Paloma Magazine Volume 52

Our Mission: Paloma is a nonprofit Magazine for the entire family. We intend to educate and inform the community with positive messages and themes. We are also a media communication that offers publicity to the community. In Paloma Magazine by advertising your business, you get more than advertising because this magazine brings valuable and useful information with a positive message to households. In every issue we bring together and promote, culture, family, religion.

Our Mission:
Paloma is a nonprofit Magazine for the entire family. We intend to educate and inform the community with positive messages and themes. We are also a media communication that offers publicity to the community. In Paloma Magazine by advertising your business, you get more than advertising because this magazine brings valuable and useful information with a positive message to households. In every issue we bring together and promote, culture, family, religion.


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1- Puerto Vallarta tiene una energía única, mágica e<br />

imposible de explicar. Venga abierto y llegará a sentirla.<br />

2- Es un lugar seguro y amable, de gentes entrañables<br />

que le devolverán una sonrisa. Solo tiene que sonreír<br />

también.<br />

3- Puerto Vallarta cuenta con una combinación perfecta<br />

de mar y montañas, una naturaleza exuberante que le<br />

sorprenderá en cada rincón.<br />

4- Ha sabido combinar el corazón de pueblito mexicano<br />

con un sentir cosmopolita en el que podemos encontrar<br />

gentes de todas las nacionalidades e influencias<br />

internacionales.<br />

5- Su oferta de entretenimiento es infinita y para todos<br />

los gustos: deportes marítimos, de aventura,<br />

avistamiento de ballenas y aves, visitas a haciendas<br />

productoras de tequila, etc..<br />

6- Se encuentra en un lugar estratégico desde donde se<br />

pueden visitar playas exclusivas, pueblitos de montaña,<br />

la capital Guadalajara, y otros muchos puntos de interés<br />

turístico.<br />

7- Puerto Vallarta es un lugar con una oferta<br />

gastronómica amplísima, cientos de restaurantes con<br />

cocina de todo el mundo, que culmina en el Festival<br />

Gourmet de noviembre.<br />

8- Fantástico para las compras ya que reúne objetos<br />

de artesanía de toda la República y se ha convertido<br />

también en punto de referencia de las Galerías de Arte<br />

con el ArtWalk cada miércoles.<br />

9- La vida nocturna es una de las más increíbles de<br />

México y -podríamos atrevernos a decir-del mundo.<br />

Restaurantes, discotecas, música en vivo, mariachi,<br />

lugares tranquilos para charlar…La noche es siempre<br />

joven porque nunca acaba.<br />

10- Puerto Vallarta es un pueblo tolerante, amistoso<br />

donde todos son bienvenidos y la convivencia es<br />

relajada y feliz.<br />

Este hermoso muelle se encuentra ubicado en la<br />

romántica playa Los Muertos de Puerto Vallarta, fue<br />

inaugurado en 2013 y se adentra unos 100 metros<br />

en el mar. El muelles es ideal para pasar una tarde<br />

tranquila observando el mar, las maravillosas<br />

puesta de sol y sirve, sobretodo, como vínculo entre<br />

los visitantes y los taxis acuáticos, realmente Puerto<br />

Vallarta es ideal para sus próximas vacaciones!!<br />

++++<br />

1- Puerto Vallarta has a unique, magical and impossible<br />

to explain energy. Come open and you will feel it.<br />

2- It is a safe, friendly, with endearing people who will<br />

return a smile. You just have to smile too.<br />

3- Puerto Vallarta has a perfect combination of sea and<br />

mountains, lush nature that will surprise you at every<br />

corner.<br />

4- has managed to combine the heart of Mexican town<br />

with a cosmopolitan feel where we can find people of<br />

all nationalities and international influences.<br />

5- Your bid is infinite and entertainment for all tastes:<br />

sea sports, adventure, whale watching and birds, visits<br />

to farm, producing tequila, etc.<br />

6- It is in a strategic location from where you can visit<br />

exclusive beaches, mountain villages, the capital of<br />

Guadalajara, and many other sights.<br />

7- Puerto Vallarta is a place with a wide range of cuisine,<br />

hundreds of restaurants with cuisines from around the<br />

world, culminating in the Gourmet Festival in November.<br />

8- Great for shopping and gathering crafts throughout<br />

the Republic and it has also become the benchmark of<br />

the Art Galleries in ArtWalk every Wednesday.<br />

9- The nightlife is one of the most incredible of Mexico<br />

and we might dare to say- the world. Restaurants,<br />

nightclubs, live music, mariachi, quiet places to chat ...<br />

The night is always young it never ends.<br />

10- Puerto Vallarta is a tolerant place, friendly where all<br />

are welcome and coexistence is relaxed and happy.<br />

This beautiful pier is located in the romantic beach<br />

Los Muertos in Puerto Vallarta, it was opened in<br />

2013 and about 100 meters into the sea.<br />

The waterfront is ideal for a quiet evening watching<br />

the sea, the beautiful sunset and serves above all<br />

as a link between visitors and water taxis, Puerto<br />

Vallarta really is ideal for your next vacation!!<br />

“El mejor momento para plantar un árbol fue veinte años atrás. El segundo mejor momento es ahora”<br />

“The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now”<br />

family+c ulture+relig ion+soc iety 831.917.4227 29

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