Book of Mormon Commentary CofC - Odessa, Missouri Community ...

Book of Mormon Commentary CofC - Odessa, Missouri Community ...

Book of Mormon Commentary CofC - Odessa, Missouri Community ...


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<strong>Book</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mormon</strong> <strong>Commentary</strong><br />

Alma Chapter 9<br />


Alma 9:4 For behold, he knows all thy thoughts; and thou seest that thy thoughts are made known unto<br />

us by his Spirit;<br />

Alma also noticed that Zeezrom "began to tremble under a consciousness <strong>of</strong> his guilt," so he began<br />

to add to the words <strong>of</strong> Amulek (1). He told Zeezrom that he had been taken in his "lying and<br />

craftiness." "Thou hast not lied unto men only, but thou hast lied unto God" (3). Satan is using you<br />

to get the people "to revile us and to cast us out" (5).<br />

Alma 9:8 And behold, I say unto you all, that this was a snare <strong>of</strong> the adversary, which he has laid to<br />

catch this people,<br />

No doubt Alma felt sorrow for this man whom Satan had deceived, and Zeezrom began to see that<br />

he had been a tool <strong>of</strong> the adversary. He was also convinced that Alma and Amulek had been made<br />

acquainted with "the thoughts and intents <strong>of</strong> his heart" (11). Therefore he began to inquire<br />

seriously about the kingdom <strong>of</strong> God, the resurrection <strong>of</strong> "the just and the unjust" who are "to stand<br />

before God, to be judged according to their works" (13, 14).<br />


Alma 9:15 And now Alma began to expound these things unto him, saying, It is given unto many to<br />

know the mysteries <strong>of</strong> God;<br />

Then Alma told him that these are made known only to men whose hearts are right, and who give<br />

heed and diligence in serving God. Men who do not harden their hearts receive more and more<br />

knowledge until they have a full understanding <strong>of</strong> God's mysteries (18).<br />

But if men harden their hearts they will not understand the word, and they will be taken captive by<br />

the devil and led to destruction (19, 20).<br />

Alma 9:23 For our words will condemn us, yea, all our works will condemn us; we shall not be found<br />

spotless:<br />

To this Alma adds, "Our thoughts will also condemn us" (23). In this awful state men will be glad<br />

if they can command the rocks and the mountains to fall upon them, to hide them from his<br />

presence (25). John, the Revelator, also wrote <strong>of</strong> a time when fear should fill the minds <strong>of</strong> wicked<br />

men <strong>of</strong> all classes, until they would beg the rocks and mountains to fall and hide them "from the<br />

face <strong>of</strong> him that sitteth on the throne" (Revelation.6:15-17).<br />

Alma 9:26 But this can not be: we must come forth and stand before him in his glory, and in his power,<br />

and in his might, majesty, and dominion, and acknowledge to our everlasting shame, that all his<br />

judgments are just:

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