Book of Mormon Commentary CofC - Odessa, Missouri Community ...

Book of Mormon Commentary CofC - Odessa, Missouri Community ...

Book of Mormon Commentary CofC - Odessa, Missouri Community ...


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<strong>Book</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mormon</strong> <strong>Commentary</strong><br />


Alma Chapter 8<br />

Alma 8:5 Yea, and behold, I have many kindred and friends, and I have also acquired much riches, by<br />

the hand <strong>of</strong> my industry;<br />

Amulek traced his ancestry from his father Giddonah, back through Ishmael, Aminadi, Nephi,<br />

Lehi, and Manasseh, to Joseph who was sold into Egypt (1-3). Like the Hebrews from whom they<br />

descended, the Nephites were proud <strong>of</strong> their heritage, Amulek was not content to tell simply that<br />

he was the son <strong>of</strong> Giddonah, but continued on back to Joseph in Egypt.<br />

By this process it is possible to fix this Ishmael at a later period than Lehi's time, when Ishmael<br />

and his family agreed to leave Jerusalem. No previous mention is made <strong>of</strong> Aminadi, nor <strong>of</strong> the<br />

incident <strong>of</strong> his interpreting the writing on the temple wall. He lived at least four generations before<br />

Amulek. It is certain that not each ancestor was named, Likely the historical "greats” <strong>of</strong> whom<br />

they were most proud would be identified.<br />

"I am also a man <strong>of</strong> no small reputation among all those who know me" (4), said Amulek. It suited<br />

his purpose in meeting the situation to establish himself as a solid citizen, who by his own labors<br />

had accumulated some wealth.<br />

Alma 8:6 Nevertheless, after all this, I never have known much <strong>of</strong> the ways <strong>of</strong> the Lord, and his<br />

mysteries and marvelous power.<br />

This humble confession tells much about this man which is important in the ministry he was<br />

required to render. All too soon he would be thrown back to a complete dependence on God to<br />

answer the lawyers. He recalled that he had witnessed some miraculous power in healing. But<br />

because he hardened his heart and would not answer the call <strong>of</strong> God, he "went on rebelling against<br />

God.” until recent days (8, 9) .He then began the testimony <strong>of</strong> his surrender to God.<br />

Alma 8:10 As I was journeying to see a very near kindred, behold an angel <strong>of</strong> the Lord appeared unto<br />

me, and said, Amulek, return to thine own house, for thou shalt feed a prophet <strong>of</strong> the Lord; yea, a holy<br />

man, who is a chosen man <strong>of</strong> God;<br />

The angel went on to say that this holy man would be in need <strong>of</strong> food, "for he has fasted many<br />

days because <strong>of</strong> the sins <strong>of</strong> this people” (11). Men will <strong>of</strong>ten fast a few meals when they need<br />

divine help very much, but only holy men will do it for days, many days, because <strong>of</strong> their concern<br />

about the sins <strong>of</strong> others.<br />

Amulek obeyed, and everything happened just as he had been shown by the angel. He concluded<br />

the narrative by the dramatic declaration, "It was this same man [Alma] who has been speaking<br />

unto you concerning the things <strong>of</strong> God” (13).<br />

Alma 8:15 And again, I know that the things where<strong>of</strong> he hath testified are true; for behold, I say unto<br />

you that as the Lord liveth, even so he has sent his angel to make these things manifest unto me; and this<br />

he has done while this Alma hath dwelt at my house;

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