Book of Mormon Commentary CofC - Odessa, Missouri Community ...

Book of Mormon Commentary CofC - Odessa, Missouri Community ...

Book of Mormon Commentary CofC - Odessa, Missouri Community ...


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<strong>Book</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mormon</strong> <strong>Commentary</strong><br />


Alma Chapter 4<br />

Alma 4:1 And now it came to pass that after Alma had made an end <strong>of</strong> speaking unto the people <strong>of</strong> the<br />

church, which was established in the city <strong>of</strong> Zarahemla, he ordained priests and elders, by laying on his<br />

hands according to the order <strong>of</strong> God, to preside and watch over the church.<br />

The method <strong>of</strong> ordination is seldom mentioned in the <strong>Book</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mormon</strong>. Jacob (1:18) said that he<br />

and Joseph were consecrated .'by the hand <strong>of</strong> Nephi." When Jesus ordained the twelve on this<br />

continent, the account reads, "He touched with his hand the disciples whom he had chosen, one by<br />

one, even until he had touched them all, and spake unto them as he touched them'. (3 Nephi 8:70).<br />

This is not pointed out to question the method used in ancient America, as these passages, together<br />

with Alma 2:5; Moroni 2: 1, 2; 3: 2, make clear that ordination was performed then as now by the<br />

laying on <strong>of</strong> hands. However, there are many other references to ordination and consecration<br />

where no mention <strong>of</strong> the method was given.<br />

Alma 4:2 And it came to pass that whosoever did not belong to the church who repented <strong>of</strong> their sins,<br />

were baptized unto repentance, and were received into the church.<br />

Some question the meaning <strong>of</strong> the phrasing in this passage, as also that in Doctrine and Covenants<br />

17:7d: "And truly manifest by their works that they have received the Spirit <strong>of</strong> Christ unto the<br />

remission <strong>of</strong> their sins, shall be received by baptism into his church”. If this means that their sins<br />

are remitted before baptism then why baptize? Is it just the door by which they enter the church?<br />

On the day <strong>of</strong> Pentecost, Peter said, "Repent, and be baptized ...for the remission <strong>of</strong> sins" (Acts<br />

2:38). See also Mark 1:3; Acts 22:16; II Nephi 13:24; Doctrine and Covenants 32:2 g. "Unto a<br />

remission <strong>of</strong> sins" or "unto repentance" as used in the passages under discussion must mean what<br />

Luke (3:13) termed, "bring forth. ..fruits worthy <strong>of</strong> repentance."<br />

A sincere believer will give evidence <strong>of</strong> worthiness before baptism, but the gospel promise <strong>of</strong> a<br />

complete remission or forgiveness <strong>of</strong> sins by God is based upon obedience to the ordinance <strong>of</strong><br />

baptism, as well as the principle <strong>of</strong> repentance which must precede and accompany the ordinance.<br />

Alma 4:4 I mean those who were lifted up in the pride <strong>of</strong> their hearts; the same were rejected, and their<br />

names were blotted out, that their names were not numbered among those <strong>of</strong> the righteous; and thus they<br />

began to establish the order <strong>of</strong> the church in the city <strong>of</strong> Zarahemla.<br />

There comes a time when the good orchardist must prune the deadwood from the tree. Cutting<br />

people <strong>of</strong>f from the church is a serious step. History never reveals the soul-searching that this<br />

process always involves. It is radical surgery to amputate a dead member from the physical body<br />

but, as every physician knows, it is the only way to save the life <strong>of</strong> the body. Note the wording,<br />

"establish the order <strong>of</strong> the church." Doubtless this means to make the church a significant factor in<br />

the life <strong>of</strong> the city, as well as to set the branch in order as required by God.<br />

Alma 4:5 Now I would that ye should understand that the word <strong>of</strong> God was liberal unto all; that none<br />

were deprived <strong>of</strong> the privilege <strong>of</strong> assembling themselves together to hear the word <strong>of</strong> God;

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