Book of Mormon Commentary CofC - Odessa, Missouri Community ...

Book of Mormon Commentary CofC - Odessa, Missouri Community ...

Book of Mormon Commentary CofC - Odessa, Missouri Community ...


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<strong>Book</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mormon</strong> <strong>Commentary</strong><br />

Alma Chapter 16<br />

Alma was not deceived by this subtility. "Thou hast had signs enough. ..when ye have the<br />

testimony <strong>of</strong> all these thy brethren, and also all the holy prophets" (53). As further evidence, Alma<br />

cited the testimony <strong>of</strong> the scriptures, the earth and its motion, the planets in their orbits (54, 55).<br />

Korihor still demanded a sign, and was rebuked for the hardness <strong>of</strong> his heart (56, 57).<br />

Alma 16:59 Therefore if thou shalt deny again, behold, God shall smite thee, that thou shalt become<br />

dumb, that thou shalt never open thy mouth any more, that thou shalt not deceive this people any more.<br />

Not yet convinced that Alma had authority to command any sign, Korihor said, "I do not believe<br />

that there is a God" (60). "This will I give unto thee for a sign, that thou shalt be struck dumb,<br />

...that ye shall no more have utterance" (61).<br />

A visible change came over Korihor, and. Alma wrote, "Art thou convinced <strong>of</strong> the power <strong>of</strong> God?<br />

...and now will ye dispute more?" (63, 65). He wrote his reply, "I know that I am dumb, for1 can<br />

not speak; and I know that nothing, save it were the power <strong>of</strong> God, could bring this upon me; yea,<br />

and I also knew that there was a God" (66). But instead <strong>of</strong> accepting his responsibility he, like<br />

many others, blamed the devil, "for he appeared unto me in the form <strong>of</strong> an angel”, (67).<br />

Alma 16:70 Now when he had said this, he besought that Alma should pray unto God, that the curse<br />

might be taken from him.<br />

The presiding high priest had .the discernment to know that this man had been convicted, not<br />

converted: "If this curse Should be taken from thee, thou wouldest again lead away the hearts <strong>of</strong><br />

this people" (71). So Korihor was cast out and went from house to house begging food.<br />

A proclamation was sent forth by the chief judge calling on the believers in the teachings <strong>of</strong><br />

Korihor to repent. Convinced <strong>of</strong> the wickedness <strong>of</strong> this man, "they were all converted again unto<br />

the Lord" (74). But Korihor went among another group <strong>of</strong> dissenters called Zoramites, and<br />

suffered a terrible end, being trodden to death. Thus the prophecy <strong>of</strong> Alma, "Ye shall be struck<br />

dumb, that ye shall no more have utterance," was literally fulfilled.<br />

Alma 16:77 And thus we see the end <strong>of</strong> him who perverteth the ways <strong>of</strong> the Lord; and thus we see that<br />

the devil will not support his children at the last day, but doth speedily drag them down to hell.<br />

After following the counsel <strong>of</strong> Satan, Adam and Eve lost their first estate. Satan entered into Judas<br />

Iscariot (Luke 22:3), but after doing his bidding, Satan had no power to reward Judas with<br />

happiness so he "went, and hanged himself. (Matthew 27:6).<br />


Alma 16:82 And now, as the preaching <strong>of</strong> the word had had a greater tendency to lead the people to do<br />

that which was just; yea, it had had more powerful effect upon the minds <strong>of</strong> the people than the sword,<br />

or anything else, which had happened unto them; therefore Alma thought it was expedient that they<br />

should try the virtue <strong>of</strong> the word <strong>of</strong> God.

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