Rumbling on performativity_Frits Simon

Rumbling on performativity_Frits Simon

Rumbling on performativity_Frits Simon


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ISBN 978 909028 855 / NUR code 801<br />

© <strong>Frits</strong> Sim<strong>on</strong>, Sittard, The Netherlands, 2015; simfrits@gmail.com<br />

Cover design Gerty Louppen, Dienst Marketing en Communicatie, Zuyd Hogeschool<br />

Layout Els Lücker Design, Sittard, The Netherlands<br />

Print Schrijen - Lippertz, Heerlen, The Netherlands<br />

The ebook can be found at: www.zuyd.nl/proefschriftfritssim<strong>on</strong><br />

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