Focus News E-Paper


6 ubZ fnYyhA 'kfuokj 13 twu 2015 FOCUS NEWS ewoh fjO;w % n'kZdksa ds fMçs'ku okyh ^gekjh v/kwjh dgkuh* vjk/;k ls fcuk #ds ckr djus dh dyk lh[kuk pkgrs gSa % vferkHk cPpu fgUnh flusek ds egkuk;d vferkHk cPpu us dgk fd mudh ftu yksxksa dks funsZ'kd eksfgr lwjh dh ^vkf'kdh&2* vkSj ^,d foysu* vPNh yxha Fkha] mUgsa ^gekjh v/kwjh dgkuh* ls vkSj t~;knk mEehn Fkh- bldh otg fo|k ckyu] bejku gk'keh vkSj jktdqekj jko tSls csgrj ,DVj Fks tks vkerkSj ij vkSlr fLØIV ls Åij mBdj fdlh Hkh fQYe dks ns[kus yk;d rks de ls de cuk nsrs gSa- ysfdu ;gka fLØIV vkSj [k़klrkSj ls Mk;y‚x brus f?kls&fiVs vkSj gkL;kLin gS fd yxrk gh ugha fd vki 2015 dh dksbZ fQYe ns[k jgs gSa- gkykafd Hkê dSai us ^VªstsMh fQYe* cukus dh dksf'k'k dh gS ysfdu dqN le; ;s ^d‚esMh fQYe* ds :i esa e'kgwj gks tk, rks gSjr ugha gksxh- vPNs ,DVlZ dks dSls cckZn fd;k tkrk gS ;s fQYe bldh thrh&tkxrh felky gSdgkuh % vxj vkc Hkh vki bl fQYe ds ckjs esa vkSj tkuuk pkgrs gSa rks Bhd gS- ^gekjh v/kwjh dgkuh* dh dgkuh esa olq/kk ¼fo|k ckyu½ gS ftldk ifr gfj ¼jktdqekj jko½ ikap lky ls ykirk gS- gfj nfd;kuwlh ifr;ksa tSlk gS tks olq/kk dh ftanxh ij viuk gd़ le>rk gS vkSj olq/kk ds dkybZ ij viuk u k e r d VSVw djokrk gSysfdu mlds tkus ds ckn olq/kk ,d Qkbo LVkj gksVy esa yksfjLV cu tkrh gSmldh ftanxh esa ,d vehj fctusleSu vkjo ¼bejku gk'keh½ vkrk gS- nksuksa esa I;kj gksrk gS exj olq/kk Hkkjrh; ukjh gS ftlds ikl laLdkj gS] lekt dh fQØ gS vkSj gka& ,d eaxylw= Hkh gS ftls ysdj oks cM+s deky ds cdokl Mk;y‚x cksyrh gSf Q j mldk ifr ykSV vkrk gS- fQYe ns[krs gq, dbZ ckj rks yxk tSls olq/kk ,d Mk;y‚x ;s Hkh cksysxh& Þesjs ikl laldkj gS] lekt gS] ifr gS] eaxylw= gS---rqEgkjs ikl D;k gS\ gkbZa!!!!!ß vfHku; % fo|k ckyu tSlh vPNh ,DVªsl iwjh esa fQYe jksrh utj vkrh gSa vkSj cspkjs n'kZdksa dh le> esa ugha vkrk fd muds lkFk jks,a ;k bl fQYe ij gals- bejku gk'keh dks ;s fQYe v‚Qj djrs oDr 'kk;n crk;k gksxk fd ;s mudh ^fdflax LVkj* okyh best dks cny dj j[k nsxh- 'kk;n blh mEehn esa csgn dU;wt yxrs gq, oks vthcksxjhc Mk;y‚x cksyrs jgs- T;knkrj rks oks fQYe esa rLohjsa gh ysrs jgsfo|k ds lkFk mudh tks dsesLVªh fQYe MVhZ fiDpj esa fn[kh Fkh] ;gka ,d Hkh lhu esa oks utj ugha vkrh- jktdqekj jko tSls deky ds vfHkusrk flQZ [kjkc fox igudj ph[k़rs jgrs gSa- ,d lhu esa tc oks xqLls esa fo|k ls dgrs gS& Þifr gwa eSa rsjkß rks yxrk gS tSls funsZ'kd ij viuk xqLlk mrkj jgs gSa ftlus muds csgrjhu VsysaV rd dh d़æ ugha dh- fQYe esa lcls vPNk vkSj etcwr jksy fo|k ckyu ds eaxylw= dk gS D;ksafd fQYe dh iwjh dgkuh vkSj Mk;y‚x mlh ds bnZ&fxnZ ?kwers gSavc tjk Mk;y‚Xl ij Hkh ckr gks tk,- fQYe esa lkjs fdjnkj rks rd़jhcu vkt ds tekus ds gSa exj muds Mk;y‚x] mudh tcku] muds tt~ckr vkidks 60&70 ds n'kd dh dbZ cdokl fQYeksa dh ;kn fnyk fQYe dh fLØIV egs'k Hkê us fy[kh gS vkSj gj ,d lhu esa tSls tcjnLrh nnZ Bwlus dh dksf'k'k dh xbZ gS- funsZ'kd eksfgr lwjh dh fiNyh fQYeksa dh rjg ;gka Hkh fdjnkj fMçs'ku esa Mwc dj /khjs&/khjs Mk;y‚x cksyrs gSa- exj fQj Hkh muds tt~ckr vkidks Nw ugha ikrs vkSj lcdqN ud़yh yxrk gS- ;s ,d ,slk lCtsDV Fkk ftlij ,d etcwr fQYe [kM+h dh tk ldrh Fkh- [k़jkc 'kkfn;ksa esa Qalh efgyk,a tks lekt ds uke ij lc dqN >syrh jgrh gSa- tks ,sls ca/kuksa dks rksM+dj vkxs c ij dsafær gksA eSa Hkfo"; esa ,slk dqN t:j djuk pkgwaxhA** c‚yhoqM esa ,dy eq[; Hkwfedk feyus rd 27 o"khZ; vfHkus=h eYVh LVkjj fQYeksa esa vius vfHku; dk tkSgj fn[kkrh jgsaxhA Jqfr us dgk fd ^^;g fuHkZj djrk gS--eSa ,dy ;k eYVh LVkjj fQYeksa esa ls fdlh ,d dks ugha pqu ldrhA T;knkrj ge ,dy eq[; Hkwfedk okys fdjnkjksa dks gh rjthg nsrs gSa ysfdu ;g Hkh mruk gh lR; gS fd eYVh LVkjj fQYeksa ls Hkh vkidks igpku feyrh gSA** Jqfr viuh vkus okyh fQYe ^;kjk* dks ysdj [kklh mRlkfgr gSa A ftldk funsZ'ku frXeka'kq /kwfy;k djsaxs A fQYe esa vfer lk/k Hkh gSaA Jqfr us dgk ^^ frXeka'kq /kwfy;k tSls fQYedkj ds lkFk dke djuk 'kkunkj gS A mudk utfj;k ,dne vyx gSA ,sls balku ds lkFk dke djuk ges'kk gh cgqr cfs cgqr ilan gSA** mUgksaus dgk fd ^^ eSa ns'k Hkj esa viuh igpku dk;e djuk pkgrh gwa A fofHkUu Hkk"kkvksa dh fQYeksa esa dke djuk ,d lkspk le>k fu.kZ; gSA esjs lkmFk ds ç'kald Hkh esjs fy, mrus gh ek;us j[krs gSa ftrus c‚yhoqM ds ç'kaldA** c‚yhoqM esa vfHkus=h ds rkSj ij ,d cM+k edke gkfly djus ls igys gh Jqfr us gky gh esa fQYe ^rsoj* ls crkSj xkf;dk Hkh viuh mifLFkfr ntZ djokbZ A Jqfr ls ;g iwNus ij dh D;k og vc viuh xk;dh dks xaHkhjrk ls ys jgh gSa- bl ij mUgksaus dgk fd^^ eSa xk;dh ds fy, ges'kk rS;kj gwa c'krsZ esjk vfHku; blls ckf/kr u gksA eSa vius fy, Hkh xkuk t:j xkuk pkgwaxh ij ;g funsZ'kd ij fuHkZj djrk gS fd og ,slk t:jh le>rs gSa ;k ughaA d‚dVsy esjs dfj;j dk egRoiw.kZ eksM+ jgk % nhfidk iknqdks.k dqvkykyaiqjA fQYe ihdw esa ,d vPNh csVh dk fdjnkj djus okyh vfHkus=h nhfidk iknqdks.k dgrh gSa fd mudh eka muds ifjokj dks ,dtqV j[krh gSa vkSj mUgsa muls çsj.kk feyrh gS- nhfidk iwoZ cSMfeaVu f[kykM+h çdk'k iknqdks.k dh csVh gSa vkSj mudh cgu xksYQ f[kykM+h gS] ysfdu mudh eka mudk lcls T;knk [;ky j[krh gSa- mUgksaus dgk] ge lHkh ,dnwljs dks vyx vyx rjhds ls çsfjr djrs gSa] ysfdu ;g esjh eka gSa tks eq>s lcls vf/kd çsfjr djrh gSa- og gekjs ifjokj dh jhs laokn vnk;xh Hkh ugha vkrh Fkh] blfy, ;g lh[kus okyk vuqHko jgk gS- mUgksaus dgk] d‚dVsy esjs dfj;j dk egRoiw.kZ eksM+ jgk gS vkSj ihdw Hkh ,slk gh gS-

FOCUS NEWS NEW DELHI, Saturday 13 June 2015 Delegation from the “Naga Hoho” calls on PM New Delhi, A six member delegation from the Naga organization – Naga Hoho – called on the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. The delegation was led by Mr. Chuba Ozukum, President of Naga Hoho. The members appreciated the Prime Minister’s vision of development of the North-East. They emphasized their commitment to peace in the entire Northeastern region. Indonesian Parliamentarians Visit Election Commission of India New Delhi, A high-level Parliamentary delegation from the Republic of Indonesia led by H.E. Mr. Fadli Zon, Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives, called upon the Election Commission of India today. The delegation included two Members of Parliament, as well as senior officials from Parliament and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Ambassador of Indonesia, H.E. Mr. Rizali Wilmar Indrakesuma and senior Embassy officials accompanied the delegation. The delegation met the Chief Election Commissioner, Dr. Nasim Zaidi and Election Commissioner, Mr. A. K. Joti. Dr. Nasim Zaidi, Chief Election Commissioner and Sh. A. K. Joti, Election Commissioner interacting with visiting Indonesian Parliamentary Delegation Election Commissioner, Mr. Joti, in his welcome remarks, talked about the close relations between India and Indonesia, and briefed the visiting delegation about the innovations and initiatives introduced by the E l e c t i o n Inauguration of Academic and Hostel Blocks of CIPET, IMPHAL New Delhi, The newly constructed Academic and Hostel Blocks at Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology (CIPET), Imphal were jointly inaugurated by Union Minister of Chemicals & Fertilizers Shri Ananth Kumar and Chief Minister of Manipur Shri Okram Ibobi Singh at a function in Imphal, Manipur today. In his address, Minister of Chemicals & Fertilizers Shri Ananth Kumar informed that CIPET, Imphal will be further expanded at a cost of Rs.13.00 crores which includes creation of additional hostel facility (Rs. 9.00 crores) and enhancing the technical infrastructure facility (Rs.4.00 crore). He requested the State Govt. to provide 5.00 acres of additional land to CIPET, Imphal to initiate expansion of the centre. He further added that such expansion will result in doubling the present intake capacity of students at CIPET, Imphal. Chief Minister of Manipur in his address appreciated the services rendered by CIPET, Imphal in promoting the plastics industries in the State of Manipur as well as enriching the living standards of unemployed youth through gainful employment. Minister for Chemicals & Fertilizers assured the State Government to extend support from Govt. of India for initiation of Plastics Park and requested the State Government to provide 500 acres of land. Chief Minister of Manipur assured to provide all the support for expansion of CIPET, Imphal and establishment of Plastics Park in Manipur. CIPET is an ISO 9001:2008 QMS, NABL, ISO/IEC 17020 accredited premier national Institution under the Dept. of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt. of India devoted to Academic, Technology Support & Research (ATR) activities for the growth of Polymer & allied industries in the country. CIPET operates on hub & spokes model with 23 locations spread across the country having uniform state-of-the-art infrastructural facilities. CIPET Centre at Imphal was established during 1987-88 to cater to the needs of plastics and allied industries in the State of Manipur in particular and North Eastern Region in general. CIPET, Imphal has been significantly contributing in encouraging and assisting the local entrepreneurs in Manipur, Mizoram and Nagaland through organising training programmes in different disciplines of Plastics Engineering & Technology. The centre has been equipped with the state-of-the-art equipments and machineries, which include conventional as well as Micro processor controlled processing & tool room machinery for manufacturing different types of products. New long term Diploma programmes and short term vocational skill development programmes will be initiated at CIPET Imphal with help of this additional infrastructure to generate employment opportunities for the unemployed/underemployed youth in the State of Manipur in particular and NE region in general. Commissioning of the Assam Gas Cracker Project (AGCP) at Dibrugarh, Assam shortly with an investment of Rs.9000 crores and consequent development of downstream plastic and its allied industries in the region will further enhance the self-employment and employment potential. Govindas Konthoujam, Minister of Commerce & Industries, Govt. of Manipur; Dr. Thokchom Meinya, Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) participated in the function. Shri Surjit K.Chaudhary, Secretary, Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Govt. of India; Shri P.C.Lawnkunga, Chief Secretary, Govt. of Manipur were also present. Dr Mahesh Sharma takes stock of the World-bank aided pro-poor Tourism Development project of UP The Union Minister of State for Culture (Independent Charge), Tourism (Independent Charge), & Civil Aviation, Dr. Mahesh Sharma today held a meeting with the Secretary, Tourism, Government of UP, ShriAmritAbhijat along with the World Bank team, which is developing a Propoor Tourism Development Project in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Shri Abhijat briefed Dr Mahesh Sharma on the activities planned for the project and the current status of the project. The project is being developed with the help of international level experts, explained Shri Abhijat. The above project aims to contribute to improving living conditions and increasing income opportunities for poor through enhanced tourism development in selected destinations in the Buddhist Circuit, Braj region and Agra. The Project will leverage resources through advisory and technical assistance and financing for institutional strengthening, asset rehabilitation, infrastructure and services along the Buddhist Circuit and Braj Agra Corridor. Secretary Tourism, Dr LalitPanwar and senior officers of the Ministry of Tourism were present at the meeting. Commission of India in managing the I n d i a n Elections. He stated that the Commission, as part of its sustained pursuit of excellence, had gradually introduced technological innovations, including the use of Electronic Voting Machines. These machines had been successfully used during the last three general elections and their reliability, authenticity and stability had been proven beyond doubt. Chief Election Commissioner of India, Dr. Nasim Zaidi, in his welcome address, referred to the age-old and strong relationship between India and Indonesia, particularly in the political, cultural and commercial fields. He also spoke about the close cooperation between the Election Commissions of India and Indonesia, particularly in the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2011 and their collaboration in the Association of Asian Election Authorities, currently chaired by India. He expressed ECI’s desire for further strengthening of the cooperation with the General Election Commission of Indonesia through further exchange of experiences and skills. A power-point presentation was made to the Indonesian Delegation about the structure, role and work of ECI in managing the largest election exercise in the world. This was followed by screening of a short film on conduct of the General Election of 2014. The visiting delegates were also given a hands-on demonstration of the Electronic Voting Machine and Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail equipment. The delegates evinced particular interest in the Electronic Voting Machine and were impressed by the use of voting and counting technology used by ECI. New Delhi, Five new directors of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Institutes have taken charge.After taking charge,these Director’s have also come to attend the two day CSIR Director’s conference at the Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun. The Minister for Science & Technology Dr. Harsh Vardhan complimented newly joined Directors, in his opening remarks at the CSIR Director’s Conference. Speaking on the sidelines of the conference Dr S Chandrashekar who is now appointed as the Director of the Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad stated that his team of researchers and scientists will make efforts to make India a disease free country. The lab he is heading is working tirelessly to develop medicines for the common man at affordable prices, which are also most effective and advanced in terms of tackling emerging diseases. He said his team at the lab is very particular about developing technologies which are environment friendly. Dr (Mrs) Madhu Dikshit, the new India to Lead the World in Science & Technology : Dr. Harsh Vardhan The Minister for Science & Technology Dr Harsh Vardhan stated that India has the potential to lead the world in Science & Technology. He was addressing a two day Director’s Conference of CSIR being held at CSIR-IIP, Dehradun. He said that 21st century belongs to India at the global stage, under dynamic leadership of Shri Narendra Modi. Science & Technology should work to take care of challenges of developing suitable technologies for bringing improvements in living conditions of common man. He stressed the need to align world-class infrastructure & excellent brain power of scientific community under CSIR to contribute to Swach Bharat and other schemes launched by the Government for welfare of the poor. Dr. Harsh Vardhan while extending the wishes of the Prime Minister who is the President of the CSIR Society, said Shri Narendra Modi wants to take the country ahead in a fast manner and scientists should come forward now to successfully resolve various challenges being faced by the country. The minister also urged scientists to conduct in regular brainstorming sessions for identifying projects for welfare of poor and be proactive in their approach. He said they should actively engage their energy for the bright future of India as envisaged by the Prime Minister. The Director General CSIR Shri M.O. Garg welcomed the participants and made a presentation on the working of CSIR. Directors from CSIR Institutes made presentations and discussed about upcoming projects. Dr Girish Sahani, Director, Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh a participant at the Director’s Conference said that Dr Harsh Vardhan’s address has enthused him to work relentlessly for an India whom the world looks forward to lead in S&T in the near future. He also said that PM’s vision of India to be the front runner of 21st century is the ideal which scientific community has been passionate to convert into reality. Dr. (Mrs) Madhu Dikshit, Director Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow said that the conference has been an opportunity to look into the future and make commitments to deliver to the high expectations of the end users. Nominations invited for National Communal Harmony Awards 2015 Nominations for the National Communal Harmony Awards- 2015, instituted by the National Foundation for Communal Harmony (NFCH), under the Ministry of Home Affairs, are invited from eligible individuals and organizations for their outstanding contribution for promotion of communal harmony and national integration. The National Communal Harmony Awards, 2015 consist of a citation each and cash award of Rs. 5 lakh for the Individual category and Rs. 10 lakh in the Organization category. Individuals will be assessed over a ten year period while Organizations will be adjudged over a five year tenure. Nominations from competent proposers may be sent to The Secretary, National Foundation for Communal Harmony (NFCH), 9th Floor, ‘C’ Wing, Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market, New Delhi-110003 by June 30, 2015. Details may be seen on the Foundation’s website or obtained from the office of the Foundation. New Directors of CSIR take Charge Director of the Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow said that CDRI is into new medicines development that meets international standards for diseases that are becoming common place. She will strive to bring the medicines from research to availability for the public in the least possible time, yet meeting all safety & efficacy parameters. Dr Ajay Ghosh, new Director of the National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science & Technology, NIIST, Thiruvananathapuram said that he feels excited on being designated as the Director of the Institute. He said that he was fully aware of the excellence & capabilities of Scientists & world-class infrastructure of the Institute. NIIST develops molecules for photo devices and techniques for making natural mineral resources in coastal areas. NIIST develops technologies for the future & contributes to strategic development of technology in space & defence applications. He said that we are on the verge of developing technology in waste management which will convert household waste into 7 wealth for the nation. Dr Sanjay Kumar has joined as Director of Institute of Himalayan Bioresources Technology, Palampur. He has been associated with the institute for over 25 years. He said that Himalaya has a gold mine of opportunities in terms of its bio-resources. Institute under his leadership is developing technologies for industry & environment. IHBT is committed to develop floriculture & enzyme discovery for furtherance of human healthcare. His institute is also working on developing alternatives to sugar as sweetners for diabetics. Research related to climate change in Himalayas will be his priority as Director. Dr. Alok Dhawan has also been appointed as the Director of Indian Institute of Toxicology (IITR), Lucknow. The Director General CSIR Shri M.O. Garg welcomed the new Directors. He said that these appointments have been approved by the Prime Minister as the President of the CSIR. Dr Garg said a few other vacancies in CSIR are also being processed in a speedy manner now.

FOCUS NEWS NEW DELHI, Saturday 13 June 2015<br />

Delegation from the<br />

“Naga Hoho” calls on PM<br />

New Delhi, A six member delegation from the Naga organization – Naga<br />

Hoho – called on the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. The delegation was led<br />

by Mr. Chuba Ozukum, President of Naga Hoho. The members appreciated<br />

the Prime Minister’s vision of development of the North-East. They emphasized<br />

their commitment to peace in the entire Northeastern region.<br />

Indonesian Parliamentarians Visit<br />

Election Commission of India<br />

New Delhi, A high-level Parliamentary<br />

delegation from the Republic of Indonesia<br />

led by H.E. Mr. Fadli Zon, Vice Chairman<br />

of the House of Representatives, called<br />

upon the Election Commission of India<br />

today. The delegation included two<br />

Members of Parliament, as well as senior<br />

officials from Parliament and Ministry of<br />

Foreign Affairs. The Ambassador of<br />

Indonesia, H.E. Mr. Rizali Wilmar<br />

Indrakesuma and senior Embassy officials<br />

accompanied the delegation. The delegation<br />

met the Chief Election<br />

Commissioner, Dr. Nasim Zaidi and<br />

Election Commissioner, Mr. A. K. Joti.<br />

Dr. Nasim Zaidi, Chief Election<br />

Commissioner and Sh. A. K. Joti, Election<br />

Commissioner interacting with visiting<br />

Indonesian Parliamentary Delegation<br />

Election Commissioner, Mr. Joti, in his<br />

welcome remarks, talked about the close<br />

relations between India and Indonesia,<br />

and briefed the visiting<br />

delegation<br />

about the innovations<br />

and initiatives<br />

introduced by the<br />

E l e c t i o n<br />

Inauguration of Academic and<br />

Hostel Blocks of CIPET, IMPHAL<br />

New Delhi, The newly constructed Academic and<br />

Hostel Blocks at Central Institute of Plastics<br />

Engineering & Technology (CIPET), Imphal were<br />

jointly inaugurated by Union Minister of<br />

Chemicals & Fertilizers Shri Ananth Kumar and<br />

Chief Minister of Manipur Shri Okram Ibobi<br />

Singh at a function in Imphal, Manipur today. In<br />

his address, Minister of Chemicals & Fertilizers<br />

Shri Ananth Kumar informed that CIPET, Imphal<br />

will be further expanded at a cost of Rs.13.00<br />

crores which includes creation of additional hostel<br />

facility (Rs. 9.00 crores) and enhancing the technical<br />

infrastructure facility (Rs.4.00 crore). He<br />

requested the State Govt. to provide 5.00 acres of<br />

additional land to CIPET, Imphal to initiate expansion<br />

of the centre. He further added that such<br />

expansion will result in doubling the present<br />

intake capacity of students at CIPET, Imphal.<br />

Chief Minister of Manipur in his address appreciated<br />

the services rendered by CIPET, Imphal in<br />

promoting the plastics industries in the State of<br />

Manipur as well as enriching the living standards<br />

of unemployed youth through gainful employment.<br />

Minister for Chemicals & Fertilizers<br />

assured the State Government to extend support<br />

from Govt. of India for initiation of Plastics Park<br />

and requested the State Government to provide<br />

500 acres of land. Chief Minister of Manipur<br />

assured to provide all the support for expansion of<br />

CIPET, Imphal and establishment of Plastics Park<br />

in Manipur.<br />

CIPET is an ISO 9001:2008 QMS, NABL,<br />

ISO/IEC 17020 accredited premier national<br />

Institution under the Dept. of Chemicals &<br />

Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals &<br />

Fertilizers, Govt. of India devoted to Academic,<br />

Technology Support & Research (ATR) activities<br />

for the growth of Polymer & allied industries in<br />

the country. CIPET operates on hub & spokes<br />

model with 23 locations spread across the country<br />

having uniform state-of-the-art infrastructural<br />

facilities. CIPET Centre at Imphal was established<br />

during 1987-88 to cater to the needs of plastics<br />

and allied industries in the State of Manipur in<br />

particular and North Eastern Region in general.<br />

CIPET, Imphal has been significantly contributing<br />

in encouraging and assisting the local entrepreneurs<br />

in Manipur, Mizoram and Nagaland through<br />

organising training programmes in different disciplines<br />

of Plastics Engineering & Technology. The<br />

centre has been equipped with the state-of-the-art<br />

equipments and machineries, which include conventional<br />

as well as Micro processor controlled<br />

processing & tool room machinery for manufacturing<br />

different types of products.<br />

New long term Diploma programmes and short<br />

term vocational skill development programmes<br />

will be initiated at CIPET Imphal with help of<br />

this additional infrastructure to generate<br />

employment opportunities for the unemployed/underemployed<br />

youth in the State of<br />

Manipur in particular and NE region in general.<br />

Commissioning of the Assam Gas Cracker<br />

Project (AGCP) at Dibrugarh, Assam shortly<br />

with an investment of Rs.9000 crores and consequent<br />

development of downstream plastic and<br />

its allied industries in the region will further<br />

enhance the self-employment and employment<br />

potential. Govindas Konthoujam, Minister of<br />

Commerce & Industries, Govt. of Manipur; Dr.<br />

Thokchom Meinya, Member of Parliament<br />

(Lok Sabha) participated in the function. Shri<br />

Surjit K.Chaudhary, Secretary, Department of<br />

Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Govt. of India;<br />

Shri P.C.Lawnkunga, Chief Secretary, Govt. of<br />

Manipur were also present.<br />

Dr Mahesh Sharma takes stock of<br />

the World-bank aided pro-poor<br />

Tourism Development project of UP<br />

The Union Minister of State for Culture<br />

(Independent Charge), Tourism (Independent<br />

Charge), & Civil Aviation, Dr. Mahesh Sharma<br />

today held a meeting with the Secretary, Tourism,<br />

Government of UP, ShriAmritAbhijat along with<br />

the World Bank team, which is developing a Propoor<br />

Tourism Development Project in the state of<br />

Uttar Pradesh. Shri Abhijat briefed Dr Mahesh<br />

Sharma on the activities planned for the project and<br />

the current status of the project. The project is being<br />

developed with the help of international level<br />

experts, explained Shri Abhijat. The above project<br />

aims to contribute to improving living conditions<br />

and increasing income opportunities for poor<br />

through enhanced tourism development in selected<br />

destinations in the Buddhist Circuit, Braj region<br />

and Agra. The Project will leverage resources<br />

through advisory and technical assistance and<br />

financing for institutional strengthening, asset rehabilitation,<br />

infrastructure and services along the<br />

Buddhist Circuit and Braj Agra Corridor. Secretary<br />

Tourism, Dr LalitPanwar and senior officers of the<br />

Ministry of Tourism were present at the meeting.<br />

Commission<br />

of India in<br />

managing the<br />

I n d i a n<br />

Elections. He<br />

stated that the Commission, as part of its<br />

sustained pursuit of excellence, had gradually<br />

introduced technological innovations,<br />

including the use of Electronic<br />

Voting Machines. These machines had<br />

been successfully used during the last<br />

three general elections and their reliability,<br />

authenticity and stability had been<br />

proven beyond doubt.<br />

Chief Election Commissioner of India,<br />

Dr. Nasim Zaidi, in his welcome address,<br />

referred to the age-old and strong relationship<br />

between India and Indonesia, particularly<br />

in the political, cultural and commercial<br />

fields. He also spoke about the<br />

close cooperation between the Election<br />

Commissions of India and Indonesia, particularly<br />

in the framework of the<br />

Memorandum of Understanding signed in<br />

2011 and their collaboration in the<br />

Association of Asian Election Authorities,<br />

currently chaired by India. He expressed<br />

ECI’s desire for further strengthening of<br />

the cooperation with the General Election<br />

Commission of Indonesia through further<br />

exchange of experiences and skills. A<br />

power-point presentation was made to the<br />

Indonesian Delegation about the structure,<br />

role and work of ECI in managing<br />

the largest election exercise in the world.<br />

This was followed by screening of a short<br />

film on conduct of the General Election<br />

of 2014. The visiting delegates were also<br />

given a hands-on demonstration of the<br />

Electronic Voting Machine and Voter<br />

Verifiable <strong>Paper</strong> Audit Trail equipment.<br />

The delegates evinced particular interest<br />

in the Electronic Voting Machine and<br />

were impressed by the use of voting and<br />

counting technology used by ECI.<br />

New Delhi, Five new directors<br />

of Council of Scientific and<br />

Industrial Research (CSIR)<br />

Institutes have taken<br />

charge.After taking<br />

charge,these Director’s have<br />

also come to attend the two<br />

day CSIR Director’s conference<br />

at the Indian Institute of<br />

Petroleum, Dehradun. The<br />

Minister for Science &<br />

Technology Dr. Harsh Vardhan<br />

complimented newly joined<br />

Directors, in his opening<br />

remarks at the CSIR Director’s<br />

Conference. Speaking on the<br />

sidelines of the conference Dr<br />

S Chandrashekar who is now<br />

appointed as the Director of<br />

the Indian Institute of<br />

Chemical Technology (IICT),<br />

Hyderabad stated that his team<br />

of researchers and scientists<br />

will make efforts to make India<br />

a disease free country. The lab<br />

he is heading is working tirelessly<br />

to develop medicines for<br />

the common man at affordable<br />

prices, which are also most<br />

effective and advanced in<br />

terms of tackling emerging diseases.<br />

He said his team at the<br />

lab is very particular about<br />

developing technologies which<br />

are environment friendly. Dr<br />

(Mrs) Madhu Dikshit, the new<br />

India to Lead the World in Science<br />

& Technology : Dr. Harsh Vardhan<br />

The Minister for Science & Technology Dr Harsh Vardhan stated that India<br />

has the potential to lead the world in Science & Technology. He was addressing<br />

a two day Director’s Conference of CSIR being held at CSIR-IIP,<br />

Dehradun. He said that 21st century belongs to India at the global stage, under<br />

dynamic leadership of Shri Narendra Modi. Science & Technology should<br />

work to take care of challenges of developing suitable technologies for bringing<br />

improvements in living conditions of common man. He stressed the need<br />

to align world-class infrastructure & excellent brain power of scientific community<br />

under CSIR to contribute to Swach Bharat and other schemes<br />

launched by the Government for welfare of the poor. Dr. Harsh Vardhan while<br />

extending the wishes of the Prime Minister who is the President of the CSIR<br />

Society, said Shri Narendra Modi wants to take the country ahead in a fast<br />

manner and scientists should come forward now to successfully resolve various<br />

challenges being faced by the country. The minister also urged scientists<br />

to conduct in regular brainstorming sessions for identifying projects for welfare<br />

of poor and be proactive in their approach. He said they should actively<br />

engage their energy for the bright future of India as envisaged by the Prime<br />

Minister. The Director General CSIR Shri M.O. Garg welcomed the participants<br />

and made a presentation on the working of CSIR. Directors from CSIR<br />

Institutes made presentations and discussed about upcoming projects. Dr<br />

Girish Sahani, Director, Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh a participant<br />

at the Director’s Conference said that Dr Harsh Vardhan’s address has<br />

enthused him to work relentlessly for an India whom the world looks forward<br />

to lead in S&T in the near future. He also said that PM’s vision of India to be<br />

the front runner of 21st century is the ideal which scientific community has<br />

been passionate to convert into reality. Dr. (Mrs) Madhu Dikshit, Director<br />

Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow said that the conference has been<br />

an opportunity to look into the future and make commitments to deliver to the<br />

high expectations of the end users.<br />

Nominations invited for<br />

National Communal<br />

Harmony Awards 2015<br />

Nominations for the National Communal Harmony Awards- 2015, instituted<br />

by the National Foundation for Communal Harmony (NFCH), under the<br />

Ministry of Home Affairs, are invited from eligible individuals and organizations<br />

for their outstanding contribution for promotion of communal harmony<br />

and national integration. The National Communal Harmony Awards, 2015<br />

consist of a citation each and cash award of Rs. 5 lakh for the Individual category<br />

and Rs. 10 lakh in the Organization category. Individuals will be<br />

assessed over a ten year period while Organizations will be adjudged over a<br />

five year tenure. Nominations from competent proposers may be sent to The<br />

Secretary, National Foundation for Communal Harmony (NFCH), 9th Floor,<br />

‘C’ Wing, Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market, New Delhi-110003 by June 30,<br />

2015. Details may be seen on the Foundation’s website or<br />

obtained from the office of the Foundation.<br />

New Directors of<br />

CSIR take Charge<br />

Director of the Central Drug<br />

Research Institute, Lucknow<br />

said that CDRI is into new<br />

medicines development that<br />

meets international standards<br />

for diseases that are becoming<br />

common place. She will strive<br />

to bring the medicines from<br />

research to availability for the<br />

public in the least possible<br />

time, yet meeting all safety &<br />

efficacy parameters. Dr Ajay<br />

Ghosh, new Director of the<br />

National Institute for<br />

Interdisciplinary Science &<br />

Technology, NIIST,<br />

Thiruvananathapuram said that<br />

he feels excited on being designated<br />

as the Director of the<br />

Institute. He said that he was<br />

fully aware of the excellence &<br />

capabilities of Scientists &<br />

world-class infrastructure of<br />

the Institute. NIIST develops<br />

molecules for photo devices<br />

and techniques for making natural<br />

mineral resources in<br />

coastal areas. NIIST develops<br />

technologies for the future &<br />

contributes to strategic development<br />

of technology in space<br />

& defence applications. He<br />

said that we are on the verge of<br />

developing technology in<br />

waste management which will<br />

convert household waste into<br />

7<br />

wealth for the nation.<br />

Dr Sanjay Kumar has joined as<br />

Director of Institute of<br />

Himalayan Bioresources<br />

Technology, Palampur. He has<br />

been associated with the institute<br />

for over 25 years. He said<br />

that Himalaya has a gold mine<br />

of opportunities in terms of its<br />

bio-resources. Institute under<br />

his leadership is developing<br />

technologies for industry &<br />

environment. IHBT is committed<br />

to develop floriculture &<br />

enzyme discovery for furtherance<br />

of human healthcare. His<br />

institute is also working on<br />

developing alternatives to<br />

sugar as sweetners for diabetics.<br />

Research related to climate<br />

change in Himalayas will be<br />

his priority as Director. Dr.<br />

Alok Dhawan has also been<br />

appointed as the Director of<br />

Indian Institute of Toxicology<br />

(IITR), Lucknow. The<br />

Director General CSIR Shri<br />

M.O. Garg welcomed the new<br />

Directors. He said that these<br />

appointments have been<br />

approved by the Prime<br />

Minister as the President of the<br />

CSIR. Dr Garg said a few other<br />

vacancies in CSIR are also<br />

being processed in a speedy<br />

manner now.

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