Paloma Magazine Volume 52

Our Mission: Paloma is a nonprofit Magazine for the entire family. We intend to educate and inform the community with positive messages and themes. We are also a media communication that offers publicity to the community. In Paloma Magazine by advertising your business, you get more than advertising because this magazine brings valuable and useful information with a positive message to households. In every issue we bring together and promote, culture, family, religion.

Our Mission:
Paloma is a nonprofit Magazine for the entire family. We intend to educate and inform the community with positive messages and themes. We are also a media communication that offers publicity to the community. In Paloma Magazine by advertising your business, you get more than advertising because this magazine brings valuable and useful information with a positive message to households. In every issue we bring together and promote, culture, family, religion.


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El tigre, como huella dactilar, el patrón de<br />

rayas es único en cada ejemplar, marcado<br />

desde su piel, es útil como camuflaje para<br />

ocultarse de sus presas. Tienen cierta visión<br />

del color y su visión nocturna es muy<br />

aguda, pero no puede captar animales sin<br />

movimiento. Pero con su sentido del oído<br />

logra detectar leves sonidos a su alrededor.<br />

Los tigres adultos son capaces de dar saltos<br />

de hasta 5 metros de altura, o de 9 o 10 m de<br />

longitud, lo que lo convierte en uno de los<br />

mamíferos que más alto pueden saltar.<br />

No soportan la presencia de otros machos<br />

en su territorio. Pero las hembras siempre son<br />

bienvenidas, de hecho bastantes caballerosos<br />

llegan al punto de compartir una presa e<br />

incluso alimentarse después que la hembra.<br />

Pueden matar a un rumiante adulto de un solo<br />

golpe debido a sus grandes garras combinadas<br />

con la fuerza que puede utilizar para golpear.<br />

Pero su gran tamaño, no limitan su velocidad<br />

pues los tigres pueden alcanzar velocidades<br />

de hasta 90 km/h. Su rugido contiene ondas<br />

que logran tener efectos aterrorizantes<br />

y paralizantes.<br />

————<br />

The tiger, as fingerprint, has the pattern of<br />

stripes which is unique to each, it is useful as<br />

camouflage to hide from their prey. They have<br />

some color vision and their night vision is very<br />

sharp, but they can not capture animals<br />

without movement. But with their hearing<br />

they detect faint sounds all around.<br />

The adult tigers are able to make leaps<br />

of up to 5 meters, or 9 or 10 m in length,<br />

making it one of the highest mammal jump.<br />

They can’t stand the presence of other<br />

males within their territory. But females<br />

are always welcome, in fact they are<br />

quite gentlemanly to the point of<br />

sharing food with the female.<br />

They can kill an adult ruminant with<br />

one stroke due to their large claws<br />

combined with the strength that they<br />

can use to hit. But their large size,<br />

does not limit their speed because<br />

tigers can reach speeds up to<br />

90 km / h. Their roar contains<br />

waves that manage to have<br />

terrifying and<br />

paralyzing effects.<br />

12 831.917.4227 familia+c ultura+relig ión+soc ied ad

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