Paloma Magazine Volume 43

Paloma is a nonprofit Magazine for the entire family. We intend to educate and inform the community with positive messages and themes. We are also a media communication that offers publicity to the community. In Paloma Magazine by advertising your business, you get more than advertising because this magazine brings valuable and useful information with a positive message to households. In every issue we bring together and promote, culture, family, religion.

Paloma is a nonprofit Magazine for the entire family. We intend to educate and inform the community with positive messages and themes. We are also a media communication that offers publicity to the community. In Paloma Magazine by advertising your business, you get more than advertising because this magazine brings valuable and useful information with a positive message to households. In every issue we bring together and promote, culture, family, religion.


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un mensaje<br />

one message<br />

Un hombre estaba poniendo flores en la<br />

tumba de un pariente, cuando ve a un<br />

Japones poniendo un plato de arroz<br />

en la tumba vecina.<br />

El hombre se dirige al japonés,<br />

y le pregunta:<br />

- 'Disculpe señor, pero<br />

¿cree usted que de verdad<br />

el difunto comerá el arroz?<br />

- 'Si', respondió el japonés...<br />

'Cuando el suyo venga a ver<br />

y oler sus FLORES.'<br />

Respetar las opciones del otro,<br />

es una de las mayores virtudes<br />

que un ser humano puede tener.<br />

Solamente respeta para que te respeten”<br />

A man was putting flowers on the<br />

grave of a relative, when he sees a<br />

Japanese putting a bowl of rice in<br />

neighboring tomb. The man goes to<br />

the Japanese, and asks:<br />

- 'Excuse me sir, but did you really<br />

believe the deceased will eat the rice?<br />

- 'Yes,' replied the Japanese ...<br />

'When yours come see<br />

and smell the flowers.'<br />

Respect the choices of others,<br />

is one of the greatest virtues<br />

that a human being can have.<br />

“Only respect to get respect”<br />

PALOMA<br />



content<br />

un mensaje/one message - 7<br />

orgullo hispano/hispanic pride —10<br />

entérate/ask about —14<br />

cultura y arte/culture and art—18<br />

belleza/beauty—22<br />

conoce +/know + — 26<br />

moda/fashion –30<br />

poemundo –34<br />

novela de folletín/serial novella -38<br />

juntos podemos/together we can- 42<br />

poesía/poetry— 46<br />

bellas iglesias/beautiful churches - 50 - 51<br />

sagradas escrituras/scriptures — 55<br />

bendiciones/blessings — 59<br />

salmo/salm– 63<br />

nuestra fe/our faith — 66 — 67<br />

piénsalo/ think about it –71<br />

mundo de juguete/toy world— 75<br />

Familia a familia/family to family – 79<br />

chistes para niños/jokes for kids - 83<br />

¿sabías que?/ did you know? - 87<br />

padres a+/parents a+ —91<br />

paloma revista/paloma magazine - 97<br />

marzo/march 2014<br />

volumen /volume <strong>43</strong><br />

<strong>Paloma</strong> Revista<br />




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