Rural Tourism in Croatia 128 Repro EKO Gospodarstvo obitelji Repar nalazi se u blizini planinarskog izletišta Japetić, 40 km udaljeno od Zagreba. Smještaj je pogodan za manje homogene grupe specifičnih afiniteta. Ugostiteljska ponuda bazirana je isključivo na vegetarijanskoj/veganskoj hrani. Moguća je organizacija radionica i tečajeva kuhanja. Posebnost gospodarstva je certificirana ekoproizvodnja raznih vrsta brašna u vlastitom mlinu te seitana, tofua, raznih popečaka i slično. The Repar family farm is located in the vicinity of the Japetić mountaineering excursion place, just 40 km from Zagreb. The accommodation is suitable for small groups with specific affinities. Our culinary offer is based exclusively on vegetarian/vegan food. It is also possible to organize workshops and cooking classes. The specificity of the restaurant is certified organic production of different types of flour produced in our own mill as well as wheat gluten, tofu, different types of vegetarian steaks and etc. Ruralna kuća | Rural house: 5 soba/rooms; 8–15 beds, Cat: ### 12 70 HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: – Dragica i Dragutin Repar Volavje 30, 10450 Volavje, Jastrebarsko 01 6294 744 01 6294 743 098 236 005 3 ha 200 m/nmv 01.01. – 31.12., uz najavu / by appointment – Zagrebačka županija | Zagreb County 129 Režekov podrum Gospodarstvo obitelji Režek nalazi se na obroncima Plešivice, 7 km od središta grada Jastrebarsko. Kuća i gospodarstvo njeguju tradiciju više od 100 godina. Smještaj se nudi u tradicijski uređenim sobama. Ugostiteljska ponuda bazirana je na lokalnim specijalitetima i autohtonom načinu pripreme jela. Nudi se razgled vinskog podruma i kušanje vrhunskih domaćih vina. Okolica gospodarstva raj je za šetnju u vinogradima, ali i za planinarenje te vožnju biciklom u prirodi. Domaćini rado goste vode u upoznavanje kraja. The Režek family farm is located on the hills of Plešivica, some 7 km from the centre of Jastrebarsko. The house and farm have been nurturing the local traditions for more than 100 years. Accommodation is available in traditionally decorated rooms. Our hospitality offer is based on local specialties and traditional food preparation. We also offer the tour of the wine cellar and tasting of local premium wines. The surroundings of the house are a true paradise for a walk through the vineyards, but also for hiking and cycling in nature. The hosts are always pleased to take guests out through the area. RM: 10/2, Cat: """ 80 40 HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: – Krešimir Režek Plešivica 39, 10450 Jastrebarsko 01 6294 836 – 091 5646 240 – 380 m/nmv 01.01. – 31.12., uz najavu / by appointment – 130 Ruralna kuća za odmor Kos Gospodarstvo, kušaonica i vinotočje Kos nalazi se 25 km od središta Zagreba. Njegujemo tradiciju više od 100 godina. Ugostiteljsku ponudu baziramo na lokalnim specijalitetima iz domaće proizvodnje i tradicijskom načinu pripreme jela poput domaćih kolača (perice), domaće patke s mlincima ili pečenice sa zeljem, uz kušanje vrhunskih vina iz vlastite proizvodnje. U sklopu imanja nalazi se uređeno dječje igralište, a ruralna kuća smještena je u vinogradu. Zanimljive izletničke točke su Zelinska vinska cesta, raznolika kulturna baština te biciklističke rute po okolici Svetog Ivana Zeline. The Kos rural vacation house, wine tasting facility and wine bar is located some 25 km from the centre of Zagreb. We have been nurturing the local traditions for more than 100 years. Our hospitality offer is based on local specialties produced on site in the traditional way, such as homemade desserts (perice), local duck with mlinci (bread tatters) or pečenice sausages with cabbage. Guests can enjoy tasting our premium wines. There is also a children’s playground and the rural house is surrounded by the vineyard. Guests can visit the Zelina wine road, a variety of cultural heritage sites and take in the cycling routes around Sveti Ivan Zelina. Ruralna kuća | Rural house: 4 beds, Cat: """ 50 15 HS: – LS: – Željko Kos S. Domjanića 8, 10382 Hrnjanec 01 2069 251 01 2069 251 098 367 030 željko.kos1@zg.t– www.vina– – 150–220 m/nmv 45.933333, 16.183333 01.01. – 31.12., uz najavu / by appointment Hrvatska gospodarska komora | Croatian Chamber of Economy | | 91

Nacionalni katalog »Ruralni <strong>turizam</strong> Hrvatske« | National Catalogue Rural Tourism in Croatia<br />

128<br />

Repro EKO<br />

Gospodarstvo obitelji Repar nalazi se u blizini planinarskog izletišta Japetić, 40 km udaljeno od Zagreba. Smještaj je pogodan za manje homogene grupe specifičnih<br />

afiniteta. Ugostiteljska ponuda bazirana je isključivo na vegetarijanskoj/veganskoj hrani. Moguća je organizacija radionica i tečajeva kuhanja. Posebnost gospodarstva<br />

je certificirana ekoproizvodnja raznih vrsta brašna u vlastitom mlinu te seitana, tofua, raznih popečaka i slično.<br />

The Repar family farm is located in the vicinity of the Japetić mountaineering excursion place, just 40 km from Zagreb. The accommodation is suitable for small<br />

groups with specific affinities. Our culinary offer is based exclusively on vegetarian/vegan food. It is also possible to organize workshops and cooking classes. The<br />

specificity of the restaurant is certified organic production of different types of flour produced in our own mill as well as wheat gluten, tofu, different types of<br />

vegetarian steaks and etc.<br />

Ruralna kuća | Rural house: 5 soba/rooms; 8–15 beds, Cat: ### 12 70<br />

HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: –<br />

Dragica i Dragutin Repar<br />

Volavje 30, 10450 Volavje,<br />

Jastrebarsko<br />

01 6294 744<br />

01 6294 743<br />

098 236 005<br /><br /><br />

3 ha<br />

200 m/nmv<br />

01.01. – 31.12., uz najavu /<br />

by appointment<br />

–<br />

Zagrebačka županija | Zagreb County<br />

129<br />

Režekov podrum<br />

Gospodarstvo obitelji Režek nalazi se na obroncima Plešivice, 7 km od središta grada Jastrebarsko. Kuća i gospodarstvo njeguju tradiciju više od 100 godina.<br />

Smještaj se nudi u tradicijski uređenim sobama. Ugostiteljska ponuda bazirana je na lokalnim specijalitetima i autohtonom načinu pripreme jela. Nudi se razgled<br />

vinskog podruma i kušanje vrhunskih domaćih vina. Okolica gospodarstva raj je za šetnju u vinogradima, ali i za planinarenje te vožnju biciklom u prirodi. Domaćini<br />

rado goste vode u upoznavanje kraja.<br />

The Režek family farm is located on the hills of Plešivica, some 7 km from the centre of Jastrebarsko. The house and farm have been nurturing the local traditions<br />

for more than 100 years. Accommodation is available in traditionally decorated rooms. Our hospitality offer is based on local specialties and traditional food<br />

preparation. We also offer the tour of the wine cellar and tasting of local premium wines. The surroundings of the house are a true paradise for a walk through the<br />

vineyards, but also for hiking and cycling in nature. The hosts are always pleased to take guests out through the area.<br />

RM: 10/2, Cat: """ 80 40<br />

HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: –<br />

Krešimir Režek<br />

Plešivica 39, 10450 Jastrebarsko<br />

01 6294 836<br />

–<br />

091 5646 240<br /><br /><br />

–<br />

380 m/nmv<br />

01.01. – 31.12., uz najavu /<br />

by appointment<br />

–<br />

130<br />

Ruralna kuća za odmor Kos<br />

Gospodarstvo, kušaonica i vinotočje Kos nalazi se 25 km od središta Zagreba. Njegujemo tradiciju više od 100 godina. Ugostiteljsku ponudu baziramo na lokalnim<br />

specijalitetima iz domaće proizvodnje i tradicijskom načinu pripreme jela poput domaćih kolača (perice), domaće patke s mlincima ili pečenice sa zeljem, uz kušanje<br />

vrhunskih vina iz vlastite proizvodnje. U sklopu imanja nalazi se uređeno dječje igralište, a <strong>rur</strong>alna kuća smještena je u vinogradu. Zanimljive izletničke točke<br />

su Zelinska vinska cesta, raznolika kulturna baština te biciklističke rute po okolici Svetog Ivana Zeline.<br />

The Kos <strong>rur</strong>al vacation house, wine tasting facility and wine bar is located some 25 km from the centre of Zagreb. We have been nurturing the local traditions for<br />

more than 100 years. Our hospitality offer is based on local specialties produced on site in the traditional way, such as homemade desserts (perice), local duck<br />

with mlinci (bread tatters) or pečenice sausages with cabbage. Guests can enjoy tasting our premium wines. There is also a children’s playground and the <strong>rur</strong>al<br />

house is surrounded by the vineyard. Guests can visit the Zelina wine road, a variety of cultural heritage sites and take in the cycling routes around Sveti Ivan Zelina.<br />

Ruralna kuća | Rural house: 4 beds, Cat: """ 50 15<br />

HS: – LS: –<br />

Željko Kos<br />

S. Domjanića 8, 10382 Hrnjanec<br />

01 2069 251<br />

01 2069 251<br />

098 367 030<br />

željko.kos1@zg.t–<br />

www.vina–<br />

–<br />

150–220 m/nmv<br />

45.933333, 16.183333<br />

01.01. – 31.12., uz najavu /<br />

by appointment<br />

Hrvatska gospodarska komora | Croatian Chamber of Economy | | 91

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