Chapter 28 - Protists

Chapter 28 - Protists

Chapter 28 - Protists


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<strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>28</strong>:Prokaryotes

Protist is the informal name of the group of mostly<br />

unicellular eukaryotes<br />

Advances in eukaryotic systematics have caused the<br />

classification of protists to change significantly<br />

<strong>Protists</strong> constitute a polyphyletic group, and Protista is<br />

no longer valid as a kingdom

<strong>Protists</strong> are eukaryotes<br />

◦ Eukaryotic cells have organelles and are more complex than<br />

prokaryotic cells<br />

◦ Most protists are unicellular, but there are some colonial and<br />

multicellular species

<strong>Protists</strong> exhibit more structural and functional diversity than any<br />

other group of eukaryotes<br />

Single‐celled protists can be very complex, as all biological<br />

functions are carried out by organelles in each individual cell<br />

<strong>Protists</strong>, the most nutritionally diverse of all eukaryotes, include:<br />

◦ Photoautotrophs, which contain chloroplasts<br />

◦ Heterotrophs, which absorb organic molecules or ingest<br />

larger food particles<br />

◦ Mixotrophs, which combine photosynthesis and<br />

heterotrophic nutrition<br />

Some protists reproduce asexually, while others reproduce<br />

sexually, or by the sexual processes of meiosis and fertilization

There is now considerable evidence that much protist<br />

diversity has its origins in endosymbiosis<br />

Endosymbiosis is the process in which a unicellular<br />

organism engulfs another cell, which becomes an<br />

endosymbiont and then organelle in the host cell<br />

◦ Mitochondria evolved by endosymbiosis of an aerobic<br />

prokaryote<br />

◦ Plastids evolved by endosymbiosis of a photosynthetic<br />


Plastid<br />

Dinoflagellates<br />

Cyanobacterium<br />

Membranes<br />

are represented<br />

as dark lines in<br />

the cell.<br />

Red alga<br />

Secondary<br />

endosymbiosis<br />

Apicomplexans<br />

1 2 3<br />

Primary<br />

endosymbiosis<br />

Stramenopiles<br />

Heterotrophic<br />

eukaryote<br />

One of these<br />

membranes was<br />

lost in red and<br />

green algal<br />

descendants.<br />

Secondary<br />

endosymbiosis<br />

Secondary<br />

endosymbiosis<br />

Plastid<br />

Euglenids<br />

Green alga<br />


It is no longer thought that amitochondriates (lacking<br />

mitochondria) are the oldest lineage of eukaryotes<br />

◦ Many have been shown to have mitochondria and have been<br />

reclassified<br />

The understanding of the relationships among protist<br />

groups continues to change rapidly<br />

One hypothesis divides all eukaryotes (including<br />

protists) into five supergroups

Alveolates Stramenopiles<br />

Amoebozoans Opisthokonts<br />

Green<br />

algae<br />

Diplomonads<br />

Parabasalids<br />

Euglenozoans<br />

Dinoflagellates<br />

Apicomplexans<br />

Ciliates<br />

Diatoms<br />

Golden algae<br />

Brown algae<br />

Oomycetes<br />

Cercozoans<br />

Forams<br />

Radiolarians<br />

Red algae<br />

Chlorophytes<br />

Charophytes<br />

Land plants<br />

Slime molds<br />

Gymnamoebas<br />

Entamoebas<br />

Nucleariids<br />

Fungi<br />

Choanoflagellates<br />

Animals<br />

Excavata Chromalveolata Rhizaria Archaeplastida Unikonta<br />

The plastid‐bearing lineage of<br />

protists evolved into red and<br />

green algae<br />

The DNA of plastid genes in red<br />

algae and green algae closely<br />

resemble the DNA of<br />

cyanobacteria<br />

On several occasions during<br />

eukaryotic evolution, red and<br />

green algae underwent<br />

secondary endosymbiosis, in<br />

which they were ingested by a<br />

heterotrophic eukaryote

5 m<br />

Giardia intestinalis, a diplomonad<br />


Diatom diversity<br />

50 m

100 m<br />

Globigerina, a foram in the supergroup Rhizaria

20 m<br />

50 m<br />

Volvox, a colonial freshwater green alga

100 m<br />

A unikont amoeba

The clade Excavata is characterized by its cytoskeleton<br />

Some members have a feeding groove<br />

This controversial group includes the diplomonads,<br />

parabasalids, and euglenozoans

Kinetoplastids<br />

Euglenids<br />

Diplomonads<br />

Parabasalids<br />

Euglenozoans<br />

Excavata<br />

Chromalveolata<br />

Rhizaria<br />

Archaeplastida<br />


These two groups lack plastids, have modified<br />

mitochondria, and most live in anaerobic environments<br />

Diplomonads<br />

◦ Have modified mitochondria called mitosomes<br />

◦ Derive energy from anaerobic biochemical pathways<br />

◦ Have two equal‐sized nuclei and multiple flagella<br />

◦ Are often parasites, for example, Giardia intestinalis<br />

(also known as Giardia lamblia)<br />

Parabasalids<br />

◦ Have reduced mitochondria called hydrogenosomes<br />

that generate some energy anaerobically<br />

◦ Include Trichomonas vaginalis, the pathogen that<br />

causes yeast infections in human females

Flagella<br />

5 m<br />

Undulating<br />


Euglenozoa is a diverse clade that includes predatory<br />

heterotrophs, photosynthetic autotrophs, and<br />

parasites<br />

The main feature distinguishing them as a clade is a<br />

spiral or crystalline rod of unknown function inside<br />

their flagella<br />

This clade includes the kinetoplastids and euglenids

Flagella<br />

0.2 m<br />

8 m<br />

Crystalline rod<br />

(cross section)<br />

Ring of microtubules<br />

(cross section)

Kinetoplastids have a single mitochondrion with an<br />

organized mass of DNA called a kinetoplast<br />

◦ They include free‐living consumers of prokaryotes in<br />

freshwater, marine, and moist terrestrial ecosystems<br />

◦ This group includes Trypanosoma, which causes sleeping<br />

sickness in humans<br />

◦ Another pathogenic trypanosome causes Chagas’ disease<br />

9 m

Trypanosomes evade immune responses by switching<br />

surface proteins<br />

A cell produces millions of copies of a single protein<br />

The next generation produces millions of copies of a<br />

different protein<br />

These frequent changes prevent the host from<br />

developing immunity

Euglenids have one or two flagella that emerge from a<br />

pocket at one end of the cell<br />

◦ Some species can be both autotrophic and heterotrophic

Video: Euglena

Video: Euglena Motion

Long flagellum<br />

Eyespot<br />

Short flagellum<br />

Contractile vacuole<br />

Light<br />

detector<br />

Nucleus<br />

Chloroplast<br />

Euglena (LM)<br />

5 m<br />

Plasma membrane<br />


Some data suggest that the clade Chromalveolata is<br />

monophyletic and originated by a secondary<br />

endosymbiosis event<br />

◦ The proposed endosymbiont is a red alga<br />

◦ This clade is controversial and includes the alveolates and the<br />


Dinoflagellates<br />

Apicomplexans<br />

Ciliates<br />

Diatoms<br />

Golden algae<br />

Brown algae<br />

Oomycetes<br />

Alveolates<br />

Stramenopiles<br />

Excavata<br />

Chromalveolata<br />

Rhizaria<br />

Archaeplastida<br />


Members of the clade Alveolata have membranebounded<br />

sacs (alveoli) just under the plasma<br />

membrane<br />

◦ The function of the alveoli is unknown<br />

The alveolates include<br />

◦ Dinoflagellates<br />

◦ Apicomplexans<br />

◦ Ciliates

Flagellum<br />

Alveoli<br />

Alveolate<br />

0.2 m

Dinoflagellates have two flagella and each cell is<br />

reinforced by cellulose plates<br />

They are abundant components of both marine and<br />

freshwater phytoplankton<br />

They are a diverse group of aquatic phototrophs,<br />

mixotrophs, and heterotrophs<br />

Toxic “red tides” are caused by dinoflagellate blooms

Video: Dinoflagellate

Flagella<br />

3 m

Apicomplexans are parasites of animals, and some<br />

cause serious human diseases<br />

◦ They spread through their host as infectious cells called<br />

sporozoites<br />

◦ One end, the apex, contains a complex of organelles<br />

specialized for penetrating host cells and tissues<br />

Most have sexual and asexual stages that require two<br />

or more different host species for completion

The apicomplexan Plasmodium is the<br />

parasite that causes malaria<br />

◦ Plasmodium requires both mosquitoes and<br />

humans to complete its life cycle<br />

◦ Approximately 900,000 people die each year<br />

from malaria<br />

◦ Efforts are ongoing to develop vaccines that<br />

target this pathogen<br />

Merozoite<br />

Apex<br />

Red blood<br />

cell<br />

0.5 m

Inside human<br />

Merozoite<br />

Liver<br />

Liver<br />

cell<br />

Apex<br />

Merozoite<br />

(n)<br />

Red blood<br />

cell<br />

0.5 m<br />

Red blood<br />

cells<br />

Gametocytes<br />

(n)<br />

Key<br />

Haploid (n)<br />

Diploid (2n)

Inside mosquito<br />

Inside human<br />

Merozoite<br />

Liver<br />

Liver<br />

cell<br />

Apex<br />

Zygote<br />

(2n)<br />

Merozoite<br />

(n)<br />

Red blood<br />

cells<br />

Red blood<br />

cell<br />

0.5 m<br />


Gametes<br />

Gametocytes<br />

(n)<br />

Key<br />

Haploid (n)<br />

Diploid (2n)

Inside mosquito<br />

Inside human<br />

Sporozoites<br />

(n)<br />

Liver<br />

Merozoite<br />

Liver<br />

cell<br />

Oocyst<br />

Apex<br />


Merozoite<br />

(n)<br />

Red blood<br />

cell<br />

0.5 m<br />

Zygote<br />

(2n)<br />

Red blood<br />

cells<br />


Gametes<br />

Gametocytes<br />

(n)<br />

Key<br />

Haploid (n)<br />

Diploid (2n)

Merozoite<br />

Apex<br />

Red blood<br />

cell<br />

0.5 m

Ciliates, a large varied group of protists, are named for<br />

their use of cilia to move and feed<br />

◦ They have large macronuclei and small micronuclei<br />

Genetic variation results from conjugation, in which<br />

two individuals exchange haploid micronuclei<br />

◦ Conjugation is a sexual process, and is separate from<br />

reproduction, which generally occurs by binary fission

Contractile<br />

vacuole<br />

Oral groove<br />

50 m<br />

Cilia<br />

Cell mouth<br />

Micronucleus<br />

Macronucleus<br />

Food vacuoles<br />

(a) Feeding, waste removal, and water balance<br />


Key<br />

Conjugation<br />

Asexual<br />

reproduction<br />

Compatible<br />

mates<br />

Diploid<br />

micronucleus<br />

The original<br />

macronucleus<br />

disintegrates.<br />

Diploid<br />

micronucleus<br />

Haploid<br />

micronucleus<br />


FUSION<br />

(b) Conjugation and reproduction

Video: Paramecium Cilia

Video: Paramecium Vacuole

Video: Vorticella Cilia

Video: Vorticella Detail

Video: Vorticella Habitat

The clade Stramenopila includes important<br />

phototrophs as well as several clades of heterotrophs<br />

◦ Stramenopiles include diatoms, golden algae, brown algae,<br />

and oomycetes<br />

◦ Most have a “hairy” flagellum paired with a “smooth”<br />

flagellum<br />

Smooth<br />

flagellum<br />

Hairy<br />

flagellum<br />

5 m

Diatoms are unicellular algae with a unique two‐part,<br />

glass‐like wall of hydrated silica<br />

Diatoms usually reproduce asexually, and occasionally<br />

sexually<br />

40 m

Diatoms are a major component of phytoplankton and<br />

are highly diverse<br />

◦ Fossilized diatom walls compose much of the sediments<br />

known as diatomaceous earth<br />

◦ After a diatom population has bloomed, many dead<br />

individuals fall to the ocean floor undecomposed<br />

◦ This removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and<br />

“pumps” it to the ocean floor

Video: Diatoms Moving

Video: Various Diatoms

Golden algae are named for their color, which results<br />

from their yellow and brown carotenoids<br />

◦ The cells of golden algae are typically biflagellated, with both<br />

flagella near one end<br />

◦ All golden algae are photosynthetic, and some are mixotrophs<br />

◦ Most are unicellular, but some are colonial

Flagellum<br />

Outer container<br />

Living cell<br />

25 m

Brown algae are the largest and most complex<br />

algae<br />

◦ All are multicellular, and most are marine<br />

◦ Include many species commonly called “seaweeds”<br />

◦ Have the most complex multicellular anatomy of all<br />

algae<br />

◦ Some are giants (up to 100s m long and 2m wide)<br />

The algal body is plantlike but lacks true roots, stems,<br />

and leaves and is called a thallus<br />

The rootlike holdfast anchors the stemlike stipe, which<br />

in turn supports the leaflike blades

Blade<br />

Stipe<br />


A variety of life cycles have evolved among the<br />

multicellular algae<br />

The most complex life cycles include an alternation of<br />

generations, the alternation of multicellular haploid and<br />

diploid forms<br />

Heteromorphic generations are structurally different, while<br />

isomorphic generations look similar<br />

The diploid sporophyte produces haploid flagellated spores<br />

called zoospores<br />

◦ The zoospores develop into haploid male and female<br />

gametophytes, which produce gametes<br />

◦ Fertilization of gamates results in a diploid zygote, which grows<br />

into a new sporophyte

Key<br />

Haploid (n)<br />

Diploid (2n)<br />

Sporangia<br />

10 cm<br />

Sporophyte<br />

(2n)<br />

Zoospore<br />


Female<br />

Gametophytes<br />

(n)<br />

Egg<br />

Male<br />


Key<br />

Haploid (n)<br />

Diploid (2n)<br />

Sporangia<br />

10 cm<br />

Sporophyte<br />

(2n)<br />

Zoospore<br />


Mature female<br />

gametophyte<br />

(n)<br />

Developing<br />

sporophyte<br />

Zygote<br />

(2n)<br />


Egg<br />

Female<br />

Gametophytes<br />

(n)<br />

Sperm<br />


Oomycetes include water molds, white rusts, and downy<br />

mildews<br />

◦ They were once considered fungi based on morphological studies<br />

Most oomycetes are decomposers or parasites<br />

They have filaments (hyphae) that facilitate nutrient<br />

uptake<br />

Their ecological impact can be great, as in potato blight<br />

caused by Phytophthora infestans

Germ tube<br />

Cyst<br />

Zoospore<br />

(2n)<br />

Hyphae<br />



Zoosporangium<br />

(2n)<br />

Key<br />

Haploid (n)<br />

Diploid (2n)

Cyst<br />

Germ tube<br />

Hyphae<br />




Oogonium<br />

Egg nucleus<br />

(n) Antheridial<br />

hypha with<br />

sperm nuclei<br />

(n)<br />

Zoospore<br />

(2n)<br />

Zoosporangium<br />

(2n)<br />

Key<br />

Haploid (n)<br />

Diploid (2n)

Cyst<br />

Germ tube<br />

Hyphae<br />




Oogonium<br />

Egg nucleus<br />

(n) Antheridial<br />

hypha with<br />

sperm nuclei<br />

(n)<br />

Zoospore<br />

(2n)<br />

Zoosporangium<br />

(2n)<br />

Zygote<br />

germination<br />

SEXUAL<br />



Zygotes<br />

(oospores)<br />

(2n)<br />

Key<br />

Haploid (n)<br />

Diploid (2n)

Video: Water Mold Oogonium

DNA evidence supports Rhizaria as a monophyletic clade<br />

Amoebas move and feed by pseudopodia; some but not all<br />

belong to the clade Rhizaria<br />

Rhizarians include radiolarians, forams, and cercozoans<br />

Excavata<br />

Chromalveolata<br />

Radiolarians<br />

Foraminiferans<br />

Cercozoans<br />

Rhizaria<br />

Archaeplastida<br />


Marine protists called radiolarians have tests fused<br />

into one delicate piece, usually made of silica<br />

◦ Radiolarians use their pseudopodia to engulf microorganisms<br />

through phagocytosis<br />

◦ The pseudopodia of radiolarians radiate from the central body<br />

Pseudopodia<br />

200 m

Foraminiferans, or forams, are named for porous,<br />

generally multichambered shells, called tests<br />

Pseudopodia extend through the pores in the test<br />

Foram tests in marine sediments form an extensive<br />

fossil record<br />

Many forams have endosymbiotic algae

Cercozoans include most amoeboid and flagellated<br />

protists with threadlike pseudopodia<br />

They are common in marine, freshwater, and soil<br />

ecosystems<br />

Most are heteroptrophs, including parasites and<br />


Paulinella chromatophora is an autotroph with a<br />

unique photosynthetic structure<br />

This structure evolved from a different cyanobacterium<br />

than the plastids of other photosynthetic eukaryotes<br />

Chromatophore<br />

5 m

Over a billion years ago, a heterotrophic protist<br />

acquired a cyanobacterial endosymbiont<br />

The photosynthetic descendants of this ancient protist<br />

evolved into red algae and green algae<br />

Land plants are descended from the green algae<br />

Archaeplastida is the supergroup that includes red<br />

algae, green algae, and land plants

Chlorophytes<br />

Charophytes<br />

Red algae<br />

Green algae<br />

Land plants<br />

Excavata<br />

Chromalveolata<br />

Rhizaria<br />

Archaeplastida<br />


Red algae are reddish in color due to an accessory<br />

pigment called phycoerythrin, which masks the green<br />

of chlorophyll<br />

The color varies from greenish‐red in shallow water to<br />

dark red or almost black in deep water<br />

Red algae are usually multicellular; the largest are<br />

seaweeds<br />

Red algae are the most abundant large algae in coastal<br />

waters of the tropics

Bonnemaisonia<br />

hamifera<br />

20 cm<br />

8 mm<br />

Dulse (Palmaria palmata)<br />


Bonnemaisonia<br />

hamifera<br />

8 mm

Dulse (Palmaria<br />

palmata)<br />

20 cm




Green algae are named for their grass‐green<br />

chloroplasts<br />

Plants are descended from the green algae<br />

Green algae are a paraphyletic group<br />

The two main groups are chlorophytes and<br />

charophyceans<br />

Charophytes are most closely related to land<br />


Most chlorophytes live in fresh water, although<br />

many are marine<br />

Other chlorophytes live in damp soil, as<br />

symbionts in lichens, or in snow

Larger size and greater complexity evolved in<br />

chlorophytes by<br />

1. The formation of colonies from individual cells<br />

2. The formation of true multicellular bodies by cell<br />

division and differentiation (e.g., Ulva)<br />

3. The repeated division of nuclei with no<br />

cytoplasmic division (e.g., Caulerpa)

2 cm<br />

(a) Ulva, or sea lettuce<br />

(b) Caulerpa, an<br />

intertidal<br />


Video: Volvox Colony

Video: Volvox Daughter

Video: Volvox Female Spheroid

Video: Volvox Flagella

Video: Volvox Inversion 1

Video: Volvox Inversion 2

Video: Volvox Sperm and Female

Most chlorophytes have complex life cycles with both<br />

sexual and asexual reproductive stages

Video: Chlamydomonas

Flagella<br />

1 m<br />

<br />

Cell wall<br />

<br />

Gamete<br />

(n)<br />

<br />

<br />

Nucleus<br />

Cross<br />

section of<br />

cup-shaped<br />

chloroplast<br />

(TEM)<br />

Zoospore<br />



Mature cell<br />

(n)<br />

SEXUAL<br />



Zygote<br />

(2n)<br />

<br />

<br />

Key<br />

<br />

<br />


Haploid (n)<br />

Diploid (2n)

The supergroup Unikonta includes animals, fungi, and<br />

some protists<br />

◦ This group includes two clades: the amoebozoans and the<br />

opisthokonts (animals, fungi, and related protists)<br />

◦ The root of the eukaryotic tree remains controversial<br />

◦ It is unclear whether unikonts separated from other<br />

eukaryotes relatively early or late

Amoebozoans<br />

Nucleariids<br />

Fungi<br />

Choanoflagellates<br />

Animals<br />

Excavata<br />

Chromalveolata<br />

Rhizaria<br />

Archaeplastida<br />



Choanoflagellates<br />

Common<br />

ancestor<br />

of all<br />

eukaryotes<br />

DHFR-TS<br />

gene<br />

fusion<br />

Animals<br />

Fungl<br />

Amoebozoans<br />

Diplomonads<br />

Euglenozoans<br />

Alveolates<br />

Stramenopiles<br />

Rhizarians<br />

Red algae<br />

Green algae<br />

Plants<br />

Unikonta<br />

Excavata<br />

Chromalveolata<br />

Rhizaria<br />


Amoebozoans are amoeba that have lobe‐ or tubeshaped,<br />

rather than threadlike, pseudopodia<br />

They include slime molds, gymnamoebas, and<br />


Slime molds, or mycetozoans, were once thought to be<br />

fungi<br />

Molecular systematics places slime molds in the clade<br />

Amoebozoa<br />

Many species of plasmodial slime molds are brightly<br />

pigmented, usually yellow or orange

Video: Plasmodial Slime Mold

Video: Plasmodial Slime Mold Streaming

4 cm<br />


Zygote<br />

(2n)<br />

Feeding<br />

plasmodium<br />

Mature<br />

plasmodium<br />

(preparing to fruit)<br />

Flagellated<br />

cells<br />

(n)<br />

Amoeboid cells<br />

(n)<br />

Germinating<br />

spore<br />

Spores<br />

(n)<br />

Mature<br />

sporangium<br />

Young<br />

sporangium<br />


1 mm<br />

Stalk<br />

Key<br />

Haploid (n)<br />

Diploid (2n)

At one point in the life cycle, plasmodial slime molds<br />

form a mass called a plasmodium (not to be confused<br />

with malarial Plasmodium)<br />

◦ The plasmodium is not multicellular<br />

◦ It is undivided by plasma membranes and contains many<br />

diploid nuclei<br />

◦ It extends pseudopodia through decomposing material,<br />

engulfing food by phagocytosis

Cellular slime molds form multicellular aggregates in<br />

which cells are separated by their membranes<br />

Cells feed individually, but can aggregate to form a<br />

fruiting body<br />

Dictyostelium discoideum is an experimental model for<br />

studying the evolution of multicellularity

600 m<br />

Spores<br />

(n)<br />

Emerging<br />

amoeba<br />

(n)<br />

Solitary<br />

amoebas (n)<br />


Zygote<br />

SEXUAL<br />

(2n)<br />



Fruiting<br />

bodies<br />

(n)<br />



Amoebas (n)<br />

Aggregated<br />

amoebas<br />

Migrating<br />

aggregate<br />

200 m<br />

Key<br />

Haploid (n)<br />

Diploid (2n)

Gymnamoebas are common unicellular amoebozoans<br />

in soil as well as freshwater and marine environments<br />

Most gymnamoebas are heterotrophic and actively<br />

seek and consume bacteria and other protists

Video: Amoeba

Video: Amoeba Pseudopodia

Entamoebas are parasites of vertebrates and<br />

some invertebrates<br />

Entamoeba histolytica causes amebic dysentery,<br />

the third‐leading cause of human death due to<br />

eukaryotic parasites<br />

Opisthokonts include animals, fungi, and several<br />

groups of protists

<strong>Protists</strong> are found in diverse aquatic environments<br />

<strong>Protists</strong> often play the role of symbiont or producer<br />

Some protist symbionts benefit their hosts<br />

◦ Dinoflagellates nourish coral polyps that build reefs<br />

◦ Wood‐digesting protists digest cellulose in the gut of<br />


10 m

Some protists are parasitic<br />

◦ Plasmodium causes malaria<br />

◦ Pfiesteria shumwayae is a dinoflagellate that causes<br />

fish kills<br />

◦ Phytophthora ramorum causes sudden oak death

Many protists are important producers that obtain<br />

energy from the sun<br />

◦ In aquatic environments, photosynthetic protists and<br />

prokaryotes are the main producers and are limited by<br />

nutrients<br />

◦ These populations can explode when limiting nutrients are<br />


Other<br />

consumers<br />

Herbivorous<br />

plankton<br />

Carnivorous<br />

plankton<br />

Prokaryotic<br />

producers<br />

Protistan<br />


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