Book of Mormon Commentary CofC - Odessa, Missouri Community ...

Book of Mormon Commentary CofC - Odessa, Missouri Community ...

Book of Mormon Commentary CofC - Odessa, Missouri Community ...


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<strong>Book</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mormon</strong> <strong>Commentary</strong><br />

Ether Chapter 4<br />

"Their fine woollen cloths, especially with their rich embroidery, were pronounced equal to silk,<br />

from which it was not easy to distinguish them."<br />

Concerning the cloth <strong>of</strong> the ancient South Americans, Mr. Beasley says:<br />

Many contain nearly 300 weft yarns to the inch. Mr. Crawford in order to obtain exact information<br />

<strong>of</strong> the fineness <strong>of</strong> the weft in a fragment <strong>of</strong> tapestry, found it was impossible to count the weft with<br />

the testing lens ordinarily used in textile analysis. It was necessary to clamp an inch <strong>of</strong> cloth on the<br />

platform <strong>of</strong> a dissecting microscope and pick <strong>of</strong>f the weft yarn with a needle. The operation took<br />

three hours and a half.—<br />

Saints' Herald. June 12, 1948, page 566.<br />

Roy Weldon, in an article in the Saints' Herald for June 19, 1948, quotes several sources:<br />

Dr. Alfred S. Romer, after referring to various finds in the southwestern part <strong>of</strong> the United States,<br />

concludes: "There is strong evidence that horses, two genera <strong>of</strong> camels, a mammoth, the sloth<br />

Norlhrotherium, two extinct genera <strong>of</strong> 'antelopes,' and the giant 'ca" Felix alrox existed in the<br />

southwest in comparatively modern post-Pleistocene times''<br />

(The American Aborigines, by Jenness, 1933, page 72).<br />

The American Encyclopedia says: "Its fossil remains [horse] have been so frequently found,<br />

especially in the southern and western states and inSouth America, and have been so carefully<br />

examined by competent paleontologists, that no doubt can remain <strong>of</strong> the former existence <strong>of</strong> the<br />

horse on the American continent, -it the same time with the mastodon, and that man was probably<br />

his companion" (Article, "Horse").<br />

Some <strong>of</strong> the drawings, made with colors, the weather <strong>of</strong> ages has not erased, show huge<br />

palanquins on great beasts which somewhat resemble our elephants. There may have been great<br />

sloths, but they tend to indicate that ancient man had tamed some <strong>of</strong> the bigger animals.— Anciew<br />

Cities <strong>of</strong> America's Gobi.<br />

While these evidences many not be accepted as conclusive, they strongly suggest that further<br />

archaeological research may be convincing.<br />

Ether 4:23 And Emer did execute judgment in righteousness, all his days, and he begat many<br />

sons and daughters; and he begat Coriantum, and he anointed Coriantum to reign in his stead.<br />

Four peaceful years later he died, after having seen "the Son <strong>of</strong> righteousness" (24). This refers to<br />

Christ (11 N. 11:73; 111 N. 11:23). In Malachi 4:2, he is called the Sun <strong>of</strong> righteousness, "sun"<br />

being a symbol <strong>of</strong> great light.<br />

"Coriantum did walk in the steps <strong>of</strong> his father, and did build many mighty cities, and did<br />

administer that which was good unto his people, in all his days" (25). His childless wife died at the<br />

age <strong>of</strong> one hundred and two years. He then married "a young maid, and begat sons and daughters."<br />

He lived until he was one hundred and forty-two. His son, Com, reigned in his stead for a period<br />

<strong>of</strong> forty-nine years (29).<br />

During Com's reign the people were very wicked. His son, Heth, took up the secret plans <strong>of</strong> old,<br />

slew his father, and reigned in his stead (30, 31). Prophets came to warn the people that a great<br />

famine would cause their destruction. The people cast them out and threw them into pits to perish<br />

(32, 33).

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