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Nacionalni katalog »Ruralni <strong>turizam</strong> Hrvatske« | National Catalogue Rural Tourism in Croatia<br />

Year of proclamation: 1999 | Surface area: 34,306 ha | International protection: European Geoparks Network, since 2007 | Possible activities:<br />

hiking, mountaineering, trekking, free climbing, cycling, thermal spa, recreational fishing, horseback riding, paragliding, winter sports<br />

www.pp-papuk.hr<br />

Educational trails<br />

The RUPNICA GEOLOGICAL EDUCATION TRAIL and the OLD OAKS EDUCATIONAL TRAIL (length 2.3 km, walking time about 3h) present<br />

the phenomenon of rocks – volcanic columns (the first geological nature monument in Croatia from 1948 (and the interesting story of the<br />

volcanoes of the world and the sleepy “Rupnica volcano“. The second, shorter educational trail leads to the Old Oaks, a grove of gigantic oak<br />

trees that are about 500 years old.<br />

COUNT’S EDUCATION TRAIL AT THE JANKOVAC EXCURSION SITE (length 2.3 km, walking time about 3h) passes through the loveliest parts<br />

of the Jankovac Park Forest and the mountain lodge. The trail reveals interesting details about the natural and cultural heritage of the park, and<br />

about the life of nobleman Count Josip Janković, who was laid to rest in the cave above the lake.<br />

LAPJAK EDUCATIONAL TRAIL (length 4.2 km, walking time about 3.5h) is the first hilly/mountain educational trail in Slavonia, and partly<br />

follows the Šuler Trail hiking trail, which visits all the most significant characteristics of this nature park.<br />

RUŽICA EDUCATIONAL TRAIL (length 800 m, walking time 1.5h) runs through the forest from the Orahovičko Lake to the medieval town of<br />

Ružica, one of the largest and best preserved medieval noble towns in Croatia.<br />

TURJAK BOTANICAL EDUCATIONAL TRAIL (length 6.3 km, walking time 6h) provides an opportunity to become familiar with some of the<br />

most interesting protected and threatened plant and animal species of Mt. Papuk.<br />

KUTJEVO EDUCATIONAL TRAIL (length 1.3 km, walking time 1h) leads to the historical complex of the town of Kutjevo, with its Cistercian<br />

abbey and church from the 13 th century, Baroque palace and wine cellar, to the wine-growing hills of Vinkomir with the lookout.<br />

Vodopad Jankovac | Jankovac waterfall<br />

Srednjovjekovni Ružica-grad | Ružica-grad medieval<br />

fortress<br />

Park prirode Medvednica | Medvednica Nature Park<br />

Godina proglašenja: 1981. | Površina: 17.936 ha | Moguće aktivnosti: planinarenje, pješačenje, vožnja biciklima, slobodno penjanje,<br />

obilazak speleoloških objekata i rudnika, skijanje<br />

www.pp-medvednica.hr<br />

Poučne staze<br />

POUČNA STAZA MIROSLAVEC nalazi se na stazi između Šestinskog lagvića i Kraljičinog zdenca, a interpretira složenu geološku povijest i građu<br />

Medvednice na razumljiv i jednostavan način s brojnim ilustracijama i kartama.<br />

ŠUMSKA STAZA BLIZNEC prati tok istoimenog potoka uz Sljemensku cestu. Prva je poučna staza u Hrvatskoj koja je u potpunosti, izvedbom<br />

i sadržajima, prilagođena osobama s invaliditetom, i s 11 interpretacijskih ploča posjetitelju približava prirodne i kulturno-povijesne značajke<br />

tog lokaliteta.<br />

500 HORVATOVIH STUBA djelo su Vladimira Horvata, velikog ljubitelja prirode, planinara i speleologa, koji je vlastoručno od 1946. – 1953.<br />

godine isklesao 500 kamenih stuba u, do tada nepristupačnom, ali prelijepom otočiću krša na strmim sjevernim padinama Medvednice.<br />

POUČNA STAZA BISTRA posjetitelje upoznaje s prirodnim, geološkim, kulturnim te ekološkim značajkama i prirodnim fenomenima sjevernog<br />

dijela Medvednice.<br />

MEDVEDGRAD – jedan od najbolje očuvanih srednjovjekovnih gradova u Hrvatskoj u svojoj je prošlosti promijenio brojne vlasnike, između<br />

ostalih i zloglasnu Crnu kraljicu. Na Medvedgradu se kroz godinu organizira velik broj kulturno-turističkih manifestacija poput Medvedgradskih<br />

glazbenih večeri, Zagreb Fantastic Film Festivala, Srednjovjekovnih dana na Medvednici te kazališnih predstava.<br />

ŠPILJA VETERNICA – nalazi se u jugozapadnom dijelu Medvednice, a njen turistički uređen dio prikazuje geomorfološke fenomene koji se<br />

rijetko viđaju u klasičnim turističko uređenim špiljama.<br />

RUDNIK ZRINSKI – nalazi se kod Planinarskog doma Grafičar. Bio je rudnik olovno-cinkove rude. Danas je rudnik otvoren za posjetitelje i idealna<br />

je prilika za upoznavanje tajanstvenog podzemlja Medvednice.<br />

MARIJANSKI HODOČASNIČKI PUT – Marijanski hodočasnički put na području Parka prirode Medvednica dio je izdvojene mreže marijanskih<br />

putova koji vode u najveće hrvatskog marijansko svetište gradić Mariju Bistricu.<br />

Srednjovjekovna utvrda Medvedgrad | Medvedgrad<br />

medieval fortress<br />

Šumska staza Bliznec | Bliznec forest trail<br />

Year of proclamation: 1981 | Surface area: 17,936 ha | Possible activities: hiking, walking, cycling, free climbing, visiting cave structures and<br />

mines, skiing<br />

www.pp-medvednica.hr<br />

Educational trails<br />

MIROSLAVEC EDUCATIONAL TRAIL is on the path from Šestinski Lagvić to the Queen’s well, and provides information on the complex geological<br />

history and structure of Mt. Medvednica in an easy to understand way, with numerous illustrations and maps.<br />

BLIZNEC FOREST TRAIL follows the course of the Blizec stream along the Sljeme road. This is the first educational trail in Croatia to be fully<br />

adapted for the disabled, both in terms of its completeness, structure and content. The trail includes 11 information panels that outline the<br />

natural, cultural and historical features of this site.<br />

The 500 HORVAT STAIRS are the work of Vladimir Horvat, a great nature lover, hiking and speleologist, who carved 500 stone stairs by hand<br />

in the period from 1946 – 1953 in this previously inaccessible but beautiful island of karst on the steep northern slopes of Mt. Medvednica.<br />

500 Horvatovih stuba | Excursion site Horvat’s 500<br />

Stairs<br />

Hrvatska gospodarska komora | Croatian Chamber of Economy | www.hgk.hr | 31

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