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Šibensko – kninska županija | Šibenik – Knin County Goran Kljajić i Jadran Škugor Zagorska 8, 22000 Šibenik 022 219 717 022 219 717 099 216 74 90 – 250 154 Ugostiteljsko uslužna zadruga Dabar U zaleđu Šibenika, u selu Danilo, kameni je objekt izgrađen u izvornom stilu. Cijeli je prostor danilskog polja arheološka zona u stručnim krugovima označena kao jedna od najznačajnijih u Hrvatskoj, s obzirom na to da čuva ostatke Danilske kulture (4500. – 3900. pr. Krista) s ostacima pretpovijesnih nastambi i utvrda, kao i rimskog grada Ridera smještenog na glavnoj prometnici Scardona – Salona. U konobi Dabar mogu se kušati domaće juhe, tradicionalna kuhana jela, domaće povrće i voće te maslinovo ulje iz vlastite proizvodnje. Gostima se nudi aktivan odmor korištenjem uređenih biciklističkih i pješačkih staza, posjet arheološkim lokalitetima, izložba starih predmeta, prezentacije održavanja minivinograda i maslinika te degustiranje vina i drugih proizvoda iz domaće radinosti. Inland of Šibenik, in the village Danilo, there is a stone building constructed in the original style. The entire Danilo area is an archaeological zone, considered by experts to be one of the most significant in Croatia, as the remains of the Danilo culture (4500 – 3900 BC) have been found here, including remnants of prehistoric housing and defence structures. The Roman town of Ridera was situated on the main road Scardona – Salona. At the Dabar tavern, try some of our homemade soups, traditionally cooked meals, home-grown fruits, vegetable and our own olive oil. Guests are invited to enjoy an active vacation with the many cycling and hiking trails, visits to archaeological sites, presentations on keeping a mini-vineyard, and sampling wines and other products grown on site. RM: 4/2, Cat: """ 100 50 HS: – LS: – 4000 m 2 – 43.702758, 16.035228 01.01. – 31.12., cijeli tjedan, osim pon / all days, except Mon Jadranka Bolanča Bilo, Lokvica 9A, 22202 Primošten 022 571 320 022 571 320 091 1504 989, 098 251 083 www. – – 43.610333, 15.972139 01.06. – 30.09., samo uz prethodnu najavu / by appointment only Ante Županović Kruševo 2, Kruševo, 22202 Primošten 022 578 266 022 578 266 099 7014 675, 091 126 5219 – 0,15 ha 192 m/nmv 43.585344, 16.041508 01.01. – 31.12., samo uz prethodnu najavu / by appointment only 251 252 Baćulov Dvor Samo nekoliko kilometara od prekrasnih morskih žala, u krševitom srednjojadranskom zaleđu, skrila se skupina od dvadesetak raštrkanih kamenih sela Primoštena. Domaćinstvo Baćulov dvor je u selu Draga, okruženo poljima na kojima je uporni težak žuljavim rukama stoljećima otimao kamenjaru ono malo škrte zemlje i odnjegovao vinovu lozu, masline, smokve ili bademe. Dvor je dobro očuvano imanje iz 16. st., a skup je jednostavnih kamenih kućica koje čine zaokruženu stambeno–gospodarsku cjelinu. U dvorima gosti mogu razgledati starine, a vrijedni domaćini će im otkriti zaboravljene okuse jela, primoštenski gulaš i janjetina ispod peke, miris svježe ubranog i kuhanog povrća te pršuta i ovčjeg sira u maslinovom ulju, sve uz kapljicu poznatog primoštenskog crnog vina Babić. Just a few kilometres from the beautiful sea beaches, in the karst inland of the central Adriatic coast, is a collection of some twenty scattered stone villages of Primošten. The Baćulov Dvor estate is found in the village of Draga, surrounded by fields on which the persistent farmers for centuries have been stealing the little soil there is in the rocky fields to grow grapes, olives, figs or almonds. The estate has been well maintained since the 16 th century, and consists of a number of simple stone houses that together form a residential and commercial whole. Guests are invited to view the antiques on display, and to savour the old-fashioned dishes, such as the Primošten stew or lamb roasted under an iron bell, or prosciutto with sheep’s cheese in olive oil, all accompanied by a glass of the renowned Babić red wine. Galjin Dvor 50 70 Gospodarstvo je tipičan primjer autohtone arhitekture Primoštena, sedam kamenih kućica poredanih jedna do druge tako da zatvaraju cjelinu – dvor. U sklopu je i stara kužina (komin) iz 16 st. Gospodarstvo njeguje tradiciju više od 500 godina. Dvor se nalazi u Kruševu, jednom od najstarijih i najznačajnijih sela u primoštenskom kraju, udaljenom svega nekoliko kilometara od Primoštena, te 30–ak km od NP Krka i Kornati. Kod nas ćete doživjeti stoljetnu priču o dalmatinskom kamenjaru i škrtoj zemlji koja čuva svoje blago, kušati tradicionalna primoštenska jela i vina Babić i slatki prošek, aromatizirane rakije, sušene plodove autohtonih voćki te domaće uzgojene sezonske povrtlarske kulture. Okolica je raj za planinarenje, vožnju biciklom, lov, ribolov i ronjenje. The estate is a typical example of the autochthonous architecture of Primošten, with seven stone houses lined up one next to the other to close off the courtyard. Within the complex is an old kužina (kitchen) from the 16 th century. The estate has been nurturing the traditions of the area for more than 500 years. The estate is found in Kruševo, one of the oldest and most important villages in the Primošten region, just a few kilometres from the town, and some 30 km from the Krka and Kornati National Parks. Here you can feel the century’s old story of the Dalmatian rocky fields and the sparse soil that protects its secrets, try the traditional dishes of Primošten and the Babić wines and sweet Prošek wine, flavoured spirits, dried fruits and homegrown seasonal vegetables. The surroundings are a haven for hiking, cycling, hunting, fishing and diving. Oznaka kvalitete | Mark of Quality @ 50 30 146 | Ministarstvo turizma RH | Croatian Ministry of Tourism |

Nacionalni katalog »Ruralni turizam Hrvatske« | National Catalogue Rural Tourism in Croatia 253 254 Gospodarstvo Gojanović Obiteljsko gospodarstvo čuva tradiciju bavljenja vinogradarstvom, vinarstvom i maslinarstvom već 300 godina. Konoba i vinotočje je u selu Dubrava, 5 km od Šibenika i 11 km od šarmantnog gradića Skradina na rijeci Krki gdje je i infocentar Nacionalnog parka. Bavimo se proizvodnjom i kušanjem autohtonih sorti vina, rakija i likera. Hrana i piće se spremaju i poslužuju po staroj recepturi i običajima jedne autentične dalmatinske konobe. U tijeku je izrada etnografske zbirke starog bačvarskog alata. U selu je napravljen prvi vjetropark, a do njega vodi planinarski put. U blizini je sokolarski centar s bolnicom za ptice grabljivice. Domaćini goste rado vode u upoznavanje kraja ili organiziraju berbe grožđa i maslina na tradicionalan način – ručno. The family estate has been nurturing the traditions of grape growing, wine making and olive growing for more than 300 years. The tavern and wine cellar is in the village of Dubrava, 5 km from Šibenik and 11 km from the charming town of Skradin on the Krka River, where the info-centre of the national park is located. We produce the indigenous varieties of wine, spirits and liqueurs. Food and beverages are prepared and served according to an old recipe, and the customs of an authentic Dalmatian konoba (tavern). We are in the process of putting together an ethnographic collection of old barrel-making tools. The first wind park was built here in the village, and a hiking trail leads up to it. Nearby, there is a falconry centre and a clinic for birds of prey. Your hosts will be pleased to take you around the area, or to organise your participation in the traditional grape and olive harvest – by hand. 255 154 Jurlinovi dvori OPG Joso Sladić 30 35 Gospodarstvo obitelji Perkov nalazi se na obroncima brda Jeljinak, u blizini Šibenika te Nacionalnih parkova Krka i Kornati. Kuća i gospodarstvo njeguju tradiciju već 35 godina. Ugostiteljska ponuda bazira se na lokalnim specijalitetima i tradicijskom načinu pripreme jela. Također se mogu kušati vrhunsko vino i prirodni sokovi. Posebnost gospodarstva je certificirana ekoproizvodnja, makrobiotička i dijetalna hrana. Osim toga, u ponudi se nalazi kapelica, knjižnica te muzej sakralnih predmeta. U Jurlinovim dvorima moguća su vjenčanja, krstitke, team building te bilo koji oblik druženja. The Perkov family estate is found on the slopes of the Jeljinak hill, near Šibenik and the Krka and Kornati National Parks. The family have been nurturing the estate traditions for more than 35 years. The hospitality offer is based on local delicacies and traditionally prepared dishes. Taste some of our premium wines and natural fruit juices. The estate has been certified for organic production, macrobiotic production and dietary foods. Furthermore, the estate also has a chapel, library and museum of sacral artefacts. The organization of various events is possible, such as weddings, christenings, team building and other social gatherings. 250 200 Naša vinarija baštini dugu tradiciju bavljenja vinogradarstvom i vinarstvom, s obzirom na idealne prirodne uvjete i položaj mjesta Plastova. U komercijalnu proizvodnju krećemo 2000. g. autohtonim sortimentom koji savršeno odražava terroir Skradinskog vinogorja. Zahvaljujući vapnenačkim tlima te nadmorskoj visini od 270 m, zbog koje imamo oko 2000 sati insolacije u vegetaciji, te hladnije noći u fazi zriobe grožđa, bijela vina su kremasto mineralna te reskasto svježa, s aromama dalmatinskog samoniklog bilja i citrusa, pitka i iskrena. Crvena vina ne spadaju u tipična dalmatinska vina, već su mekana i pitka, sa živim kiselinama i aromama na zeleni papar i višnju te savršeno uklopljenim mirisima i okusima radi odležavanja u drvu. Naša je misija revitalizirati autohtone sorte kraja i otkriti njihov puni potencijal uz vinogradarenje i vinarstvo blisko prirodi i čovjeku. Our winery is based on a long tradition of grape-growing and wine-making in an ideal natural setting in the village of Plastovo. In 2000, we began commercial production of indigenous grape varieties. Thanks to the limestone soil and the elevation of 270 m, giving us some 2000 hours of sunlight per year, and the cooler nights in the phase of grape maturation, our wines have a creamy mineral quality and are crisply fresh, with the aromas of the indigenous Dalmatian plants and citrus, and is palatable and true. Our reds are not considered typical Dalmatian wines, instead they are soft and palatable, with a lively acidic tone and notes of green pepper and sour cherry, with perfectly combined flavours and aromas due to maturation in wooden barrels. Our mission is to revitalise the indigenous varieties and to discover their full potential, while keeping viticulture and wine-making close to nature. 16 40 Mile Gojanović Dubrava – Daska 63, 22000 Šibenik 022 240 919 022 339 647 098 523 493 0,5 ha 70 m/nmv – 01.01. – 31.12., samo uz prethodnu najavu / by appointment only Stipe Perkov Draga bb, Primošten Burnji, 22202 Primošten 022 574 106 022 333 215 098 9391 906 0,3 ha 200 m/nmv 01.01. – 31.12., pon – ned / all week Mon-Sun Joso Sladić Sedmi kontinent 8, 22000 Šibenik – – – 091 2182 867 – 6 ha 300 m/nmv – 01.01. – 31.12., samo uz prethodnu najavu / by appointment only Šibensko – kninska županija | Šibenik – Knin County Hrvatska gospodarska komora | Croatian Chamber of Economy | | 147

Nacionalni katalog »Ruralni <strong>turizam</strong> Hrvatske« | National Catalogue Rural Tourism in Croatia<br />

253<br />

254<br />

Gospodarstvo Gojanović<br />

Obiteljsko gospodarstvo čuva tradiciju bavljenja vinogradarstvom, vinarstvom i maslinarstvom već 300 godina. Konoba i vinotočje je u selu Dubrava, 5 km od<br />

Šibenika i 11 km od šarmantnog gradića Skradina na rijeci Krki gdje je i infocentar Nacionalnog parka. Bavimo se proizvodnjom i kušanjem autohtonih sorti vina,<br />

rakija i likera. Hrana i piće se spremaju i poslužuju po staroj recepturi i običajima jedne autentične dalmatinske konobe. U tijeku je izrada etnografske zbirke starog<br />

bačvarskog alata. U selu je napravljen prvi vjetropark, a do njega vodi planinarski put. U blizini je sokolarski centar s bolnicom za ptice grabljivice. Domaćini goste<br />

rado vode u upoznavanje kraja ili organiziraju berbe grožđa i maslina na tradicionalan način – ručno.<br />

The family estate has been nurturing the traditions of grape growing, wine making and olive growing for more than 300 years. The tavern and wine cellar is in<br />

the village of Dubrava, 5 km from Šibenik and 11 km from the charming town of Skradin on the Krka River, where the info-centre of the national park is located.<br />

We produce the indigenous varieties of wine, spirits and liqueurs. Food and beverages are prepared and served according to an old recipe, and the customs of an<br />

authentic Dalmatian konoba (tavern). We are in the process of putting together an ethnographic collection of old barrel-making tools. The first wind park was built<br />

here in the village, and a hiking trail leads up to it. Nearby, there is a falconry centre and a clinic for birds of prey. Your hosts will be pleased to take you around the<br />

area, or to organise your participation in the traditional grape and olive harvest – by hand.<br />

255 154<br />

Jurlinovi dvori<br />

OPG Joso Sladić<br />

30 35<br />

Gospodarstvo obitelji Perkov nalazi se na obroncima brda Jeljinak, u blizini Šibenika te Nacionalnih parkova Krka i Kornati. Kuća i gospodarstvo njeguju tradiciju<br />

već 35 godina. Ugostiteljska ponuda bazira se na lokalnim specijalitetima i tradicijskom načinu pripreme jela. Također se mogu kušati vrhunsko vino i prirodni<br />

sokovi. Posebnost gospodarstva je certificirana ekoproizvodnja, makrobiotička i dijetalna hrana. Osim toga, u ponudi se nalazi kapelica, knjižnica te muzej sakralnih<br />

predmeta. U Jurlinovim dvorima moguća su vjenčanja, krstitke, team building te bilo koji oblik druženja.<br />

The Perkov family estate is found on the slopes of the Jeljinak hill, near Šibenik and the Krka and Kornati National Parks. The family have been nurturing the estate<br />

traditions for more than 35 years. The hospitality offer is based on local delicacies and traditionally prepared dishes. Taste some of our premium wines and natural<br />

fruit juices. The estate has been certified for organic production, macrobiotic production and dietary foods. Furthermore, the estate also has a chapel, library and<br />

museum of sacral artefacts. The organization of various events is possible, such as weddings, christenings, team building and other social gatherings.<br />

250 200<br />

Naša vinarija baštini dugu tradiciju bavljenja vinogradarstvom i vinarstvom, s obzirom na idealne prirodne uvjete i položaj mjesta Plastova. U komercijalnu proizvodnju<br />

krećemo 2000. g. autohtonim sortimentom koji savršeno odražava terroir Skradinskog vinogorja. Zahvaljujući vapnenačkim tlima te nadmorskoj visini od<br />

270 m, zbog koje imamo oko 2000 sati insolacije u vegetaciji, te hladnije noći u fazi zriobe grožđa, bijela vina su kremasto mineralna te reskasto svježa, s aromama<br />

dalmatinskog samoniklog bilja i citrusa, pitka i iskrena. Crvena vina ne spadaju u tipična dalmatinska vina, već su mekana i pitka, sa živim kiselinama i aromama<br />

na zeleni papar i višnju te savršeno uklopljenim mirisima i okusima radi odležavanja u drvu. Naša je misija revitalizirati autohtone sorte kraja i otkriti njihov puni<br />

potencijal uz vinogradarenje i vinarstvo blisko prirodi i čovjeku.<br />

Our winery is based on a long tradition of grape-growing and wine-making in an ideal natural setting in the village of Plastovo. In 2000, we began commercial<br />

production of indigenous grape varieties. Thanks to the limestone soil and the elevation of 270 m, giving us some 2000 hours of sunlight per year, and the cooler<br />

nights in the phase of grape maturation, our wines have a creamy mineral quality and are crisply fresh, with the aromas of the indigenous Dalmatian plants and<br />

citrus, and is palatable and true. Our reds are not considered typical Dalmatian wines, instead they are soft and palatable, with a lively acidic tone and notes of green<br />

pepper and sour cherry, with perfectly combined flavours and aromas due to maturation in wooden barrels. Our mission is to revitalise the indigenous varieties and<br />

to discover their full potential, while keeping viticulture and wine-making close to nature.<br />

16 40<br />

Mile Gojanović<br />

Dubrava – Daska 63, 22000 Šibenik<br />

022 240 919<br />

022 339 647<br />

098 523 493<br /><br /><br />

0,5 ha<br />

70 m/nmv<br />

–<br />

01.01. – 31.12., samo uz prethodnu<br />

najavu / by appointment only<br />

Stipe Perkov<br />

Draga bb, Primošten Burnji,<br />

22202 Primošten<br />

022 574 106<br />

022 333 215<br />

098 9391 906<br /><br /><br />

0,3 ha<br />

200 m/nmv<br />

01.01. – 31.12., pon – ned /<br />

all week Mon-Sun<br />

Joso Sladić<br />

Sedmi kontinent 8, 22000 Šibenik<br />

–<br />

–<br />

–<br />

091 2182 867<br /><br />

–<br />

6 ha<br />

300 m/nmv<br />

–<br />

01.01. – 31.12., samo uz prethodnu<br />

najavu / by appointment only<br />

Šibensko – kninska županija | Šibenik – Knin County<br />

Hrvatska gospodarska komora | Croatian Chamber of Economy | | 147

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