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Bjelovarsko – bilogorska županija | Bjelovar – Bilogora County Snježana Santo Bjelovarska 13, 43270 Velika Pisanica 043 883 204 – 098 479 079 – 3 ha 143 m/nmv – 89 Sobe u seljačkom domaćinstvu Santo Na obroncima Bilogore, već više od 40 godina njegujemo tradiciju poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Posljednje 4 godine uzgajamo i jelene lopatare. Gostima nudimo aktivnosti kao što su hranjenje životinja, košnja trave, berba voća i gljiva, a u sklopu gospodarstva je i tradicionalna kovačnica. Uz gospodarstvo prolazi „Pisanička eko-etno staza“. U selu vrijedi posjetiti rodnu kuću poznatog hrvatskog slikara Ede Murtića, etnomuzej “Ivanova škrinja“, tri crkve (katoličku, kalvinsku i pravoslavnu) i sportsko-rekreacijski centar “Kukavica“. Na kupanje ili masažu možete u obližnje Daruvarske toplice, a zanimljive izletničke točke su Centar“Mato Lovrak“ u Velikom Grđevcu i oko 40 km udaljen, atraktivan Park prirode Papuk. For more than 40 years, we have been nurturing the tradition of agricultural production on the slopes of Mt. Bilogora. In the past 4 years, we have also been raising fallow deer. We offer guests activities such as animal feeding, mowing, fruit and mushroom harvesting. There is also a traditional blacksmith. The tourism route “Pisanica eco-ethno route” passing by the farm. The birth house of famous Croatia painter Edo Murtić, the ethno museum “Ivanova Škrinja”, three churches (Catholic, Calvin and Orthodox) and the Kukavica sports and recreation centre are all nearby and worth a visit. Enjoy a spa day in the nearby Daruvarske Toplice spa resort. In addition, visit the Mate Lovrak Centre in Veliki Građevac and the attractive Papuk Nature Park that is some 40 km away. RM: 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, Cat: " 10 10 HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: – 01.01. – 31.12. Koprivničko – križevačka županija | Koprivnica – Križevci County Josip Nemec Bilogorska 55, 48000 Koprivnica 048 637 564 – 091 7976 615, 091 5849 447 jastrebov.vrh@hi.t– – 3 ha 90 m/nmv – 01.01. – 31.12., samo vikendom, po dogovoru za grupe / weekends only, for groups by appointment Helena Hećimović Augusta Šenoe 4, 48000 Koprivnica 048 623 750, 048 864 293 048 623 215 098 249 720, 5 ha 172 m/nmv – 01.05. – 01.10. sezonski / open seasonally 90 Seljačko domaćinstvo Jastrebov vrh Na našem imanju na 8 jutara površine na obroncima Bilogore dobro je došao svaki putnik namjernik željan očuvane prirode i šetnje plodnim poljima i šumama. Gosti uživaju u prelijepom pogledu, aktivnostima sušenja sijena, branja kukuruza, trešanja ili kestena, druženju s domaćim životinjama u malom ZOO vrtu, dok posebnu draž imanju daju jastrebovi koji svojim letom zadive svakog gosta. Djeca mogu jahati na poni konjima ili se igrati na dječjem igralištu. Za dječje grupe organiziramo i likovne radionice. Okolica gospodarstva pogodna je za planinarenje i vožnju biciklom. U blizini treba posjetiti ostatke nekadašnjeg rudnika, selo naivne umjetnosti Hlebine i rodnu kuću slikara Ivana Generalića. Every passenger looking to enjoy preserved nature and long walks through fertile fields and forests is welcome to visit our 8 acre estate located on the slopes of Mt. Bilogora. Guests can enjoy splendid views, or participating in activities such as drying hay, harvesting corn, cherries and chestnuts, or spending time with the domestic animals in a mini zoo. The particular beauty of this household is its goshawks that are sure to impress when they take flight. Children can ride ponies or play on the children’s playground. We also organize art workshops for children. The surrounding area is perfect for hiking or cycling. Nearby, visit the remains of a former mill, and the village Hlebine, birthplace of the naive art style and site of the birth house of painter Ivan Generalić. RM: 2/2, Cat: """ 80 30 HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: – 91 Sunčano selo Imanje u selu Jagnjedovec, 7 km od Koprivnice, jedinstven je spoj bogatstva tradicije i suvremenih mogućnosti odmora i rekreacije. Na 3 ha tradicijsko je podravsko-prigorsko selo s ponudom gastronomskih užitaka kraja ili jednostavnih obroka od domaćih namirnica. Selo je idealno za boravak djece i mladih, obitelji i starijih posjetitelja. Posebnost gospodarstva je velika zbirka alata, tkalačka i radionice starih zanata. Gosti mogu sudjelovati u radu u vrtu i voćnjaku, brinuti o domaćim životinjama, sakupljati plodove u šumi ili koristiti 2 dječja igrališta i mali bazen. Okolica je raj za vožnju biciklom i planinarenje (vrh Bilogore 309 m). Dobro nam došli! This estate in the village of Jagnjedovec, 7 km from Koprivnica, is a unique bond of rich tradition and modern amenities for vacation and recreation. Covering an area of 3 ha, this Podravina – Prigorje style village offer the local culinary delights or simple meals made from local ingredients. The village is an ideal place for children and young people, families and the elderly. The specialty of the estate is its large collection of tools, weaving looms and old crafts shops. Guests are welcome to work in the gardens and orchards, care for the domestic animals and harvest forest fruits, while children can play on the two playgrounds and dip in the small pool. The surrounding area is heavenly for cycling or hiking (peak Bilogora 309 m). We wish you a warm welcome! RM: 2/3, 2/4, Cat: – 40 70 HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: – 78 | Ministarstvo turizma RH | Croatian Ministry of Tourism |

Nacionalni katalog »Ruralni turizam Hrvatske« | National Catalogue Rural Tourism in Croatia 92 Agroturizam Kos U duhu naših predaka i višestoljetne tradicije nudimo harmoniju mirisa i okusa nastalu sljubljivanjem hrane i pića u autohtonom zagorskom ambijentu. Ponudu baziramo na uslugama smještaja i ugostiteljskoj ponudi zagorskih specijaliteta uz tradicijski način pripreme jela, poput purice s mlincima i zagorskih štrukla, te vrhunsko vino ili domaće napitke. Nudimo proizvode sa vlastitog imanja i one otkupljene od susjednih domaćinstava. Goste uključujemo u razne aktivnosti, a mogu koristiti i dječje igralište na gospodarstvu. U okolici svakako vrijedi posjetiti Dvorac Sveti Križ Začretje i Muzej Žitnicu s galerijama, te pješačke i biciklističke staze. In the spirit of our ancestors and the centuries old tradition, we offer a harmony of scents and flavours arising from the pairing of food and drinks in the true atmosphere of Zagorje. We offer accommodation facilities, and the culinary offer consists of traditional Zagorje dishes prepared in an authentic manner, such as turkey with mlinci (bread tatters), Zagorje štrukli (cheese pastries) and premium wines and local drinks. We offer products grown on site and we also source produced grown on neighbouring farms. Guests can participate in different kinds of activities and children can also use children’s playground. While visiting the household, it is definitely worth paying a visit to Sveti Križ Začretje castle and Žitnica museum with its galleries and the walking and cycling paths. RM: 3/2, Cat: """" @; Camp: 6 mjesta /6 places; Cat: """ @ 60 40 HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: 80 – 200 KN Marko Kos Brezova 26, 49223 Sveti križ Začretje 049 501 797 049 227 967 098 405 032 – 2 ha 147 m/nmv 46.051667, 15,940000 01.01. – 31.12. samo uz najavu / by appointment only Krapinsko – zagorska županija | Krapina – Zagorje County 93 Agroturizam Zaboky selo Gospodarstvo obitelji Tkalčević nalazi se u Zagorju samo 25 km od Zagreba. Ime Zaboky datira još iz 15. st., preuzeto je po plemićkoj obitelji Zaboky, koja je živjela u staroj drvenoj kasteli podno kapelice sv. Antuna. Posebnost gospodarstva je certificirana ekoproizvodnja. Ugostiteljska ponuda bazirana je na lokalnim specijalitetima i tradicijskom načinu pripreme jela te proizvodnji vrhunskih vina i domaćih rakija. Gosti mogu sudjelovati u sezonskim aktivnostima, branju grožđa i jabuka. Okolica gospodarstva raj je za šetnju kroz očuvanu prirodu. Postoji mogućnost organizacije izleta u bližu okolicu, gdje vrijedi posjetiti Muzej krapinskih neandertalaca i Muzej seljačke bune u Gornjoj Stubici. The Tkalčević family estate is located in Zagorje just 25 km from Zagreb. The name Zaboky dates from the 15 th century and originates from the aristocratic family Zaboky that lived in the old wooden castle below the Chapel of St. Anthony. A special feature of the estate is the certified organic production. The culinary offer is based on local specialties and the traditional preparation of food, as well as the production of premium wines and local brandies. Guests are welcome to participate in seasonal activities, such as the grape and apple harvests. The surroundings are perfect for walking through the preserved natural environment. A variety of different day trips can be organised to surrounding village. We recommend a visit to the Krapina Neanderthal Museum and the Museum of the Peasants’ Revolt in Gornja Stubica. RM: 2/2, Cat: """, APP: 8/2, Cat """" / """ 16 40 HS: 300 – 450 KN LS: – Božidar Tkalčević Pavlovec Zabočki 158,159,160, 49210 Zabok – – 099 2503 915 – – – 01.01. – 31.12. samo uz najavu / by appointment only 94 Bolfan vinski vrh Imanje je jedinstven vidikovac na pitome zagorske brežuljke, a okruženo je planinama Ivanščicom, Medvednicom i Kalnikom. Na 20 ha posađeni su i ekološki obrađivani vinogradi. Drvena kuća – klet sagrađena je u duhu tradicijske gradnje Hrvatskog zagorja, a restoran nudi autohtona zagorska ekojela sljubljena s opojnim kapljicama Bolfan vina proizvedenim po biodinamičkim načelima. Razgled i prezentacija vinskog podruma mogući su uz degustaciju vina za grupe ili individualne goste. Toplina domaćina jamči vrhunski odmor, a bogatstvo i ljepota prirode smiruju dušu i stvaraju posebnu vilinsku energiju. This estate is a unique viewpoint overlooking the gentle rolling hills of Zagorje and surrounded by the Ivanščica, Medvednica and Kalnik mountains. The 20 ha estate includes organically kept vineyards. The wooden wine hut – Klet was built in the spirit of Zagorje traditional architecture and the restaurant offers autochthonous Zagorje organic food together with the amazing Bolfan wines produced in line with biodynamic principles. Tours and presentations of the wine cellar are possible, with wine tastings for groups and individual visits. The warmth of the host guarantees a wonderful vacation, and the richness and beauty of nature will calm the soul and create special fairy energy. RM: 5/2, Cat: #### 60 70 HS: 200 – 300 KN LS: 200 – 300 KN Tomislav Bolfan Gornjaki 56, 49283 Hraščina 049 458 287 049 458 287 099 703 1797 branimir.puskadija@ 20 ha 320 m/nmv 01.01. – 31.12. samo uz najavu / by appointment only – Hrvatska gospodarska komora | Croatian Chamber of Economy | | 79

Nacionalni katalog »Ruralni <strong>turizam</strong> Hrvatske« | National Catalogue Rural Tourism in Croatia<br />

92<br />

Agro<strong>turizam</strong> Kos<br />

U duhu naših predaka i višestoljetne tradicije nudimo harmoniju mirisa i okusa nastalu sljubljivanjem hrane i pića u autohtonom zagorskom ambijentu. Ponudu<br />

baziramo na uslugama smještaja i ugostiteljskoj ponudi zagorskih specijaliteta uz tradicijski način pripreme jela, poput purice s mlincima i zagorskih štrukla, te<br />

vrhunsko vino ili domaće napitke. Nudimo proizvode sa vlastitog imanja i one otkupljene od susjednih domaćinstava. Goste uključujemo u razne aktivnosti, a mogu<br />

koristiti i dječje igralište na gospodarstvu. U okolici svakako vrijedi posjetiti Dvorac Sveti Križ Začretje i Muzej Žitnicu s galerijama, te pješačke i biciklističke staze.<br />

In the spirit of our ancestors and the centuries old tradition, we offer a harmony of scents and flavours arising from the pairing of food and drinks in the true atmosphere<br />

of Zagorje. We offer accommodation facilities, and the culinary offer consists of traditional Zagorje dishes prepared in an authentic manner, such as turkey<br />

with mlinci (bread tatters), Zagorje štrukli (cheese pastries) and premium wines and local drinks. We offer products grown on site and we also source produced<br />

grown on neighbouring farms. Guests can participate in different kinds of activities and children can also use children’s playground. While visiting the household,<br />

it is definitely worth paying a visit to Sveti Križ Začretje castle and Žitnica museum with its galleries and the walking and cycling paths.<br />

RM: 3/2, Cat: """" @; Camp: 6 mjesta /6 places; Cat: """ @ 60 40<br />

HS: 100 – 200 KN<br />

LS: 80 – 200 KN<br />

Marko Kos<br />

Brezova 26,<br />

49223 Sveti križ Začretje<br />

049 501 797<br />

049 227 967<br />

098 405 032<br /><br />

–<br />

2 ha<br />

147 m/nmv<br />

46.051667, 15,940000<br />

01.01. – 31.12. samo uz najavu /<br />

by appointment only<br />

Krapinsko – zagorska županija | Krapina – Zagorje County<br />

93<br />

Agro<strong>turizam</strong> Zaboky selo<br />

Gospodarstvo obitelji Tkalčević nalazi se u Zagorju samo 25 km od Zagreba. Ime Zaboky datira još iz 15. st., preuzeto je po plemićkoj obitelji Zaboky, koja je<br />

živjela u staroj drvenoj kasteli podno kapelice sv. Antuna. Posebnost gospodarstva je certificirana ekoproizvodnja. Ugostiteljska ponuda bazirana je na lokalnim<br />

specijalitetima i tradicijskom načinu pripreme jela te proizvodnji vrhunskih vina i domaćih rakija. Gosti mogu sudjelovati u sezonskim aktivnostima, branju grožđa<br />

i jabuka. Okolica gospodarstva raj je za šetnju kroz očuvanu prirodu. Postoji mogućnost organizacije izleta u bližu okolicu, gdje vrijedi posjetiti Muzej krapinskih<br />

neandertalaca i Muzej seljačke bune u Gornjoj Stubici.<br />

The Tkalčević family estate is located in Zagorje just 25 km from Zagreb. The name Zaboky dates from the 15 th century and originates from the aristocratic family<br />

Zaboky that lived in the old wooden castle below the Chapel of St. Anthony. A special feature of the estate is the certified organic production. The culinary offer is<br />

based on local specialties and the traditional preparation of food, as well as the production of premium wines and local brandies. Guests are welcome to participate<br />

in seasonal activities, such as the grape and apple harvests. The surroundings are perfect for walking through the preserved natural environment. A variety of<br />

different day trips can be organised to surrounding village. We recommend a visit to the Krapina Neanderthal Museum and the Museum of the Peasants’ Revolt<br />

in Gornja Stubica.<br />

RM: 2/2, Cat: """, APP: 8/2, Cat """" / """ 16 40<br />

HS: 300 – 450 KN LS: –<br />

Božidar Tkalčević<br />

Pavlovec Zabočki 158,159,160,<br />

49210 Zabok<br />

–<br />

–<br />

099 2503 915<br /><br /><br />

–<br />

–<br />

–<br />

01.01. – 31.12. samo uz najavu /<br />

by appointment only<br />

94<br />

Bolfan vinski vrh<br />

Imanje je jedinstven vidikovac na pitome zagorske brežuljke, a okruženo je planinama Ivanščicom, Medvednicom i Kalnikom. Na 20 ha posađeni su i ekološki obrađivani<br />

vinogradi. Drvena kuća – klet sagrađena je u duhu tradicijske gradnje Hrvatskog zagorja, a restoran nudi autohtona zagorska ekojela sljubljena s opojnim<br />

kapljicama Bolfan vina proizvedenim po biodinamičkim načelima. Razgled i prezentacija vinskog podruma mogući su uz degustaciju vina za grupe ili individualne<br />

goste. Toplina domaćina jamči vrhunski odmor, a bogatstvo i ljepota prirode smiruju dušu i stvaraju posebnu vilinsku energiju.<br />

This estate is a unique viewpoint overlooking the gentle rolling hills of Zagorje and surrounded by the Ivanščica, Medvednica and Kalnik mountains. The 20 ha<br />

estate includes organically kept vineyards. The wooden wine hut – Klet was built in the spirit of Zagorje traditional architecture and the restaurant offers autochthonous<br />

Zagorje organic food together with the amazing Bolfan wines produced in line with biodynamic principles. Tours and presentations of the wine cellar are<br />

possible, with wine tastings for groups and individual visits. The warmth of the host guarantees a wonderful vacation, and the richness and beauty of nature will<br />

calm the soul and create special fairy energy.<br />

RM: 5/2, Cat: #### 60 70<br />

HS: 200 – 300 KN<br />

LS: 200 – 300 KN<br />

Tomislav Bolfan<br />

Gornjaki 56, 49283 Hraščina<br />

049 458 287<br />

049 458 287<br />

099 703 1797<br />

branimir.puskadija@<br /><br /><br />

20 ha<br />

320 m/nmv<br />

01.01. – 31.12. samo uz najavu /<br />

by appointment only<br />

–<br />

Hrvatska gospodarska komora | Croatian Chamber of Economy | | 79

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