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Brodsko – posavska županija | Slavonski Brod – Posavina County Branko Brkić Pavlovci 17, 35410 Nova Kapela 035 384 749, 382 005 – 098 1824 798 – 0,5 ha 200 m / nmv – 01.01. – 31.12. samo uz prethodnu najavu / by appointment only 1 Brkina kuća U malom brdskom selu Pavlovci, na južnim obroncima Požeške gore sačuvana je izvornost objekta još od 1893. g. Nudimo smještaj u tradicionalnoj šokačkoj sobi i isključivo lokalne specijalitete spravljene na tradicionalan način. Osim uzgoja ovaca, kunića i peradi, posebnost gospodarstva je uzgoj “crne slavonske svinje” za proizvodnju čuvenih suhomesnatih proizvoda. U selu su uređene i pješačke i biciklističke staze. Gosti mogu sudjelovati u pečenju rakije, ubiranju voća i povrća, brinuti o domaćim životinjama, a posebnost kraja je pečenje kreča, u tzv. krečanama, što je višednevna aktivnost. Moguć je i obilazak prirodnih ljepota ovog brdskog dijela Slavonije u pratnji domaćina. In the small hilly village Pavlovci, on the southern slopes of the Požeška Gora hills, the authenticity of this structure has been preserved since 1893. We provide accommodations in traditional Šokac style rooms and serve exclusively local delicacies prepared in the traditional fashion. In addition to breeding sheep, rabbits and poultry, a particularity of this estate is the raising of the Black Slavonian pig, which is used in the production of renowned cured meat products. There are maintained walking and cycling trails in the village. Guests are welcome to take part in the preparation of spirits, harvesting fruits and vegetables, caring for the farm animals, and a specificity of the region is the slaking of lime in lime kilns, which is a multi-day activity. Your host is also available for a guided tour of the natural beauty of this hilly part of Slavonia. Ruralna kuća | Rural house – 3 beds, Cat: "" 4 8 HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: 80 – 200 KN 2 Pavina kuća Reza i Pavo Trnačić Stara Kapela 32, 35410 Nova Kapela 035 381 051 035 381 051 098 878 230, 099 502 8977 – – – 01.01. – 31.12. samo uz prethodnu najavu / by appointment only Kuća i gospodarstvo njeguju tradiciju više od 50 godina i u njima je sačuvana graditeljska baština podneblja. Ugostiteljska ponuda bazirana je na lokalnim specijalitetima i tradicijskom načinu pripreme slavonskih jela, uz kušanje vrhunskog vina i prirodnih sokova. Gosti na gospodarstvu mogu sudjelovati u kreativnim radionicama starih zanata, poput tkalačke i kovačke radionice te pečenja rakije, mogu obići pčelinjak i kušati domaći med. Uređeno je i dječje igralište. Okolica pruža mogućnost šetnji i bicikliranja stazom dugom 13 km. The house and estate have a tradition of over 50 years, and contained preserved elements of the architectural heritage of this region. The hospitality is based on local delicacies and the traditional way of preparing Slavonian dishes, with tastings of premium wines and natural fruit juices. Guests can take part in creative workshops in old crafts, such as weaving and smithing, or making spirits, or can take a tour of the apiary and try some homemade honey. There is also a children’s playground. Head out into nature along the 13 km walking and cycling trail. RM: 2 / 2, Ruralna kuća | Rural house – 4 beds, Cat: " – – HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: – Lucija Lazić Dražić Opođe bb, 35404 Cernik 035 369 501 035 369 200 091 369 50 17 30 ha – – 01.01. – 31.12. samo uz prethodnu najavu / by appointment only 3 Seosko domaćinstvo Opođe Imanje i voćnjaci smješteni su na južnim obroncima Psunja i protežu se iznad mjesta Cernik. Na imanju je turistički objekt od 600 m 2 sa sobama i apartmanima, vinskim podrumom s degustacijskom salom te arhivskim podrumom. Gostima se nudi obilazak vrta s domaćim životinjama. Uz najavu za grupe organiziramo domjenke, degustacije domaćih poljoprivrednih proizvoda te aktivnosti berbe i lova, a i ugošćujemo poslovne skupove i školske izlete. Cilj ovog seljačkog domaćinstva je zaštititi i očuvati baštinu slavonskog sela i običaja te ponuditi u cijelosti prirodne i tradicionalne proizvode Slavonije. The estate and orchards are situated on the southern slopes of the Psunj hill, and extend to above the settlement of Cernik. The 600 m 2 tourism facility offers rooms and apartments, a wine cellar with tasting hall, and archive cellar. Guests can tour the courtyard and see the farm animals. By appointment, it is possible to organise receptions, tastings of homemade products or organise harvesting activities or hunting. We also host business meetings and school excursions. The goal of this rural estate is to protect and conserve the heritage of the Slavonian village and its customs, and to offer completely natural and traditional Slavonian products to our guests. RM: 4 / 2, APP: 1 / 2, 1 / 4, Cat: """" @ 60 – HS: 200 – 300 KN LS: 200 – 300 KN 44 | Ministarstvo turizma RH | Croatian Ministry of Tourism |

Nacionalni katalog »Ruralni turizam Hrvatske« | National Catalogue Rural Tourism in Croatia 4 Stričev grunt Na Stričevom gruntu gosti mogu doživjeti nekadašnji život Slavonaca na ovim brežuljkastim predjelima Požeške gore i provesti odmor u kući koja je izvorno sagrađena početkom 20. st. Kuća je namještena starinskim namještajem, istovremeno opremljena za potrebe suvremenog gosta. Prostrano dvorište s vrtnim roštiljem i krušnom peći upotpunjuje doživljaj autentičnosti lokacije, mira i tišine, okolica nudi šetnje uz potok, pješačke, biciklističke i pčelarske staze te vidikovce i Križni put. At the Stričev Grunt estate, guests can experience a flavour of how life once was for Slavonians in this hilly part of the Požeška Gora hills, and spend their vacation in a home originally constructed in the early 20 th century. The house is fitted with antique furnishings, while also providing all the amenities for the contemporary guest. The spacious courtyard with outdoor grill and bread oven complete the experience of authenticity of the location, peace and quiet. Nearby, it is possible to take a walk along the stream, or head out on the hiking, cycling and beekeeping trails to the viewpoints and the Stations of the Cross. Ruralna kuća | Rural house – 8 beds, Cat: """ – – HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: 80 – 200 KN Josip Borozni Stara Kapela 26, 35410 Nova Kapela 035 381 092, 035 451 171 – 098 946 9881 – – – 01.01. – 31.12., pon – ned / all week Mon – Sun Brodsko – posavska županija | Slavonski Brod – Posavina County 5 Tucina kuća Imanje se sastoji od stare seoske kuće namještene u autohtonom slavonskom stilu, velikog dvorišta s gospodarskim zgradama te voćnjaka s klupama i zidanim roštiljem. Kuća je pretvorena u dvokrevetni, a sjenik na štaglju u četverokrevetni apartman. U prostoru nekadašnje štale uređena je gostionica s otvorenim kaminom. Uz prigušeno osvjetljenje i pucketanje vatre stvoren je idealan ambijent za odmor i uživanje u seoskoj idili uz autohtona slavonska jela. Organiziramo razgled imanja, a u voćnjaku s klupama i zidanim roštiljem gosti mogu samostalno pripremati hranu. The estate consists of an old village house furnished in the traditional Slavonian style, a large courtyard with outbuildings and an orchard with benches and a walled grill. The house has been turned into a two-bed apartment, while the barn has been turned into a four-bed apartment. The former stables have been turned into a tavern with an open hearth. The dimmed lighting and crackling of the fire form an ideal ambience for relaxation and enjoying the village ideal and an autochthonous Slavonian meal. Tours of the estate may be arranged, while guests are also free to cook their own food on the grill in the orchard. APP: 1 / 2, 1 / 4, Cat: """ 60 100 HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: 80 – 200 KN Mara Tucić Stara Kapela 5, 35410 Nova Kapela 035 384 363 035 384 363 098 467 878 0,5 ha 100 m / nmv – 01.01. – 31.12. samo uz prethodnu najavu / by appointment only 154 6 Tunjina kuća U malom slavonskom selu u zagrljaju Požeške gore staro smo “didovo ognjište” vratili u život. U tradicijskom graditeljskom stilu Slavonije obnovili smo obiteljsku kuću te nudimo smještaj u dva udobna apartmana opremljena namještajem i predmetima iz vremena naših djedova i baka. Uz zvuke tamburaša, gosti mogu uživati u mnoštvu slavonskih gastronomskih specijaliteta i dobroj kapljici. Aktivnosti za goste imanja su branje kukuruza i voća, kuhanje pekmeza, pečenje kruha u krušnoj peći, sudjelovanje u starim seoskim igrama i ribolov. U prirodnom okruženju okolice sela su pješačko-biciklističke staze s uređenim odmorištima i vidikovcima. In a small Slavonian village, embraced by the Požeška Gora hills, we have returned our ancestor’s hearth to life. We have restored the family home in the traditional architectural style of Slavonia. Accommodation is provided in two comfortable apartments, fitted with furnishings and objects from the times of our grandparents. Guests can enjoy the sounds of the tamburitza and the abundance of Slavonian culinary delicacies, and a fine glass of wine. Guest activities on the estate include harvesting corn and fruit, making jams, baking bread in the bread oven, playing old village games, and fishing. Walking and cycling trails with several rest areas and viewpoints have been developed in the natural environment surrounding the village. APP: 2 / 3, Cat: """ 80 10 HS: 100 – 200 KN LS: 80 – 200 KN Marija Staklarević Stara Kapela 9, 35410 Nova Kapela 035 381 023, 035 361 299 035 381 023, 035 361 299 091 8911 756, 091 507 5265 0,18 ha 141 m / nmv – 01.01. – 31.12. samo uz prethodnu najavu / by appointment only Hrvatska gospodarska komora | Croatian Chamber of Economy | | 45

Nacionalni katalog »Ruralni <strong>turizam</strong> Hrvatske« | National Catalogue Rural Tourism in Croatia<br />

4<br />

Stričev grunt<br />

Na Stričevom gruntu gosti mogu doživjeti nekadašnji život Slavonaca na ovim brežuljkastim predjelima Požeške gore i provesti odmor u kući koja je izvorno sagrađena<br />

početkom 20. st. Kuća je namještena starinskim namještajem, istovremeno opremljena za potrebe suvremenog gosta. Prostrano dvorište s vrtnim roštiljem i<br />

krušnom peći upotpunjuje doživljaj autentičnosti lokacije, mira i tišine, okolica nudi šetnje uz potok, pješačke, biciklističke i pčelarske staze te vidikovce i Križni put.<br />

At the Stričev Grunt estate, guests can experience a flavour of how life once was for Slavonians in this hilly part of the Požeška Gora hills, and spend their vacation<br />

in a home originally constructed in the early 20 th century. The house is fitted with antique furnishings, while also providing all the amenities for the contemporary<br />

guest. The spacious courtyard with outdoor grill and bread oven complete the experience of authenticity of the location, peace and quiet. Nearby, it is possible to<br />

take a walk along the stream, or head out on the hiking, cycling and beekeeping trails to the viewpoints and the Stations of the Cross.<br />

Ruralna kuća | Rural house – 8 beds, Cat: """ – –<br />

HS: 100 – 200 KN<br />

LS: 80 – 200 KN<br />

Josip Borozni<br />

Stara Kapela 26, 35410 Nova Kapela<br />

035 381 092, 035 451 171<br />

–<br />

098 946 9881<br /><br /><br />

–<br />

–<br />

–<br />

01.01. – 31.12., pon – ned /<br />

all week Mon – Sun<br />

Brodsko – posavska županija | Slavonski Brod – Posavina County<br />

5<br />

Tucina kuća<br />

Imanje se sastoji od stare seoske kuće namještene u autohtonom slavonskom stilu, velikog dvorišta s gospodarskim zgradama te voćnjaka s klupama i zidanim<br />

roštiljem. Kuća je pretvorena u dvokrevetni, a sjenik na štaglju u četverokrevetni apartman. U prostoru nekadašnje štale uređena je gostionica s otvorenim kaminom.<br />

Uz prigušeno osvjetljenje i pucketanje vatre stvoren je idealan ambijent za odmor i uživanje u seoskoj idili uz autohtona slavonska jela. Organiziramo razgled<br />

imanja, a u voćnjaku s klupama i zidanim roštiljem gosti mogu samostalno pripremati hranu.<br />

The estate consists of an old village house furnished in the traditional Slavonian style, a large courtyard with outbuildings and an orchard with benches and a walled<br />

grill. The house has been turned into a two-bed apartment, while the barn has been turned into a four-bed apartment. The former stables have been turned into a<br />

tavern with an open hearth. The dimmed lighting and crackling of the fire form an ideal ambience for relaxation and enjoying the village ideal and an autochthonous<br />

Slavonian meal. Tours of the estate may be arranged, while guests are also free to cook their own food on the grill in the orchard.<br />

APP: 1 / 2, 1 / 4, Cat: """ 60 100<br />

HS: 100 – 200 KN<br />

LS: 80 – 200 KN<br />

Mara Tucić<br />

Stara Kapela 5, 35410 Nova Kapela<br />

035 384 363<br />

035 384 363<br />

098 467 878<br /><br /><br />

0,5 ha<br />

100 m / nmv<br />

–<br />

01.01. – 31.12. samo uz prethodnu<br />

najavu / by appointment only<br />

154 6<br />

Tunjina kuća<br />

U malom slavonskom selu u zagrljaju Požeške gore staro smo “didovo ognjište” vratili u život. U tradicijskom graditeljskom stilu Slavonije obnovili smo obiteljsku<br />

kuću te nudimo smještaj u dva udobna apartmana opremljena namještajem i predmetima iz vremena naših djedova i baka. Uz zvuke tamburaša, gosti mogu<br />

uživati u mnoštvu slavonskih gastronomskih specijaliteta i dobroj kapljici. Aktivnosti za goste imanja su branje kukuruza i voća, kuhanje pekmeza, pečenje kruha<br />

u krušnoj peći, sudjelovanje u starim seoskim igrama i ribolov. U prirodnom okruženju okolice sela su pješačko-biciklističke staze s uređenim odmorištima i vidikovcima.<br />

In a small Slavonian village, embraced by the Požeška Gora hills, we have returned our ancestor’s hearth to life. We have restored the family home in the traditional<br />

architectural style of Slavonia. Accommodation is provided in two comfortable apartments, fitted with furnishings and objects from the times of our grandparents.<br />

Guests can enjoy the sounds of the tamburitza and the abundance of Slavonian culinary delicacies, and a fine glass of wine. Guest activities on the estate include<br />

harvesting corn and fruit, making jams, baking bread in the bread oven, playing old village games, and fishing. Walking and cycling trails with several rest areas and<br />

viewpoints have been developed in the natural environment surrounding the village.<br />

APP: 2 / 3, Cat: """ 80 10<br />

HS: 100 – 200 KN<br />

LS: 80 – 200 KN<br />

Marija Staklarević<br />

Stara Kapela 9, 35410 Nova Kapela<br />

035 381 023, 035 361 299<br />

035 381 023, 035 361 299<br />

091 8911 756, 091 507 5265<br /><br /><br />

0,18 ha<br />

141 m / nmv<br />

–<br />

01.01. – 31.12. samo uz prethodnu<br />

najavu / by appointment only<br />

Hrvatska gospodarska komora | Croatian Chamber of Economy | | 45

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