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Požeško – slavonska županija | Požega – Slavonia County Predrag Livak Dr. V. Mačeka 7, 34000 Požega – – 099 3020 007, 0,56 ha 200 m/nmv – 01.04. – 31.10., samo uz prethodnu najavu / by appointment only 67 OPG Livak Gospodarstvo je u Kutjevu i ima 3 lijepe cjeline: voćnjak, brdski travnjak i šumarak. Tijekom 2011. provedeno je florističko istraživanje i zabilježene su 174 biljne vrste (26 zakonom zaštićenih i 2 zakonom strogo zaštićene). Boravak i sve aktivnosti na OPG-u, kao i ulaz u mini ZOO vrt su besplatni. Naš voćnjak krase stare sorte voćaka i stabla divljih drvenastih i grmolikih vrsta, čije plodove koristimo u prehrani. Na livadi – košanici raste različito zeljasto bilje, među kojim je veći broj ljekovitih vrsta. U šumarku se, između nekoliko vrsta drveća i grmlja, najviše ističe hrast sladun. Za goste organiziramo izlet s obilaskom vile Vinkomir u Kutjevu najljepšeg vidikovca na Zlatnu dolinu s vinogradima. The farm is situated in Kutjevo and has three lovely areas: the orchard, the mountain meadow and the forest glade. During 2011, floral research was conducted in these habitats, and 174 plant species were recorded (of which 26 are protected and 2 strictly protected by law). All activities at the farm and entrance to the mini zoo are free of charge. Our orchard contains trees of old fruit varieties and trees of wild woody and shrub species, and their fruits are used in our diets. A variety of green plant species grow on the meadows, including a large number of medicinal herbs. The most prominent tree in the forest glades are the pedunculate oak and many tree and shrub species. For guests, we organise excursions and tours of the Vinkomir Villa in Kutjevo, the loveliest viewing point over the Golden Valley and its vineyards. 68 OPG Mario Blažević – 20 Na južnim obroncima Parka prirode Papuk, u selu Radovanci pokraj Velike, nalazi se OPG Blažević i ranč “Filippos“ na kojem možete boraviti uz bogatu gastronomsku ponudu domaćih jela i pića ili se baviti sportsko-rekreativnim aktivnostima kao što su škola i terensko jahanje. Nudimo i kvalitetan pansion za konje. On the southern slopes of the Papuk Nature Park, in the village of Radovanci near Velika, is the Blažević family farm and Filippos ranch. Enjoy accommodations here with a lavish culinary offer of homemade foods and beverages, or take part in one of the many sporting and recreational activities, such as horseback riding school or cross country. We also offer high quality accommodations for horses. Mario Blažević Glavna 113, 34330 Radovanci, Velika 034 273 525 034 273 525 098 212 393 – 5,5 ha 340 m/nmv – 01.01. – 31.12., samo vikendom, grupe po dogovoru / weekends only, for groups by appointment Mario Marinović Štitnjak 1A, 34000 Požega – – 098 9787 638 – – 15 ha 150 – 200 m/nmv 45.375014, 17.645781 01.04. – 01.11., pon – ned / all week Mon-Sun 69 OPG Mario Marinović 35 100 Naše izletište nalazi se pod obroncima Papuka, 4 km od grada Požege. Njegujemo tradiciju više od 20 godina. Ugostiteljska ponuda bazirana je na lokalnim specijalitetima i tradicijskom načinu pripreme jela poput fiš-paprikaša i riba na rašljama, uz kušanje vrhunskih vina i prirodnih sokova. Gosti mogu sudjelovati u raznim aktivnostima, baviti se ribolovom ili razgledavati prirodu te iznajmiti sjenice i roštilje ili razgledati etno zbirku. Okolica gospodarstva raj je za šetnju s 2 poučne staze, ali i za planinarenje, ribolov te vožnju biciklom u prirodi. Zanimljive izletničke točke su botanički i geološki lokaliteti parka prirode Papuk i raznolika kulturna baština okolice. Our excursion destination is situated in the foothills of Mt. Papuk, just 4 km from the town of Požega. We have been nurturing this tradition for more than 20 years. Our culinary offer is based on local specialities and the traditional preparation of dishes such as spicy fish stew and fish grilled by the fire, with the tasting of premium wines and natural fruit juices. Guests can participate in a variety of activities, go fishing or enjoy nature, and rent a gazebo and barbecue for the day, or view the ethnography collection. The surroundings of the estate are a paradise for walkers, with two educational trails, and also for hiking, fishing and cycling through nature. Interesting excursion sites are the botanical and geological sites in Papuk Nature Park, and the diverse cultural heritage of the surrounding area. 80 – 66 | Ministarstvo turizma RH | Croatian Ministry of Tourism |

Nacionalni katalog »Ruralni turizam Hrvatske« | National Catalogue Rural Tourism in Croatia 70 71 Stari fenjeri Objekt je smješten 5 km od grada Požega. Uređen je u rustikalnom stilu s puno starih predmeta. Ugostiteljska ponuda bazira se na slavonskim specijalitetima i tradicijskom načinu pripreme jela, uz vrhunska kvalitetna vina. Posebnost imanja je vlastiti uzgoj pastrve i ljetna terasa s pogledom na ribnjake. Cijelo imanje je okruženo šumom i okolica je raj za šetnju, ribolov i istraživanje prirode. Gosti na imanju mogu vježbati na trim stazi oko ribnjaka, koristiti razne sportske terene ili se okušati u vožnji po označenoj cross country biciklističkoj stazi. Zanimljive izletničke točke su barokna jezgra Požege, Geopark – Park prirode Papuk te brojne kušaonice i vinski podrumi u okolici. The estate is situated 5 km from the town of Požega. It has been decorated in a rustic style, with many old artefacts. The hospitality offer has been based on Slavonian delicacies and the traditional manner of preparing food, with premium quality wines. A special feature of the estate is the rearing of trout, and the summer terrace overlooking the fish farm. The entire estate is surrounded by woods, and the environment is ideal for walks, fishing and researching nature. Guests can work out on the trim track around the fish pond, use the many sports terrains, or head on bicycles on the cross-country trail. Interesting excursion destinations are the Baroque town core of Požega, the geopark of Papuk Nature Park and numerous wine cellars and wine tasting facilities in the vicinity. Vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo B. Jakobović 70 60 Vinogradi naše vinarije na južnim su, uvijek osunčanim i prozračnim, obroncima Papuka povrh sela Vetovo u srcu najkvalitetnijeg hrvatskog Vinogorja Kutjevo. Obiteljski vino proizvodimo već 100 godina, o čemu svjedoče stare bačve s urezanim inicijalima koje čuvamo i danas. U svojoj vinskoj kući stvaramo vrhunska i kvalitetna vina, stalno proširujući asortiman kako ponude vina, tako i dodatnih usluga. Naša vina iz godine u godinu osvajaju prestižna priznanja i nagrade, a potvrda su stalnog ulaganja u kvalitetu i tehnologiju uvažavajući naslijeđe i tradiciju. U kušaonici nudimo zanimljive edukacijske radionice, pod vodstvom sommeliera, o podneblju, sortama, vinima i tradiciji uživanja u njima. The vineyards of our winery stand on the sunny and airy slopes of Mt. Papuk, above the village of Vetovo, in the heart of the best quality Croatian wine region, Kutjevo. We have been producing our family wine for the past 100 years, and the old barrels with the carved initials we still keep today bear witness to this long history. In our winery, we produce quality and premium quality wines, and we regularly expand our offer, both in terms of the wines we offer and additional services. From year to year, our wines win prestigious awards and recognition, and are the confirmation of the constant investments in quality and technology, while taking special care of our heritage and tradition. We provide interesting educational workshops in our tasting room, under the guidance of a sommelier, about the climate, varieties of wines, and the traditions of enjoying them. 80 20 Tatjana Odvorčić Turnić 2a, 34000 Požega 034 622 277 034 274 505 098 811 554, 099 2742 222 2 ha 160 m/nmv – 01.01. – 31.12., pon – ned / all week Mon – Sun Branko Jakobović Stjepana Radića 60, Kutjevo, 34 335 Vetovo 034 267 266 034 267 266 098 711 100 0,2 ha 220 – 260 m/nmv 45.425014, 17.792083 01.01. – 31.12. samo uz prethodnu najavu / by appointment only Požeško – slavonska županija | Požega – Slavonia County 154 72 Zlatni klas Otrovanec U malom smo selu Otrovanec, između rijeke Drave i obronaka Bilogore, u pitoresknoj Podravini. Izgled imanja s restoranom slikovit je prikaz tradicionalne podravske arhitekture s mnoštvom detalja od drveta u etnoambijentu naše okućnice. Osnovna ponuda kuhinje okrenuta je tradicionalnim jelima, s naglaskom na zaboravljene recepte od koprive, jela od buče, slatkovodne ribe na mnogo načina te vegetarijansku kuhinju. Za goste nudimo konjičke aktivnosti u smislu škole jahanja, terenskog jahanja, vožnje kočijom, a u zimskim mjesecima i vožnje konjskim saonicama. Imanje nudi i prikaz brojnih starih zanata, pa tako postoji kovačnica, tkalački stan i ručni mlin za mljevenje brašna, a ovisno o interesu grupe nudimo i prezentacije uživo. We are located in the village of Otrovanec, between the Drava River and the slopes of Mt. Bilogora, in the picturesque Podravina region along the Drava River. The appearance of the estate and restaurant is a picturesque image of the traditional Podravina architecture, with a multitude of wooden details in the ethno–ambience of our courtyard. Our cuisine is fundamentally based on traditional dishes, with an emphasis on almost forgotten dishes made of nettles, squash, freshwater fish prepared in many ways, and vegetarian cuisine. Guests are welcome to take part in equestrian activities, such as riding school, cross-country riding, carriage rides and horse-drawn sleigh rides in winter. The estate also houses a number of old crafts, including a smithing shop, weaver’s loom and manual mill for flour, and demonstrations are possible depending on the interests of groups. 200 200 Branko i Bernard Tkalčec Otrovanec 228, 33405 Pitomača 033 714 114 098 9028 208, 099 2318 781 – 8 ha 150 m/nmv 01.01. – 31.12., pon – ned / all week Mon – Sun – Virovitičko – podravska županija | Virovitica – Podravina County Hrvatska gospodarska komora | Croatian Chamber of Economy | | 67

Nacionalni katalog »Ruralni <strong>turizam</strong> Hrvatske« | National Catalogue Rural Tourism in Croatia<br />

70<br />

71<br />

Stari fenjeri<br />

Objekt je smješten 5 km od grada Požega. Uređen je u rustikalnom stilu s puno starih predmeta. Ugostiteljska ponuda bazira se na slavonskim specijalitetima i<br />

tradicijskom načinu pripreme jela, uz vrhunska kvalitetna vina. Posebnost imanja je vlastiti uzgoj pastrve i ljetna terasa s pogledom na ribnjake. Cijelo imanje je<br />

okruženo šumom i okolica je raj za šetnju, ribolov i istraživanje prirode. Gosti na imanju mogu vježbati na trim stazi oko ribnjaka, koristiti razne sportske terene<br />

ili se okušati u vožnji po označenoj cross country biciklističkoj stazi. Zanimljive izletničke točke su barokna jezgra Požege, Geopark – Park prirode Papuk te brojne<br />

kušaonice i vinski podrumi u okolici.<br />

The estate is situated 5 km from the town of Požega. It has been decorated in a rustic style, with many old artefacts. The hospitality offer has been based on Slavonian<br />

delicacies and the traditional manner of preparing food, with premium quality wines. A special feature of the estate is the rearing of trout, and the summer<br />

terrace overlooking the fish farm. The entire estate is surrounded by woods, and the environment is ideal for walks, fishing and researching nature. Guests can work<br />

out on the trim track around the fish pond, use the many sports terrains, or head on bicycles on the cross-country trail. Interesting excursion destinations are the<br />

Baroque town core of Požega, the geopark of Papuk Nature Park and numerous wine cellars and wine tasting facilities in the vicinity.<br />

Vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo B. Jakobović<br />

70 60<br />

Vinogradi naše vinarije na južnim su, uvijek osunčanim i prozračnim, obroncima Papuka povrh sela Vetovo u srcu najkvalitetnijeg hrvatskog Vinogorja Kutjevo.<br />

Obiteljski vino proizvodimo već 100 godina, o čemu svjedoče stare bačve s urezanim inicijalima koje čuvamo i danas. U svojoj vinskoj kući stvaramo vrhunska i<br />

kvalitetna vina, stalno proširujući asortiman kako ponude vina, tako i dodatnih usluga. Naša vina iz godine u godinu osvajaju prestižna priznanja i nagrade, a potvrda<br />

su stalnog ulaganja u kvalitetu i tehnologiju uvažavajući naslijeđe i tradiciju. U kušaonici nudimo zanimljive edukacijske radionice, pod vodstvom sommeliera, o<br />

podneblju, sortama, vinima i tradiciji uživanja u njima.<br />

The vineyards of our winery stand on the sunny and airy slopes of Mt. Papuk, above the village of Vetovo, in the heart of the best quality Croatian wine region,<br />

Kutjevo. We have been producing our family wine for the past 100 years, and the old barrels with the carved initials we still keep today bear witness to this long<br />

history. In our winery, we produce quality and premium quality wines, and we regularly expand our offer, both in terms of the wines we offer and additional services.<br />

From year to year, our wines win prestigious awards and recognition, and are the confirmation of the constant investments in quality and technology, while taking<br />

special care of our heritage and tradition. We provide interesting educational workshops in our tasting room, under the guidance of a sommelier, about the climate,<br />

varieties of wines, and the traditions of enjoying them.<br />

80 20<br />

Tatjana Odvorčić<br />

Turnić 2a, 34000 Požega<br />

034 622 277<br />

034 274 505<br />

098 811 554, 099 2742 222<br /><br /><br />

2 ha<br />

160 m/nmv<br />

–<br />

01.01. – 31.12., pon – ned /<br />

all week Mon – Sun<br />

Branko Jakobović<br />

Stjepana Radića 60, Kutjevo,<br />

34 335 Vetovo<br />

034 267 266<br />

034 267 266<br />

098 711 100<br /><br /><br />

0,2 ha<br />

220 – 260 m/nmv<br />

45.425014, 17.792083<br />

01.01. – 31.12. samo uz prethodnu<br />

najavu / by appointment only<br />

Požeško – slavonska županija | Požega – Slavonia County<br />

154 72<br />

Zlatni klas Otrovanec<br />

U malom smo selu Otrovanec, između rijeke Drave i obronaka Bilogore, u pitoresknoj Podravini. Izgled imanja s restoranom slikovit je prikaz tradicionalne podravske<br />

arhitekture s mnoštvom detalja od drveta u etnoambijentu naše okućnice. Osnovna ponuda kuhinje okrenuta je tradicionalnim jelima, s naglaskom na zaboravljene<br />

recepte od koprive, jela od buče, slatkovodne ribe na mnogo načina te vegetarijansku kuhinju. Za goste nudimo konjičke aktivnosti u smislu škole jahanja, terenskog<br />

jahanja, vožnje kočijom, a u zimskim mjesecima i vožnje konjskim saonicama. Imanje nudi i prikaz brojnih starih zanata, pa tako postoji kovačnica, tkalački stan i<br />

ručni mlin za mljevenje brašna, a ovisno o interesu grupe nudimo i prezentacije uživo.<br />

We are located in the village of Otrovanec, between the Drava River and the slopes of Mt. Bilogora, in the picturesque Podravina region along the Drava River. The<br />

appearance of the estate and restaurant is a picturesque image of the traditional Podravina architecture, with a multitude of wooden details in the ethno–ambience<br />

of our courtyard. Our cuisine is fundamentally based on traditional dishes, with an emphasis on almost forgotten dishes made of nettles, squash, freshwater fish<br />

prepared in many ways, and vegetarian cuisine. Guests are welcome to take part in equestrian activities, such as riding school, cross-country riding, carriage rides<br />

and horse-drawn sleigh rides in winter. The estate also houses a number of old crafts, including a smithing shop, weaver’s loom and manual mill for flour, and<br />

demonstrations are possible depending on the interests of groups.<br />

200 200<br />

Branko i Bernard Tkalčec<br />

Otrovanec 228, 33405 Pitomača<br />

033 714 114<br />

098 9028 208, 099 2318 781<br /><br />

–<br /><br />

8 ha<br />

150 m/nmv<br />

01.01. – 31.12., pon – ned /<br />

all week Mon – Sun<br />

–<br />

Virovitičko – podravska županija | Virovitica – Podravina County<br />

Hrvatska gospodarska komora | Croatian Chamber of Economy | | 67

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