MOM 422

Attitude by TM Hanif Khatri Attitude by TM Hanif Khatri


Attitude by TMOD TM Hanif Khatri Word of the Day: Sanguine By Word Master TM Lisbella General Evaluator: TM Kartik Keyan Friends of Yoga TMC MoM # 422 SAA Opening Presidential Address TMOD Address Our$Bollywood$Star,$TMOD$Hanif$Khatri$introduced$ his$ theme$ ‘AKtude’$ and$ we$ can$ tes'fy$ that$ our$ Hero$always$has$the$right$aKtude.$For$him,$how$we$ respond$ to$ situa'ons$ is$ important,$we$ should$ not$ react$ but$ respond.$ The$ extremely$ well$ prepared$ TMOD$ had$ us$ entertained$ throughout$ and$ true$ to$ himself,$ TM$ Hanif$ organized$ several$ hilarious$ role$ play$ sessions,$Daughter$in$ Law$(TM$Rajesh,$hmmm$ no$comment!)$with$Mother$in$Law$(TM$Sonali),$Boss$ (TM$Akshaya)$with$employee$(TM$Surekha). The$ ac'ng$ SAA,$ TM$ Sashi,$opened$ the$ mee'ng$ in$ style$ at$ 8:20$ am.$ TM$ Sashi$ surely$ knows$ how$ to$ a@ract$ our$ a@en'on$ and$ even$ make$ the$ more$ ‘talka've’$yogis$ listen.$Our$ ac'ng$SAA$ thanked$ Dr.$ Shankar$for$the$venue$and$briefed$the$audience$on$ the$rules$to$follow$during$the$mee'ng. Our$ President,$ TM$ Chandrashekar,$ took$ over$ the$ stage$ and$shared$ his$DTAC$ experience.$His$amazing$ 'me$at$DTAC$Dubai$2015$is$certainly$one$that$he$will$ cherish$ forever.$We$ could$ feel$ the$nostalgia$ in$ the$ words$ chosen$ by$ our$ President.$His$ opening$full$ of$ emo'ons$ sincerely$ reflected$ his$ experience.$ The$ President$ also$ acknowledged$ the$ presence$ of$ several$dignitaries$in$the$mee'ng$before$introducing$ the$TMOD. JUNE 5, 2015 DR. SHANKAR’S POLYCLINIC, DEIRA CLUB 946137, AREA 66, DIVISION F, DISTRICT 20 PREPARED BY SECRETARY TM EMMA BRUNEAU 1

Attitude<br />

by TMOD TM Hanif Khatri<br />

Word of the Day: Sanguine<br />

By Word Master TM Lisbella<br />

General Evaluator: TM Kartik Keyan<br />

Friends of Yoga TMC<br />

MoM # <strong>422</strong><br />

SAA Opening<br />

Presidential Address<br />

TMOD Address<br />

Our$Bollywood$Star,$TMOD$Hanif$Khatri$introduced$<br />

his$ theme$ ‘AKtude’$ and$ we$ can$ tes'fy$ that$ our$<br />

Hero$always$has$the$right$aKtude.$For$him,$how$we$<br />

respond$ to$ situa'ons$ is$ important,$we$ should$ not$<br />

react$ but$ respond.$ The$ extremely$ well$ prepared$<br />

TMOD$ had$ us$ entertained$ throughout$ and$ true$ to$<br />

himself,$ TM$ Hanif$ organized$ several$ hilarious$ role$<br />

play$ sessions,$Daughter$in$ Law$(TM$Rajesh,$hmmm$<br />

no$comment!)$with$Mother$in$Law$(TM$Sonali),$Boss$<br />

(TM$Akshaya)$with$employee$(TM$Surekha).<br />

The$ ac'ng$ SAA,$ TM$ Sashi,$opened$ the$ mee'ng$ in$<br />

style$ at$ 8:20$ am.$ TM$ Sashi$ surely$ knows$ how$ to$<br />

a@ract$ our$ a@en'on$ and$ even$ make$ the$ more$<br />

‘talka've’$yogis$ listen.$Our$ ac'ng$SAA$ thanked$ Dr.$<br />

Shankar$for$the$venue$and$briefed$the$audience$on$<br />

the$rules$to$follow$during$the$mee'ng.<br />

Our$ President,$ TM$ Chandrashekar,$ took$ over$ the$<br />

stage$ and$shared$ his$DTAC$ experience.$His$amazing$<br />

'me$at$DTAC$Dubai$2015$is$certainly$one$that$he$will$<br />

cherish$ forever.$We$ could$ feel$ the$nostalgia$ in$ the$<br />

words$ chosen$ by$ our$ President.$His$ opening$full$ of$<br />

emo'ons$ sincerely$ reflected$ his$ experience.$ The$<br />

President$ also$ acknowledged$ the$ presence$ of$<br />

several$dignitaries$in$the$mee'ng$before$introducing$<br />

the$TMOD.<br />

JUNE 5, 2015<br />



Word Master<br />

The$genius$of$the$club,$TM$Lisbella,$introduced$her$word$ of$ the$<br />

day$ ‘Sanguine’$ which$ means$ cheerful,$ op'mis'c,$ confident,$<br />

animated.$<br />

Prepared Speech Session<br />

A$brief$round$robin$took$place$where$guests$and$members$used$<br />

the$ word$ of$ the$ day.$ The$ word$ was$ well$ used$ during$ the$<br />

mee'ng.<br />

Project 1: Ice Breaker by TM Syed Husseini<br />

TM$ Syed$ Husseini$ broke$ the$ ice$ at$ FOY.$ ‘Success$ is$ only$ the$<br />

journey$ not$the$des'na'on’.$Our$ eloquent$Toastmaster$ shared$<br />

his$life$journey$from$ Hyderabad,$India$to$Saudi$ Arabia$and$ now$<br />

in$ Dubai.$We$ also$ got$to$ know$about$his$ talented$ children.$He$<br />

had$ the$ audience$ engrossed$ with$ his$ share$ of$ wisdom$ and$<br />

humility.<br />

Project 3: Get to the point by TM Abhilash<br />

TM$Abhilash$ is$geKng$ready$ for$DTAC$ 2016$Abu$ Dhabi…$when$<br />

the$ Dalailama$ says$ ‘we$ are$ all$ visitors$ on$ this$ planet’,$ $ our$<br />

speaker$adds,$‘and$we$all$carry$ a$ bag$pack’.$It$is$ up$ to$ us$ how$<br />

heavy$is$our$bag$pack.$The$rising$star$made$us$realize$how$much$<br />

we$carry$in$our$lives.<br />

Project 10: Inspire your audience by TM Madhavi<br />

TM#Madhavi#became#a#Competent#Communicator#with#this#<br />

last#project#of#the#CC#manual.#Never#Give#Up,#Rise#Up,#she#<br />

said.#Our#bubbly#TM#Madhavi#made#us#realize#how#with#her#<br />

grand#parents’s#bed#Dme#stories#were#an#important#part#of#<br />

her#life,#shared#her#life#threatening#experience#when#she#<br />

was#bedridden#but#never#gave#up#on#life#and#on#her#dreams.<br />


Club Elections<br />

Hosted by Area 66 Governor TM Leo Conrad D’Souza<br />

TM#Saju<br />

President<br />

TM#Lisbella#<br />

$VicebPresident$Educa'on<br />

TM#Abhilash#<br />

VicebPresident$Membership<br />

TM#Deep+#<br />

VicebPresident$Public$Rela'ons<br />

TM#Sonali<br />

Secretary<br />

TM#Rajesh<br />

Treasurer<br />

TM#Nawaf<br />

Sergeant$at$Arms<br />

And here they are, our new 2015-16 EXCOM TEAM<br />


Evaluation Session headed by TM Kartik Keyan<br />

General Evaluation<br />

Due$to$'me$limita'on$we$had$to$cancel$the$<br />

Ah$Counter$and$Grammarian$session.<br />

Here$comes$the$Area$7$Governor,$upcoming$<br />

Division$B$ Director,$TM$ Kar'k$Keyan,$ yes$a$<br />

star$among$the$Yogis.$Our$General$Evaluator$<br />

made$ us$ no'ce$ a$ more$ relaxed$ President.$<br />

TM$Kar'k$Keyan$appreciated$the$word$of<br />

the$day$and$how$it$was$presented$to$the$audience$and$encouraged$us$to$<br />

use$ it$ daily.$ The$ GE$ was$ thoroughly$ entertained$ by$ our$ TMOD$ and$<br />

highlighted$his$efforts.<br />

Shoot Master: TM Rajesh<br />

Silent Role Players<br />

Timer: TM Gautam<br />

Did we have a Trivia<br />

session with TM Shanil?<br />

Speech Evaluation<br />

Evalua'on$1$by$TM$Sebas'an<br />

TM$ Sebas'an$ appreciated$ the$<br />

opportunity$ to$ evaluate$ the$<br />

sanguine$speech.$He$requested$the$<br />

audience$for$a$standing$ova'on$for$<br />

the$ speaker.$ He$ persuaded$ the$<br />

speaker$ to$ prepare$ for$ DTAC.$ The$<br />

evaluator$ was$ engrossed$ in$ the$<br />

speech$ and$ stated$ he$ wished$ to$<br />

deliver$such$an$ice$breaker.<br />

Evalua'on$2$by$TM$Aravind<br />

Closing Session<br />

Awards<br />

TM$ Aravind$enjoyed$TM$Abhilash’s$<br />

project.$ For$ the$ evaluator,$we$are$<br />

all$ on$ holidays.$ The$ evaluator$<br />

acknowledged$ that$ use$ of$ stage,$<br />

vocal$ variety$ and$ connec'on$<br />

efforts$ made$ by$ the$ speaker.$ TM$<br />

Aravind$advised$the$speaker$to$use$<br />

personal$ stories$ which$ bring$ out$<br />

emo'ons$ and$ also$ recommended$<br />

not$ to$ ask$ the$ audience$ to$ close$<br />

their$eyes$for$too$long.<br />

Evalua'on$3$by$TM$Aravind<br />

Best Speaker<br />

TM Husseini<br />

Best Evaluator<br />

TM Murugesh<br />

CC AWARD<br />

TM Madhavi<br />

TM$ Murugesh$ is$ proud$ of$ TM$<br />

Madhavi$for$her$journey$and$asked$<br />

for$ a$ standing$ ova'on.$ The$<br />

evaluator$was$impressed$by$the$use$<br />

of$triads$in$the$speech.$He$admired$<br />

the$tenacity$of$the$speaker$in$tough$<br />

situa'ons.$ TM$ Murugesh$<br />

men'oned$ to$ the$ speaker$ that$ a$<br />

reconnec'on$with$the$introduc'on$<br />

could$have$been$made.<br />


Faces @ FOY<br />


And More Faces....<br />

Yes, Madhavi is a CC!<br />

The Boss TM Akshaya and the employee who<br />

is always late, TM Surekha<br />

Only with TM Hanif as TMOD, TM Rajesh is<br />

a daughter of TM Sonali! Go figure!<br />


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