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Varaždinska županija | Varaždin County Josip Kumrić Primorska 25, 42000 Varaždin – – 091 1501 180 (facebook) – 277 m/nmv – 01.01. – 31.12., uz najavu / by appointment Zvonko Martinčević Cerje Nebojse 198, 42243 Maruševec 042 759 759 042 759 888 098 241 840 30 ha 193 m/nmv 45.263017, 16.185689 01.01. – 31.12., uz najavu / by appointment Snježana Franić Koprivnička 9, 42000 Varaždin 042 230 043 042 230 043 091 5865 266, 091 2508 475 1,8 ha 500 m/nmv – 01.04. – 01.10., pon – ned / all week Mon – Fri 173 174 175 Kumrić breg Obitelj Kumrić ovdje je od 19. st., a 1951. god. izgradnjom prvog objekta, započinje naše uspješno bavljenje vinarstvom. Zbog iznimnih vina i autohtone ponude jela, gospodarstvo je omiljeno odredište najprobirljivijih poznavatelja enologije i kulinarstva. Gosti na imanju sudjeluju u vinogradarskim i vinarskim aktivnostima. Obližnje šume obiluju najrazličitijim vrstama gljiva. Šumski putevi i ceste u okolici prikladni su za šetnju i vožnju biciklom. Zanimljivi smo i lovcima, s obzirom na to da se nalazimo u središtu lovišta s niskom i visokom divljači, a također i ribičima zbog blizine dva kvalitetna ribnjaka. Za planinare su zanimljive obližnja Ivanščica i Ravna gora. The Kumrić family has been here since the 19 th century. The first building was constructed in 1951, when the family began wine production. Due to the exceptional wines and autochthonous food offer, the estate is a particularly beloved excursion destination among the most demanding wine and cuisine connoisseurs. Guests at the estate are invited to participate in many activities involving grape growing and wine production. They can also take a walk around the estate and the surrounding forests that abound in a variety of mushrooms. The local forest trails and roads are the perfect routes for cycling or walking. Hunters are also frequent guests, as we are located in the centre of a hunting ground with much wild game while fisherman come because of the proximity of two high quality fish ponds. Mountaineers find this area interesting because of the Ivanščica and Ravna Gora hills located nearby. Izletište Ljuta Home OPG Franić 40 40 Pod obroncima Ivanščice, u šumama hrasta, graba, bukve, smreka i jela, na pašnjacima i vlažnim staništima ptica močvarica, smjestilo se seosko imanje obitelji Martinčević. Sve je počelo u davnim danima kad se na djedovom imanju počelo vrtjeti mlinsko kolo i cijediti ulje okolnih uzgajivača bundeva. Ta hrabrost i želja da se bude “sam svoj gospodar”, utkala se u generacije koje su dolazile i stvarala priču obiteljskog gospodarstva kakvo je danas. Seoski turizam s ponudom domaćih delicija kraja i lovačka kuća Ljuta home, u kojoj dani odmora znače ponovno vraćanje prirodi, bogatstvo su koje našim posjetiteljima stvara istinski užitak i zadovoljstvo boravka. On the slopes of Mt. Ivanščica, amidst the forests of oaks, hornbeam, beech, spruce and fir, on the meadows and humid habitats of the wetland birds is the Martinčević family farm. It all began long time ago when our grandfather constructed a millstone and used it to mill pumpkinseed oil for the neighbouring pumpkin growers. This courage and the desire to be one’s own master was slowly built into the generations to come, to create the story of the family business as we know it today. The estate, together with its local delicacies and the hunting house Ljuta home where vacation days mean a return to nature, are the wealth that our visitors truly enjoy. 50 30 U podnožju smo planine Ivanščice, 13 km od grada Varaždina. Gospodarstvo njeguje tradiciju pčelarstva više od 35 godina. Ponuda se bazira na lokalnim specijalitetima kraja te kušanju i mogućnosti kupnje naših poljoprivrednih proizvoda – med, ocat od meda, medena rakija, medenjaci, med u saću i sok s medom. Gostima nudimo upoznavanje s pčelama, koristima i ljekovitim svojstvima pčelinjih proizvoda, kao i rad s pčelama. Grupama djece posebno je zanimljiva ogledna, staklena košnica za promatranje rada i ponašanje pčela uživo. Posjetitelji mogu pogledati i edukativni film u trajanju od 45 min. Gospodarstvo je dobro povezano autobusnom linijom i željeznicom. Okruženo je šumom idealnom za branje kestena i gljiva. The farm is located in the foothills of Mt. Ivanščica, 13 km from the city of Varaždin. We have been involved in apiculture for more than 35 years. Our offer has been based on local specialties that guests are invited to try and purchase. These products include honey, honey vinegar, honey brandy, gingerbread, honeycombs and juice with honey. We provide guests the opportunity to get acquainted with bees, their benefits and health characteristics and to learn about working with bees. Children particularly find the sample, glass beehive interesting, as they can observe how bees the work and live. Visitors can watch a 45 minute educational movie. The estate is easily reached by bus or train and is surrounded with the forests ideal for collecting chestnuts and mushrooms. 24 80 106 | Ministarstvo turizma RH | Croatian Ministry of Tourism |

Nacionalni katalog »Ruralni turizam Hrvatske« | National Catalogue Rural Tourism in Croatia 176 OPG Jakopović Ekološko agroturističko gospodarstvo nalazi se u malom selu Paka. Od 2008. god. uzgajamo ljekovitu biljku matičnjak (melisa) na ekološki način i od nje proizvodimo paletu proizvoda ekokozmetike, delikatesa i uporabnih suvenira. Također, bavimo se edukativnim turizmom te prezentiramo uzgoj i preradu matičnjaka. Posebnost je sušara i prostorija s načinom proizvodnje, kao i trgovina za kupnju domaćih proizvoda “Kuća magične trave“. Obilazak imanja je šetnja do nasada melise uz razgledavanje ekovrta i vinograda, kao i degustaciju domaćih proizvoda (čaj, sok, keksići od melise, karmelićanska vodica) i isprobavanje svih kozmetičkih proizvoda. The organic agritourism estate is located in the small village of Paka. Since 2008, we have been organically growing the herb lemon balm (melissa), which is used to produce a range of organic cosmetics, delicacies and souvenirs. We also deal with the educational tourism and present the raising and processing of lemon balm. Special features of the state are the drying room and production room, and the shop where our products are sold called the “Magical herb house”. We offer tours of the estate around the lemon balm plantation and invite guests to visit our organic garden and vineyard, and to taste the local products (tea, juice, lemon balm cookies, Carmelite water) and to sample our cosmetic products. – 80 Mladen Jakopović Paka 26, 42220 Novi Marof 042 612 067 042 206 067 099 2166 711 2 ha 205 m/nmv 46.126944, 16.316944 01.01. – 31.12. Varaždinska županija | Varaždin County 177 Vinogorje Risje Nalazimo se na obroncima planine Ivanščice, 2 km od grada Ivanca. Gospodarstvo obitelji Levanić njeguje tradiciju više od 30 godina. Ugostiteljska ponuda bazirana je na lokalnim specijalitetima i tradicijskom načinu pripreme jela poput zagorskih štrukli, raznih jela iz krušne peći ili ispod peke. Okolica gospodarstva raj je za šetnje ili planinarenje s nekoliko poučnih staza. Nedaleko od gospodarstva vrijedi posjetiti davno izgrađen i nedavno obnovljen Friščićev mlin u kojem se proizvodi brašno od raznih žitarica poput kukuruza, pšenice i raži. We are located on the slopes of Mt. Ivanščica, 2 km from the town of Ivanec. The Levanić family estate has been nurturing the local tradition for more than 30 years. The culinary offer is based on local specialties and the traditional way of preparing food such as Zagorje štrukli (cheese pastries), different dishes prepared in the bread oven or under the baking lid. The surrounding area is ideal for taking walks on a number of educational trails or mountaineering. Nearby, visit the Friščić mill, constructed long time ago but recently renovated. It produces flour from different grains such as corn, wheat and rye. 85 15 Ivan Levanić Rudolfa Rajtera 101, 42240 Ivanec 042 782 024 – 098 9952 918 – 1,2 ha 372 m/nmv 01.01. – 31.12., uz najavu / by appointment – 178 154 Vinotočje Banfić Vinotočje obitelji Banfić smješteno je u podrumu seoske, obiteljske kuće te je uređeno u starinskom stilu. Obitelj se već godinama bavi proizvodnjom vina, naročito muškata i graševine, te se ponuda domaćinstva bazira na kvalitetnim vinima, ali i domaćim suhomesnatim proizvodima. Gostima se nudi i razgled brojnih domaćih životinja, koje se nalaze na gospodarstvu, a posebno su zanimljivi jeleni lopatari. The Banfić winery is located in the cellar of the rural family house and it has been decorated in the old–fashioned style. For years, the family has been producing wines, especially Muscat and Graševina. Our hospitality offer is based on high quality wines and locally produced cured meat products. Guests can see numerous domestic animals present on the farm, the most interesting of which are the fallow deer. Ivan Banfić Falinić breg 82, 42208 Cestica 042 724 545 20 – – 098 695 969 – – 0,25 ha – – 01.01. – 31.12., uz najavu / by appointment Hrvatska gospodarska komora | Croatian Chamber of Economy | | 107

Varaždinska županija | Varaždin County<br />

Josip Kumrić<br />

Primorska 25, 42000 Varaždin<br />

–<br />

–<br />

091 1501 180<br /><br />

(facebook)<br />

–<br />

277 m/nmv<br />

–<br />

01.01. – 31.12., uz najavu /<br />

by appointment<br />

Zvonko Martinčević<br />

Cerje Nebojse 198, 42243<br />

Maruševec<br />

042 759 759<br />

042 759 888<br />

098 241 840<br /><br /><br />

30 ha<br />

193 m/nmv<br />

45.263017, 16.185689<br />

01.01. – 31.12., uz najavu /<br />

by appointment<br />

Snježana Franić<br />

Koprivnička 9, 42000 Varaždin<br />

042 230 043<br />

042 230 043<br />

091 5865 266, 091 2508 475<br /><br /><br />

1,8 ha<br />

500 m/nmv<br />

–<br />

01.04. – 01.10., pon – ned /<br />

all week Mon – Fri<br />

173<br />

174<br />

175<br />

Kumrić breg<br />

Obitelj Kumrić ovdje je od 19. st., a 1951. god. izgradnjom prvog objekta, započinje naše uspješno bavljenje vinarstvom. Zbog iznimnih vina i autohtone ponude<br />

jela, gospodarstvo je omiljeno odredište najprobirljivijih poznavatelja enologije i kulinarstva. Gosti na imanju sudjeluju u vinogradarskim i vinarskim aktivnostima.<br />

Obližnje šume obiluju najrazličitijim vrstama gljiva. Šumski putevi i ceste u okolici prikladni su za šetnju i vožnju biciklom. Zanimljivi smo i lovcima, s obzirom na to<br />

da se nalazimo u središtu lovišta s niskom i visokom divljači, a također i ribičima zbog blizine dva kvalitetna ribnjaka. Za planinare su zanimljive obližnja Ivanščica<br />

i Ravna gora.<br />

The Kumrić family has been here since the 19 th century. The first building was constructed in 1951, when the family began wine production. Due to the exceptional<br />

wines and autochthonous food offer, the estate is a particularly beloved excursion destination among the most demanding wine and cuisine connoisseurs.<br />

Guests at the estate are invited to participate in many activities involving grape growing and wine production. They can also take a walk around the estate and the<br />

surrounding forests that abound in a variety of mushrooms. The local forest trails and roads are the perfect routes for cycling or walking. Hunters are also frequent<br />

guests, as we are located in the centre of a hunting ground with much wild game while fisherman come because of the proximity of two high quality fish ponds.<br />

Mountaineers find this area interesting because of the Ivanščica and Ravna Gora hills located nearby.<br />

Izletište Ljuta Home<br />

OPG Franić<br />

40 40<br />

Pod obroncima Ivanščice, u šumama hrasta, graba, bukve, smreka i jela, na pašnjacima i vlažnim staništima ptica močvarica, smjestilo se seosko imanje obitelji<br />

Martinčević. Sve je počelo u davnim danima kad se na djedovom imanju počelo vrtjeti mlinsko kolo i cijediti ulje okolnih uzgajivača bundeva. Ta hrabrost i želja da<br />

se bude “sam svoj gospodar”, utkala se u generacije koje su dolazile i stvarala priču obiteljskog gospodarstva kakvo je danas. Seoski <strong>turizam</strong> s ponudom domaćih<br />

delicija kraja i lovačka kuća Ljuta home, u kojoj dani odmora znače ponovno vraćanje prirodi, bogatstvo su koje našim posjetiteljima stvara istinski užitak i zadovoljstvo<br />

boravka.<br />

On the slopes of Mt. Ivanščica, amidst the forests of oaks, hornbeam, beech, spruce and fir, on the meadows and humid habitats of the wetland birds is the Martinčević<br />

family farm. It all began long time ago when our grandfather constructed a millstone and used it to mill pumpkinseed oil for the neighbouring pumpkin<br />

growers. This courage and the desire to be one’s own master was slowly built into the generations to come, to create the story of the family business as we know<br />

it today. The estate, together with its local delicacies and the hunting house Ljuta home where vacation days mean a return to nature, are the wealth that our<br />

visitors truly enjoy.<br />

50 30<br />

U podnožju smo planine Ivanščice, 13 km od grada Varaždina. Gospodarstvo njeguje tradiciju pčelarstva više od 35 godina. Ponuda se bazira na lokalnim specijalitetima<br />

kraja te kušanju i mogućnosti kupnje naših poljoprivrednih proizvoda – med, ocat od meda, medena rakija, medenjaci, med u saću i sok s medom.<br />

Gostima nudimo upoznavanje s pčelama, koristima i ljekovitim svojstvima pčelinjih proizvoda, kao i rad s pčelama. Grupama djece posebno je zanimljiva ogledna,<br />

staklena košnica za promatranje rada i ponašanje pčela uživo. Posjetitelji mogu pogledati i edukativni film u trajanju od 45 min. Gospodarstvo je dobro povezano<br />

autobusnom linijom i željeznicom. Okruženo je šumom idealnom za branje kestena i gljiva.<br />

The farm is located in the foothills of Mt. Ivanščica, 13 km from the city of Varaždin. We have been involved in apiculture for more than 35 years. Our offer has been<br />

based on local specialties that guests are invited to try and purchase. These products include honey, honey vinegar, honey brandy, gingerbread, honeycombs and<br />

juice with honey. We provide guests the opportunity to get acquainted with bees, their benefits and health characteristics and to learn about working with bees.<br />

Children particularly find the sample, glass beehive interesting, as they can observe how bees the work and live. Visitors can watch a 45 minute educational movie.<br />

The estate is easily reached by bus or train and is surrounded with the forests ideal for collecting chestnuts and mushrooms.<br />

24 80<br />

106 | Ministarstvo turizma RH | Croatian Ministry of Tourism |

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