
rur_turizam rur_turizam

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Dubrovačko – neretvanska županija | Dubrovnik – Neretva County Ivo Đivanović Ljuta 8, Vrelo, 20215 Gruda 020 799–884 020 799–884 098 1897 768 – 1 ha 50 m/nmv – 01.01. – 31.12., uz prethodnu najavu / by appointment 315 Turistički obrt Mlin Izletište “Mlin“ smješteno je u Konavoskim dvorima uz rijeku Ljutu, 30 km od Dubrovnika, u kraju slikovitog i očuvanog, također i zaštićenog krajolika bogatih šuma i izvorišta rijeke. Ovdje je u vrijeme Dubrovačke Republike sagrađen niz mlinica i stupa, a naš je mlin jedini danas u funkciji, obnovljen u izvornom obliku, kako vanjskim izgledom, tako i mehanizmom rada samog mlina. Pored mlinice, izletište nudi u potpunosti obnovljenu stupu za stupanje sukna, uz prezentaciju tradicionalne obrade vune (predenje, tkanje, stupanje), kao i šetnice i terase za sjedenje u hladovini uz rijeku. U ponudi imamo degustacije domaćih proizvoda, likera i tradicionalnih slastica, te snack ponudu – domaći kruh, pršut, sir, sve uz lokalno crno i bijelo vino. The Mlin excursion estate is found alongside the Konavoski Dvori along the Ljuta River, 30 km from Dubrovnik, in this picturesque and preserved protected landscape rich in forests and river springs. During the period of the Dubrovnik Republic, a series of water mills and columns were constructed here. Our mill is still in function today, and has been restored in its original form, both in terms of its external appearance and in the mechanism of its operation. In addition to the mill, the excursion estate also has a fully restored column for the washing of cloth, with a presentation of the traditional processing of wool (spinning, weaving, washing). Enjoy the walking trails and the delightful terrace, perfect for sitting in the shade by the river. We offer tastings of homemade products, liqueurs and traditional desserts, and homemade bread, prosciutto and cheese, all with the locally made red and white wines. – – 316 Usluge u seljačkom domaćinstvu Međica Martin Međica Ljubač 15, Ljubač, 20000 Dubrovnik 020 881 229 – 098 850 575 – 150 m/nmv – 01.05. – 30.10., sezonki, uz prethodnu najavu /open seasonally, by appointment Seosko domaćinstvo Martina Međice nalazi se u malom, pitomom selu Ljubač, nepunih 20 km od Dubrovnika. Za razliku od većine sela Dubrovačkog primorja, Ljubač se nalazi u prirodnom amfiteatru, okruženo brdima i prostranim poljem. Domaćinstvo nudi tradicionalna primorska jela s namirnicama iz potpuno prirodnog uzgoja, pripravljena na tradicionalan način, baš po uzoru na neka prošla vremena. Nudimo smještaj u tri izvorna komina za 80 ljudi, po najvišim je ugostiteljskim standardima. Posjetite nas i uživajte u prirodi koja će vas približiti jednostavnosti seoskog života i očuvanom prirodnom okolišu. The rural estate of Martin Međica is found in the small, picturesque village of Ljubač, just 20 km from Dubrovnik. Unlike the majority of the villages of the Dubrovnik Riviera, Ljubač is situated in a natural amphitheatre, surrounded by hills and vast fields. The estate offers traditional coastal dishes made from ingredients grown naturally in the traditional fashion, just as they once were. We offer accommodation in three original houses for up to 80 people, at the highest hospitality standards. Pay us a visit and enjoy the natural environment that is sure to acquaint you with the simplicity of rural life and the preserved natural environment. 80 80 317 Vinarija Bire Frano Milina – Bire Br.585, 20263 Lumbarda 020 712 208, 020 712 249 020 712 208 098 344 712 – – – 01.06. – 30.09., samo uz prethodnu najavu / by appointment only Gospodarstvo se nalazi u mjestu Lumbarda, na otoku Korčuli. Njeguje obiteljsku tradiciju proizvodnje i prodaje vina autohtone bijele sorte Grk, specifične samo za to područje, kao i ostalih tradicionalnih dalmatinskih proizvoda. Cjelokupno gospodarstvo sastavljeno je od niza kamenih kuća u kojima su smještene životinje, proizvodnja i prostor kušaonice za goste. Sve je okruženo vrtovima gdje uzgajamo autohtone dalmatinske voćke: smokve, rogač, žižule, masline i bajame, kao i sezonsko povrće i dalmatinsko aromatično bilje. Lumbarda je mjesto u kojem je pronađena “Lumbarajska psefizma”– kameni natpis na grčkom jeziku iz 4. st. pr. Krista, jedan od najstarijih dokumenata u ovom dijelu Europe, govori o uređenju života između Grka i starosjedioca Ilira. The estate is found in the settlement of Lumbardo, on the island of Korčula. It nurtures the family tradition of the production and sale of the indigenous wine variety Grk, which is specific only to this area, and of other traditional Dalmatian products. The entire estate is made up of a series of stone houses, some of which house the animals, other the production and tasting facilities for guests. These are all surrounded by gardens where we grow indigenous Dalmatian fruits: figs, carob, red dates, olives and almonds, and seasonal vegetables and Dalmatian aromatic herbs. Lumbardo is the site of the discovery of the Lumbarajska Psefysm – a stone inscription in the Greek from the 4 th century BC, one of the oldest written records in this part of Europe, which tells of the organisation of life between the Greeks and the native Illyrians. 50 50 174 | Ministarstvo turizma RH | Croatian Ministry of Tourism |

Nacionalni katalog »Ruralni turizam Hrvatske« | National Catalogue Rural Tourism in Croatia Vršidba žita na okruglom, ravnom, kamenom platou | Threshing the wheat on the gumno, a round, flattened, rock plateau surrounded by a low stone wall Hrvatska gospodarska komora | Croatian Chamber of Economy | | 175

Nacionalni katalog »Ruralni <strong>turizam</strong> Hrvatske« | National Catalogue Rural Tourism in Croatia<br />

Vršidba žita na okruglom, ravnom, kamenom platou | Threshing the wheat on the gumno, a round, flattened, rock plateau surrounded by a low stone wall<br />

Hrvatska gospodarska komora | Croatian Chamber of Economy | | 175

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