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270 154 Seosko domaćinstvo Ognjištar Splitsko – dalmatinska županija | Split – Dalmatia County Sandra Karoglan Ivana Raosa 7, 21266 Zmijavci 021 474 601 021 474 601 098 9383 585 12 ha 370 m/nmv – 01.05. – 01.10., sezonski otvoreno / open seasonally Gospodarstvo se nalazi na obroncima brda Mračaj, 10 km od Imotskog i Parka prirode Biokovo. Kuća i gospodarstvo njeguju tradiciju više od 100 godina. Ugostiteljska ponuda bazira se na lokalnim specijalitetima i tradicijskom načinu pripreme jela poput pršuta, kravljeg i kozjeg sira, domaćih jaja ispod peke te jela s roštilja uz razne vrste voća i povrća iz vlastitog vrta. Također se mogu kušati vrhunsko domaće vino i rakije te prirodni sokovi. Smještaj se nudi u 3 komforne, tradicijski uređene sobe. Gosti mogu sudjelovati u poljodjelskim radovima, prepoznavanju i sakupljanju ljekovitog bilja, branju plodova, pripremanju hrane i hranjenju domaćih životinja. U selu vrijedi posjetiti etnomuzej i crkvu Svi Sveti i sv. Josipa. Na plivanje, kupanje ili masažu gosti se mogu uputiti u obližnju Makarsku The estate is situated on the slopes of the Mračaj hill, just 10 km from Imotski and Biokovo Nature Park. The house and estate have been nurturing the local tradition for more than 100 years. The hospitality offer is based on local delicacies and the traditional preparation of dishes such as prosciutto, cow and goat cheese, farm eggs, and dishes baked under the baking lid or on the grill, with a variety of fruits and vegetables from our garden. Enjoy tasting premium homemade wines and brandies, and natural fruit juices. Accommodation is provided in three comfortably, traditionally fitted rooms. Guests are welcome to participate in agricultural activities, learn to recognise medicinal herbs and participate in their collection, picking fruits, preparing food and feeding the farm animals. RM: 1/2, Cat: "", RM: 1/2, Cat: """, RM: 1/3, Cat: """ 50 70 HS: – LS: – Nenad Rajević Petra Jakšića 31, 21400 Supetar – – 091 6316 699 1,2 ha 333 m/nmv – 01.05. – 31.10., svaki dan i uz prethodnu najavu / every day and by appointment 271 Agroturizam Ranjak Agroturizam Ranjak nalazi se na otoku Braču, 5 km južno od Supetra prema Nerežišću. Cjelokupno gospodarstvo, koje je većinom u naravi maslinik, ograđeno je suhozidom, a osim maslina zastupljene su i druge mediteranske kulture te samoniklo ljekovito i aromatično bilje. Bavimo se proizvodnjom „zlatnog“ ekstradjevičanskog maslinovog ulja i proizvoda od maslina. Njegujemo izvornu bračku kuhinju i nudimo razne domaće specijalitete i jela spravljena po tradicionalnoj recepturi od ekoloških proizvoda s gospodarstva. Gosti mogu sudjelovati u raznim aktivnostima, kuharskim prezentacijama, tradicionalnom dalmatinskom sportu – boćanju, djeca zabaviti na dječjem igralištu, dok su u okolici mnoge tematske pješačke i biciklističke staze. The Ranjak agritourism estate stands on the island of Brač, 5 km south of Supetar, towards Nerežišće. The entire estate, which is largely an olive grove, is surrounded by dry stone walls. In addition to olives, other Mediterranean cultures and indigenous medicinal and aromatic herbs grow here. We produce ‘golden’ extra virgin olive oil and olive products. We nurture the traditional cuisine of Brač and offer various specialities and dishes prepared by the original recipe, made from organic products produced on site. Guests are welcome to participate in various activities, cooking presentations, the traditional Dalmatian sport – lawn bowling, children can play in the playground, while there are many thematic cycling and hiking trails in the environs. 20 80 272 Gažul Nikola Gospodnetić Izletište se nalazi 15 km od grada Supetra, u središtu otoka Brača, u šumi na osami pastirskog sela Gažul. Ugostiteljska ponuda sastoji se isključivo od domaćih proizvoda. Gosti imaju mogućnost sudjelovati u raznim aktivnostima na gospodarstvu, ali se i rekreirati planinarenjem, šetanjem, vožnjom biciklom ili zabaviti se boćanjem. The excursion house is situated 15 km from the town of Supetar, in the centre of the island of Brač, surrounded by woods in the isolation of the shepherd’s village Gažul. The culinary offer is based exclusively on domestic products. Guests can take part in various activities on the estate, or take in recreation including hiking, walking, cycling or lawn bowling. Put Gaja 8, 21400 Supetar – – 091 5172 305, 098 9930 943 – 3 ha 600 m/nmv – 01.01. – 31.12.,samo uz prethodnu najavu / by appointment only 45 150 156 | Ministarstvo turizma RH | Croatian Ministry of Tourism |

Nacionalni katalog »Ruralni turizam Hrvatske« | National Catalogue Rural Tourism in Croatia 273 Agroturizam Kaštelanac – kušaonica vina Kapja i bokun Ova kušaonica vina nastavak je dugogodišnjeg obiteljskog gospodarstva. Svojom originalnom ponudom nezaobilazno je mjesto za mnoge posjetitelje otoka Šolte. Nekada je to bio obiteljski podrum u kojem se pravilo i čuvalo vino, a odnedavno je svoja vrata otvorilo i za goste. Uz kapljicu dobrog crnog vina sorte Dobričić i vrhunsko maslinovo ulje, namazi od maslina, slana i marinirana riba najčešće su delicije na stolu. Crno vino Dobričić najcjenjeniji je proizvod ovoga gospodarstva. Uz vina tu su i nezaobilazni likeri spravljeni od rakije lozovače, travarica, orahovica, rogačica, rakija od smokava, liker od mirte, lovora i višnje. Po želji domaćini goste vode u edukativno razgledavanje vinograda i maslinika. This wine tasting facility is the continuation of a long history of the family estate. With its authentic offer, it is a compulsory stop for many visitors to the island of Šolta. It was once the family cellar where wine was made and kept, and only recently began opening its doors to guests. In addition to the excellent red wine of the variety Dobričić, the most common delicacies on the table are premium olive oil, olive spreads, salted and marinated fish. The Dobričić red wine is the most prized product on the estate. Try one of the excellent liqueurs made from the spirits of grape, herbs, walnut or carob, fig brandy, or liqueurs of myrtle, laurel and sour cherry. If desired, the hosts are happy to lead the guests on educational tours of the vineyard and olive groves. 12 15 Vicko Kaštelanac Duga gomila 7, 21432 Šolta 021 658 109 021 658 109 098 385 376 – – – 01.04. – 01.10., pon – ned / all week Mon – Sun Splitsko – dalmatinska županija | Split – Dalmatia County 274 Obiteljsko gospodarstvo Šarić U srcu smo drevne Poljičke Republike u mjestu Tugare. Stara kuća na Umima ima svojstvo kulturnog dobra te se nalazi na tematskoj stazi koja je vrlo specifična jer se duž nje mogu vidjeti svi elementi krša i posebno lijep kanjon Lisičina, dio zaštićenog kanjona rijeke Cetine. Osnovna djelatnost gospodarstva je poljoprivreda, a plasman svježih i prerađenih proizvoda ostvaruje se agroturizmom. Gostima se nudi bijeg u jedinstvene ambijente starih obiteljskih kamenih kuća, doticaj sa zemljom sudjelovanjem u radu na gospodarstvu tradicionalnim metodama u poljoprivredi ili preradi kao što su štradunavanje, soljenje, pečenje rakije, gradnja suhozida, ali i predah od svakodnevnice uz čašu vina i poljički soparnik. We are found in the heart of the ancient Poljičke Republic, in the settlement of Tugara. The old house is a cultural heritage monument and has been included on the thematic trail, which is very specific, as along it one can view all the karst elements and particularly the lovely Lisičina canyon, which is part of the protected Cetina River canyon. The core activity of the estate is agriculture, and the placement of fresh and processed products is achieved through agritourism. Guests are offered the opportunity to escape from the bustle of city life in the simple ambience of the old family stone houses, to get back in touch with the land by participating in the work of the farm using traditional methods, or in processing, such as salting, distilling spirits, building dry stone walls, and taking a rest with a glass of wine and the local delicacy, Poljički soparnik, a type of chard filled pita. 50 – Andro Šarić Poljička cesta 47, 21252 Tugare – – 099 2404 199 – – – 01.06. – 30.10., pon – ned / all week Mon – Sun 275 154 Seljačko domaćinstvo Zmajevi Seljačko domaćinstvo nalazi se u srcu Dugopolja, 15 km od Splita. Njegujemo dugogodišnju tradiciju pripreme mesnih delicija naširoko poznate u Splitu i okolici. Ugostiteljska ponuda bazira se na lokalnim specijalitetima: domaći sir i pršut, kruh ispod peke, suhomesnati proizvodi i tradicijskom načinu pripreme jela poput janjetine s ražnja, svinjskog i telećeg pečenja i pivca ispod peke. Može se kušati i domaće crno i bijelo vino ili rakija. U okolici su mnoge pješačke staze kroz Dugopoljsko polje u podnožju planine Mosor, kao i planinarske staze prema ostacima ilirske utvrde Gradina (480 m/n.v.). U naselju Kotlenice zanimljiva je špilja Vranjača, biser prirode krškog kraja i zaštićeni geomorfološki spomenik prirode. The rural estate is situated in the heart of Dugopolje, 15 km from Split. We have been nurturing the traditions of preparing the meat delicacies that are known far and wide in Split and beyond. The hospitality offer is based on local specialities: domestic cheese and prosciutto, bread baked under a baking lid, cured meat products and the traditional preparation of dishes, such as lamb on a spit, pork and veal roasts, and rooster prepared under the baking lid. Enjoy tasting our red and white wines and spirits. The environs offer a multitude of hiking trails through the Dugopoljsko Polje field in the foothills of Mt. Mosor, and hiking trails up to the ruins of the Illyrian hill fort Gradina (elevation 480 m). In the settlement Kotlenice, pay a visit to the interesting Vranjača Cave, a natural gem in the karst landscape and a protected geomorphological nature monument. 80 80 Zdravko Dodoja Senjska 16, 21204 Dugopolje 021 655 016 – 091 5728 115 – – 1000 m 2 294 m/nmv 43.584300, 16.580700 01.01. – 31.12., samo uz prethodnu najavu / by appointment only Hrvatska gospodarska komora | Croatian Chamber of Economy | | 157

270 154<br />

Seosko domaćinstvo Ognjištar<br />

Splitsko – dalmatinska županija | Split – Dalmatia County<br />

Sandra Karoglan<br />

Ivana Raosa 7, 21266 Zmijavci<br />

021 474 601<br />

021 474 601<br />

098 9383 585<br /><br /><br />

12 ha<br />

370 m/nmv<br />

–<br />

01.05. – 01.10., sezonski otvoreno /<br />

open seasonally<br />

Gospodarstvo se nalazi na obroncima brda Mračaj, 10 km od Imotskog i Parka prirode Biokovo. Kuća i gospodarstvo njeguju tradiciju više od 100 godina. Ugostiteljska<br />

ponuda bazira se na lokalnim specijalitetima i tradicijskom načinu pripreme jela poput pršuta, kravljeg i kozjeg sira, domaćih jaja ispod peke te jela s roštilja uz<br />

razne vrste voća i povrća iz vlastitog vrta. Također se mogu kušati vrhunsko domaće vino i rakije te prirodni sokovi. Smještaj se nudi u 3 komforne, tradicijski uređene<br />

sobe. Gosti mogu sudjelovati u poljodjelskim radovima, prepoznavanju i sakupljanju ljekovitog bilja, branju plodova, pripremanju hrane i hranjenju domaćih životinja.<br />

U selu vrijedi posjetiti etnomuzej i crkvu Svi Sveti i sv. Josipa. Na plivanje, kupanje ili masažu gosti se mogu uputiti u obližnju Makarsku<br />

The estate is situated on the slopes of the Mračaj hill, just 10 km from Imotski and Biokovo Nature Park. The house and estate have been nurturing the local tradition<br />

for more than 100 years. The hospitality offer is based on local delicacies and the traditional preparation of dishes such as prosciutto, cow and goat cheese, farm<br />

eggs, and dishes baked under the baking lid or on the grill, with a variety of fruits and vegetables from our garden. Enjoy tasting premium homemade wines and<br />

brandies, and natural fruit juices. Accommodation is provided in three comfortably, traditionally fitted rooms. Guests are welcome to participate in agricultural<br />

activities, learn to recognise medicinal herbs and participate in their collection, picking fruits, preparing food and feeding the farm animals.<br />

RM: 1/2, Cat: "", RM: 1/2, Cat: """, RM: 1/3, Cat: """ 50 70<br />

HS: – LS: –<br />

Nenad Rajević<br />

Petra Jakšića 31, 21400 Supetar<br />

–<br />

–<br />

091 6316 699<br />

agro<strong>turizam</strong><br />

www.agro<strong>turizam</strong><br />

1,2 ha<br />

333 m/nmv<br />

–<br />

01.05. – 31.10., svaki dan i uz prethodnu<br />

najavu / every day and by appointment<br />

271<br />

Agro<strong>turizam</strong> Ranjak<br />

Agro<strong>turizam</strong> Ranjak nalazi se na otoku Braču, 5 km južno od Supetra prema Nerežišću. Cjelokupno gospodarstvo, koje je većinom u naravi maslinik, ograđeno je<br />

suhozidom, a osim maslina zastupljene su i druge mediteranske kulture te samoniklo ljekovito i aromatično bilje. Bavimo se proizvodnjom „zlatnog“ ekstradjevičanskog<br />

maslinovog ulja i proizvoda od maslina. Njegujemo izvornu bračku kuhinju i nudimo razne domaće specijalitete i jela spravljena po tradicionalnoj recepturi<br />

od ekoloških proizvoda s gospodarstva. Gosti mogu sudjelovati u raznim aktivnostima, kuharskim prezentacijama, tradicionalnom dalmatinskom sportu – boćanju,<br />

djeca zabaviti na dječjem igralištu, dok su u okolici mnoge tematske pješačke i biciklističke staze.<br />

The Ranjak agritourism estate stands on the island of Brač, 5 km south of Supetar, towards Nerežišće. The entire estate, which is largely an olive grove, is surrounded<br />

by dry stone walls. In addition to olives, other Mediterranean cultures and indigenous medicinal and aromatic herbs grow here. We produce ‘golden’ extra virgin<br />

olive oil and olive products. We nurture the traditional cuisine of Brač and offer various specialities and dishes prepared by the original recipe, made from organic<br />

products produced on site. Guests are welcome to participate in various activities, cooking presentations, the traditional Dalmatian sport – lawn bowling, children<br />

can play in the playground, while there are many thematic cycling and hiking trails in the environs.<br />

20 80<br />

272<br />

Gažul<br />

Nikola Gospodnetić<br />

Izletište se nalazi 15 km od grada Supetra, u središtu otoka Brača, u šumi na osami pastirskog sela Gažul. Ugostiteljska ponuda sastoji se isključivo od domaćih<br />

proizvoda. Gosti imaju mogućnost sudjelovati u raznim aktivnostima na gospodarstvu, ali se i rekreirati planinarenjem, šetanjem, vožnjom biciklom ili zabaviti se<br />

boćanjem.<br />

The excursion house is situated 15 km from the town of Supetar, in the centre of the island of Brač, surrounded by woods in the isolation of the shepherd’s village<br />

Gažul. The culinary offer is based exclusively on domestic products. Guests can take part in various activities on the estate, or take in recreation including hiking,<br />

walking, cycling or lawn bowling.<br />

Put Gaja 8, 21400 Supetar<br />

–<br />

–<br />

091 5172 305, 098 9930 943<br /><br />

–<br />

3 ha<br />

600 m/nmv<br />

–<br />

01.01. – 31.12.,samo uz prethodnu<br />

najavu / by appointment only<br />

45 150<br />

156 | Ministarstvo turizma RH | Croatian Ministry of Tourism |

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