Paloma Magazine Volume 43

Paloma is a nonprofit Magazine for the entire family. We intend to educate and inform the community with positive messages and themes. We are also a media communication that offers publicity to the community. In Paloma Magazine by advertising your business, you get more than advertising because this magazine brings valuable and useful information with a positive message to households. In every issue we bring together and promote, culture, family, religion.

Paloma is a nonprofit Magazine for the entire family. We intend to educate and inform the community with positive messages and themes. We are also a media communication that offers publicity to the community. In Paloma Magazine by advertising your business, you get more than advertising because this magazine brings valuable and useful information with a positive message to households. In every issue we bring together and promote, culture, family, religion.


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Decoraciones Exclusivas<br />

Hacemos Todo Tipo de Arreglos Floral<br />

Para Salones de Fiestas o Iglesias<br />

XV, Bodas, Aniversarios, Cumpleaños<br />

Eventos, o Celebraciones Especiales<br />





470 E. MARKET ‘A’<br />

SALINAS CA 93905<br />

PH 831- 424-3611<br />

SALMO 31<br />

2-A , Señor, me acojo, no quede yo nunca defraudado:<br />

¡tú que eres justo, ponme a salvo!<br />

3.Inclina tu oído hacia mí, date prisa en librarme.<br />

Sé para mí una roca de refugio, el recinto amurallado que me salve.<br />

4.Porque tú eres mi roca y mi fortaleza; por tu nombre me guías y diriges.<br />

5.Sácame de la red que me han tendido, porque eres tú mi refugio.<br />

6.En tus manos encomiendo mi espíritu, y tú, Señor, Dios fiel, me librarás.<br />

7.Aborreces a los que adoran ídolos vanos, pero yo con o en el Señor.<br />

8.Gozaré y me alegraré de tu bondad porque has mirado mi aflicción<br />

y comprendido la angus a de mi alma;<br />

9.no me dejaste en manos del enemigo,<br />

me has hecho caminar a campo abierto.<br />

10.Ten piedad de mí, Señor, pues estoy angus ado;<br />

mis ojos languidecen de tristeza.<br />

11.Mi vida se consume en la aflicción y mis años entre gemidos;<br />

mi fuerza desfallece entre tanto dolor y mis huesos se deshacen.<br />

12.Mi enemigo se alegra, mis vecinos se horrorizan, y se espantan<br />

de mí mis conocidos: si me ven en la calle, se alejan de mí.<br />

13.Se olvidaron de mí, como de un muerto, soy como un objeto inservible.<br />

14.Oigo los cuchicheos de la gente, y se asoma el terror por todas partes.<br />

Se unieron todos en mi contra, tramaron arrebatarme la vida.<br />

15.Pero yo, Señor, con o en , yo dije: Tú eres mi Dios.<br />

16.Mi porvenir está en tus manos,<br />

líbrame de los enemigos que me persiguen.<br />

17.Que sobre tu servidor brille tu rostro, sálvame por tu amor.<br />

18.A clamé, Señor, no sea confundido; confundidos sean los impíos,<br />

lánzalos a la mansión del silencio.<br />

19.Enmudece los labios embusteros, que hablan insolencias<br />

contra el justo con orgullo y desprecio.<br />

20.Qué bondad tan grande, Señor, es la que reservas para<br />

los que te temen. Se la brindas a los que en esperan,<br />

a la vista de los hijos de los hombres.<br />

21.En secreto, junto a los escondes, lejos de las intrigas<br />

de los hombres; los man enes ocultos en tu carpa,<br />

y los guardas de las querellas.<br />

22.Bendito sea el Señor, su gracia hizo maravillas para mí:<br />

Mi corazón es como una ciudad fuerte.<br />

23.Yo decía en mi desconcierto: "Me ha arrojado de su presencia".<br />

Pero tú oías la voz de mi plegaria cuando clamaba a .<br />

24.Amen al Señor todos sus fieles, pues él guarda a los que le<br />

son leales, pero les devolverá el doble a los soberbios.<br />

25.Fortalezcan su corazón, sean valientes,<br />

todos los que esperan en el Señor.<br />

SALM 31<br />

2.In you, LORD, I take refuge; let me never be put to shame.<br />

In your jus ce deliver me;<br />

3.incline your ear to me; make haste to rescue me! Be my rock of refuge,<br />

a stronghold to save me.<br />

4.You are my rock and my fortress; for your name's sake lead and guide me.<br />

5.Free me from the net they have set for me, for you are my refuge.<br />

6.Into your hands I commend my spirit; you will redeem me, LORD, faithful God.<br />

7.You hate those who serve worthless idols, but I trust in the LORD.<br />

8.I will rejoice and be glad in your love, once you have seen my misery,<br />

observed my distress.<br />

9.You will not abandon me into enemy hands,<br />

but will set my feet in a free and open space.<br />

10.Be gracious to me, LORD, for I am in distress;<br />

with grief my eyes are wasted, my soul and body spent.<br />

11.My life is worn out by sorrow, my years by sighing.<br />

My strength fails in afflic on; my bones are consumed.<br />

12.To all my foes I am a thing of scorn, to my neighbors, a dreaded sight, a horror<br />

to my friends. When they see me in the street, they quickly shy away.<br />

13.I am forgo en, out of mind like the dead; I am like a sha ered dish.<br />

14.I hear the whispers of the crowd; terrors are all around me.<br />

They conspire against me; they plot to take my life.<br />

15.But I trust in you, LORD; I say, "You are my God."<br />

16.My mes are in your hands; rescue me from my enemies,<br />

from the hands of my pursuers.<br />

17.Let your face shine on your servant; save me in your kindness.<br />

18.Do not let me be put to shame, for I have called to you, LORD.<br />

Put the wicked to shame; reduce them to silence in Sheol.<br />

19.Strike dumb their lying lips,<br />

proud lips that a ack the just in contempt and scorn.<br />

20.How great is your goodness, Lord, stored up for those who fear you.<br />

You display it for those who trust you, in the sight of all the people.<br />

21.You hide them in the shelter of your presence, safe from scheming<br />

enemies. You keep them in your abode, safe from plo ng tongues.<br />

22.Blessed be the LORD, who has shown me wondrous love, and been<br />

for me a city most secure.<br />

23.Once I said in my anguish, "I am shut out from your sight."<br />

Yet you heard my plea, when I cried out to you.<br />

24.Love the LORD, all you faithful. The LORD protects the loyal,<br />

but repays the arrogant in full.<br />

25.Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.<br />

Dios perdonará a los que le niegan; pero<br />

¿qué hará con los que cometen maldad en su nombre?.<br />

God forgive those who deny him, but what to do with those<br />

63 PALOMA REVISTA (831) 917- 4227<br />

who commit evil in him name?. Jacinto Octavio Picón<br />


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