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Sisačko – moslavačka županija | Sisak – Molsavina County Stjepan Tušek Gaborčina 29, 44317 Popovača 044 650 650 – 098 430 154 4 ha 201 m/nmv – 01.01. – 31.12., pet – ned, grupe po dogovoru / Fri – Sun, for groups by appointment 119 154 Vinarija Tušek Jedna od najstarijih kuća Moslavine s idiličnim pogledom na vinograd i moslavačku ravnicu danas je dom Vinarije Tušek. Originalni moslavački čardak podignut je prije gotovo 200 godina u selu Donja Jelenska. Jedinstven je primjerak autohtone moslavačke arhitekture koji i veličinom i profinjenim ukrasima odaje imutak svojih nekadašnjih vlasnika. Kuća je u preseljena na današnju lokaciju i u potpunosti obnovljena. Vinski podrum u potpunosti je ukopan u zemlju. Uz nastojanje da od sorata primjerenih kraju i gotovo idealnom položaju vinograda dobiju najbolju moguću kapljicu, u Vinariji Tušek s posebnom pažnjom bave se hranom. Misao vodilja je – lokalno i sezonsko. One of the oldest houses in Moslavina, with an idyllic view over the vineyard and Moslavina valley, today is home to the Tušek wine cellar. The original wooden house was built almost 200 years ago in the village Donja Jelenska. The house is a unique specimen of the indigenous Moslavina architecture, and both its size and beautiful decorations reveal the wealth of its former owners. The house was moved to the present day location and has been completely renovated. The wine cellar is entirely dug into the ground. The natural position and varieties suitable to the region are use to make the best possible wine, and the Tušek wine cellar also deals with the food. The primarily concept is: local and seasonal. Ruralna kuća | Rural house: 4/2, Cat: """" @ 35 60 HS: 200–300 KN LS: 80–200 KN Varaždinska županija | Varaždin County Sanja Karlović Pustike b.b., Imbriovec, 42203 Jalžabet 042 647 622 042 647 422 098 379 134 1 ha 276 m/nmv – 01.01. – 31.12., pet – ned, grupe po dogovoru / Fri – Sun, for groups by appointment 120 Klet Crnko 1 Na brijegu Pustike iznad sela Imbriovec, seljačkim turizmom se bavimo već 20 godina. Sve je uređeno u tradicijskom stilu. Naš kulinarski specijalitet je Pustičko pečenje, a tu su i vođene degustacije naših nagrađivanih vina. Vinogradarstvo i podrumarstvo osnovna je djelatnost obitelji više od 100 godina. Uzgajamo 15.500 čokota i 9 sorti vinove loze kontroliranog geografskog podrijetla. Desertna vina Traminac i Cuvee izbor prosušenih bobica 2011. nagrađena su na Dekanteru. Od 1995. god. imamo i zlatna arhivska vina. Nalazimo se na dionici Jalžabetske vinske ceste, ali i biciklističke staze. Kraj je idealan za šetnju prirodom do Varaždinskih Toplica, a do baroknog grada Varaždina je samo 15 km. On the Pustika hill above the village of Imbriovec, the family has been involved in rural tourism for twenty years. The estate has been fully decorated in the traditional style. Our culinary specialty is Pustičko pečenje (roasted meat) and there are also guided tastings of the award winning wines. Viticulture and wine making has been the basic activity of this family for over 100 years. We have a total of 15,500 vines and 9 varieties of grapes of controlled geographical origin. The desert wines Traminac and Cuvee won awards at the Dekanter Fair in 2011. As of 1995, we also provide golden archive wines. The estate is situated on the Jalžabetska wine road and cycling routes. The area is ideal for a walk through the hills to the Varaždinske Toplice thermal spa. The estate is just 15 km from the Baroque city of Varaždin. RM: 3/2, 2/3, 1/4, Cat: – 140 75 HS: 100–200 KN LS: – 121 Seljački turizam Crnko 2 obitelj Crnko Veliki vrh b.b., Kelemen, 42203 Jalžabet 042 647 347 042 647 422 098 1817 408 3 ha 276 m/nm – 01.01. – 31.12., cijeli tjedan, osim pon / all days, except Mon Naš je objekt biser seoskog turizma Varaždinske županije, smješten 4 km od Varaždinskih Toplica i 10 km od Varaždina. Tradicija imanja seže još u 1924. god. kad je obitelj Crnko kupila grofovski posjed površine 3 ha na najljepšoj poziciji s pogledom na plodnu ravnicu, rijeku Dravu i Međimurje, vinorodne brijege i planine Kalnik i Ivanščicu. Danas je ovdje preuređena, stara klijet iz 1929. god. okružena s 12.000 čokota vinove loze. Proizvodimo 9 sorti kvalitetnih i vrhunskih vina te 58 vrsta rakija i likera. Obitelj posjeduje respektabilnu zbirku s više od 350 starinskih uporabnih predmeta. The estate is the pearl of rural tourism in Varaždin Country, located 4 km from the Varaždinske Toplice thermal spa and 10 km from Varaždin. The tradition of the estate dates back from 1924 when the Crnko family purchased 3 ha of lands in the most beautiful position overlooking the fertile valley, the Drava River and Međimurje region, the hills spotted with vineyards and the Kalnik and Ivanščica mountains. The old house from 1929 has been renovated and today is surrounded by 12,000 vines. We produce nine varieties of high quality and premium wines and 58 types of brandies and liqueurs. Our family possesses a respectable collection of more than 350 old general use objects. APP: 1/2, 1/4, Cat: ### 100 50 HS: 100–200 KN LS: – 88 | Ministarstvo turizma RH | Croatian Ministry of Tourism |

Nacionalni katalog »Ruralni turizam Hrvatske« | National Catalogue Rural Tourism in Croatia 122 EKO selo Gradunje Na najistočnijim smo obroncima Medvednice, 4 km od Svetog Ivana Zeline. Gospodarstvo njeguje tradiciju starih drvenih kuća. Ugostiteljska ponuda bazirana je na lokalnim specijalitetima i tradicijskom načinu pripreme jela. Također se može kušati vrhunsko vino. Gosti na gospodarstvu mogu sudjelovati u raznim aktivnostima, koristiti dječje igralište i šetnice. Okolica gospodarstva idealna je za šetnje, ribolov, planinarenje ili vožnju biciklom po Zelinskoj gori sve do srednjovjekovnog Zelingrada. U Zelini vrijedi posjetiti muzej i župnu crkvu sv. Ivana Krstitelja. The estate stands on the easternmost hills of Mt. Medvednica, just 4 km from Sveti Ivan Zelina. The house has preserved the tradition of old wooden houses. The offer is based on local specialties and the traditional preparation of food. Guests can enjoy tasting top quality wines and participate in different activities, use the children’s playground and head out on the walking trails. The surrounding area is ideal for walks, fishing, hiking or cycling through the Zelina hills, all the way to the medieval fortress Zelingrad. It is also worth visiting the museum and Church of St. John the Baptist (Ivan Krstitelj). – 150 50 HS: – LS: – Damir Černe Gradunje 12A, 10380 Sv.Ivan Zelina 01 2067 815 – 092 1375 790 1.1 ha 400 m/nmv 01.01. – 31.12., pon – ned / all week Mon – Sun – Zagrebačka županija | Zagreb County 123 Etnokuća Pod Okićem Etno kuća pod Okićem smještena je 20 km jugozapadno od Zagreba i 8 km od Samobora. U samom podnožju ruševina srednjovjekovnog grada Okića, na idiličnim obroncima Plešivice na granici Parka prirode Žumberak – Samoborsko gorje. Posjetiteljima nudi poseban ugođaj u autentičnom ambijentu seoskog domaćinstva okićkog kraja uz prezentaciju predmeta kroz zavičajnu zbirku. Pripremamo domaću hranu za obiteljske proslave i druge vrste druženja te team building. Nudimo smještaj u sobama, najam kuće, kampiranje te iznajmljivanje prostora za prigodna druženja i sportske aktivnosti. Gospodarstvo je specijalizirano za dječje izlete i edukativne radionice za djecu. The Ethno House Under Okić is located 20 km southwest of Zagreb and 8 km from Samobor. It is situated at the foot of the ruins of the Okić medieval castle on the idyllic Pleševica hills on the outskirts of the Žumberak – Samoborsko Gorje Nature Park. Visitors are offered a unique experience in the authentic atmosphere of a typical farm holding of the Okić region, with a presentation of the heritage collection of the Okić region. We prepare homestyle food for family celebrations and other types of gatherings and team building. We offer accommodation in rooms, renting of houses, camping and renting of premises for special occasions and sports activities. The house is also specialized for children’s excursions and educational workshops for children. RM: 1/3, Cat: "", Camp: 5 mjesta / 5 places, Cat: "", Ruralna kuća / Rural house: 3 beds, Cat: "" 50 60 HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: 80 – 200 KN Marijan Slakoper Podokićka 40, 10 435 Klake, Samobor 01 3382 335 – 098 9288 773 3000 m 2 330 m/nmv 45.417476, 16.628086 01.01. – 31.12., uz najavu / by appointment 124 Ladanj Kod strica Ladanjska kuća za odmor nalazi se na obroncima Moslavačke gore, 30 km od Zagreba. Sagrađena je u stilu tradicijske gradnje regije Moslavina i smještena u zelenilu pomno uređene okućnice, s uređenim dječjim igralištem i šetnicom od 1 km duž cijelog imanja. Gostima se nudi hrana i piće proizvedeno na imanju, a pripremljeno po recepturi davnih vremena. Također, moguća je organizacija svih vrsta obiteljskih i poslovnih proslava. Posebnost gospodarstva je vrhunski pansion za konje, koji se sastoji od konjušnice i pašnjaka od 50 000 m 2 . The country house is located on the slopes of the Moslovačka Gora hills, just 30 km from Zagreb. It was built in traditional style of the Moslavina region and is located on the green hills, together with a children’s playground and a walking trail that is 1 km from the estate. We offer our guests food and beverages produced on site, based on old–fashioned recipes. We can organize all types of family or corporate celebrations. A special feature of this estate is top quality accommodation for horses, with stables and 50 000 m 2 of pastures. RM. 2/1, 2/2, Cat:–; Ruralna kuća | Rural house: 6 beds, Cat: – 70 50 HS:100 – 200 KN LS: – Sanja Paulić Vinogradska 16, 10312 Kloštar Ivanić 01 2892 588 01 2830 347 098 204 522 5 ha 100 m/nmv 01.01. – 31.12., pon – ned / all week Mon – Sun – Hrvatska gospodarska komora | Croatian Chamber of Economy | | 89

Sisačko – moslavačka županija | Sisak – Molsavina County<br />

Stjepan Tušek<br />

Gaborčina 29, 44317 Popovača<br />

044 650 650<br />

–<br />

098 430 154<br /><br />

4 ha<br />

201 m/nmv<br />

–<br />

01.01. – 31.12., pet – ned, grupe po<br />

dogovoru / Fri – Sun, for groups by<br />

appointment<br />

119 154<br />

Vinarija Tušek<br />

Jedna od najstarijih kuća Moslavine s idiličnim pogledom na vinograd i moslavačku ravnicu danas je dom Vinarije Tušek. Originalni moslavački čardak podignut<br />

je prije gotovo 200 godina u selu Donja Jelenska. Jedinstven je primjerak autohtone moslavačke arhitekture koji i veličinom i profinjenim ukrasima odaje imutak<br />

svojih nekadašnjih vlasnika. Kuća je u preseljena na današnju lokaciju i u potpunosti obnovljena. Vinski podrum u potpunosti je ukopan u zemlju. Uz nastojanje da<br />

od sorata primjerenih kraju i gotovo idealnom položaju vinograda dobiju najbolju moguću kapljicu, u Vinariji Tušek s posebnom pažnjom bave se hranom. Misao<br />

vodilja je – lokalno i sezonsko.<br />

One of the oldest houses in Moslavina, with an idyllic view over the vineyard and Moslavina valley, today is home to the Tušek wine cellar. The original wooden<br />

house was built almost 200 years ago in the village Donja Jelenska. The house is a unique specimen of the indigenous Moslavina architecture, and both its size and<br />

beautiful decorations reveal the wealth of its former owners. The house was moved to the present day location and has been completely renovated. The wine cellar<br />

is entirely dug into the ground. The natural position and varieties suitable to the region are use to make the best possible wine, and the Tušek wine cellar also deals<br />

with the food. The primarily concept is: local and seasonal.<br />

Ruralna kuća | Rural house: 4/2, Cat: """" @ 35 60<br />

HS: 200–300 KN<br />

LS: 80–200 KN<br />

Varaždinska županija | Varaždin County<br />

Sanja Karlović<br />

Pustike b.b., Imbriovec,<br />

42203 Jalžabet<br />

042 647 622<br />

042 647 422<br />

098 379 134<br />

seoski.<strong>turizam</strong><br />

www.seoski-<strong>turizam</strong><br />

1 ha<br />

276 m/nmv<br />

–<br />

01.01. – 31.12., pet – ned, grupe po<br />

dogovoru / Fri – Sun, for groups by<br />

appointment<br />

120<br />

Klet Crnko 1<br />

Na brijegu Pustike iznad sela Imbriovec, seljačkim turizmom se bavimo već 20 godina. Sve je uređeno u tradicijskom stilu. Naš kulinarski specijalitet je Pustičko<br />

pečenje, a tu su i vođene degustacije naših nagrađivanih vina. Vinogradarstvo i podrumarstvo osnovna je djelatnost obitelji više od 100 godina. Uzgajamo 15.500<br />

čokota i 9 sorti vinove loze kontroliranog geografskog podrijetla. Desertna vina Traminac i Cuvee izbor prosušenih bobica 2011. nagrađena su na Dekanteru. Od<br />

1995. god. imamo i zlatna arhivska vina. Nalazimo se na dionici Jalžabetske vinske ceste, ali i biciklističke staze. Kraj je idealan za šetnju prirodom do Varaždinskih<br />

Toplica, a do baroknog grada Varaždina je samo 15 km.<br />

On the Pustika hill above the village of Imbriovec, the family has been involved in <strong>rur</strong>al tourism for twenty years. The estate has been fully decorated in the traditional<br />

style. Our culinary specialty is Pustičko pečenje (roasted meat) and there are also guided tastings of the award winning wines. Viticulture and wine making has<br />

been the basic activity of this family for over 100 years. We have a total of 15,500 vines and 9 varieties of grapes of controlled geographical origin. The desert wines<br />

Traminac and Cuvee won awards at the Dekanter Fair in 2011. As of 1995, we also provide golden archive wines. The estate is situated on the Jalžabetska wine road<br />

and cycling routes. The area is ideal for a walk through the hills to the Varaždinske Toplice thermal spa. The estate is just 15 km from the Baroque city of Varaždin.<br />

RM: 3/2, 2/3, 1/4, Cat: – 140 75<br />

HS: 100–200 KN LS: –<br />

121<br />

Seljački <strong>turizam</strong> Crnko 2<br />

obitelj Crnko<br />

Veliki vrh b.b., Kelemen,<br />

42203 Jalžabet<br />

042 647 347<br />

042 647 422<br />

098 1817 408<br /><br />

www.seljacki-<strong>turizam</strong><br /><br />

3 ha<br />

276 m/nm<br />

–<br />

01.01. – 31.12., cijeli tjedan, osim<br />

pon / all days, except Mon<br />

Naš je objekt biser seoskog turizma Varaždinske županije, smješten 4 km od Varaždinskih Toplica i 10 km od Varaždina. Tradicija imanja seže još u 1924. god. kad je<br />

obitelj Crnko kupila grofovski posjed površine 3 ha na najljepšoj poziciji s pogledom na plodnu ravnicu, rijeku Dravu i Međimurje, vinorodne brijege i planine Kalnik i<br />

Ivanščicu. Danas je ovdje preuređena, stara klijet iz 1929. god. okružena s 12.000 čokota vinove loze. Proizvodimo 9 sorti kvalitetnih i vrhunskih vina te 58 vrsta rakija<br />

i likera. Obitelj posjeduje respektabilnu zbirku s više od 350 starinskih uporabnih predmeta.<br />

The estate is the pearl of <strong>rur</strong>al tourism in Varaždin Country, located 4 km from the Varaždinske Toplice thermal spa and 10 km from Varaždin. The tradition of<br />

the estate dates back from 1924 when the Crnko family purchased 3 ha of lands in the most beautiful position overlooking the fertile valley, the Drava River and<br />

Međimurje region, the hills spotted with vineyards and the Kalnik and Ivanščica mountains. The old house from 1929 has been renovated and today is surrounded<br />

by 12,000 vines. We produce nine varieties of high quality and premium wines and 58 types of brandies and liqueurs. Our family possesses a respectable collection<br />

of more than 350 old general use objects.<br />

APP: 1/2, 1/4, Cat: ### 100 50<br />

HS: 100–200 KN LS: –<br />

88 | Ministarstvo turizma RH | Croatian Ministry of Tourism |

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