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107 154 EKO etnoturizam Antolić Sisačko – moslavačka županija | Sisak – Molsavina County Ankica Antolić Drenov bok 19, 44324 Jasenovac – – 091 894 8588 – – – – 01.01. – 31.12. samo uz najavu / by appointment only Gospodarstvo Antolić nalazi se u Parku prirode Lonjsko polje, u selu Drenov Bok. Selo. Kuća i štala građene su od hrastovih planjki po uzoru na tradicijsku gradnju podneblja. Gosti na gospodarstvu mogu sudjelovati u raznim aktivnostima, dok je okolica gospodarstva idealna za šetnje, ribolov i vožnju biciklom. Ornitološki rezervat Krapje đol i Poučna staza Graničara nalazi se 400 m od kuće i idealna su mjesta za promatranje ptica. Na obližnjem pašnjaku Orlinci pasu stada posavskih konja i krava. U selu je i pristanište broda Vodomar za plovidbu rijekom Savom. The Antolić household is located in Lonjsko Polje Nature Park, in the village of Drenov Bok. The house and the stable were built from oak and following the local tradition. Guests can participate in different activities, while the surrounding areas are ideal for hiking, fishing and cycling. The Krapje Đol ornithological reserve and Graničar educational hiking trail is located 400 m from the house and is an ideal spot for bird watching. In the surrounding meadow Orlinci, the indigenous Posavina horses and cows graze freely. The Vodomar port for boats cruising the Sava River is also nearby. RM: 2/2, Cat: """ – – HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: 80 – 200 KN Hrvoje Mlinarević Plesmo 26, 44324 Jasenovac 044 611 212 044 611 215 091 6006 378 – – – 01.01. – 31.12., pon – ned / all week Mon – Sun 108 EKO etnoselo Strug Naše je selo Strug idealno mjesto za sve željne odmora u oazi mira, tišine i prirodnih ljepota. Nalazi se na južnom ulazu u Park prirode, tik do rječice – kanala Strug. Udaljeno je samo 1 km od sela Krapje, europskog spomenika kulturne baštine, s mnoštvom prelijepih primjera tradicijske drvene arhitekture ovih prostora. Prehrambeni proizvodi u našoj ugostiteljskoj ponudi potječu s okolnih seoskih gospodarstava, a domaća jela pripremamo na tradicionalan način i po receptima iz posavskoga kraja. Ovo je idealno odredište za šetnje bespućima Lonjskog polja, promatranje ptica i domaćih životinja na slobodnoj ispaši, nezaboravan fotosafari, ali i ribolov, vožnju čamcem ili biciklom. The village Strug is an ideal place for all those who want to enjoy their vacation in an oasis of peace and quiet, while surrounded with natural beauty. The village is located at the southern entrance to the nature park, right next to the small stream, Strug channel. It is only 1 km away from the village Krapje, a European cultural heritage monument, with many beautiful specimens of the traditional wooden architecture of this area. Our menu is based on produced grown on the surrounding local farms, and all food is prepared in a traditional way, based on the recipes from Posavina. This is an ideal spot for all those who wish to wander through the Lonjsko Polje wetland, and watch the birds and domestic animals that are freely grazing. Guests can experience an unforgettable photo safari, in addition to fishing, cycling or taking a boat ride. RM: 7/1, 7/2, 1/3, Cat: ###, APP: 1/2, Cat: ### 80 50 HS: 200 – 300 KN LS: – 109 EKO turizam Veselić Ivan Veselić Mužilovčica 8, 44213 Gušće 044 776 353 – 098 936 5066 2 ha 100 m/nmv – 01.01. – 31.12. samo uz najavu / by appointment only U ponudi imamo tradicionalne gastronomske specijalitete pripremljene od ekoloških proizvoda iz vlastitog uzgoja. U kušaonici ekoloških proizvoda obavezno treba kušati naš pekmez, ajvar ili sokove od jagode, mrkve i jabuke te likere, rakiju ili vino. Na imanju nudimo sve domaće, od suhomesnatih proizvoda do žganaca s mlijekom. Smještaj nudimo u tradicionalnoj posavskoj kući iz 1900. god., a goste rado upoznajemo s nekadašnjim načinom života uz prezentaciju starih zanata. Gosti mogu sudjelovati u poljoprivrednim radovima na gospodarstvu, koristiti dječje igralište ili otići u šetnju Lonjskim poljem, uživajući u promatranju ptica i stoke na slobodnoj ispaši, uz raznoliku kulturnu baštinu kraja. We offer traditional culinary specialties prepared from organic produce grown on site. Guests are invited to try our homemade jams, ajvar (red pepper relish), juices made of strawberry, carrot or apple, liqueurs, brandies and wine. Everything offered at our household, from meat products to polenta with milk, is homemade. We offer accommodation in a traditional house typical of the Posavina region from 1900, and we like to introduce our guests to the old way of life and to present old crafts. Guests can participate in farm works, use the children’s playground and take a walk through the Lonjsko Polje wetland, enjoy bird watching and cattle freely pasturing together, and take in the cultural heritage of the area. RM: 2/3, Cat: """ 12 50 HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: 80 – 200 KN 84 | Ministarstvo turizma RH | Croatian Ministry of Tourism |

Nacionalni katalog »Ruralni turizam Hrvatske« | National Catalogue Rural Tourism in Croatia 110 Etnoselo Stara Lonja Stotine metara drvene ograde ovog imanja kriju nekoliko tradicijskih drvenih kuća, obnovljenih i lijepo uređenih. Ovo “selo u selu“ smješteno je u selu Lonja na samoj obali rijeke Save u parku prirode. Ovdje je nekoliko kuća, mnogo zelenila i stari sjenik preuređen u prostor za zajedničko pripremanje gurmanskih specijaliteta i uživanje od jutra do mraka. Gostima je na raspolaganju igralište za mali nogomet, odbojku, košarku, badminton i starinsko kuglanje, a može se unajmiti bicikl, ribolovni pribor, čamci za ribolov i kanui. Postoji mogućnost organizacije raznih izleta po Lonjskom polju, fotosafarija, škole ribolova ili vožnje u fijakeru s posavskim konjima. The estate features several nicely renovated, traditional wooden houses, hidden behind hundreds of meters of wooden fences. This “village in the village” is located in the settlement of Lonja on the banks of the Sava River. There are several houses here, many trees and an old barn which has been turned into a space for common preparation of delicacies which our guests can enjoy from morning till evening. Guests can also take advantage of the indoor court for soccer, volleyball, basketball, badminton and old–fashioned bowling. Bicycles, fishing equipment, fishing boats and canoes are available for rental. A number of different excursions can also be organised around Lonjsko Polje, including photo safari, fishing schools, and Posavina horse–drawn carriage rides. APP: 4/2, Cat: ### 10 35 HS: 100–200 KN LS: 80–200 KN Mladen i Igor Bojanić Lonja 50, 44203 Gušće, Sisak 044 710 619 044 710 619 091 505 5543, 091 525 4540 3 ha – – 01.01. – 31.12., pon – ned / all week Mon – Sun Sisačko – moslavačka županija | Sisak – Molsavina County 111 Kuća za odmor Palaić Domaćinstvo Palaić nudi čaroliju seoskog zavičaja. Svjež zrak, cvrkut ptica, šum vjetra, čista prirode, sve to i više ovdje se može doživjeti. Selo Krapje u srcu Lonjskog polja stvoreno je za mlade parove, obitelji s djecom i sve željne bijega od gradske gužve. Cijelo imanje je u uređeno u tradicijskom stilu, sobe za noćenje i blagovaonica za ručanje. Posjetiteljima se nude razne aktivnosti pješačenje, sport i rekreacija. Velika okućnica ima i nogometno i košarkaško igralište, viseću kuglanu, bicikle za razgledavanje sela, a nudi i mnoge druge aktivnosti. U ponudi je i zbirka etnografskih predmeta kojom ćemo posjetitelju dočarati povijesnu priču ovog idiličnog sela. The Palaić holiday house offers you all the magic of a village. Fresh air, singing birds, the sounds of the wind, the purity of the nature and much more. The village Krapje, in the heart of Lonjsko Polje, is ideal for young couples, families with children and all those who wish to escape from the city. The entire estate is decorated in the traditional style, we have rooms to rent and a restaurant where we offer meals. Visitors can enjoy hiking, or take part in other sports and recreational activities. The large house has also a football and basketball field, hanging bowling court, bicycles for touring the village and many other activities. We also offer a collection of ethnographic artefacts that can tell visitors of the history of this idyllic village. APP: 1/2, Cat: """, Ruralna kuća | Rural house: 2 beds, Cat: """ 8 30 HS: 100–200 KN LS: 80–200 KN Marijan Palaić Krapje 167, 44324 Jasenovac 044 540 921 091 5664 921, – – 3500 m 2 102 m/nmv 01.01. – 31.12. samo uz najavu / by appointment only – 112 Moslavačka priča Moslavačka priča je imanje s tri kuće za odmor Agacija, Vrba i Lipa te dva lovačka doma. Sve kuće su primjer tradicijske baštine ovoga kraja, namještene starim i stilskim namještajem, ali suvremeno opremljene za ugodan boravak. Gastronomska ponuda bazira se na domaćim jelima Moslavine te autohtonim vinima kraja. Na imanju je ribnjak sa šaranima, dječje igralište, stol za stolni tenis, igralište za badminton, malonogometno igralište te šuma s poučnom stazom Gaj dugom 2,4 km. Gostima se nudi najam bicikla, škola i rekreativno jahanje, fotosafari posjet Moslavačkoj vinskoj cesti uz degustacije vina, razgled okolice s licenciranim turističkim vodičem te organizacija team buildinga. The Story of Moslavina is an estate with three vacation houses, called Agacija, Vrba and Lipa, and two hunting lodges. All the houses are examples of the traditional heritage of the region, renovated with antique and stylistic furniture, while also possessing all the modern amenities and comfort. The culinary offer is based on the local food of Moslavina and indigenous wines from the region. At the estate there is also a carp pond, children’s playground, table tennis, badminton, indoor football and the surrounding woods, with the Gaj educational hiking trail that is 2.4 km long. Guests have the opportunity to rent bicycles or go horseback riding. We also offer a photo safari of the Moslavina wine road with wine tastings, tours of the surrounding areas with a licensed guide and the organization of team building. RM: 1/1, 4/2, Cat: ###, Ruralna kuća| Rural house: 3/18 beds, Cat: ### 80 100 HS:300–450KN LS: 300–400KN Stjepan Martinac Gaj 3, 44316 Velika Ludina 044 658 917 044 658 917 098 381 544 – – – 01.01. – 31.12. samo uz najavu / by appointment only Hrvatska gospodarska komora | Croatian Chamber of Economy | | 85

Nacionalni katalog »Ruralni <strong>turizam</strong> Hrvatske« | National Catalogue Rural Tourism in Croatia<br />

110<br />

Etnoselo Stara Lonja<br />

Stotine metara drvene ograde ovog imanja kriju nekoliko tradicijskih drvenih kuća, obnovljenih i lijepo uređenih. Ovo “selo u selu“ smješteno je u selu Lonja na<br />

samoj obali rijeke Save u parku prirode. Ovdje je nekoliko kuća, mnogo zelenila i stari sjenik preuređen u prostor za zajedničko pripremanje gurmanskih specijaliteta<br />

i uživanje od jutra do mraka. Gostima je na raspolaganju igralište za mali nogomet, odbojku, košarku, badminton i starinsko kuglanje, a može se unajmiti<br />

bicikl, ribolovni pribor, čamci za ribolov i kanui. Postoji mogućnost organizacije raznih izleta po Lonjskom polju, fotosafarija, škole ribolova ili vožnje u fijakeru s<br />

posavskim konjima.<br />

The estate features several nicely renovated, traditional wooden houses, hidden behind hundreds of meters of wooden fences. This “village in the village” is<br />

located in the settlement of Lonja on the banks of the Sava River. There are several houses here, many trees and an old barn which has been turned into a space for<br />

common preparation of delicacies which our guests can enjoy from morning till evening. Guests can also take advantage of the indoor court for soccer, volleyball,<br />

basketball, badminton and old–fashioned bowling. Bicycles, fishing equipment, fishing boats and canoes are available for rental. A number of different excursions<br />

can also be organised around Lonjsko Polje, including photo safari, fishing schools, and Posavina horse–drawn carriage rides.<br />

APP: 4/2, Cat: ### 10 35<br />

HS: 100–200 KN<br />

LS: 80–200 KN<br />

Mladen i Igor Bojanić<br />

Lonja 50, 44203 Gušće, Sisak<br />

044 710 619<br />

044 710 619<br />

091 505 5543, 091 525 4540<br /><br /><br />

3 ha<br />

–<br />

–<br />

01.01. – 31.12., pon – ned /<br />

all week Mon – Sun<br />

Sisačko – moslavačka županija | Sisak – Molsavina County<br />

111<br />

Kuća za odmor Palaić<br />

Domaćinstvo Palaić nudi čaroliju seoskog zavičaja. Svjež zrak, cvrkut ptica, šum vjetra, čista prirode, sve to i više ovdje se može doživjeti. Selo Krapje u srcu Lonjskog<br />

polja stvoreno je za mlade parove, obitelji s djecom i sve željne bijega od gradske gužve. Cijelo imanje je u uređeno u tradicijskom stilu, sobe za noćenje i blagovaonica<br />

za ručanje. Posjetiteljima se nude razne aktivnosti pješačenje, sport i rekreacija. Velika okućnica ima i nogometno i košarkaško igralište, viseću kuglanu,<br />

bicikle za razgledavanje sela, a nudi i mnoge druge aktivnosti. U ponudi je i zbirka etnografskih predmeta kojom ćemo posjetitelju dočarati povijesnu priču ovog<br />

idiličnog sela.<br />

The Palaić holiday house offers you all the magic of a village. Fresh air, singing birds, the sounds of the wind, the purity of the nature and much more. The village<br />

Krapje, in the heart of Lonjsko Polje, is ideal for young couples, families with children and all those who wish to escape from the city. The entire estate is decorated<br />

in the traditional style, we have rooms to rent and a restaurant where we offer meals. Visitors can enjoy hiking, or take part in other sports and recreational activities.<br />

The large house has also a football and basketball field, hanging bowling court, bicycles for touring the village and many other activities. We also offer a collection<br />

of ethnographic artefacts that can tell visitors of the history of this idyllic village.<br />

APP: 1/2, Cat: """, Ruralna kuća | Rural house: 2 beds, Cat: """ 8 30<br />

HS: 100–200 KN<br />

LS: 80–200 KN<br />

Marijan Palaić<br />

Krapje 167, 44324 Jasenovac<br />

044 540 921<br />

091 5664 921<br />,<br /><br />

–<br />

–<br />

3500 m 2<br />

102 m/nmv<br />

01.01. – 31.12. samo uz najavu /<br />

by appointment only<br />

–<br />

112<br />

Moslavačka priča<br />

Moslavačka priča je imanje s tri kuće za odmor Agacija, Vrba i Lipa te dva lovačka doma. Sve kuće su primjer tradicijske baštine ovoga kraja, namještene starim i<br />

stilskim namještajem, ali suvremeno opremljene za ugodan boravak. Gastronomska ponuda bazira se na domaćim jelima Moslavine te autohtonim vinima kraja.<br />

Na imanju je ribnjak sa šaranima, dječje igralište, stol za stolni tenis, igralište za badminton, malonogometno igralište te šuma s poučnom stazom Gaj dugom<br />

2,4 km. Gostima se nudi najam bicikla, škola i rekreativno jahanje, fotosafari posjet Moslavačkoj vinskoj cesti uz degustacije vina, razgled okolice s licenciranim<br />

turističkim vodičem te organizacija team buildinga.<br />

The Story of Moslavina is an estate with three vacation houses, called Agacija, Vrba and Lipa, and two hunting lodges. All the houses are examples of the traditional<br />

heritage of the region, renovated with antique and stylistic furniture, while also possessing all the modern amenities and comfort. The culinary offer is based on the<br />

local food of Moslavina and indigenous wines from the region. At the estate there is also a carp pond, children’s playground, table tennis, badminton, indoor football<br />

and the surrounding woods, with the Gaj educational hiking trail that is 2.4 km long. Guests have the opportunity to rent bicycles or go horseback riding. We<br />

also offer a photo safari of the Moslavina wine road with wine tastings, tours of the surrounding areas with a licensed guide and the organization of team building.<br />

RM: 1/1, 4/2, Cat: ###, Ruralna kuća| Rural house: 3/18 beds, Cat: ### 80 100<br />

HS:300–450KN<br />

LS: 300–400KN<br />

Stjepan Martinac<br />

Gaj 3, 44316 Velika Ludina<br />

044 658 917<br />

044 658 917<br />

098 381 544<br /><br /><br />

–<br />

–<br />

–<br />

01.01. – 31.12. samo uz najavu /<br />

by appointment only<br />

Hrvatska gospodarska komora | Croatian Chamber of Economy | | 85

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