
rur_turizam rur_turizam

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101 154 Seoski turizam Masnec Krapinsko – zagorska županija | Krapina – Zagorje County Fanika Masnec Luke Poljanske 41, 49296 Zagorska Sela 049 552 133 049 501 998 098 950 2111 10 ha 300 m/nmv – 01.01. – 31.12., pon – ned / all week Mon – Sun U naselju Luka Poljanska nalazi se seosko domaćinstvo obitelji Masnec. Mirnoća prirode i zelenilo prepuno ptica i drugih životinja, omogućuju ugodan boravak u autohtonom seoskom domaćinstvu i ljepoti zagorskih krajolika. S vrha brijega pružaju se prelijepi vidici na sve strane. Na domaćinstvu se pripremaju isključivo zagorski specijaliteti, a koriste samo prirodno uzgojene namirnice iz vrta, koje gosti mogu ubrati i sami. Proizvode se i suhomesnati proizvodi, tako da se na jelovniku nađe domaća kokoš, patka, janjetina, kozlić, zagorska purica, juhe, štrukli i štrudle. The Masnec family farm stands in the town of Luka Poljanska. The peaceful and quiet natural environment and the greenery is full of birds and other animals that ensure a pleasant stay at this autochthonous farm where guests can take in the full beauty of the Zagorje landscapes. Enjoy the stunning views from atop the hill. Our household prepares exclusively Zagorje specialties using naturally grown ingredients from our garden that our guests can also pick themselves. We also produce cured meat, and our menu includes locally raised chicken, duck, lamb, goat, Zagorje turkey, soups, štrukli (cheese pastries) and strudels. RM: 4/2, 4/4, Cat: """" 80 30 HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: 80 – 200 KN Sanja Klaužer Pristava 2, 49215 Tuhelj 049 557 415 – 095 8181 330 0.45 ha 179 m/nmv – 01.06. – 31.10. 102 Seoski turizam Trnac Na velikom imanju na brijegu kod ulaza u Pristavu, tu pitomu dolinu kojom vrluda županijska cesta od Tuhlja preko Zelenjaka do Klanjca i Kumrovca, ugodan je i topao ambijent seoskog turizma koje nudi skladan spoj elemenata tradicijske i suvremene arhitekture. Obiteljima s malom djecom, ali i onima željnim aktivnosti i izleta u okolicu, kuća osigurava udoban smještaj. Dobrodošli su i kućni ljubimci. Posebnost gospodarstva je preko 80 godina star voćnjak s autohtonim sortama jabuka i podrum iskopan u pješčenjaku, nekadašnje spremište poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Pitoma okolica raj je za duge šetnje, planinarenje i vožnju biciklom. The pleasant and warm rural estate offers a harmonious combination of elements of traditional and modern architecture on the hill right next to the entrance to the village of Pristava. A county road from Tuhelj, through Zelenjak, Klanjec and Kumrovec leads to the estate. The house offers pleasant accommodations for families with small children, and for all those wishing to enjoy an active vacation. We also welcome pets. A special feature of the estate is the orchard that is more than 80 years old, with its indigenous varieties of apples, and a cellar dug out in the sand, which used to be the a storage room for agricultural products. The gentle surroundings are ideal for long walks, mountaineering and cycling. Ruralna kuća | Rural house: 4 beds, Cat: """" – – HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: 80 – 200 KN Dragutin Kiseljak Gorjani Sutinski 25, 49232 Radoboj 049 371 756 049 371 756 091 371 75 60 – 2 ha 310 m/nmv 46.381389, 16.134444 01.01. – 31.12. samo uz najavu / by appointment only 103 Smrečkov melin Ruralna kuća nalazi se u prekrasnoj dolini podno crkve sv. Jakova, udaljena više od 1 km od najbliže naseljene kuće. Izgrađena je u prvoj polovici 20. st. i sav namještaj u njoj je iz tog vremena. Kuća je okružena šumom i pruža potpuni mir za odmor. Hranu gost može pripremati sam, a dio namirnica može ubrati u vrtu ili ih dobiva, kao i aperitiv, domaće vino i sok. Na imanju se uz mnoge travnate površine nalazi i ribnjak s mogućnošću pecanja. Na 15-ak km nalaze se Sutinske, Krapinske i Tuheljske toplice. Nedaleko kuće, Rimskom cestom prolazi i biciklistička staza Radoboj – Jesenje. This rural house is located in the beautiful valley below the Church of St. Jacob (Sv. Jakov) and is more than 1 km away from the next inhabited house. It was built in the first half of the 20 th century and all the furnishings in the house originate from that period. The house is surrounded by woods and ensures absolute peace and quiet for a restful vacation. Guest can prepare their own food if they desire, with ingredients from our garden or that we can obtain, and can also enjoy tasting our appetizers, wines or fruit juices. There are many meadows surrounding the household as well as a fishing pond with the possibility for fishing. The Sutinske Toplice, Krapinske Toplice and Tuheljske Toplice thermal spas are all within a 15 km radius. Near the house, visit the Roman road and head out on the Radoboj –Jesenje cycling trail. Ruralna kuća | Rural house: 2 beds, Cat: "" – – HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: 80 – 200 KN 82 | Ministarstvo turizma RH | Croatian Ministry of Tourism |

Nacionalni katalog »Ruralni turizam Hrvatske« | National Catalogue Rural Tourism in Croatia 104 Stara vodenica Seoski turizam Stara vodenica nalazi se na području grada Klanjca, koji je od davnina kulturno-povijesno središte zapadnog dijela Hrvatskog zagorja, u idiličnom krajoliku zagorski vinograda i vinskih klijeti. Do okućnice s parkom gdje slobodno šeću patke, zečevi, srne i jeleni, dolazi se stazom s mostićem preko bistrog potoka. Tu se nalazi i dječje igralište, a postavljeni su i drveni stolovi s klupama za posluživanje hrane i pića. Nude se pravi domaći specijaliteti iz zagorske kuhinje, pripremljeni uglavnom, u krušnoj peći na starinski, domaći način. The Stara Vodenica rural estate is located in the idyllic landscape of Zagorje vineyards and wine hits, near the town of Klanjec, which has been the cultural and historical centre of western Hrvatsko Zagorje for centuries. You can reach the house and its park, where ducks, rabbits and deer walk about freely, via a footpath with a small bridge which takes you across a crystal clear stream. There is also a children’s playground, wooden tables with benches to serve food and drinks. There are also local specialties from the Zagorje cuisine, prepared mostly in the old–fashioned way in a bread oven. RM: 6/2, 2/3, 1/4, Cat: ### 80 60 HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: 80 – 200 KN Ružica Galić Gredice 32, 49290 Klanjec 049 550 577 049 550 577 091 5422 747, 098 625 537 1800 m 2 – Krapinsko – zagorska županija | Krapina – Zagorje County – 01.01. – 31.12., pon – ned / all week Mon – Sun 105 Vuglec Breg Na temeljima starog zagorskog zaselka Vugleci, danas se nalazi obnovljeno turističko selo Vuglec Breg s originalnim kućama za odmor i restoranom na samo 30-ak minuta od Zagreba. Idealno mjesto za boravak i planiranje izleta po Hrvatskom zagorju, jer okolica je sadržajno bogata i raznolika od toplica preko mnogih muzeja i dvoraca, do ponude za aktivan odmor u prirodi. Ovdje se pripremaju specijaliteti iz krušne peći, purica i raca s mlincima, zagorski štrukli, zlevka i domaći kukuruzni kruh. Poseban ugođaj pruža posjet vinskom podrumu uz kušanje vrhunskih vina i pjenušaca iz vlastite proizvodnje. Široka paleta crvenih i bijelih sorti zadovoljit će svakog vinoljupca. Za sport i rekreaciju nude se brdski bicikli i sportski tereni s umjetnom travom i rasvjetom za tenis ili mali nogomet. On the grounds of old Zagorje village Vugleci, there is the fully renovated tourist village Vuglec Breg, with original vacation houses and a restaurant. The complex is located just 30 km from Zagreb. It is an ideal place to stay and a good base for planning excursions around the Hrvatsko Zagorje region. We prepare local specialties from the bread oven, turkey and duck with mlinci (bread tatters), Zagorje štrukli (cheese pastries), zlevka (dumplings), and homemade corn bread. Our wine cellar offers a special atmosphere. Guests can enjoy tasting our premium wines and sparkling wines produced on site. The wide palette of red and white types of wine will satisfy every wine lover. For sports and recreation, we offer mountain bikes and sports fields with artificial grass and lighting for tennis and five-a-side football. RM: 5/2, 2/3, App: 1/4, 2/6, Cat: pansion komfor 80 80 HS: 200 – 300 KN LS: 200 – 300 KN Boris Vuglec Škarićevo 151, 49000 Krapina 049 345 015 049 345 032 098 214 294 12 ha 300 m/nmv 46.11881, 15.85155 01.01. – 31.12., pon – ned / all week Mon – Sun 106 Domaćinstvo Turk Za sve koji žele provesti ugodne trenutke odmora u šetnji pitomim međimurskim bregovima, ili pak uživati u kvalitetnim vinima i domaćoj kuhinji, seosko gospodarstvo obitelji Turk pravi je izbor. Krajem osamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća, obitelj počinje saditi prve nasade vinograda i do danas su, uz izniman rad i odricanje, stvorili reprezentativno seosko gospodarstvo. Pravi je užitak u miru i tišini, koju narušava jedino ptičji pjev, s prozora sobe gledati nepregledno more trsja i grozdova iz kojeg nastaje plemenita kapljica. Gosti na gospodarstvu mogu sudjelovati u radovima u vinogradu, voćnjaku i vrtu. U blizini vrijedi posjetiti crkvu sv. Jeronima u Štrigovi i mlin na Muri. For all those who wish to spend a pleasant vacation walking through the gentle rolling hills of Međimurje or to enjoy premium wines and local cuisine, the Turk family farm is the right choice. the family began planting the first vineyards in the late 1980s and with a great deal of hard work, have managed to create a representative rural estate. It is a real pleasure to the enjoy peace and quiet that is disrupted only by the songbirds and to marvel in the vast sea of grape vines that produce the fruit that becomes the noble wine. Guests are welcome to participate in the works in the vineyard, orchard and garden. Near the farm is the Church of St. Geronimo in Štrigova and the mill on the Mura River. RM: 4/1, 3/2, Cat: "", Cat: II. 50 50 HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: 80 – 200 KN Vera Turk Vučetinec 107b, Sv. Juraj na Bregu, 40311 Lopatinec 040 855 154 040 855 154 098 241 926 0,800 ha 320 m/nmv 01.01. – 31.12. samo uz najavu / by appointment only – Međimurska županija | Međimurje County Hrvatska gospodarska komora | Croatian Chamber of Economy | | 83

Nacionalni katalog »Ruralni <strong>turizam</strong> Hrvatske« | National Catalogue Rural Tourism in Croatia<br />

104<br />

Stara vodenica<br />

Seoski <strong>turizam</strong> Stara vodenica nalazi se na području grada Klanjca, koji je od davnina kulturno-povijesno središte zapadnog dijela Hrvatskog zagorja, u idiličnom<br />

krajoliku zagorski vinograda i vinskih klijeti. Do okućnice s parkom gdje slobodno šeću patke, zečevi, srne i jeleni, dolazi se stazom s mostićem preko bistrog potoka.<br />

Tu se nalazi i dječje igralište, a postavljeni su i drveni stolovi s klupama za posluživanje hrane i pića. Nude se pravi domaći specijaliteti iz zagorske kuhinje, pripremljeni<br />

uglavnom, u krušnoj peći na starinski, domaći način.<br />

The Stara Vodenica <strong>rur</strong>al estate is located in the idyllic landscape of Zagorje vineyards and wine hits, near the town of Klanjec, which has been the cultural and<br />

historical centre of western Hrvatsko Zagorje for centuries. You can reach the house and its park, where ducks, rabbits and deer walk about freely, via a footpath<br />

with a small bridge which takes you across a crystal clear stream. There is also a children’s playground, wooden tables with benches to serve food and drinks. There<br />

are also local specialties from the Zagorje cuisine, prepared mostly in the old–fashioned way in a bread oven.<br />

RM: 6/2, 2/3, 1/4, Cat: ### 80 60<br />

HS: 100 – 200 KN<br />

LS: 80 – 200 KN<br />

Ružica Galić<br />

Gredice 32, 49290 Klanjec<br />

049 550 577<br />

049 550 577<br />

091 5422 747, 098 625 537<br /><br /><br />

1800 m 2 –<br />

Krapinsko – zagorska županija | Krapina – Zagorje County<br />

–<br />

01.01. – 31.12., pon – ned /<br />

all week Mon – Sun<br />

105<br />

Vuglec Breg<br />

Na temeljima starog zagorskog zaselka Vugleci, danas se nalazi obnovljeno turističko selo Vuglec Breg s originalnim kućama za odmor i restoranom na samo 30-ak<br />

minuta od Zagreba. Idealno mjesto za boravak i planiranje izleta po Hrvatskom zagorju, jer okolica je sadržajno bogata i raznolika od toplica preko mnogih muzeja<br />

i dvoraca, do ponude za aktivan odmor u prirodi. Ovdje se pripremaju specijaliteti iz krušne peći, purica i raca s mlincima, zagorski štrukli, zlevka i domaći kukuruzni<br />

kruh. Poseban ugođaj pruža posjet vinskom podrumu uz kušanje vrhunskih vina i pjenušaca iz vlastite proizvodnje. Široka paleta crvenih i bijelih sorti zadovoljit će<br />

svakog vinoljupca. Za sport i rekreaciju nude se brdski bicikli i sportski tereni s umjetnom travom i rasvjetom za tenis ili mali nogomet.<br />

On the grounds of old Zagorje village Vugleci, there is the fully renovated tourist village Vuglec Breg, with original vacation houses and a restaurant. The complex is<br />

located just 30 km from Zagreb. It is an ideal place to stay and a good base for planning excursions around the Hrvatsko Zagorje region. We prepare local specialties<br />

from the bread oven, turkey and duck with mlinci (bread tatters), Zagorje štrukli (cheese pastries), zlevka (dumplings), and homemade corn bread. Our wine cellar<br />

offers a special atmosphere. Guests can enjoy tasting our premium wines and sparkling wines produced on site. The wide palette of red and white types of wine<br />

will satisfy every wine lover. For sports and recreation, we offer mountain bikes and sports fields with artificial grass and lighting for tennis and five-a-side football.<br />

RM: 5/2, 2/3, App: 1/4, 2/6, Cat: pansion komfor 80 80<br />

HS: 200 – 300 KN<br />

LS: 200 – 300 KN<br />

Boris Vuglec<br />

Škarićevo 151, 49000 Krapina<br />

049 345 015<br />

049 345 032<br />

098 214 294<br /><br /><br />

12 ha<br />

300 m/nmv<br />

46.11881, 15.85155<br />

01.01. – 31.12., pon – ned /<br />

all week Mon – Sun<br />

106<br />

Domaćinstvo Turk<br />

Za sve koji žele provesti ugodne trenutke odmora u šetnji pitomim međimurskim bregovima, ili pak uživati u kvalitetnim vinima i domaćoj kuhinji, seosko gospodarstvo<br />

obitelji Turk pravi je izbor. Krajem osamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća, obitelj počinje saditi prve nasade vinograda i do danas su, uz izniman rad i odricanje,<br />

stvorili reprezentativno seosko gospodarstvo. Pravi je užitak u miru i tišini, koju narušava jedino ptičji pjev, s prozora sobe gledati nepregledno more trsja i grozdova<br />

iz kojeg nastaje plemenita kapljica. Gosti na gospodarstvu mogu sudjelovati u radovima u vinogradu, voćnjaku i vrtu. U blizini vrijedi posjetiti crkvu sv. Jeronima u<br />

Štrigovi i mlin na Muri.<br />

For all those who wish to spend a pleasant vacation walking through the gentle rolling hills of Međimurje or to enjoy premium wines and local cuisine, the Turk<br />

family farm is the right choice. the family began planting the first vineyards in the late 1980s and with a great deal of hard work, have managed to create a representative<br />

<strong>rur</strong>al estate. It is a real pleasure to the enjoy peace and quiet that is disrupted only by the songbirds and to marvel in the vast sea of grape vines that<br />

produce the fruit that becomes the noble wine. Guests are welcome to participate in the works in the vineyard, orchard and garden. Near the farm is the Church<br />

of St. Geronimo in Štrigova and the mill on the Mura River.<br />

RM: 4/1, 3/2, Cat: "", Cat: II. 50 50<br />

HS: 100 – 200 KN<br />

LS: 80 – 200 KN<br />

Vera Turk<br />

Vučetinec 107b, Sv. Juraj na Bregu,<br />

40311 Lopatinec<br />

040 855 154<br />

040 855 154<br />

098 241 926<br /><br />

www.seoski<strong>turizam</strong><br />

0,800 ha<br />

320 m/nmv<br />

01.01. – 31.12. samo uz najavu /<br />

by appointment only<br />

–<br />

Međimurska županija | Međimurje County<br />

Hrvatska gospodarska komora | Croatian Chamber of Economy | | 83

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