Paloma Magazine Volume 43

Paloma is a nonprofit Magazine for the entire family. We intend to educate and inform the community with positive messages and themes. We are also a media communication that offers publicity to the community. In Paloma Magazine by advertising your business, you get more than advertising because this magazine brings valuable and useful information with a positive message to households. In every issue we bring together and promote, culture, family, religion.

Paloma is a nonprofit Magazine for the entire family. We intend to educate and inform the community with positive messages and themes. We are also a media communication that offers publicity to the community. In Paloma Magazine by advertising your business, you get more than advertising because this magazine brings valuable and useful information with a positive message to households. In every issue we bring together and promote, culture, family, religion.


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La Sagrada Familia<br />

Barcelona, España<br />

No hay palabras , imágenes o fotografías que sean<br />

capaces de explicar lo que es y lo que significa el<br />

Templo Expiatorio de la Sagrada Familia. Los detalles<br />

forman la impresionante fachada de la Natividad<br />

y los rincones más oscuros de la sección de la galería.<br />

Una ingeniería impresionante se presenta en la<br />

puerta de la Pasión, en las columnas de la nave<br />

central y las grandes torres de los apóstoles, que,<br />

por extraño que parezca, será menor cuando se<br />

complete la iglesia. El simbolismo de estos<br />

elementos es la expresión más elocuente de la<br />

genialidad de Gaudí y su amor por la naturaleza y la<br />

identidad cultural catalana. No es posible saber si un<br />

día la van a terminar, pero por debajo de las bóvedas<br />

consagradas por el Papa Benedicto XVI, ya se<br />

siente lo sagrado entre grúas y albañiles. Cuando la<br />

construcción sea "finalizada" la Sagrada Familia,<br />

tendrá dieciocho torres, doce campanarios que<br />

representan a los apóstoles, en honor a los cuatro<br />

evangelistas, una para María y la más alta de todos<br />

los consagrados a Jesucristo. Cuando esté<br />

terminada, será la iglesia católica más alta del<br />

mundo. Las tres fachadas (Nacimiento, Pasión y<br />

Gloria) tienen fuertes lazos con la naturaleza, la<br />

gente y la cultura catalana, así como su cavernoso<br />

interior gótico moderno aireado. Los pronósticos<br />

más recientes indican el final de las obras para<br />

finales de la década de 2020.<br />

The Holy Family<br />

Barcelona, España<br />

No words, images or photographs to be able to<br />

explain what it is and what the Church of the Holy<br />

family. The details are impressive facade of the<br />

Nativity and the darkest corners of the gallery<br />

section. An impressive engineering comes in the<br />

door of the Passion, in the columns of the nave and<br />

the great towers of the apostles, who, oddly enough,<br />

will be lower when the church was completed.<br />

The symbolism of these elements is the most<br />

eloquent expression of the genius of Gaudí and his<br />

love of nature and the Catalan cultural identity.<br />

It is not possible to know if one day will end, but<br />

below the vaults consecrated by Pope Benedict XVI,<br />

is feeling the sacred between cranes and<br />

construction workers. When construction is"<br />

complete" the Holy Family, have eighteen towers<br />

twelve bell towers representing the apostles, in<br />

honor of the four evangelists, one for Mary and the<br />

highest of all consecrated to Jesus Christ. When<br />

completed, it will be the highest Catholic church in<br />

the world. The three facades ( Birth, Passion and<br />

Glory ) have strong ties with nature, people and<br />

Catalan culture and its cavernous interior airy<br />

modern gothic. Latest forecasts indicate the<br />

completion of the work by the end of the 2020.<br />


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